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Mitar Precip

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Everything posted by Mitar Precip

  1. From Byblos' player: The above Document was inspired by Shane's Bio.
  2. I love how on the Ships of the Line image Tobias very subtley hints at a larger Kelvin , than in his previous artwork. I of course may be reading to much into the picture but he goes away from the usual TMP saucer viewports on the saucer to different shaped ones, and different placements suggesting a thicker saucer section . The more size the merrier. Especially if you are an aircraft carrier...err..spacefighter carrier. -Precip Unable to find a shot I am referring to Probably since its copywritten . If you own the calendar you can judge my sanity.
  3. = = = = = = Part Two (Joint Log from Precip and Nancy) = = = = = = She couldn’t figure out what to say next, but just watched him take his seat. She.... yes, SHE was sitting across from this handsome Commander... ‘Commander Precip... Mrs Commander Precip... Mrs Nancy Precip...‘ her mind wouldn’t stop. She knew she was WAY ahead of the game, but she had not dated since high school and couldn’t help allow herself to dream. She uncovered the rest of the food, explaining all of the exotic dishes, even though he was probably thoroughly familiar with food from his homeland. “I had to remove some of the spices and acids, or else I wouldn’t be able to eat them,” she giggled, but turned into a full blush. “I tried to eat one vegetable root for a taste test, but ended up having to down a few glasses of neutralizing milky substance just to put the fire out.” She died saying that. Why was such silly stuff coming out of her mouth; he surely didn’t want to hear about such nonsense, but it just kept dribbling. “Oh dear, I hope you are alright.” Mitar was concerned. “Yes, I knew when I joined Starfleet Bolian Cuisine was most likely not going to be featured at the cadet cafeteria or replicators. There would have to be safety messages played every time a cadet ordered a Bolian dish.” Mitar went right to work on Nancy’s Dinner. Nancy could hardly eat now, with him across from her, but she uttered, “Well, I had to try it, you know?” She feared that some part of the meat would stick between her teeth and she’d talk like that for the rest of the night, and this gentleman wouldn’t reveal it. She toyed with her food and slipped lightly on the soup instead, while making sure that his plate continued to stay full. “Ah thank you.” Precip responded as Ensign Nancy Smith refilled his plate. The modified cuisine was tasty despite it being “tamed” in a way for Nancy’s consumption. “And thank you and your staff for attending to my second home which seems to be sickbay. I just have bad luck I guess.” She felt it was fate. Was her mouth going to say it? No... she actually held her tongue. At one point, Nancy’s sling-backs, with the never warn synthetic leather bottoms, slipped beneath the table and touched the front of his foot. She gasped and almost pulled them back, but held her hands tightly on her silverware while waiting for his response. “Oops. Everything alright Nurse Nancy? I could of sworn my toes were just stepped on. Odd I think there is yet another human phrase regarding ‘stepping on people’s toes’. I tend to do that with the Admiral. One day I might end up in sickbay as a result of one of his telekinesis blasts I fear. Then you’d really have to patch me up again.” Mitar tried to ease Nancy’s reaction to the inadvertent toe tap with command humor. He found it worked quite often. She pulled back her shoes slightly so they weren’t right up against him. “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to step on your toes.” She more wished he had held her feet there, in place, for an eternity. “And if you want to come back to sickbay, anytime, I will be more than able to accommodate and take care of you. After all, Starfleet’s health plan aboard these ships is more than perfect.” She likewise attempted a little medical humor. “Our bills are rather cheap.” Inside she sunk; why did she say such a thing. She didn’t want him to withhold his dinner invitation. “So how did you come to be assigned to Manticore?” Precip queried. It was one of the many questions he had for Nurse Nancy that evening. And he responded in kind to her questions regarding himself. “Well, I was stationed on the USS Harrow just after the academy, and this opening came up. I was told that it was a tug boat. Imagine, a tub boat needing a full staff of medical and psychological doctors, as well as all the techs and nurses we have aboard. Well, after hearing that there was also an admiral and his wife aboard, I knew I had to be here.” She continued with a rather length dissertation about her skills and experiences aboard, including going over his medical history. Her hand laid on the table during the chat, just above the silverware, hoping to show she was open to have him hold her hand. She still wasn’t totally convinced that he liked her, but she figured he must, since he accepted her invitation and came alone. This was SO on her bucket list! “They gave me the ‘Tug Boat’ cover story as well,” Mitar laughed. After a long evening of getting to know each other and their environs on board. Precip knew he had to leave. “I am afraid I am going to have to call it a night, Ms. Nancy Smith. I am deeply thankful for your hospitality and kindness. I hope any-how shall I say nervousness about dining with a command officer I have put to rest.” “Please, again, call me Nancy,” she gleaned, “and I would love to prepare dinner for you anytime.” Talk about overkill, she might as well have thrown herself at his feet and begged, but she resisted that urge as well. She stood with him, slowly moving as they neared the door. Her eyes were nearly glowing with her elation of the night that had come about. “If I may,” Precip reached for Nurse Nancy’s wrist gently lifting it upward, he thought he saw ‘goosebumps’ or whatever humans called them. He chose to ignore that phenomenon and noted to Nancy, “This may feel a bit like something called ‘antiseptic.” At this point, Mitar Precip gave Nurse Nancy’s forehand a gentle kiss, leaving a rather unique faint “Blue lip pattern” on her hand. She looked at his lips leave the back of her hand; she was simply glowing and uttered, “Its wonderful.” The only words that could part her lips. He kissed her hand. It stung, she would never forget this! “Perhaps the next dinner will be on me.” Commander Mitar Precip bowed slightly and without turning his back till he reached the door, which opened within his proximity. It was late in the evening he left Nurse Nancy’s quarters. She released short burst nods repeatedly to his invite, but could hardly release a sound. Her hand was still out in the air near the region where he had kissed it, and she stood there for almost an hour after he left, awestruck.
  4. (A joint Log between Mitar and Nancy) Mitar recalled Nurse Nancy had scheduled dinner with him at 1600 hours. He’d really never been one to go on dates, being a such a solitary individual. But, he owed Nancy and the rest of the sickbay staff some time for all the care given to him the last few years. Precip was quite in debt to them, a dinner with one of the nurses who had taken care of him seemed a step in the right direction to show gratitude. Oddly enough, Mitar could swear the roles were reversed. Shouldn’t he be taking Nurse Nancy for some dinner somewhere on Manticore? Maybe the Spacious Deck 3. He was CSEC, perhaps he could pull a few strings for a dinner with a view. Mitar shook his head. First things first. After checking himself in the mirror, with his dress uniform on, for the twentieth time it had seemed, he felt sure he was ready, and proceeded to Nurse Nancy’s quarters. Something odd but factual popped into his mind. He wasn’t sure of Nancy’s rank or even her last name. This was going to be an interesting evening. After catching a few glances due to his dress uniform he finally arrived at the designated quarters. He chimed the door and waited for a response, hands behind his back. She had been in her quarters since 1240. Everything was finally in its place, except her and her quest... He laid in sickbay for so long when most of the crew was down, tossing his cookies, lifeless, weakened by everything that ailed him. She spent hours caring for the crew, but she had a particular fascination with Commander Precip and his blue-toned skin. He could have tossed up a mutilated Ferengi and she wouldn’t have cared. Her gentle touch wiped his lips each time he upchucked. That bald head, those long ears. Those muscles under his tight security uniform; she could tell he worked out frequently, even while he was in this weakened state. Most of all, that bifurcating ridge... most of all, she could not wait to be given the chance to run her fingers along it. THIS evening he would be all to herself. She spent hours in her drawers, searching for the perfect outfit. She didn’t have much more than uniforms, but the few items she possessed fit her to a tea. Well, for her thick and rounded figure, most everything fit - to a very tight tea. She pulled out a light peach dress which would land just above the knee. Her short stature at 1.66m, the frilly lace along the bottom hem would be enough to cover most of her knee, which would compare at Mitar’s at almost 2m. Her eyes gazed over and she froze as the door chimed. Her eyes closed, reminding herself of the greeting she practiced nearly 200 times. She finally waddled forward towards the door in her sling-back heels while calling out, “Come in.” The computer opened the door, the soft music started just as she programmed, the lighting slowly dimmed by 20%, and the scents of some of his homeland foods emitted from behind her on the small dinner table where the holo-candles were already glowing. Her face tightened into the cutest pudgy smile, “Hello Commander Precip.” She reached out to take his muscled arm, which sent a shiver down her spine as her cheeks flushed on her pale freckled skin. “Please come in.” “Certainly, Nurse Nancy,” Mitar said as Nancy’s strong grip on his arm was immediately noticed. It was probably the first time she felt his arm in a healthy condition. She was also the first one who caught on to his slightly enhanced physique, the result of a work-out regimen that started after his last stay in Sickbay. “You look so handsome tonight in your dress uniform. I am so glad you came.” She couldn't take her eyes off him. She kept playing with her strawberry blond hair, which rarely was seen by others because of the way she tucked it up under her nurses cap, flipping it back, and adjusting it to one side or the other of her shoulder. Tonight, however, it was covering her shoulders and back with large loose curls. “Thank you. I imagine having your hair confined to a nurses cap must be frustrating. It is quite attractive, a fascinating color. I cannot recall what hair-color humans who have a slight red tint to their blonde hair are called.” Mitar pondered aloud. “Brunette?” Her blush grew larger, “Oh this?” she smiled broadly with her freckled cheeks and exclaimed, “Why I’m strawberry blonde. Do you like it?” She drew him to the table where foods were already set up, and dishes set out. “I searched the databanks for your homeland foods, though the computer did not have a list of favorites listed for you. Too bad, or I could have had those replicated.” She was chattering fast, like a nervous school girl. “It’s quite alright Nancy.” Mitar responded with a slight attempt to slow her down. “May I call you just Nancy? I must confess I don’t know your rank of even last name. I could of searched but I thought that to be ...awkward.” “Nancy is just fine.” She was floored that he was interested in who she was! This was wonderful and turning into everything she had imagined. “My name is Nancy Smith. I know, it’s a common last name, but it’s mine. And I am finally an Ensign. though I had to go part time to the academy, so it felt like it took forever to graduate.” Mitar continued. ”Oh, and as for Bolian cuisine it is not, how shall I say, popular amongst humans and most other races of the Federation. As a result I have adapted myself to foods of other races. I’m rather flexible, but Vulcan foods I shy from.” “Well, nothing Vulcan here, so you are safe.” When he spoke, she drank in every word. Upon seeing Nancy’s table and setting she had prepared Mitar was a bit taken back. “Impressive as I came here mainly to express my gratitude, you have gone above just that.” Mitar went over to the table and gently pulled Nancy’s chair outward for her to take her seat. She melted as she slipped into the chair, and everything inside her was screaming, ‘YES! and he’s a gentleman too!’, but she kept her tongue and through her little giggle, added, “Thank you.” = = = = = = = = = To Be Continued... = = = = = = = = = =
  5. West Precinct Headquarters, Unspeakable District Mark Winston sat on a bench watching the vehicle repair and assembly area. It was quite a busy site with speeders and giant “bessie” riot suppressing vehicles arriving back to station. Some had mere dents, some had windshields shattered by thrown debris, some had definitely taken weapons fire. Winston assumed not all the precinct’s vehicles were going to return to the lot. Most likely torched wrecks are now decorating the District named “Unspeakable.” Winston observed the gazes of the few mechanics the precinct had. He imagined a vehicle triage of sorts was taking place in their minds. Which ones could be fixed?, Which ones would be cannibalized for parts? A sudden appearance of a shadow changed his view. “Not a pretty scene. But at least it’s all over. With Minos being in the can, and his threats of mass destruction a lie. A semblance of normalcy can resume for us,” his partner announced as he handed Winston a caf. “Sir-” Winston was interrupted. “Relax, Mark. We don’t begin our shift for one more hour. Just Jiles once again.” Benson proceeded to sit on the same bench with his caf and look at the mechanics. “Lots of work ahead for all of us, but these guys... the pits,” Jiles Briefly gestured towards the mechanics contemplating the fate of a speeder. “Jiles, I think a lot of work is ahead for us all. I mean we lost a lot of men when Guardian HQ went up. That was the symbol of authority for this city, the largest in all of Bull’s Head. No doubt the whole of Hyades Cluster knows what has happened.” “Valid observation.” Benson took a sip of his caf. “And if the Klingons were watching this whole thing go down. I am certain the Federation did as well,” Winston paused to gather his thoughts. “Has there ever been anything this bad happen since Bull’s Head became a quasi-state?” “Not to my knowledge. Quasi-State? Mark, Is that some sort of intergalactic jargon for what is Bull’s Head?” “From what I have learned since I have been here, and especially since I joined the Guardians, the Federation still holds the gun to Bull’s Head; the Klingons the shield. Yet the Klingons can’t do a thing if the Federation were to suddenly move in. Can they?” the younger Guardian asked. “Geez Mark what did they put in your caf this morning?” Jiles chuckled a bit. Winston turned serious and a bit agitated. “Seriously Jiles, just please listen to me as an adult for once! A ‘Flash-point’ just occurred and the major powers in the neighborhood are going to wonder if the nebulous Taurus Brothers really can govern Bull’s Head. The Federation or Klingons can force them out of power.” “Okay... sorry Mark, but last I heard the Federation doesn’t have the fleet resources to do such a move. And the Klingons are not going to just sit idly if they did. You’ve seen how their culture, trade, heck... just their current presence would strongly deter the Feddies.” Benson responded. “‘Flash-points’ Historically have started wars, Jiles” “Okay I defer to your historical database inside that brain of yours,” Jiles conceded. “But you still don’t understand Bull’s Head. Mark, this place isn’t worth an interstellar war between the Klingons and Feddies. Yes, we are on both powers maps but not worth the expense. The status quo will prevail. You’ll see. Things will work themselves out in the end.” “Not so sure, Jiles.” Winston Quickly glanced at the mechanics at work. “Stability must be restored. The Taurus Brothers need to assure both sides that things will be taken care off. They have to lose that mysterious shroud they’ve created for themselves and step up to the plate. Along with the Consortium.” JIles Sighed. “Okay I have to agree with you on that last point. I’ve kinda always thought the Guardians should not be the face of government of Bull’s Head, rather than the Brothers. We bear the brunt of discontent because of their invisibility. We are and have been the only tangible visible presence of government for the people.” Benson paused and shook his head. “Did I just say that?” Hija! The younger Guardian replied. Jiles looked down a moment then spoke, “Listen since I have you here, I need to let you know I think we might not be partners in the near future.” “What?” Winston exclaimed. “Did I-” “No, Mark. It’s nothing you’ve done on patrol with me. It’s just that I cannot teach you all what the Sheriff wishes you to learn. You have an unbelievable ability with a rifle. ‘Big Al’ feels that it’s time you learn how to be a ‘long-arm’ from another ‘long-arm’ Guardian.” Benson looked at Mark who was in a state of disbelief. “You haven’t failed Mark, considering what you’ve been through on Tranquility,” Benson continued. “You’ve exceeded my expectations. But you always told me you learned to shoot from hunting voles on a rural or forested Vesta Prime. You need someone to teach you to use the urban terrain of a city now to set up and shoot. That’s out of my bag of tricks, Mark Winston. During ‘The Garage Shootout’ you had the ‘Cycles of Death’ riders completely caught off guard because they knew long-arms were something this precinct didn’t have. Mark was quiet a while then replied. “After seeing the quality of shooting at the Spaceport, who does the Sheriff trust my training and life with? He will select my training officer, won’t he?” “My understanding is yes, and I made my own concerns known to the Sheriff. The ‘Big Al’ is going to screen your instructor. I just don’t know who or where in Tranquility or the Hyades Cluster he’s going to find the man for the job. But the process has begun.” Jiles tried to reassure his partner. Mark exhaled and remained silent. Jiles stayed with him until his partner decided to get up and leave the busy repair yard for the morning brief.
  6. Being so evil that I am, I'd suggest describing the CIWS a slightly different way. One (whatever type CIWS) defense system? (#mounts) Dorsal, (#mounts Ventral) I must confess though, I only saw one or two pix that even give the little pepper guns credit. So I guess you all would decide if you have any mounts on the engine or Deflector/FLight deck. Which would make sense to me. Precip "Boldly going where I should not Go"
  7. Guardian Headquarters, West Precinct Unspeakable Distirct. The small crisis room at the Precinct HQ was currently occupied by three Klingons and two Guardians. Sheriff Albert “Big Al” Knorr was the ranking Guardian; with him was his most trusted systems control officer, Lawman Dina Crystal. The ever-present Civic Leader Vosh’rok was easily distinguishable by his absent right arm. He and his two Klingon bodyguards swept the room for listening devices, much to the Sheriff’s chagrin. Sheriff Knorr’s entire Guardian force was on deployment trying to hold the tunnel entrance that connected his district to the spaceport where the rioters were focusing their attention. Other units under his command were frantically trying to stop looting. Now he had a developing situation that suggested the upper echelons of Guardian leadership of Tranquility City were somehow involved in this mess. He was losing men at the expense of this Minos fiasco, and Guardian participation in it angered “Big Al.” To him it almost sanctioned fratricide. Knorr growled in disgust. “Qob. Marshall Savoy knew the name of the ship. She must have spoken with Sheriff Quintos of Port District regarding the ship. Keep tracking her, Crystal; she’s got to make her move soon now that she’s airborne.” “Yes, Sheriff.” Crystal replied. “She’s still flying low, yet too fast for our air assets to pursue. She just flew over the Merc District, maintaining her heading.” “And the conspiracy grows; now do we add Marshall Savoy to our list of corrupt petaQ ?” Vosh`rok said with disgust. “I can’t believe Savoy would be a part of this, Vosh`rok. The late Constable, yes. But not her,” Knorr responded to the accusation. Vosh`rok countered. “Are you aware of what a ship like the Qob is capable of, Sheriff Knorr? No doubt your equal at the spaceport could see what type of ship she was. Why did it have to be my people to inform you of this so late in the hour of Minos’ plot? I would be honored to kill Sheriff Quintos for allowing this to transpire. As for your Marshall, if this situation does conclude as Minos has decreed... I will let you know the Klingon government was informed of this disgrace.” “Big Al” did not reply to the threat. He knew the Klingons had resources throughout Bull’s Head. His precinct had received some, most noticeably weapons and technology for Guardians in the West Precinct. Vosh`rok was technically labeled as a ‘civic leader’ of the Klingon community in his district, but the Sheriff always suspected he was in a higher position of power. “Guardian Fleet is demanding the Qob to stand down. Qob is now outside the city. She’s landing sir,” Crystal said with some hope. “Perhaps the crew of the Qob has seen reason?” Sheriff Knorr spoke to Vosh`rok. “I think you’ll see the Bird of Prey resume her flight shortly. She’s no doubt making her pickup if she did not do so at the spaceport. Of course, we would know for sure if your Sheriff Quintos did not disable all Guardian surveillance cameras as we had foreseen,” Vosh`rok pointed out. “That’s why you had me send two Lawmen on a suicide mission to record what happened. You foresaw this happening. Two Lawmen of your choosing, ” Knorr replied. “Lawmen Benson and the young Winston I have reason to trust. We have been in battle.” “Yeah the ‘Garage Shootout’. You do realize that if Quintos catches them, we won’t hear from them again.” “Yes I do...they would have died with hon....” “Qob is lifting off again Sheriff!” Crystal interrupted. “She’s climbing for atmospheric flight, yet too slow for escape velocity. Something else that’s odd - the Guardian fleet just broke off weapons lock. And I could have sworn I detected a signal from the Qob to the Guardian fleet before the lock broke.” “What the hell is going on?” Big Al asked aloud. “I believe the Qob has picked up her cargo, Minos himself, outside the city. If I were you I would dispatch teams to that landing site, if we have time to live. We shall now see if the Guardian Fleet itself is part of this dishonorable act of terrorism. Perhaps the Klingon High Council’s recent inquest into the Taurus Brothers and their Guardian taHqeq lapdogs was indeed warranted. Present company being the exception to the norm,” Vosh`rok finished starring at Sheriff Knorr. Sheriff Albert “Big Al” Knorr could only look down in disgust after Vosh`rok’s comments. The truth hurt.
  8. Thanks for your responses to a noncrewmember. JJVerse Kelvin Class was never displayed next to its JJVerse Enterprise which has now apparently assumed titanic proportions. Maybe if the ships in the next movie are shown together in a scene we would see the Kelvin slightly smaller. The JJVerse Federation ships size would benefit your vessel. You seem to have a great attention to using a fighter wing. Not including other assorted ships. You'd have all the deck space you need! Nonetheless, all the artwork shown in this thread just makes the JJVerse scaling an absurd..if they had only thought about the shuttle evac scenes before they CGId the ship. Oh and by the way...I still wish you'd add those little pop up guns on the saucer. Great anti-fighter defense. One of things I really liked about the Kelvin which TNG era craft never bothered with. Precip -Woah..I just told you to change your ship when I am not even simming on it. Shame on me!
  9. A Bird’s Eye View.... Tranquility Spaceport Exhaust ,below tower adjacent to Qob’s hanger The two hidden guardians continued to watch events through their recording devices, packed tightly together in a heat exhaust tube above the roof of the spaceport terminal. Lawman Jiles Benson was viewing/recording events with a standard Guardian stakeout camera, his partner Mark Winston was using a Klingon camera of similar purpose. The discomfort of their position was lost watching the action below. “Good Grief! There is a lot of weapons fire, coming from the towers and the speeders. This is insane!” the younger Winston said with adrenaline. “This Klingon scope is showing traces of the shots the Port Authority snipers are taking, and the ones from the speeder. I think the big-arm guy took a hit before he went into the ship, Jiles!” “Settle down, Lawman. Once the big guy is on board, focus on the ship.” Benson continued to focus the camera with a wide angle to capture everything going on. But clearly the Klingon scope was able to see things his Guardian scope could not. “Tell me what you know about that ship design. I spent my career as a ‘ground pounder,’ not a space cadet.” “Okay he’s aboard..but leaking! His companions are getting on board! Oh my! One just got hit in the arm... he made it aboard though!” “Mark, the ship; tell me about the ship... please. What did your father’s PADD library have to say about that type of ship?” Jiles had to settle Winston down. A mistake now could get them discovered, and Benson was uncertain how well hidden they really were. “It’s a Bird of Prey, Klingon design. A classic! This one looks like a smaller version. They came in a much bigger size as well. The Klingon who designed the Bird of Prey probably has a statue on Qo’noS in his honor. The Klingons just kept using them, from before the Khitomer Peace Accords to the Dominion War.” Winston paused catching his breath. “See the wings how they are in an upright configuration?” Winston continued. “They actually can articulate about ninety degrees. That allows them to be excellent ships not just in space, but atmospheric flight as well.” “Go on... tell me more,” Jiles insisted. “On the wings you’ll notice disruptor cannons; I can’t tell if they’re operational. Also note at the front of the ship there is a torpedo tube at the bottom. Above that torpedo tube is where the bridge is. The torpedo was the ship’s best weapon. A Klingon Bird of Prey nearly destroyed the Enterprise-A above Khitomer with multiple torpedo attacks. The ship would cloak and move in on its prey, next uncloak, fire her torpedoes, then engage its cloak again.” “Wait. Did you say cloak? That ship has a cloaking device?” Benson had to verify what the surprisingly knowledgeable young man just said. “Yes, sir. Most had cloaking devices. All the way from their first appearance in Starfleet records through the Dominion War. They also had transporters, so they could insert ground forces with total surprise. But they were mainly used for ship to ship combat or enforcing Klingon rule on territories, etc.” “Okay thanks. Just keep your camera steady on that ship and see if it can get off the ground. It doesn’t look in good shape from what I can see,” Benson replied. While digesting the potential of what may be going on before their eyes, a light suddenly appeared blinking on his ODRI. It was a muted audio message sent to all Guardians in the engagement from Marshall Savoy. After verifying his ODRI was not transmitting anything the Guardians above or below might detect - for the twentieth time it seemed - Jiles took a quick glance to make certain his partner was doing his job and not looking at him. Benson’s face paled briefly, then he recovered with a quick exhale. Now he knew why they had two cameras of two different designs. “Lawman Winston, ever heard of a Klingon ship called the Qob?”
  10. So you abstaining upon the DVD specs from the movie? BC, Bridge Commander? The smaller scaled version they use makes a heck of a lot more sense, visually. Those darn shuttles in the movie has the Starship freaks going nuts on scaling. Probably don't use shuttles on ST:BC hence, you don't need the controversial size..the Paramount DVD gives you. (Well unless you need a big flight deck!) -Precip
  11. I wish I would of found this starship eye-candy thread earlier. Awesome pics. I'm still trying to figure out how big she (Kelvin) is. -Precip
  12. It looks like your Starship, the Godspeed is some form of Miranda Variant. She has the saucer/hull section of a standard Miranda. But interestingly, the "roll bar" is not present on the dorsal/aft section of the ship. On your image the torpedo launchers are placed below the saucer/hull section of the ship (dead give away are the small red squares below the impulse engines. One would surmise the forward launchers on your ship are in front of the aft launchers. There also appears to be a spar of some sort linking the launchers/ hull to the Nacelles, whereas your everyday Miranda has Struts extending from below the saucer/hull to her nacelles. The nacelles are lit, as were many in later episodes of Deep Space Nine. The shape of them appears more advanced in my opinion. It almost looks like the Godspeed is some sort of Miranda/Centaur Class hybrid. Something I have never seen before ..the Godspeed is very much a unique vessel. -Precip Centaur Class image shown below:
  13. Moments later... “ODRI” shop, Unspeakable District. “I’ve always wanted a chance to get the Bolian who runs this bogus ODRI shop. Winston, tell me he is inside,” Jiles Benson asked as he approached the front entrance with haste. “Sorry sir, just the three Orions,” Mark Winston replied as he continued to check his Guardian Issue ODRI. “I don’t read any weapons on the Orions, but I am detecting a powercell consistent with a 2360s Federation Type-3 phaser rifle where the main counter is. I don’t think my father got to handle one of those.” Benson observed his partner take a position on the other side of the main door of “Mitar’s ODRI Wholesale Shop.” This shop Benson had wished to shut down long ago, but other crimes and issues in the precinct always got in the way. “Probably an under the counter sales clerk weapon. Hopefully the Orions don’t find it, but we treat this situation as if they know about it.” “Yes sir,” Winston acknowledged. “Structure has three points of egress: this one, a side door near the counter, and a back freight door.” “Alright one more thing Lawman Winston. You haven’t worn riot gear before so let me tell you now it will soften some physical blows, but it won’t do a doggie against energy weapons. You get shot, you are down. Understood?” “Copy,” Winston acknowledged. Without warning Benson busted the door open with his disruptor pointed straight at the three startled Orions behind the sales desk. Winston moved right to cover the side exit of the building. “Hello, Gentlemen. You are committing an act of looting which is against Tranquility City Law. Just stating the obvious, boys. I want you big fellows to walk around the counter and put your hands on your heads, now!” The Orions looked at each other then at the lawmen and started laughing. “Something funny boys?” Benson replied stiffly as he closed in slowly on the three Orions. The biggest Orion, who probably was over 6’10, 350, was the first to comment. “Are the Guardians so desperate for personnel they are hiring high school kids! I bet this boy hasn’t even seen a woman’s....” “Oh you don’t want to go that way with my partner.” Jiles interrupted quickly. “He has a habit of blowing people’s heads off. Lucky for you I only gave him his Klingon ‘boomstick’ on this call, since I am not in the mood to clean brains off the wall! Get in front of the counter. NOW!!” The Three Orions shuffled in front of the counter looking at Winston briefly, then the side door. “Not yet!” Winston caught the visual cue. Jiles took over now. “Okay, listen carefully. Clearly you guys had no clue you were breaking into a phony ODRI shop. All these parts you see around you are junk. This is not worth me shooting you three, and having to write a report on your deaths. But, believe me when I say it the Marshall of Tranquility City doesn’t care for looters in this city...she means it. I can shoot you on site right now.” “We can still rush your ass, Guardian.” The big Orion replied to Jiles. You may get one of us... maybe two, but not all of us.” “And your two buddies have no objection to be disrupted to sizzling vapor, big guy?” Winston chimed. The Orions began to look at each other and speak in hushed tones. The smallest Orion finally spoke out to Jiles. “So how do we resolve this situation?” With his free hand Jiles grabbed a part from a shelf and tossed it to the big Orion. “Take this processor and have it appraised by someone who knows more about ODRIs than yourselves. Next, I want you three to spread the word that this place sells targ fodder. Understood?” The Big Orion looked at the part then to Jiles. “You cutting us loose?” “Exit, hands in the air, through the side door. And don’t ###### my partner off because I still am teaching him not to shoot first and then take names. Now get out of my sight! I see you three here again I will let my partner have some fun with his weapon!” With his weapon aimed at the Orions, Winston pivoted away from the door and allowed the huge would-be looters to exit the shop. Once they exited, Winston reported the obvious. “Clear, sir.” It was Benson this time checking his ODRI. “Okay they are bolting.” “Pardon me for asking sir, but why did you release them?” Lawman Mark Winston asked. “Sometimes word of mouth can do more harm to a business than it being pillaged. Procure the weapon under the counter and let’s move out of this dung hole.” “Yes sir.” Winston complied and proceeded to retrieve and safe the Bolian Merchant’s weapon. “Besides, Partner, did you really expect those three behemoths to fit in the back seat of our speeder?” Winston had to chuckle at that one. “The thought didn’t occur to me, sir.” “You still have a few things to learn kid. I am going to quickly document the scene here on my ODRI. Watch my back” “Yes sir,” Mark Winston replied as he carried the Bolian’s weapon along with his own. Without warning, both Guardian’s ODRIs chirped. “Unit 95 report to station immediately,” a dispatcher commanded. “Frak! I’ll never get this place fully documented! Alright, Winston, let’s move out.” Benson ordered with frustration. The two Guardians departed the ODRI shop only to notice more smoke rising from Tranquility City. The riots and panic continued as Minos’ countdown to death entered its last hour.
  14. What's this #####! Okay so I used a bit strong language but not that bad. ::grumbles and walks away::
  15. Present Day Lawman Jiles Benson; Guardian and Bodyguard at your Service. Unspeakable District; West Precinct Lawman Jiles Benson had seen his share of rioting in the “Unspeakable” District, but nothing on this scale. Riots often occurred in the District when taxes were raised, food prices increased or some targ fodder of a Lawman intentionally assaults a member of a race that takes their anger to the streets demanding a Guardian’s head. This was something else. The rioters and subsequent looters, crossed the entire racial spectrum. It was sheer madness and fear that drove an entire populace to such a level. Many of these people were just plain scared and had no other way to deal with it. Many were attempting to seek access to the lower levels of the city- the sewers and vehicular tunnels- all because that bastard Minos and his Rainmakers had promised certain death within a few hours. To make matters worse, his terrorist group decided to prove their point by blasting Tranquility City’s Guardian HQ to bits, killing the city's constable and numerous Guardians, and destroying vital equipment. The Guardians were off balance, although word from the Sheriff was that the Marshall of Tranquility City was not killed in the attack. And rumors were flying around the comm channels that she was employing Mercenaries, not Guardians to bring Minos and his Rainmakers to justice. That was not a good sign. Jiles looked towards his partner, Mark Winston, as another disturbing sign. He was only 19 and barely been in uniform for a year. This kid was not ready for this kind of duty, no matter what the circumstances. Not that he didn’t admire the boy for what happened two years ago...he had courage; he sure as heck left an impression on Klingon civic leader Vosh`rok. But still not enough street experience. Worse the kid was small, while Jiles was over six feet 220, this kid was at most 5’9 and 175. He had already been hurt in a few responses. He should have been at a desk, except the one ability that the Sheriff needed him so badly for; which wouldn’t do squat right now. That showed things were seriously frakked up. He’d seen what Winston was capable on that dreadful day at the Garage - and so did the Klingons. That's why they assigned good ole Jiles Benson to tutor and keep this kid alive. And they were making darn sure that the Sheriff respected this kid. Honored would be a better word, Benson thought. Klingons certainly had influence on West Precinct. They supplied basic necessities for law enforcement - save manpower - and the sheriff was not going to ruin an amicable relationship with the local Klingons. But, Klingons were the only ones not rioting. In fact the Sheriff of West Precinct had given Klingons the right to defend their property with lethal force if necessary. There was going to be a big body count after this riot, Benson surmised. “Hey, Jiles,” Mark Winston chirped up suddenly. “Looters.” Winston gestured ahead towards the local ODRI parts shop. Winston doubted the parts were authentic, but looting was looting. “I see them; good eye. And you didn’t use your scope.” Benson Gunned the accelerator and turned on the lights. “Call Precinct on our local..and ready that Klingon 'boomstick' of yours” “Yes sir,” Winston replied as he called dispatch and readied this odd looking short barrelled weapon that Jiles had seen, on many occasions, floor suspects at close range with some sort of blast wave. A gift from Vost`rok himself the day he recieved his uniform. “Okay looks like three Orions. Can you tell why I know they are Orions Lawman Winston?” “Because they are clearly green in complexion and do not have Gorn tails sir. Also the Speeder’s scanner’s verify their species, sir.” “Very Good, Lawman Winston, but remember electronic devices can be fooled. We proceed as if they are shifters. Remember what I told you.” Giles slowed the vehicle down a dozen meters from the “ODRI shop”. The suspects were apparently inside grabbing more gear or spotting the Guardian Speeder. “Ready Sir,” Winston announced. “Sir, have you ever come across a shifter before?” “Not now Lawman.” Benson readied his disruptor pistol. “Focus on the present.” Just as I have to focus on keeping you alive, Lawman Jiles Benson thought as the doors swung open and the two Lawmen went to engage the suspects.
  16. Okay, I cannot link it. But I never thought snow would behave so much as sugar or salt. Check out the video of the Snow "Pouring" into the Metrodome..In Minneapolis-St Paul. Vikings do need a new Stadium. -Precip "Football was meant to play in the elements..not some stinkin' dome"
  17. Personal Log Cdr Mitar Precip Mitar finished up on the supplement to the Coxeter files and shook his head. If that's the type of testing program ASDB was using for advanced propulsion systems they hadn't learned a thing from the Pergrination Project from years back. Poor science officer T`prise must be reliving the whole thing over again. Maybe that was what he heard emanating from the science deck door before being paged to the Ready Room . No. T`prise was a Vulcan, Vulcans were not known for emotional breakdowns and tirades. Yet he had to wonder about her opinion on this matter. It seemed foolish to go ahead with a manned test flight to Precip. It was this thought, the Bolian could only surmise that was why he was heading to science before learning changes; no, additions to were being made to Manticore's Security force. A Special operations department under the command of Lt Cdr McFly, who will be selecting crew members from the ship and elsewhere to form an "elite squad in times of need" unit. Precip was aware this wasn't entirely an entirely new idea to Starfleet. Didn't the first warp 5 Enterprise have an attached unit during her lifetime? And according to the historical Starfleet Database there was friction between the ship's own security team and the space marines attached to the NX-01. Would this also occur with McFly's team and his own? Mitar tried to dismiss the thought as he again looked at the schematics of the Coxeter. Was this "new unit" really necessary? To his recollection the CG was behind it, not Atragon. Yet, Precip saw the aggressive multi-purpose team as something that Manticore's crew was already equipped to handle. Security, along with all departments aboard had pulled off some incredible missions. Was the crew of Manticore too slow for the CG, and like ASDB, went ahead with another attempt to go faster, further, more efficient? Mitar's final thought before turning in was more of a wish. He hoped Lt Commander McFly could fulfill what the the CG wanted, whereas Captain Weyl of the Coxeter had become lost along the way.
  18. Leslie Nielsen, of so many darn funny movies I can't list them all..... Rest in peace. 84 yrs. You made me laugh so many times. -Precip
  19. Wanted by many Tang, but the kids have to start the next semester. These are students here, not pro atheletes. Like it or not they have to hit the books again January. I don't care for the BCS either, especially how it the computer's have their favorite conferences "builit in with a certain difficulty level. The BCS worships the SEC, BIG12 and BIG 10..they need to ease up on the computers liking for these conferences. Oh and the Boise State game ...frak That kicker needs to be "watched for the next several weeks". And now for something completely different: After watching NATGEO show what an Orca did to a Great White Shark on Tape, those animals are too smart to be at amusement parks. Let'em loose. Precip "not a member of PETA"
  20. 2413 The Homefront still.... Vesta, Planet-side Starfleet 57 Personnel Housing, Winston Residence “Okay, let me get this straight again. You got hit in eye trying to break up a fight?” Daniel Winston looked closely at the shiner his son was now sporting below his right eye. “And you were trying to break up a three-on-one. You got guts son. Gees... maybe you’ll be a policeman someday, but I’d call for back up next time.” “Ouch!” Mark flinched as his dad applied a bit of pressure to the bruised area. “I didn’t have any backup until faculty arrived; the rest of the kids were just cheering it on or watching! That Andorian... I think his name is Zelak... a grade lower than me... he nearly lost an antenna the way the big guy was stepping on it! I couldn’t see that happen Dad!” “No you shouldn’t have had to see that or the whole situation. Don’t worry; you’re not in trouble. The school-cams caught the entire incident on file. I was told by the superintendent that he was proud you stepped in and saved that kid from getting severely hurt. Problem is, the superintendent is not sure what the fight was about. He asked me if you heard anything you might recall that would lead three soon-to-be graduates from your school beat up an Andorian schoolmate. Do you remember anything, no matter how... stupid it may seem to you or something you didn’t quite understand that was said?” “They were telling him it was his people’s fault the war started, and he was a blue skinned greedy sack of... well I can’t...” Mark hesitated. “Continue Mark, please; don’t leave anything out. Curse rule overruled here, this is important.” Daniel tweaked the recorder as his son basically laid it all out. And, not to his surprise, it did have something to do with the war. Parents on different sides harboring deep feelings that bled onto their children. The Federation Civil War, although nowhere near as disastrous casualty wise as the Coming of the Beholders or the Dominion war, had left deep scars inside Starfleet and the rest of the Federation. Lines were drawn. Racism, something the Federation decades ago had for the most part stamped out, had reared its ugly head from this conflict, and was rampant, especially against Andorians and Vulcans. Engineers engaged in sabotage at spacedocks sometimes costing lives. And the war stamped the end, in Daniel’s mind, of the Federation’s greatest principle, the Prime Directive. “Unofficially” debate still divided the Federation into camps despite resolution to the sabotage and combat. Some didn’t see that the Federation’s problems completely were solved with the end of the civil war. Daniel was one of them. When he repaired starships during the war he didn’t put alliances above his job; he just got the ships ready or repaired to serve so personnel would not get killed. He was, in effect, neutral. But the eventual erosion of Federation core principles during and after the war Daniel could not tolerate. In his view, the Federation was now in a slow spiral of decline, forgetting certain ideals that made it so majestic in its prime, just like all empires and powers of old. He had to wonder if Mark was aware of this, given his historical interest in matters. Perhaps he should talk to him when they visit the boneyard and see what remained in pieces from the more glorious days of the Federation. “So does this mean we aren’t going to visit the yard this weekend, Dad?” Mark asked. “I spent so much time preparing for Commander Baxter’s “mongo” exam, and passing it was a major relief. His exam was very... tough.” “Yet you surprised him and prevailed.” Daniel paused. “Okay, let’s get your eye checked out again at Starfleet Med. Then I’ll drop this...” Daniel raised the recording PADD “...to the superintendent. He’ll need this to determine what to do with those three that beat up Zelak.” “Thanks Dad,” Mark finished. Daniel rubbed his son’s hair into a mess while looking at his son’s eye. “If given no other choice but to fight.... Instead of trying to go toe to toe with someone, next time aim for the knees on a larger opponent. Physically it’s their weak spot. Now let’s get going son. You got an EVA in your future other students would dream about.” 2420 Present Day Tranquility City, “Unspeakable District” “So, ever suppressed a riot kid?” The elder Lawman grinned then gunned the accelerator to where trouble lay ahead. “A small one in school years ago, but never dreamed of doing this.” Lawmen Mark Winston replied loudly to his partner as the the sirens blared and the speeder raced down the dusty lane towards the chaos ahead. “No... never dreamed of this,” Lawman Mark Winston muttered again - to himself this time.
  21. There ya go Bagels!!!! I don't watch to much TV anymore. Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Hawaii 5-0 (still love ya Grace!),Billy the Exterminator, Dog the Bounty Hunter. Only shows I watch/DVR right now. -Precip
  22. A Stellar View Log by Cdr Precip The view was amazing indeed from spartan furnished room 301. A full 180 two deck panorama of space zipping by. MItar could see the appeal to this new addition to Manticore courtesy of the engineers at Maturin. It truly was an amazing sight and that led Precip to believe the Admiral will have something in store for this new feature. Mitar looked around noting, a CO could have a large staff meeting of some sort in here. I mean if Atragon really wanted to give a speech, with that background of shooting stars or a nebula..or some other stellar giant thing behind him..people would face him and hopefully listen..of course. Precip was regretting a bit grilling Cdr Farrington on the tactical vulnerability the large two deck viewport created. He should of known there would be some sort of battleshield that would deploy in front of the huge viewport. But, he had learned quite a bit that asking questions about something was never the wrong thing to do. Well, maybe that one exception from his little tirade on the bridge in the alternate universe. A tirade Mitar still was uncertain how the Admiral was so willing to set aside. The Bolian returned to the view and noted a couple standing by the viewport. He didn’t recognize the two off hand nor was he interested in prying into personal matters. But they too, whatever their intent was to pay a visit to Manticore’s new room with a view. Mitar looked at his PADD briefly regarding the missing Test ship Coxeter, making a note to himself to ask the Command Staff where the mother ship was for this test vessel. You don’t just have a test vessel set a course on its own for such a remote place. Plus data had to be gathered. The TAC officer looked up again at the viewport,the couple he had noticed earlier had moved on. Perhaps he needed to as well..the view as so, captivating it was distracting his thought processes. Mitar chuckled, maybe this isn’t the place to have the Admiral give grand ceremonial speeches after all.
  23. Some guy shot out his TV ticked off at Dancing with the Stars. Really, dude..the show is not worth it. I know you were angry over Bristol Palin still remaining on the show despite her low performances and maybe angry with the voters. Well sir...now that your TV is trashed and you probably have a weapons charge on you, you will be safe from the Disney hyped DWTS crap that they throw at you each night on your ABC affiliate. Just Don't subscribe to People Magazine, Star and those other celeb photo mags. I believe shooting out a mailbox is a far more serious offence! -Precip
  24. A Gold mine of information on the "law" of Qob/Tranquility! Thank you for the time and effort. Mitar Precip.
  25. I often use this website for reference. Fantastic imagery and stats. Interestingly, yes the above information is mentioned on the site...but WOW the author proceeds to the further dispute trying to shoot them down with his prior knowledge of starships (which is impressive) the facts above. Yet he cannot argue against them. I mean he does not like facts on above at all it appears. I have to agree with his takes on the "2009" 1701 saucer section basically a TMP design. The deck lighting on the saucer is totally inconsistent with a ship of a 2300 meter size vessel. There should be more decks..I agree with him. But in the end, no matter how much you know about starships what can you do when the producers/designers/publishers/digital imagers agree to a size you don't agree with. Print what they say..and this webbie did. Precip