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Brian Graham

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Everything posted by Brian Graham

  1. Chief Security Officer's Duty Log Lieutenant Brian Graham reporting USS Excalibur Stardate 200412.15 The results had proved less than Brian had hoped for. The Jem'Hadar was quite set on staying in the Cargo Bay, despite Brian's forceful directions to head to the Brig. He supposed that all Jem'Hadar were this stubborn. If his companions had been conscious, Brian would have assumed that the Jem'Hadar did not want to appear weak, but now it looked like the Jem'Hadar just wanted to be difficult. He had this habit of just lying on the deck with his eyes closed, even though Jem'Hadar don't need sleep. Perhaps it was his way of asserting control over the situation, and Brian wasn't amused. This guy possibly knew of the whereabouts of the Excalibur or at least more than what they had to go on at the moment and Brian was not going to carry out an interrogation in a roomful of Jem'Hadar. The door was locked and there was a guard nearby so Brian felt relatively safe. He headed over to the comm panel and hailed the brig, where McKnight was waiting for him to show up with the prisoner. Brian quickly turned down the volume so that hopefully the Jem'Hadar couldn't hear the conversation. "Yes, sir?" McKnight asked, his image coming up on the screen, showing him sitting at one of the consoles in the brig. "Get ready to activate the holding cell, you won't have much notice," Brian said in a hushed voice. "Why do you say that?" "You'll see, stand by." Brian walked over to the guard that was at the door. "Is there a problem Lieutenant?" the guard asked. "No, head to the transporter room and lock on to my signal. Wait for my command to energize, and beam me to these coordinates." The guard got a confused look on his face but complied, leaving Brian with a room full of knocked-out Jem'Hadar and one conscious one who was trying to look asleep. Brian caught himself imagining all the Jem'Hadar suddenly regaining consciousness and him being caught in a room full of them. "Swell" he said, though no one heard him. His communicator came online and the guard said he was standing by. "Good," Brian said and walked over to where the Jem'Hadar was. "You will come to the brig, now." Brian commanded, though he hardly expected the Jem'Hadar to listen. "I will not," the Jem'Hadar First replied, not even bothering to open his eyes. Brian didn't bother to say anything else. He ripped of his communicator badge and slammed it onto the Jem'Hadar's chest. "Transporter room, energize!" Brian yelled and stepped back. The Jem'Hadar opened his eyes, his attention thoroughly caught, ready to pulverize the guy who had just hit him, until he began to dematerialize from view. Brian quickly turned around and sprinted out of the Cargo Bay. Meanwhile, McKnight sat at the control station of the brig, still trying to figure out what Graham had said. A transporter beam caught his attention, even more so when he realized who was beaming into the room. The materialization sequence complete, the Jem'Hadar turned and jumped for the cell exit, only to crash into the forcefield as McKnight brought his hand down on the field activation control. The doors opened and Brian skidded in, afraid to find McKnight and the Jem'Hadar fighting, but instead saw McKnight sitting at the control station, looking quite pleased with himself. The Jem'Hadar on the other hand, was staring daggers at both of them from the other side of the forcefield. "That was a pretty good idea sir." "Well, it worked," Brian commented, his eyes coming to focus on the Jem'Hadar's chest, "except now he has my badge."
  2. I heard about it while looking at the ST.com Community Page as well. I wasn't sure if I should join or not but i did, and now you guys can't get rid of me!
  3. =/\=Starfleet Medical File=/\= Brian Graham --------------------------------------------- MEDICAL DIRECTIVE: In accordance with Article 26-10T of the Federation Medical Patient Rights Policy, Brian Graham is not to receive transfusions of whole blood, or any of its components, no matter the circumstances. Stardate 200103.11 Doctor Sharon Macarthy, Medical Officer, Starfleet Academy --Underwent treatment of injuries sustained in an altercation, including a black eye and two bruised ribs. --Patient removed from active duty for four days while treatment was conducted. Returned to duty on Stardate 200103.15-- Stardate 200407.08 Doctor Hines, Chief Medical Officer, Starbase 343 -- Underwent examination revealing physiological changes consistant with an Andorian male. Treatment: Prescribed a regiment of olfactory surpressant until patient had fully adapted to Andorian olfactory sensitivity. --Patient cleared to return to active duty-- Stardate 200407.22 Doctor Brianna M. Zion, Chief Medical Officer, USS Excalibur --Examination of olfactory adaptation, patient can be taken off olfactory suppressant. --Patient cleared to return to active duty-- Stardate 200503.20 Lt. jg. EJ Pilot, Acting Chief Medical Officer, USS Excalibur --Complete examination following prolonged exposure in an sub-par oxygen environment. --Patient cleared to return to active duty-- Stardate 200508.21 Lt. Elaine Delgado, Chief Medical Officer, USS Excalibur --Complete examination following multiple trauma to the cranial region caused by impacts of a Romulan disruptor pistol handle and a Romulan disruptor rifle stock. Treatment for swelling, disorientation, and minor bone damage. --Patient confined to sickbay for two days for observation-- --Update: Stardate 200508.23--Patient cleared to return to active duty-- Stardate 200510.16 Lt. Chell Reno, Assistant Medical Officer, USS Morningstar --Examination of injuries sustained during battle with an unknown alien vessel. --Treated for epidermal burns sustained to the right arm due to a an exploding console in close proximity. --Patient clear to return to active duty-- Stardate 200512.25 Lt. Cmdr. Elaine Delgado, Chief Medical Officer, USS Morningstar --Annual physical performed, no abnormalities or limitations detected. Approved for continued duty. Stardate 200602.26 Crewman Lowan J'tral, Assistant Medical Crewman, USS Excalibur --Examination and treatment of minor cranial trauma sustained during the battle at Camelot Station againt the Hundred Fleet on Stardate 200602.26. --Patient approved to return to active duty. Stardate 200603.15 Lt. Chell Reno, Assistant Medical Crewman, USS Excalibur --Examination and treatment for exposure to radioactive fallout on a devastated planet. --Patient approved to return to active duty.
  4. Assistant Security Officer’s Duty Log Lieutenant Brian Graham Reporting USS Excalibur Stardate 200412.10 Brian Graham walked the corridor of the captured Jem’Hadar battlecruiser and stepped over another unconscious Jem’Hadar. He and Ensign Chen were currently searching for a transporter room which would prove exceedingly helpful in rounding up the Jem’Hadar littered throughout the ship. “I think I’ve found it,” Chen said, studying a tricorder, “take a left up here.” “Nice work, we’d probably be walking around for hours trying to find the thing,” Brian replied, taking the left. The two proceeded along the corridor for ten meters until Chen stopped. “Here,” he said, pointing at the door. “Alright, detect anything in there?” Chen pointed the tricorder toward the door for a second, scanning beyond it, “One Jem’Hadar life sign, but unconscious.” “Good,” Brian said, walking into the room, phaser still in his hand, even though it wasn’t needed. That fact was made more evident when they saw the soldier passed out on the floor near the console. Brian holstered the phaser and walked over toward the transporter control console and tried keying in a few commands, only to get buzzes of disapproval. “The Bridge must have locked out the transporters,” Brian said, even though Chen more than likely knew already. “See if the other group has the cargo bay ready while I try to get this working.” Chen nodded and got in contact with the other teams while Brian tapped his communicator badge, “Graham to Commander Neo.” “Neo here, go ahead, Lieutenant,” returned the Commander, several decks up but sounding as if he were in the room. “Sir, we’re attempting to use the transporters to move the Jem’Hadar, could you restore access to Transporter Room 4?” “Sure thing, stand by,” the Commander replied. Brian waited a few seconds and tried again, bringing up a quick diagnostic program. The console responded accordingly so they were in business. “Thank you sir,” Brian concluded, concentrating on the outcome of the diagnostic. “No problem, Neo out,” he finished, closing the intra-ship communication, leaving Chen as the only other source of sound in the room. “Sir, cargo bays 2 and 4 have reported they are ready to receive the Jem’Hadar. Adequate space has been cleared and forcefields are ready to engage. Cargo Bays 1 and 3 will be ready within the hour” “Good deal, see if you can find me a cargo container to beam here, nothing volatile though.” “Here, sir?” “Yeah, I’m not too familiar with Dominion transporter systems so I’d rather try on a container instead of a Jem’Hadar. Won’t need much of an explanation with a broken container, but a puddle of Jem’Hadar wouldn’t go over very well with the Captain.” “I see,” Chen replied, already at another console focusing the internal sensors on an object. “Got one, feeding you the coordinates.” “I have them, beginning transport…,” Brian said as he engaged the dematerialization sequence and began the materialization subroutine. A portion of the transporter pad lit up and the container appeared, seemingly alright. “Transport complete. The system says no anomalies occurred during transport, looks like we got it right.” Brian sent the container back to where it came from and got ready to try a life form. “Time to get some real work done. Have you located a group of Jem’Hadar?” “Yes, transferring information.” “Got it, Transporter Room 4 to Cargo Bay 2, stand by for incoming.” The procedure went on for an hour. Chen would locate another group of Jem’Hadar while Brian transported the previous group. The captives would materialize in the Cargo Bay and officers there confiscated the weapons and took them to secure locations. The Jem’Hadar, on the other hand, slept through the whole thing. Forcefields were erected when a Cargo Bay filled up, and guards were stationed. The procedure went well, with the Jem’Hadar temporarily incarcerated, the invaders were free to move about the ship.
  5. Sort of the same thing happened at my house that morning. I said "Dad, it's Pearl Harbor Day, a day that will live.." and he finished "in infamy." Yeah, it's what's always said when someone mentions Pearl Harbor but we said it anyway. Glad you passed the information on to another generation A9 and hopefully they will do the same.
  6. It should mean a lot to everybody. You have a unique experience Jerry since you can hear first-hand accounts of things from that era. Most from then don't want to talk about it and I don't find it suprising really.
  7. Yes, that part was great. That actor does very well on "Monk" too.
  8. This sounds like something I'd like to get into as well. I'll do some research on it.
  9. I would like to take this opportunity to express my personal endorsement of that particular film. (Just got finished reading a history chapter on Nixon and they made him sound like that on the Simpsons once so I figured I'd use it.)
  10. Maybe he negotiated a deal with Alex becasue I'm sure he got tired of looking at him.
  11. You know what's odd, that sounds like something that would happen in a game of Calvinball.
  12. I had that question as well, until someone at startrekfans.net suggested that the alien that brought Kahless used the images and information in Kirk and Spock's mind to create the representation of him. Made sense to me, but yeah, we all know the real reason about the ridges, but I'm happy that Enterprise is coming up with a way to explain it in the show. Score more points for Enterprise!
  13. There may be a connection with the temporary smooth foreheaded Klingons and the weapon that was launched at a Klingon colony in the Augment arc. I've heard this theory mentioned mentioned on some boards. That could explain Kor's forehead change from no-ridge to ridge from TOS to DS9, if they are supposed to be the same guy.
  14. Man, those were great. I'm suprised Montana even had that going for them.
  15. Maybe there are lots of Federation ships because fans like that stuff. Well, at least I do. :P
  16. ;) He joined the same day you did.
  17. Nicely done. ;)
  18. I found it odd that your post said you have just become a member today, or is that some trick you use?
  19. Excellent. Now I can see new episodes as well as refamiliarize myself with the older ones. I consider this good news.
  20. Assistant Security Officer's Duty Log Lieutenant Brian Graham Reporting USS Excalibur Stardate 200411.01 "How does it look?" "Fine, everything is stable across the board." "Good, I'd hate to get lost out here." No one would. The Excalibur was currently on the fringe of an asteroid field, still searching for the Admiral. The one lead they had didn't go as far as they had hoped, fizzling out here in the asteroid field. While the Excalibur planned its next move, Brian had taken the opportunity to see how well the repairs had gone. One of the Excalibur's shuttles needed repairs and Brian had helped out on it. Port thrusters weren't working and neither was the shuttle's access hatch. Both had been repaired in just under five hours and there really wasn't any other way to make sure that the repairs had been 100% effective. Since the Excalibur was near an asteroid field, there was no better opportunity than to test if a maneuvering thruster was working properly. After clearing the shuttle test with the Bridge, Brian and 2nd Shuttle Technician Keller took the shuttle into the field. It probably wasn't the best idea. The shuttle had checked out, but if something went wrong in the asteroid field and the shuttle was stranded, that meant the Excalibur had another rescue mission to deal with. Plus, if the ship found signs of the Admiral and needed to go, rescuing the shuttle would take precious time that could be critical. I'd say let us stay out here Brian mused. If that situation did occur, he'd rather be left out there than be responsible for the loss of a high ranking, heck any ranking officer. The hatch passed, that was evident when the shuttles atmosphere hadn't vented out into space as soon as the shuttle left the shuttlebay. The thruster would require more time, and that test would definitely be more fun. "Hang on," Brian warned. "Why? ... Gah!" Keller exclaimed as he was thrown back in his seat. The shuttle whipped around to the right, circling an asteroid at high impulse. "What was that for?!" "Got to make sure the thruster can operate at that much power. Has the data come through yet?" "Yeah, thruster performed optimally, well within specifications. Lieutenant, we've been out here an hour, don't you think the shuttle passed?" "What, you want to go back already?" "Preferably sir, that last maneuver sent my stomach spinning." Brian glanced over, noticing he did look ill. "Jeez you don't look good. I thought you would be used to shuttles." "I am, as a technician, not as a pilot." "Sorry, that's what I get for assuming, eh? Yeah we can head back, then you can stop by sickbay." "Thank you, we have enough data to review, but looks like this shuttle will be ready for active duty. All that really is needed is for the Chief to approve it." Brian brought the shuttle around and pointed it toward the Excalibur, trying to keep the shuttle as steady as possible. The shuttle had been fixed and it would be terrible to mess up the interior. "Get us permission to dock will you?" Several seconds passed as Brian lined up the shuttle's approach with the Shuttlebay on Deck 9. "Bridge has cleared us on this approach, feeding coordinates to helm." "Got them," Brian said, adjusting the shuttle to match the approach coordinates and slowing to 1/8 impulse. He stopped the shuttle at the designated the coordinates and cut the engines as the shuttlebay tractor beam took over. He sat up in his chair and looked out the forward window, scanning the surface of the Excalibur. "What are you doing?" "I always look to see if anyone is watching us out a window." "Why?" "I don't know, it's fun. Come here quick." "What?" Keller asked, sitting up and looking to where Brian was pointing. "We have an audience, wave," Brian said, sending a friendly wave to the person looking at the shuttle from the window of Deck 10. The person returned it and Brian sat back down in the chair and waited for the shuttle to dock. "That's an odd tradition you have there Lieutenant." "Hey, don't tread on me. See if I ever help you fix a shuttle again."
  21. Wow, we must have been really hurting for equipment to use something a Pakled designed. Should have used the Crimson Forcefield.
  22. Congratualtions to the Boston Red Sox. Nicely done boys.
  23. That's Gowron's ship being attacked by Duras sister's cronies in "Redemption Part 1"
  24. Cowards!! The only baseball game I liked was the DSNiners versus the Logicans, plus for the most part I enjoy playing sports more than watching them. But I did enjoy seeing the Yankees lose. :D
  25. Yeah, but it thier fault since they assigned it. That's always been my policy at least that why they get NO SYMPATHY!