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Mitar Precip

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Posts posted by Mitar Precip

  1. Timewarner Cable has decided to go to war with ESPN (Disney). Something over anual subscription fees. Both companies are airing comercials to get viewers to either change cable/satellite subscribers or pressure ESPN to back off.


    All I have to say is they better get this resolved before college football starts. I will be very displeased...maybe as much as you comcast uers.



  2. .

    NPC Security Ensign Isa Crystal Tactical Station USS Manticore Well, here I am at Tactical behind enemy lines at war against Arcturans. We took much damage from our assigned mission, shipwise and personnel. I see the science station to my left can only think...thank goodness I wasn't there. Then there was what was left of that crewman on deck 14. I could not even determine what department that crewman served on the damage was so bad on that corridor...and the smell.. I've been on Manticore for quite some time and never encountered that sight before. I try to get it out of my head and mind but I am reminded of the smell..I guess this is what war does to people. I relieved Cdr. Kenickie...so where is Big Blue? Computer says he is in the security bay. Rumors have it Precip was relieved by the Admiral for not wanting the attack to commence. Cowardice? The Blue guy has been never been the best at communicating with his personnel in my opinion..but I had the impression he was on the Admiral's good side. I can't believe he got a case of nerves before the attack..he's been CSEC like...forever. And well...maybe it was time for change...he never promoted me citing wrecklessness, being impetuous something like that. I really think Cdr. Faldek or Cdr. McFly should be in charge of security or at least be up here on the bridge. They have more experience that I at bridge duty, and would best be here now...after we discovered wreckage of a starship. This wreckage gives me the creeps...I could of sworn a large portion of the forward saucer section of the destroyed vessel had our name on it. Yet it can't be us because we are still alive...limping maybe but still ready. The Admiral has ordered debris beamed aboard for analysis...then I saw it....something Spooked him! The Admiral of Manticore! This is really giving me the creeps. I hope someone sorts out our department and gets up here. Fast. End Log.

  3. Mitar was getting nowhere and time was running out. He could not believe the "insanity" in his opinion to sticking to the plan of carrying out the raid with what resources they had deployed. Two Fighters vs. Four Shipyards. It was an issue of payload, ordinance and capability. He had no doubt Manticore herself could take out the shipyard Atragon had assigned her to destroy. But with botched intelligence, leading to what he thought was an plan that was going to not achieve the original goal of the mission...send a message to the Arcturans decisively what the Federation means. Precip could not understand the logic of it. Why couldn't Sovak either..Roget...Farrington... clearly.... What was going on ..on this bridge. Precip knew why he send for Kenickie...He did not think Atragon's plan would work..and was clearly against it. The Admiral even suggested anyone not agreeing with the planned attack..remove themselves. Mitar feared he couldn't take this insane tactical situation and plan the Command staff was following through with. For the good of the crew...he'd need to execuse himself...::standing in front of Sovak..arguing "logically" to the Vulcan ..trying to keep his voice down....he was concerned he was going to fail. As Mitar continued to try to win Sovak over to the tactical scenario faced by the attack group...his emotions were coming to the surface... Why won't you stop this insanity? Alter the plan you green blooded Logican! Could he win over a Captain Sovak to what Mitar saw going down on his 3-D display. Hurry Kansas....Hurry ..::Precip muttered in his head while pleading with the Vulcan. He did not want to cause a scene with an emotional ouburst on the bridge. Sure, his tenure as Tactical officer of Manticore may be through...but he did not want to lose it in an emotional appeal ,only be escorted off the bridge..blasting Atragon and Sovak for their lack of reason...and logic. Hurry Kansas...Hurry...

  4. Mitar rolled out of bed just after the Comm from the Admiral regarding the attack on the Federation Outpost. It wasn't about assasination anymore. War had begun. Precip had seen his share of combat on Manticore, but a war was different. Many, Many more lives were going to be lost when both sides fully commit. Fleets under command of Federation Admirals will assemble and begin a campaign to destroy the Arcturan armed forces. Arcturans who were led by capable fleet commanders themselves would try to contain Starfleet. Mitar had no doubt of the outcome. The Federation was simply far better equipped across the board. Plus they had Manticore.. Based on what intel he had the Arcturan Command had no idea of Federation vessels operating with cloaking devices. Suprise would be achieved once Manticore decloaked within ideal launching range of her fighters and then let loose her new arsenal. Mitar still did not understand the Admiral's insistence in using fighters along in the attack ...just two fighters on such a large target. He thought it was a death sentence to the pilots of those ships, Wyvern and Gryffin. Faldek and McFly. Precip had failed utterly to install any confidence in the men who were going on that mission. What a waste! ::precip sat on the side of his bed his hands resting on his chin:: War brings death, and his senior officers were going to die. Manticore would survive but every scenario Mitar ran through his head had blast waves swatting the fighters like like flies beyond their shield limits. He thought of Keb, then Kansas. Kansas would probably kill him for having McFly go out there like that. And a grieving Keb... Mitar had to pause and think how many more officers were going to die in the coming campaign..how many family members would be lost by others in the fleet. No, Precip had never been in a war before. And he already had learned to hate it. ,

  5. (This takes place at the end of last weeks sim) Precip smiled as Commander McFly entered the Turbolift. He had to be the complete opposite of what he was really thinking..his opinion of the upcoming mission. "I hope you did have fun in that fighter." Precip mentioned McFly's test flight of the Fighters new systems upgrades. "A Blast." McFly replied.. Mitar nodded with a grin and looked at the lift deck counter as it sped it's way to the deck where he planned on briefing McFly and Commander Faldek of the strike mission. A mission he felt might be their last. A mission he felt was unnecessary, and could be accomplished without using Manticore's two fighter/shuttles. These fighters were just upgraded shuttles. Okay upgraded may be an understatement ...but still they were based on a type 9/10 Federation Shuttlecraft frame. Small and agile, they were excellent for "dogfighting" as humans called it, close air support for an Awayteam and reconaissance. At the most they could probably take out a cruiser if it were not defended for such an attack. Attacking a shipyard was a whole different scenario. He could not grasp why Atragon thought these tiny fighters could project another front on the attack compared to what Manticore could do. The human tactic of hammer and and anvil didn't make sense with what Manticore was using. If maybe 50 or more fighters were involved perhaps that would make a difference. But Manticore was not a aircraft carrier she was a battleship..with a huge new weapon system that as he understood could inflict incredible damage to cruiser..and with the proper reconassance could blow the shipyard to pieces along with her parked ships. And what a blast that would be. Despite their new shielding Precip thought Too big for two small fighters. Atragon thought otherwise. ::exhale:: Mitar cleared his mind of his belief of the "overated importance of Manticore's fighters Atragon held". He now had to get two pilots ready to attack WITH Confidence. of getting back alive. He had to put on an act..a very good one.