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Everything posted by HyperDrive

  1. It could also be that we just have more cadets now to put through to chain toward graduation. ;)
  2. ::sighs:: One of these days, you all will get smart and just post a link to other threads that you're taking your own statements from. ;) Heh heh heh.
  3. Hey Seiben, do you have that same message saved to your computer or something? They all look a lot alike... heh heh.
  4. 'ello. Welcome to the boards. ;)
  5. I would like to bring up that SciFi.com's weekly poll involves the next Star Trek movie, which brings prominance to the rumor about the next ST movie being about Starfleet Academy.
  6. Hmm... My brother used some type of HTTP Tunneling program to get past his college's proxy server (but he did this so he could connect to Napster... heh). I'm not sure what the program was called, but the school really didn't care as long as you didn't tell all of your friends about the program, too. The main reason they blocked the download ports, though, is because the students were tying up the dedicated T1 line. ;) Have you tried asking one of the server junkies to open up some of the 9000-row ports?
  7. I haven't seen it (and probably won't now), but several of my friends have been quick to mention that Darkness was a terrible movie.
  8. To answer your question, Paramount does not accept outside writers (for either movies or television series) due to what the law says. ...and I've had a brilliant movie plot in my head for about a year, and I refuse to let it out to anyone. Really... it is brilliant. :P
  9. ::sigh:: I hate basic cable. I don't get any good channels!
  10. I guess I'm not watching enough TV, because I really don't know what you're talking about. Hmm.
  11. StarTrek.com has a very detailed list of medical supplies and practices. :P
  12. Here's my recommendation: http://proxytunnel.sourceforge.net/ :P
  13. ::waves:: 'Ello.
  14. Ok, I admit, it is a great series... but geez. Addicts.
  15. My entire being here was by accident. At one time, I was a frequent visitor to the Science/Technology Message Board at startrek.com. I left shortly after Master_Q left, because all people could do was complain about everything and wouldn't talk science (heh). Over the next few months, I'd check the Science/Technology Message Board 3-4 times a month, mainly to see if Master_Q had returned or not (because he was a very intelligent person... and btw, he never did come back...). On one of these occasions, I saw the chat room and decided to go in. (This was before startrek.com did any type of advertising for STSF.) As fate would have it, I stumbled in on two GMs (Celot and Jami, I believe), and have been here ever since. Honestly, the chances of me actually doing that were quite unlikely. It was only my 3rd time actually clicking the "Chat Room" link. ;) Weirder stuff has happened. Hehehe.
  16. Starfleet Role Playing
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. Happy birthday to you both!
  19. Neither. The Academy topic was never brought up in discussions with Paramount. (That's my guess, anyway...) :lol: ~HD
  20. Your ecological footprint is estimated to be 7.5 hectares (18.4 acres). If everyone in the World lived lived like you we would need 4 Planets to support global consumption.
  21. Neato. I love chess! ~HD
  22. Let's see.... 99999999999 + 1. Stupid 9 key gets stuck. Happy 100th, Atragon!
  23. Oh, dang. I think I remember that somewhere, Vanroy... ugh. They did it at a Shoreleave somewhere, I believe. I hate it when I lose! ~HD
  24. It is where Dac was honored and admitted as the goddess of STSF... with a few pairs of shoes and a few guys waving leaves for breeze. Though I'm not sure if that took place on a gazebo or not... :o ~HD
  25. Happy birthday to you! ~HD