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About sad

  1. ***SPOILERS THROUGH OUT THIS WHOLE POST....LOL BUT WHO CARES*** Well I surfed through a few forums looking to see peoples reactions to the new Star Trek film yay :). I was very surprised to see that not a lot of "true" Star Trek fans had spoke up. Now I don't claim to be a full fledged Trekmiester lol I don't wear the uniform and I don't go to conventions (I will admit I have thrown up the "live long and prosper" sign before in fun ;) lol but not serious).I have watched Star Trek since I was a kid, before Kirk, I watched all through the 70's and up threw the new millennium. The Next Generation, all the movies "Kahn!!!!!" lol, I watched #1 crash the Enterprise ;) and Data cuss (one of the best moments ever!), I even watched the damn cartoon series ~smiles~ all of it. And when I caught wind of the new movie I was ecstatic, ran off watched the trailer and got goose bumps, I was so excited. And this is what I asked for Mothers Day, and yes of course I got to see the movie lol. Now I will say that the actors were great! They were matched up very well and most defiantly made me feel like I was watching the younger generation of the originals(the writing for them though....well we'll get to that later lol). But this will be the only positive reaction you will find in my post, is for the actors. This movie was a FLOP BIG TIME! Let's start from the beginning with J.J. Abrams the director who from the start admits that he was not a "true" fan of Star Trek and prefers Star Wars.Star Wars? WTF dude then why make a movie that you are not really into? And this is very evident in this movie and shows through out. I think he wanted to make a Star Wars movie but with Lucas still around he had no choice but to pick on one of the greats who has passed on. Make your own damn movie, come up with your own damn ideas, don't just stomp on someones work that you don't really care for. It's kind of like saying " I don't really like Picasso" and then turn around and paint a Monet calling it Picasso....Fail Fail Fail!!! Please!, you should have left Gene Roddenberry's art alone if you don't respect it. And If I had wanted to see a Star Wars movie I would have looked to Lucas for one not to you J.J.. Let's start from the beginning with each character, first Anakin...oh I mean young Kirk...it's kind of always been known that Kirk is a rebel, but not a hooligan. Rippin off cars and having no goals in life wtf was that? And then some guy he doesn't know is gonna come up to him in the "Star Wars Cantina" after a drunkin bar fight and convince him that he should be in Starfleet? That's going to be the clincher to making Kirk change his evil ways? Hahahaha yeah right! Now on to Spock, I just love Zachary Quinto in heroes and I think that he did what he could with his part as Spock. You can not blame him for the lack of knowledge and history of the character, this falls into the hands of the director and writers. It took years for Spock to get with his human side thnx to his human mother and co-trekys, but you killed her off J.J. and his whole damn planet!!! Wtf no wonder he was an emotional human wreck pickin fights and tossing Kirk out on that planet in what looked like one of their coffins they use lol, and that the old Spoke just happens to be hangin out there to save Kirk from that Star Wars monster...paaalease. And mackin on Uhura, Holy Hell Q what was up with that?!?! Uhura and Kirk yes there has always been sexual tension between those two, but Spock? Lmao I couldn't believe before my eyes I get to watch Spock actually kiss her back. That would never happen....And you made Uhura into this slutty lil tart 1/2 naked with that dressing scenes, wth were you thinking? Did you even know Mr. J.J. that Nichelle Nichols was one of the biggest role models for her time for African American women? Taking one of the lead roles she was an inspiration to a lot of women. You should be ashamed of how you portrayed her in this movie! Moving onto the Doc I loved him and with the lack of writing he worked that role for all it was worth. Sulu rocked his part and Scotty (other then his Star Wars companion) played their roles very well. But here is one for you, let you in on a lil secret J.J., Chekov wasn't even in the first season lol so how could he jump onto the Enterprise with everyone else now? LOL FAIL!!!! Tattooed, clipped eared, looked nothing like the original Romulan who have always been compared to Vulcans...???...not even close to getting that right....And last but not least the Enterprise O M G what were you thinking? The ship looked nothing like the original. It looked like it was from the Next Generation!!!! I was waiting for the saucer separation COME ON!!!!! And the see-through plastic and pink interior ~smiles~ what a nice touch lol noob....But the main reason this movie had me so disappointed and lost was this....THEY MESSED WITH THE TIME LINE!!!!! And the reason you did this J.J. was to justify your tarded changes you made to the movie. You do realize you killed off all of Star Trek right? This director took it upon himself to just change the time line and start a new, like oh yeah everything you've watched through your life...all the shows/series, movies, logos, t-shirts, your Klingon coffee mug you drink from every morning lol GONE! Because Mr.Abrams has started a new time line for you and it's all a new beginning ~smiles~ Shesh man even the good ole Doc from Back to the Future knows you don't mess with the frickin time line....The Voyage Home written by: Spock, is even based on time travel and doing everything possible to not mess with the time line and the true future. Lenord you directed this movie why did you not pull J.J. to the side and explain to him how this defeats part of the prime directive ;) lol ~sigh~..... Better luck next time I guess, since now you can do anything you like with your new series ~cry~ Sincerely,Gene Roddenberry Fan