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Everything posted by T'aral

  1. Perhaps some fresh pictures for my sig? I've edited the current one so much it's getting grainy.
  2. My favorite books: My Enemy, My Ally : The Romulan Way : Spock's World : Dreadnought : Battlestations : The Pandora Principle How Much For Just The Planet? is also good. And, of course, I've misplaced them all. :P
  3. *Sigh* It does look facinating ... a pity that participating would be a poor idea on my part. I have already determined that joining a sim that starts at 9:00 EST is a bad idea due to family obligations which keep me from participating properly for the first half of the hour. It's not fair to the other sim players for me not to be properly available. I already struggle with this on the Comanche Creek; I have no desire to repeat my poor performance elsewhere. Besides; I have little doubt that the Engineering positions are already filled.
  4. Well, as long as you appear to still be around ... Uncharacteristic hug comes from Vulcan.
  5. Dominion War / Post-Dominion War RPs: (6) Agincourt - Arcadia - Excalibur - Reaent - Republic - Sky Harbor Aegis Next Generation RPs: (2) Manticore - Talon ( Romulan ) Alternate / Outside Universe: (2) Qob ( Tranquility ) - Red Star Nightclub First Generation ( Cinema ): (1) Challenger First Generation ( TOS ): (1) Hood First Generation ( 2.0 ): (1) Comanche Creek Early Era ( Enterprise ): (0) -------------------- Updated per responses, and final category added.
  6. The mountains were folding, the deserts were boiling, and the cities crumbled to dust as the core of the Vulcan race was devoured from within ... T'Aral awoke from the dream as she had done so many times before; a little less disturbed than the previous time she had it. It was her new 'stress dream': that vision of uncertainty which comes whenever faced with too many challenges and not enough time to meditate properly. The quarantine time was becoming a challenge for her. Because of the nature of the situation, she was the best medical officer suited to examine the away team. Everything had been going smoothly, but it was difficult at times to maintain her solitude. Unlike others on board the vessel she had not developed any personal attachments as such, and so was disinclined to share her time. This was becoming a problem as she was confined to a limited area which was shared, and solitude was a difficult thing to come by. Solitude was necessary if she was to meditate: most sentient species shared the common trait of curiousity, and they didn't mind interrupting her incessantly with the repititious question - "... what are you doing?" At length T'Aral finally found a closet large enough to suit her, and with only a little work the door was modified for her needs. She meditated in peace and quiet for a full hour as she sought the answer to a fresh problem. The recent events of the Comanche Creek had added to the stresses she was already attending to, and changes were taking place. So far she was able to keep matters hidden from the crew, but internally her struggle was getting worse. She found herself to be irritable of late, and given to the strangest inclinations. The worst came at a recent mealtime, when she found the aroma of the Captain's bacon almost intoxicating. The irritability, the stress, and the odd cravings all pointed to a single cause - but it could not be. Her cycle wasn't due for over a year. However, her time in meditation and the difficulty she had in stilling her mind only increased her belief that she was in fact amiss. A simple tricorder scan confirmed her suspicions - her hormonal levels were beginning to unbalance. Vulcan's destruction, the refugee crisis, and her inability to make a meaningful contribution to recent events to improve the outcome had all come together in a single stressful point. It had thrown off her cycle: T'Aral was entering the early stages of Pon Farr. T'Aral set aside the tricorder and opened a small wooden box. Within it was a set of herbal remedies, which she sorted through to find a meditative mixture. The tea she brewed from it helped to calm her anxieties, well enough to allow her training to obtain the upper hand for the moment. She relaxed and allowed the moment to grant her peace - there was no cause for alarm. She decided to contact the New Vulcan colony, sending a coded message to her superiors. They would understand, and hopefully could aid her in the current situation. There were always alternatives; she simply needed to find one. Two more days, and then the quarantine period would be ended. At that point she would speak to the captain about arranging for shore leave. The crew had been through much, and at a point where they were still learning their places. A little rest would be good for them. That T'Aral would also have an opportunity to resolve her own issues would be nothing more than an additional benefit.
  7. Hello.
  8. Well, that is true to some extent. Yet that should not be used as an excuse to be needlessly biligerent IC. It must not be forgotten that everyone here is trying to have fun. One does not need to take IC biligerence personally in order to decide that a sim simply isn't any fun, since their character faces needless hostility week after week. IC conflict is all good and well, but can be done to excess.
  9. It's a fruit/vegetable base sauce with malt vinegar and spices. In America it is generally used as steak sauce, with the closest traditional brands being HP and A1.
  10. I'll never be able to forget what I heard once in a commercial: "I just thought there was this animal called a 'spam', and that's what Spam was made of."
  11. *sigh* I should've stuck with engineering. :P ------------------ There are a number of good pictures at Screenrant.com. Just search "USS Kelvin Images" on google, it's one of the first ones to pop up. ( Can't seem to offer an address without a link popping up, and I respect that folks don't want links here. )
  12. The advice has been excellent for those who are in command, but I will direct my comments to those in subordinate positions. I had it drilled into me, under no uncertain terms, that the chain of command is to be respected. Whether or not I agreed with a superior's orders, those orders were to be obeyed. Offering my own opinion was to be brief and not to be fought for - I was a subordinate and expected to behave as such. Sometimes it turns out well, sometimes it turns out badly; but them are the rules and we are to abide by them.
  13. There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very very good - and when she was bad she was horrid!
  14. Need a laugh in these tough times? Go to YouTube, search "night court bob and june". It's some of Brent Spiner's best work. They're best if you watch them in order.
  15. There's another Shogun fan on the board - Happiness!
  16. Don't you know? All starships use the same basic control configurations. That is how Sulu could fly a Klingon Bird-Of-Prey after five minutes of looking at it. As for not having backups, that's because the Enterprise was full of Godless Atheistic Heathens.
  17. I've been through this sort of thing more times than I care to count. It won't help the RPs, but do you have an internet-capable library nearby? They give you about an hour a day to fiddle about - it could be enough to keep going on the forums. I would miss you terribly if you weren't about at all.
  18. ?!?!? We can't discuss Trek Tech in Trek discussion?
  19. Yes - but by giant locusts?
  20. I couldn't agree more.
  21. Sounds about right, especially given what I remember of TOS. I must say: I admire the thought you're putting into this ... even if I'm not exactly sure why.
  22. Hmm ... I have 10 minutes ... "Beginning of the End", pt. 4
  23. As Jorahl said: there's enough inconsitency about to allow you to define whatever you wish. The important thing is that you work with it enough to make it believable. It was pretty clear that the Communications station was primarily an external-use station. Uhura rarely put herself into the mix unless it was something that had come from outside the ship, or the ship's natural system was taxed in some way ( in short - her job was to add plot points and drama ). Enterprise did a great deal more with the position, expanding the Comm Officer to one of ambassador and linguist in addition to signaling officer.
  24. ... and I agree with you completely. I'm just saying it's easier to shut the door on such RPing in an Academy ( where it can be written off as a learning experience ) than in an Advanced Sim where such activities have long-term repercussions. That, and in Academy settings getting feedback on such activities is par for the course. Advanced Sims grant far more leeway to their players.