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Leila Kalomi

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Everything posted by Leila Kalomi

  1. I'm sorry I called your ship a coffee and donut party with girls in miniskirts and go-go boots when I first joined! Happy B-day!
  2. ::Hops up and down in the camera's view. Puts eye up to lenses.:: Hi, this is me.
  3. ::Engages time machine.:: Happy B-Day, EVA JAZ!!! ::Cranks the machine forward again.::
  4. Thanks guys. Thanks Will, for uh that nice cake.
  5. Aww, I like ABBA moments.
  6. LOL, I think Kirk sitting there and suddenly exploding would have ruined the episode.
  7. A chat robot just told me the answer to life was 42. So I asked, wherever did you get 42? And it said from the question. And I said that I asked what the meaning of life was. And it said that if I was so meaningless as to ask a robot what the meaning of life is then I should forget life and shoot myself.
  8. Wahooo!!! You're on the Challenger!!!! ::Does back-flips.::
  9. Woah!!!! This new McCoy looks just like Gary Mitchell! http://bluemoviereviews.files.wordpress.co...04/mitchell.jpg http://www.poptower.com/images/db/6882/420.../karl-urban.jpg That's really disturbing that two people should look so alike.
  10. Oh LOL, Galaxy Quest just came to mind.
  11. I went to Canada, brought back tons of those cool little pennies they have, and sold them to the neighbor kids for five cents each.
  12. I was considering buying this Wrath of Khan type Starfleet uniform off ebay. http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/4774/twok.jpg I know it's missing the belt, rank pin, and badge. If I buy this uniform along with the other accesories it will amount to $160 complete with shipping. This is by no means the best uniform replica I've ever seen, but its a lot cheaper than most. Do you think this is a good deal?
  13. I'll own that one's nicer, there's one I like even better for $95 elsewhere, but I was thinking the best chance for an appropriate size is a tailored one. Hmm.
  14. I want to spam but I hate spamming so much I won't spam.
  15. This IS a random topic....
  16. If you wanted to hide the name of the poem it shouldn't mention its own title within it. :D As for me being awesome, I so already knew it, but I like hearing people say it anyway. :P
  17. The seller is offering to make the uniform to the buyer's specifications. It also has a 14 day money back warranty. I'm mainly asking, does the uniform look good? Movie-replica wise? I saw other costume store places that sell better for $300-$1000. I looked over the other items I'd have to get and they look alright. They'd have to be sewn on sure, but that's no problem. EDIT: The uniform itself is $80, it's just that the price racks up with the other stuffs and shipping.
  18. The latest sci-fi need edge-of-the-seat action? The difference between us and them: Star Wars will invent six cultures to hop into spankin' new and very cool starfighters to bust up the galaxy's latest terror. Star Trek will invent one culture that disallows its women to wear clothes. And Stargate will take Star Trek's culture so that they can nuke the bad guys that are forcing this culture's women to wear clothes.
  19. Oh dear. I think the best rule of thumb I can think of for any franchise is to keep spin-offs at a mininium.
  20. Oh my, it just snowed yesterday! That's the only time on record that it snowed two consective years! We made snowmen wearing sombreros and holding Dr. Peppers and the neighbors all came to our front yard to take pictures.
  21. If you're watching TOS, I'd recomend Fancast, they've lots of streaming episodes online and last time I checked they're only missing the episode "Operation: Annihilate!" Welcome, we're a fun, rowdy lot, you'll have lots of fun or your tribbles back.
  22. Happy Birthday Admiral!!! ::Pom-poms, confetti, dancing girls.:: Many happy nines today!
  23. Homeless people are too rich these days. I once had a similar story with several pairs of new shoes, though I didn't win them at a bowling tournament.
  24. You know, I've asked that question to myself over and over all my life.
  25. In the time it took you to discuss this I've bought the regular DVD set and watched it several times.