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About Surran

  1. Rosetto, I must compliment you on your style and inspiration. However, concerning the facts of your post, I would hope you would take the time to recheck several of the facts. The description of Impulse drive you give is contradicted by the definition of impulse, the memory alpha wiki, and statements made by characters in the show. You describe it as a reaction less drive which would create problems of unfathomable magnitudes. Firstly, it violates the law of conservation of momentum. Secondly, there is no necessary speed limitation which means that a large impulse engine would also double as a weapon of mass destruction, the list goes on. There are other issues, but I hope I have set you on the right track for correcting the problem.
  2. Greetings, I recently discovered the STSF while considering the design of Federation starships from an aesthetic, tactical, and engineering standpoint. My research led me to a listing of Star Trek PC games which listed this site. If it is permissible I would greatly like to begin role playing here. I have read the starting guidelines and hope to play my first Academy session tomorrow (Mon 25). My education has been primarily focused on philosophy and mathematics. However I have invested many dozens of hours to pursuing a wide variety of topics due to personal interest and for self improvement. I have watched a wide selection of ST episodes and movies concentrated primarily on the post TNG productions. I am currently watching VOY from the beginning and have just finished the Destiny novels. I have been an avid fan of ST since I was young and have followed each new series as best as I was able. On a more mechanical note, I have noticed a large number of Vulcan candidates. This is understandable as Vulcans are portrayed with several physical and mental features superior to standard humanoids. If this has not created an excess of Vulcan players I would request to play a Vulcan/Romulan Hybrid. On a related but separate issues, may I ask for your recommendations for a devision? If there is not an excess in these areas I would prefer to play a character who specializes most especially in starship design, advanced warp theory, all or many aspects of subspace science, and exotic phenomena. As a counter balance additional specialties in historical studies focusing on politics, starship combat tactics, tactical equipment, and grand strategy. I am aware of the broad range of these fields and I will humbly accept any statements or opinions which indicate that the number or spectrum of these is too great. In the defense of the list I posit only that they fall into two philosophical categories aligned strongly with an aspect of Vulcan or Romulan psychology or an integration of the two. I will spare you from an unnecessarily elaborated list of the evidence for this in each. With your permission though I will say that in my mind at least each can be derived from the others either through requisite comprehension required for mastery (warp theory being required for starship design) or emerge from similar disciplines (historical politics from grand strategy). Besides the above I can offer no justification other then the length of the Vulcan/Romulan lifespan and the mental discipline which Vulcans may apply to a problem. Finally, I must ask what is cannon. Specificy, what is the status of the relaunch of TNG/Voy which includes the Destiny series and the new movie and related Countdown comics. Thank you for reading so lengthy an introductory post. I look forward to your feedback and correction. Live long and Prosper.