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Leila Kalomi

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Everything posted by Leila Kalomi

  1. You know, it had alot of Stargatish elements to it, I think. I loved the tippy end where Nimoy-Spock says the Final Frontier thingy and the music is at the end. Summary of Entire Movie: Way after everything that has ever happened happened Nimoy-Spock successfully ruins his family's, his race's, the Romulan race's, and all his friend's lives perfectly and completely. The End. BTW, isn't the Romulan species in even more doo doo than the Vulcan one?
  2. Yeah, I had such a kick out of that. ;) ;)
  3. Uber-Super Star Rampages Under-estimated Sulu Swinging Rapiers
  4. I agree with you Farrington. In everything. I'm so glad Nimoy-Spock was in it! Though the annhilation of Vulcan was unnessary. And Sarek wasn't what he was before. And Amanda died lamely. And McCoy jamming his hypo into Kirk's neck was good. I totally think making Spock mad and beat up Kirk should have been like "This Side of Paradise." EDIT: Snaps, I just realized Chapel and Rand where nowhere seen!
  5. Oh my. It was the most awesome Star Wars episode that ever existed! Okay, just kidding. I loved it so much! I don't know if it's appropriate for a spoiler, but I could give the entire movie summary complete with quotes and all right here! Even though I'm a TOS purist I still loved it! They even give you the option of liking it or not by the alternate timeline and all! Excellent, even though all the tech was wrong! And even though all the Romulans and Vulcans had the WRONG EARS! I thought it was kind of funny, though it's a shame Gary Mitchell and Finnigan weren't there. Anyone who hasn't seen it must! EDIT: Oh, weird I was planning on being a Vulcan in the U.S.S. Hood sim. Now all the Vulcans are dead not to mention the Hood. EDIT2: As for what I think of Spock romances - look at my avatar! ;)
  6. That's it! I'm going to go see it in two hours!
  7. Ahhh, I see. That doesn't sound like something I'd stay up till 2 watching in a theater though. I'm supposing that the odd/even phenomenion is in effect here?
  8. Yeah, the part that says Gene Roddenberry was the guy who invented Star Trek way back in the 40's or something. ;) ;) :P
  9. I've never felt bad about knowing mostly TOS. I'm a TOS purist and it's just weird when there's all the everything-trekkies I'm just the lil 60's Trekklet.
  10. How can it be non-canon if it's a movie? Does it directly violate established canon? Also, Cdr Zareh, which unaltered timeline do you mean? In the TAS episode "Yesteryear" they state that the timeline as TOS knew it was in reality an alternate timeline in which Spock survives his khas-whan. (I know TAS is usually considered non-canon, I hope they made most of the facts presented in it canon in this movie.)
  11. I'll probably be one of those heaving mad. I'm a TOS purist and I've been dieing to see what they did to MY SHOW.
  12. Uninvited Starship of Sleezy Romulans
  13. Captain Kirk's chair ought to have massages and a foot-rest. Football.bmp
  14. I meant as a favorite, but it's of no matter since I've already decided. I read through the logs and the U.S.S. Hood sounds like the most awesome coffee-donut-illogic-while-wearing-miniskirts-and-gogo-boots starship there ever was! ;)
  15. Thanks. ;) Is there anything else I need to know before I start the next academy session? And what do you suppose are the best species to play as: Human, Vulcan, Catian, Andorian, or Romulan/Human?
  16. Okay, cool everyone! I was wondering, are Romulan/Human hybrids allowed in Starfleet or is that too dangerous?
  17. I hear the uniforms, though based on the Original uniforms, are actually collar-less. They've a black shirt underneath that gives the impression of a black collar at a distance. The miniskirts are longer and two piece. They've a blouse and matching skirt. That's all I can spoil. ;)