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Leila Kalomi

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Everything posted by Leila Kalomi

  1. I didn't mean on THE board, I meant on board the ship. These ships have been simming for years, so they naturally have superior officers. The ships don't keep restarting, they get new missions every so often. New recruits are Ensigns. Sometimes players leave. Sometimes characters die. And so like any armed force, there is a constant supply of recruits to replace officers.
  2. Oh, I suppose then you would start off as an Ensign on another ship. It wouldn't be totally populated by Ensigns because there are always players that have been on board for a longer period of time. Like in actual Starfleet.
  3. Last night at the nightclub, discussion of a trivia question where Kirk's middle inital was "R" in "Where No Man Has Gone Before." V'Roy: Is that what you call a canonical disruptancy? Leila Kalomi: No, it's what you call a pilot. V'Roy: But Kirk wasn't the pilot, he was the captain!
  4. Welcome. I wouldn't worry too much, when I started (and now you can see my join date :P) I had no roleplaying experience and had only ever seen TOS. As for promotion, when you graduate you are an Ensign. You enter the ship of your choice as an Ensign. You are promoted through that ship as the officers see fit. If you go to another ship, (which I certainly haven't tried, so I'm guessing logically here) I believe you begin as an Ensign again. You can't have two player characters on the same ship. EDIT: Lol, you joined on a holiday! I joined the day the movie came out, so everyone was away and I couldn't do anything, XD.
  5. Come and see. :P
  6. I am seriously amazed that I know a 6-year old that can tell a original series Romulan from a Vulcan.
  7. Oh? How do you know about my character? I haven't even a ship yet! :P
  8. Wow.
  9. Hello there! Just don't go to an academy where I'm the Chief Medical Officer. :P
  10. Hey, USSR is a fun one! Under Superior Starfleet Rule! Undignified Swabbing the Starboard Recruits! Understanding Sarek's Son- Really?
  11. *Sigh* When I first saw "This Side of Paradise" I was totally jealous of Leila Kalomi... Hmmm.... I don't know.... Maybe I still am...
  12. Sounds good. I remember reading a quantum mechanics article. According to something or another, matter is able to switch in between universes. Or... at least that's how I remember it. Quantums are deep stuffs. :P
  13. I'd hate to get off topic again, but it seems to me that, though explanitory, creating a new universe/reality EVERY time someone time travels is a bit- well- harsh. That means the time (even in the original series) is so vastly altered from its original course, that it's impossible to even conceive of what the original timeline might have been. I mean, (I probably sound like muddle right now), that anyone, the original crew, the next gen crew, the time-traveler from H.G. Wells's "The Time-Machine", any of those people created a whole new timelines every time they traveled, and just didn't notice it. Even in TAS: Yesteryear, they discover their "original" timeline is in reality a muddle of alternates. That's just food for thought. EDIT: Whoops, saw Travis's post above. Yeah, why the directive? It makes no difference. Or maybe only Spock Prime really knows that. Or at least not Starfleet.
  14. Then I should change my name too? Hello, Capt.
  15. Live long and prosper, have fun, this is a cool RP site, and how do you reckon you'll change your chat handle?
  16. LOL, MacGyver making a spaceship.
  17. I always thought the original bridge looked nice and homey. I like the red and black colorations and though the computers were incredibly lame technically they still added to the effect. When they "fix up" stuff I get to missing the old Enterprise. :) They make it too big and too clear. ;)
  18. Exactly. Though, I'm looking over my shoulder wondering if the time-folks from TOS: Assignment- Earth won't try to fix the timeline.
  19. :) Mercy.
  20. You'll get flamed, sad. And if not by anyone else, it'll be me. :) You call yourself a Trek fan? ;)
  21. That has to be the weirdest Spock avatar I ever saw. ::Blinks.:: Well, welcome, glad you like Vulcans, hope you have fun!
  22. Oh my, I see coffee!
  23. The Doomsday Machine: Giant planet eater destroying hundreds of planets and starships and stuffs. Operation: Annihilate!: Brain cells that cause solar systems to go insane. The Immunity Syndrome (One of my favorites): Giant ameoba that eats planets and Vulcans.
  24. Ooh, no. I'm starting to think I need to watch the movie again. EDIT: Oh wait, I just saw a movie clip on their website. It was a Cardassian Sunrise. :) I still think I need to rewatch it, though.