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phil odonnell

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Posts posted by phil odonnell

  1. as you all can plainly see I have decided to use the Namplate from the USS Endeavour as my Avatar the Endeavour was never intended to be a Real Ship just a Holodeck Program I went to to have fun or clear my head when times got tuff I have been working to desine the Ship the Plates done and so our the Specs as far as the look I'm not to sure what to use for that yet this was a Childhood dream I never followed up on till now

  2. Greetings Commanders and Cadets Humans Vulcans Klingons Romulans Cardassians Marguis ect. my Name is Phil O'Donnell I thought I would create at a a Thred to get to know the other members of STSF so please feel free to post whatever is on your mind as long as it's within the STSF guidelines of course I have been quite busy as of late trying to find a job Sector 001's economy bites don't you think thanks to everyone who has been so welcomeing to me thus far well if I don't see you at the Academy see you at Red Star remember "if you belave you can suceed then you shall and you will boldly go where no one has gone before" (quote from Phil O'Donnell in Psyical Tharapey age 5)

  3. Thanks T'aral I enjoyed my time there I will indeed stop by again everyone on STSF has been so nice to me since I got here I have enjoyed the Training I have endured thus far and I hope to land a Position on a Science or Exploreation Vessal if possible well see you around may you live long and prosper

  4. All Starfleet Personel Cadets and Officers please be advised I updated my Profile to give it more of a Star Trek look it's something I've been orking with over the years feel free to take a look at it and feel free to leave feedback =/\=

  5. I'm so excited I have a Job Interveiw at Sheetz tomarrow I have been looking forwork for so long if I get the Job I will work on STSF in my free time wish me luck and good luck to you all in whatever you set out to acomplish

  6. Welcome to STSF, Phil! I hope you enjoy roleplaying here as much as I have. Feel free to ask if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing you in the academies!


    (P.S. Totally with you on the Defiants. They rock...give me a small maneuverable ship over a big Sovy-class any day. <_< )



    Thanks Kent I will enjoy my time here I'm sure of it =/\=

  7. I enjoyed my Chat with Prcip and Nickkles the Staff seems nice just remember the golden rule and all will be fine treat thoughs they way you yourself would like to be treated that's my tip for newcomers

  8. Although it's been some time since I've written a new tip, I'm feeling the need to discuss a topic that I thought was pretty obvious. It's fairly timely, this being an election year in the states (or the colonies, depending on how you look at them).


    No matter how well you've mastered the various positions, how well you build a scene, how skilled you are at not saying no and how wonderful a musketeer you've become ... you will not graduate if you're a pain in the aft thrusters.


    Graduating from the academy is a lot like running for office; people have to like you. Advanced simmers treasure their weekly hour-long vacation from reality, and they tend to walk away from it when someone spoils their fun. Everyone gets a fresh start with every Academy sim, but we're not going to invite you to join an Advanced sim if you can't get along with people in the Academy.


    Things to do in the Academy: Be polite, thank your hosts, take turns, accept other people's ideas, try your hardest to follow the story, and show respect the other players and the hosts. Someone doing all of these things is going to be welcomed, even if they're not the best player.


    Things not to do: Complain about the plot, pick fights with the other players (in character or out), brag about past accomplishments, whine about having to go through the academy at all, shoot down people's ideas while insisting they play out yours, go renegade "just to make things interesting", or bad mouth the hosts or any of the other players. We're not a professional sports team. Ability won't get you a job if it comes with an attitude.


    And just in case you think it's open season on Moose; that it doesn't matter what you do in my room because one of the other hosts has taken a liking to you ... guess what? We talk to each other.


    I know this makes it sound like a popularity contest. Is that fair? Yes, it is. It's even fair to the cadets. We're not doing anyone any favors if we graduate a player into the advanced games knowing they're not going to make any friends. And anyone who discounts the value of being liked can bake cookies for Martha Stewart and discuss it with her on visiting day.


    Everyone in the Academy is considered a cadet. Prior graduates should keep in mind that these rules apply double for them. It's hard for us to tell cadets that they don't have the right attitude when prior grads are behaving worse. And yes, the GMs talk about those people too.


    Whether you think of it a a job interview, meeting your date's parents for the first time, or another stop on the campaign trail, you're on display when you come to the Academy. You are going to be evaluated on what you say and do. Be polite and kind to everyone you meet.


    Tip From The Moose #6: Run For Office


    I just wanted to Complement the Staff I just joined and even though the Academy was canceled due to lack of Players on a Sunday Nikkles and Precip stayed and talked with me a bit I don't mean to bypass Protocol but I have an idea Post about STSF on Facebook Twitter Myspace ect. take the group to where the people are

  9. Hello everyone I am Phil odonnell I am 21 and I have been a Star Trek fan since the age of five, my favorite thing about Star Trek is the LCARS if possable I hope to get a position on a Ship maintaing the LCARS or devloping it. Please on a side note I enjoy Roleplaying if I violate a rule by RPing outside of the designated area forgive me Star Trek is my life I have Crebral Palsey but I can still walk like a normal person because of this it's hard for me to make friends my role models are Captians Picard,Janeway,Archer I didn't like DS9 to much it was a Space Station it didn't move anywhere to me the only thing Deep Space 9 has going for her is the NX-74205 USS Defiant my favorite Starships are small ones there easier to Maintain and Piolt I'm not to keen of the cumbersum behmoths that are the major classes but that doesn't mean I hate the big boys, Enterprise Voyager they are good Vessals but hard to manuver due to size tweak a Defiant Class a bit and you have yourself a pretty good Ship I think it's a pleasure to meet all of you