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Leila Kalomi

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Everything posted by Leila Kalomi

  1. I added a cool Sloganizer thing in my signature. You know, messing with that thing can be a real kick.
  2. So 100 percent. Okay, brilliant. Maybe that explains what the sewer bill was even higher than the water bill. :huh:
  3. Funny you said that, a couple of days ago I DID get a In'N'Out Double Double Animal Style. No Animal Fries though. :P Farmer's Market is good too. I like the corned beef at Maggie's. And I love your beaches. So clean, with real blue water. Back home I see brownish water with oil rigs in the distance. At least we actually have shells.
  4. Sorry I was away so long. Went to L.A., can't get internet easily where I am. I went to Disneyland yesterday and bought myself a Fedora. Nice. I loved the Indiana Jones ride the best. Like where the Jeep speeds onto the bridge with lava below and flames shooting everywhere and the bridge is swinging crazily and then the car jerks forward and zooms ahead. Then skeletons popping out of everywhere and the car zooming everwhere, great ride for hyper people like me. I really miss Texas, but I'm having fun here... oh well. Got my dad's cousin who works for Paramount to send me a free DVD for TOS Star Trek's first season, but of course I'll have to get home to see them. ::Rolls eyes.:: Arrgh, need to get off, ah well....
  5. Sometime ago I just googled around and found it free in a .rar file somewhere. I don't remember where...
  6. Oh, MRE's. Federal poison.
  7. My computer's name is "Sandy the UFP Terminal", for the evil thinking computer in a MacGyver episode, and because whenever I start up Windows on it a distinctly Majel Barrett voice says "Welcome to the Federation databank."
  8. Cool, T'aral wears a red shirt now. Uh oh. Also, I'M ASSIGNED A SHIP NOW!! YAY!!! I'M A BLUE SHIRT!!! YAY!!! ::Doing a sort of happy dance jig while holding an imaginary Twix in my right hand and on my left hand trying to use an imaginary Goa'uld hand-weapon-thingy-that makes-a-cool-sonicy-sound-with-evil-light-in-middle on the TV set::
  9. It was sooo weird that episode where Carter says they were taking forever to "Macgyver" something, and then the view switched to O'Neill. And where the random army dude greets O'Neill and Co. with a Vulcan salute. And the Atlantis episode where Ranon is angrily banging away at a console and Sheppard says "Hold it, Chewy," which is creepy since Sheppard is the spitting image of Han Solo. EDIT: I love the quote "We can't ever tell where it came from. Damn! I guess I'll have to cancel that Oprah interview."
  10. Kay, watching SG1 now, it's fun. Not so creepy. What's up with Macgyver and the Stargates? :(
  11. ::Hasn't bothered with SG1- yet- anyway. Man, Sheppard's hot....All the episodes, so creepy...:: MAJOR EDIT: Okay, actually, Sheppard scares me. Everyone scares me. :( Atlantis is one creepy show. Watch "Whispers." It kicks butt. ^_^ ::Sitting in bed at 4:00 AM watching this creepy but cool show.:: :)
  12. Cool, I watched three episodes of Stargate Atlantis and I'm amazed. It's like Star Trek, but with Star Wars.... Nice. Sheppard's hot.
  13. I also trained my betta fish to do tricks at hand signals. I can't tolerate useless pets. Finger pointing down meant jump-out-of-the water-while-snapping-mouth, and finger pointing horizontal meant flare-at-me-while-trying-to-attack. He was actually easier to train than the cat, who hated shaking paws.
  14. I once had a cat that would sit up, shake paws, and go to the bathroom on a toilet.
  15. Yeah JJLexi, I'm still mad they threw away a bottle of hair conditioner. And they would have thrown away a bottle of lotion too, but my dad convinced them that it was a special perscription kind, and they let us keep it. If you can stand there arguing its medical qualities and get away with it, I don't see why someone can't make a bomb with something like that.
  16. Yeah, Pike was awesome. I'm ashamed to think that in The Cage I thought he was a wimpy captain. XD It seems to me that this was a Kirk/Spock movie, with Spock Prime and Captain Pike running the show. PS. T'aral, glad you like it- our GM's are imaginative aren't they? :(
  17. It struck me that they were surveying.
  18. Mmmmmhhmm, it seems very hard to find any information on the Fabrini. EDIT: Oh, I just found a Memory Beta article saying they landed on Lorina/Daran IV in 2270. Since it's from a book though, it's by no means canon...
  19. Seeing as this article is about looking for Trek knowledge for bio purposes, and that Owen has already been answered, I'll take the liberty of asking: Does anyone know canon or not where the Yonada landed? Was it someplace in the Daran system?
  20. ::Gasps at Sakiko.:: Ou-outdated? And I run about with 7.0? ::Jaw drops.::
  21. Okay, so my replicator looked a suspicious lot like a duck hunter.
  22. ::Mimes a replicator shooting bagels at unsuspecting cadets.:: ::Mimes a cadet clutching his chest and rolling onto the floor, dead.::
  23. Oh, I don't know, it never seems like they use one for backup anyways. They both go at once. And looking weird is a matter of opinion. I liked it.
  24. With so many users there's often birthdays everyday. Active or not. It's logical. Birthday, Sovak! \\//
  25. There, Damian said it best. :P