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Everything posted by HyperDrive

  1. I have seen a couple of posts on the board dealing with an "STSF Movie", based on our Star Trek Role-Playing experiences. So, my question. (a) Who would you WANT to play you? and (:D Who WOULD play you? Have some fun with this one. :) My answers: (a) Pierce Brosnan (:D Me, I suppose.... I can't think of anyone that is like me. :) -HD
  2. Yes, a great heartbreak. I have flown out of Meigs twice (one time only a few months ago). It is quite amazing, looking out over the horizon of Lake Michigan. The site is amazing, and unfortunatly, will probably never be seen again. Meigs Field will bean everlasting memory in every pilot. ~HD
  3. Alright, folks. I've noticed that this Forum (and every other forum I have ever been a part of) gets along alot better if we leave politics outside the door. I believe it best that we don't put statements against statements with politics, such as we don't jab either Bush, Gore, or any other political officer or decision on these boards. This could cause arguments on the forums that we really don't want. One local message board I am a member of lost over half of their members over politics, because the entire forum was arguing with one another. Arguring over these things is not good for the forum in any form of nature. Obviously, everyone has different views on the War on Terror, the President, and other political views. These views could cause bad arguments, and could make other simmers angry, and can disrupt the view of having a fun sim. This forum is made for Star Trekkies everywhere to have fun doing things that they enjoy to do, and arguing about something that many people feel is a very important issue (such as politics) can cause conflicts that I am quite certain STSF doesn't want. This message is not directed at any one or two people, but instead to the entire Forum. I hope that I have not said too much to anger the GMs, but I just want to make sure that no one gets overly offended by these boards. HD
  4. lol - True. You don't have to have (a) The same chat name and the same Forum name here at STSF, and (:) The "cdt" or "cadet" in front of your name. Actually, until I graduated, my chat name was simply "HyperDrive". I used it in the StarTrek.com Message Boards, and I just happened to wonder by during a STSF Academy Sim. It wasn't until after I graduated did I change my StarTrek.com name. (If you'll notice, my Forum name is still "HyperDrive". I have no reason to change it. :) ) Actually, I already have my future StarTrek.com Login Names set up... let's see, I have LtJg_HD, Lieutenant_HD, and I have no reason to go on further with this list...... lol - Right now, I'm just taking up space on StarTrek.com's server! :o
  5. Okay; Next Question! What sim would be part of the movie: (a) Would all STSF Advanced Sims be involved? (:o Would only one STSF Advanced Sim be involved? (Which one?) © Would a few different STSF Advanced Sims be involved? (Which ones?) (d) Would we see how many Academy ships we can destroy in one movie? What do you think? You decide! (...and if any of you have ties to George Lucas, feel free to call him. :) ) ~HD
  6. As mentioned above, welcome to STSF. As I have not been here as long as many of the above simmers (which some have been simming for a decade or more), I have been with STSF, almost since the beginning. Lucky for us, we have an awesome webmaster. Somehow, through work, school and a family, he has made a great website for us. It has a very good insight to (a) How to sim, and (:D What to expect when you are simming. The "Help" section has great answers. Also, you might want to check the STSF FAQ, located in the Academy section of the message boards. STSF is great. The folks here are plenty friendly, and can help you with almost anything. I hope to see you around the Academies! ~HD
  7. The only problem with Friday and Saturday academy sims is exactly that; it is on a Friday and a Saturday. Many GMs actually do have lives, and can't be here every Friday due to other circumstances (whether going to the movies, hanging with friends, watching TV, etc.) Friday and Saturday nights are the best time for many people to leave the house and go somewhere. This also means that many cadets and graduates won't come to the Friday and Saturday sims, because they have other things to be doing. New movies tend to come out on Fridays, and it is just a good night to hang with friends, because most people don't have to get up early the next morning. That is one of the problems that I have with Aegis, and an even bigger problem on an out-of-STSF sim that I have on Sundays. That is the basic problem with having academy sims on Fridays and Saturdays. It's just for many people, the only days they have lives are on weekends. My 1.2 cents..... the other .8 cents will come at a later time. HD
  8. hehe - I'm guessing that most of us have more of a life than Fred does.... But, I got: Score: 27 Rank: Lieutenant I am so good..... hehehe :) HD
  9. Sheesh.... it's always "sucked out the airlock". How come we never have people killed by a meteor shower, or send them on a shuttle 10 minutes into a sim, and have them die 5 minutes later? But, no. It has always got to be the airlock. ::shruggs, mumbling:: Why does it always look like a scene from Moonraker...... :) HD
  10. =/\=BEGIN LOG=/\= We were moving toward Aegis, slowly but surely. The engines on the USS Pandora's Box were being brutally changed from one power setting and speed to another. I will be recommending a complete engine overhaul to GromVik when we get a chance; which doesn't look to be too soon. The engines are running smoothly now, but in a few hours, who knows. At the time being, I am just hoping to be here in two hours; Meve seems to be so preoccupied with going back to Aegis, that he is risking his life, and the entire crew, to do it. According to GromVik, Meve's commands are going to be almost impossible to complete. Get an entire station back operational in 3 days? I'd call that impossible. I believe that GromVik has more faith than I do. Right now, this entire fiaso is reminding me of a quote made by a the 19th-20th Century scientist Albert Einstein, "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Both Meve and Ayers aren't human, but I believe that their stupidity is prevailing. Perhaps not, but things are not looking good for us right now; there are just some things that the crew, no matter how good, can never accomplish. We are flying, alone, into a place with tens of hundreds of enemy ships. My goodness..... what the devil is going on? Computer, End Recording Log. Encode Last Paragraph. Make Accessable to Ensign Hewitt Demore only, and never allow Captain Meve to hear it. Close log. =/\=END LOG=/\=
  11. ".... medium rare with mustard is nice....." Yes, I am a Parrothead..... Anyway, welcome to STSF! :) Sincerely, PM, urg..... HD :)
  12. Best cadet death? My favorite one was with Garnoopy..... who had stuff coming out of his eyes, drooling, and barely able to talk..... That wasn't the good part. The good part was when Dac blew up the planet that Garnoopy was on, to keep anyone else from getting the disease. :) Dac the Killer...... HD
  13. If you are asking what it seems you are (I really didn't understand the question very well), but STSF is only about 6 months old. That makes it to where the first STSF graduates are only Ensigns and Lt(Jg). Everyone of a higher rank came from other simming groups that the GMs were members of.
  14. That and Battlestar Galactica reruns are too hard to find. Humf - SciFi Channel was showing an All-Day marathon of Battlestar Galatica about 2 weeks ago; it was one of my snowdays :) HD
  15. hehe - the first series that I ever saw was TNG - in TNN (Before it was "The NEW" TNN :) ) But, Voyager has really started growing on me. Enterprise doesn't seem to be interesting enough...... yet. TOS, I always thought, was pretty interesting. But, it isn't my favorite. :P I have seen 4 episodes of DS9, and I never liked any of them..... I got tired of seeing Odo's love life on TV. :D So, I voted for TNG. It was the first that I saw, and for me, wins the "Best All Around" prize. Sincerely, "The Sunburned" HD
  16. =/\= BEGIN LOG =/\= As the helium was sent out into space, I was trembling. I could not have another experiment go wrong; or at least as bad as my last one did. But, this one did better than even I thought it would. We recieved a 35% increase in sensor readings. I was fairly amazed myself, and couldn't help but smile over to Nathan, sharing my good luck. Standing on the bridge, I have noticed that Ethan is getting more and more hard to get along with. I have never had any bad feelings to her, until lately, when someones best appears to not be good enough. Personally, I think she needs some more sleep..... she has been quite strained since becoming the acting captain. We will see. As I think about it, I am lead to wonder, why we are actually in space. Is it to explore strange new lands, or just as a fight to be better than everyone else. Unfortunately, humans have tendancy to want more than the neighbor. But, as always, we will see. Good luck to all of the crew..... =/\= END LOG =/\=
  17. It was my first time as Counselor... and it was, how do I put it.... interesting. ;) Believe me, the color blue does not fit me too well. Also - good job to Sjonus! I hope to see you around the Academy some more, and I hope that whichever Advanced ship you decide to join is a good'un. :o HD
  18. Remember, folks. They didn't make themselves hated by all Trekkies...... the writers did. ;) But, I had to vote for Sisko. Personally, I have never much liked DS9. That, for the most part, influenced that vote.... Cheers! HD
  19. That's just A9's. You get more dear. That's why you're the Goddess. :o Ohhh, I always knew I liked Randy :o Dac Yes Queen...whatever you want. Here, take A9's credit card and go buy as many Cadet Death Machines as you wish. Enjoy. :wink: hehehe - just don't take Fred's credit card; you won't be able to get anything, then :) ::laughs at an incredibly old joke:: HD
  20. =/\= BEGIN RECORDING LOG =/\= As the ship remains tracking the unknown ships as they proceed toward Cardassia. We still aren't sure what type they are, but we do know that they are there. My experiment had very mixed results. Although we did get some information from the scan, we drained an intense amount of power. Unfortunatly, I was too busy admiring my work, and didn't notice this until it was really starting to get low. However, we did find out that there is Helium particles in space, along the edges of the "Particle Corridor", which seem to be allowing the Pandora's Box sensors to penetrate the vast amounts of particles for a small distance. After many more tests I have ran, I have the deflector dish back to minimal operation standards. It will take quite a bit of time for the dish to get back to normal standards that we were running at, since power is, well, at a rather lower amount right now. It seems that strong gasses, such as Helium, allow for greater sensor depth into space, especially in the case of these particles. Over the past few hours or so, I have theorized that if we use a different gas, preferably Neon, that was stronger than Helium. Unfortunatelly, it needs Oxygen to react the way that I would prefer it too, and that isn't going to work. The more gas there is, the farther apart it sends the particles, allowing for sensors to reach deeper inside of the corridor. Theoreticly, sending more Helium into the particle and asteroid areas will allow for even greater sensor range. However, too much Helium can disrupt sensor readings, much like how a person's voice changes after inserting helium into their mouth. The same thing happens with sensors. So, one must be quite careful when messing with it...... =/\= END LOG RECORDING =/\=
  21. Okay, folks. I'm not a GM (and I don't pretend to be), but this topic is getting way off subject. Let's try to stop arguing, and get back to the original topic that the Webmaster intended it to be. HD
  22. ::looks at Vanroy:: The nickname really speaks the truth about 'ol Vanroy, ah? :D HD
  23. Hey VileRomulan, could you change your text color? The blue with that green/brown backround makes your tezt incredibly hard to read. Thanks; HD
  24. ::looks at Webby:: But, I have the special key to the "One Time Use Only Evacuation Pod"! She can't kill me..... ::smiles:: HD
  25. Okay, now ... does everyone notice how I'm HAPPY at the beginning of an Academy?? It's only when things start going into the toilet does the likilhood of me torpedo-ing my own away team/ship/crew increase. Unless of course I've run out of Martini olives, then it doesn't matter -- you're all dead from the get-go :) Dac ps ... and you will be shocked and amazed that the Sunday night Academy all hands SURVIVED. Fresh olives and some fantastic playing made for a great sim! She's lying; just wait until next week..... then you'll die. :) HD