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Posts posted by JJLexi

  1. I always found the best place to write was in the ambulance, waiting for a call. Did some of my best logs there.


    There was this place off of Mulholland Dr. in LA that I use to drive to in order to write love letters to my girlfriend in high school. I could probably write good logs there too, but I live in Ohio now.


    That and there's probably no wireless service for my laptop.


    And oh yeah. I was detained there my senior year by the LASD. because some old lady who lived about 200 yards away from where I would write thought I was a stalker. That, and its also a crime to drive a car worth less that 50,000 dollars in that neighborhood most likely.

  2. Coward! :) You should really, really go in Winter, when the snow's so high, all you see on a missile site is the top 3 feet of barbed wire fencing, and the wind blowing so hard your vehicle drops 20 miles per hour when you turn into the wind


    You just described F.E Warren. Which I have had the honor of visiting in the winter time.

  3. Yeah, I felt that way about New Jersey when I was assigned to North Dakota. (Which even Dac'll agree with me on that one)



    I have no idea why you would think that way about ND. I -love- Minot AFB. And I've been there plenty of times.


    ::will not mention that he's only been there in July, August, or September::



  4. I had a VERY bizarre dream last night involving the end of the world, my 1988 red Nissan Pulsar, and a group of refugees from the apocalypse including several cast members from Battlestar Galactica, several STSF Shore Leave attendees, and myself hefting a large shotgun a la "Half-Life" and blowing away evil aliens who looked like extremely beautiful women with dark flowing hair.


    My subconscious must be a very interesting place.


    Are you sure they weren't fem-bots a la Austin Powers?

  5. One week, ten pages of scribbled equations, and 500 gray hairs later. I finally came up with the final part of the equation:


    g = (1 + Δ)b


    All I needed to do was ask the math major of the building. He figured it out in 10 minutes. :huh:


    The problem was that my feeble brain can only take so much math at one time, and this little part was the final step in about a 10 step equation. I would have so many numbers floating in my head that I would end up curled up in the corner of my office rocking back and forth. So finally, our resident math major came back from TDY and came to my rescue. Its been a rough week for my brain.

  6. My wife has been on the phone for 3 hours with her girlfriend. . .All the while, I'm starving. . . .


    Its not that I'm a chauvinist, (in fact, I'm the better cook) its just that we have a coupon for a free meal at Denny's that expires tomorrow and we can't go tomorrow, so we have to use it today.


    Pancakes for dinner. . . .Love it. ::looks towards his wife:: IF SOMEONE GETS OFF THE PHONE!!!!!

  7. I just got called a loser for rooting for the U.S. soccer team. This person wondered why I would root for a team that had no chance in winning and that "people who know soccer" would root for teams like Italy or Spain, or Brazil.


    This man had a Cincinnati Bengals hat on. You're gonna lecture me about rooting for teams that have no chance of winning? Seriously?


    Pot. . .meet Kettle.

  8. Sorry I was away so long. Went to L.A., can't get internet easily where I am. I went to Disneyland yesterday and bought myself a Fedora. Nice. I loved the Indiana Jones ride the best. Like where the Jeep speeds onto the bridge with lava below and flames shooting everywhere and the bridge is swinging crazily and then the car jerks forward and zooms ahead. Then skeletons popping out of everywhere and the car zooming everwhere, great ride for hyper people like me. I really miss Texas, but I'm having fun here... oh well. Got my dad's cousin who works for Paramount to send me a free DVD for TOS Star Trek's first season, but of course I'll have to get home to see them. ::Rolls eyes.:: Arrgh, need to get off, ah well....


    Find an In'N'Out and load up with a Double Double Animal Style w/ Animal Style Fries stat! Its the only way to survive LA! Trust me, I'm from there!

  9. There was something about the CONOPS station that made JJ slightly uncomfortable. It sat right in the front center of the bridge, in plain view of the entire deck. It made him feel spotlighted in a way, as if all eyes were on him. There was always an ample amount of work to be done. Whether it was allocating ship resources, clarifying status reports, or calculating minor course corrections, there was always something that drew attention towards him. The start of this trip had been particularly busy, being that all departments had to were trying to resume normal operations after an extended period of operating underpowered and undermanned, not to mention all the requirements of the mission itself. It was a steady stream of requests sent to him, which then had to be forwarded with assessment on to the Command Staff, followed by their subsequent approval or disapproval, followed by the sending of the work order to Engineering to allocate the resources. The first two days were the busiest, but as they came closer and closer to Cestus, the requests had begun to dwindle as each department reached full operational readiness.


    His shift was coming to a close, meaning it was time for JJ to file his reports. The bridge had been fairly quiet towards the end of the shift. He couldn't recount the last time he had seen Commander Ridire or Captain McQueen on the bridge. He hadn't really taken the time to assess the new Captain and his manner of conducting business. Then again, he hadn't really been on the ship long enough to assess how anyone really conducted business on the ship. 'A time and a place' he thought to himself. With that he opened up his report.





    To: Commander Aidan Ridire


    From: Ensign Jyrd Lexi


    Subject: Daily Status Report CONOPSDEP – 06162385





    Of the 14 resource requests approved by the command staff today, all 14 have been sent to the engineering department or procurement department for execution. Of those, 12 requests have been fulfilled, with the remaining 2 currently in process. Operational Readiness currently stands at 99.5% with a projected 100% to be reached within the next 3 hours. This is a full 8 hours ahead of the initial 24 hour projection upon departure from Starbase 1123.



    Our course remains steady. A slight course correction may be necessary possibly 14 hours from now, as we are currently on course to possibly skirt the observation area of the USS Urbain Le Verrier which is preparing to launch a study on some deep space gamma ray bursts. The range remains open, however if any course correction is necessary, it would only delay our arrival by 45-90 seconds. I will keep the command staff informed, of course.


    On a more personal note, I would like to request some sort of cooling system be installed to my chair at the CONOPS console. Although I am starting to become acclimated to the temperatures most beings consider normal, I wish to ensure that I remain in peak form at all times. Keeping my body cool and closer to the temperatures of my home planet is the best manner in which to do that. I have spent the past few days pouring over the ships database and have found several instances on other Starfleet vessels where a similar modification was made. My requested modification will have a negligible effect on the Reaent's resources as it will run on a light cadmium battery which should require charge every 3-4 months. With your and Captain McQueen's permission, I would like to send this request down to Engineering for execution. The schematics are attached.


    May we remain blessed,



    Ensign Jyrd Lexi




    With his report filed, JJ stood up and headed for the sanctuary of his quarters.

  10. I got a free carne asada quesadilla from a taco truck today. I ordered it, they made it, I gave them the money and they said don't worry about it.


    I've been dying for some real Mexican food ever since I moved out of California. Being a well-traveled Mexican American (if you can't already tell by my Avatar), there are only really 5 states you can get real traditional Mexican food in. Those are California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Chicago is probably the only exception. Even there, you have to be cognizant of the places you choose. Everywhere else is either highly Americanized, or Central American.


    I've had the conversation with many restaurant owners who have said that in order to become marketable, they have had to step away from the traditional Mexican food in favor of a more Americanized dish in order to stay competitive, which is a common theme in many ethnic restaurants. It is kind of unfortunate in the sense that doing that tends to build up an expectation in our pallette that may ruin the culinary experience when and if we get a chance to travel to any given particular country. I remember taking an old girlfriend down to Mexico City, and she hated the food there because she couldn't find a chimichanga on any menu, and she hated the fact that most items were served with corn tortillas as opposed to flour or hard shell. Like wise I remember the culture shock I recieved in Japan, being that I am a "sushi" lover.


    Such is life I guess.

  11. I hate it when someone you know but don't really like tries to add you as a friend on Facebook. You don't want to add them, because you know that they'd be one of the ones that constantly leaves comments on your status and writes stupid crap on your wall. However, you don't want to not add them because then they'll tell everyone of your mutual friends and they'll all think you're an arse for not adding that person. So you end up adding that person and they end up exactly how you feared, and it gets to the point where all the goofy and generally unfunny comments start annoying your other friends and they start to send you personal messages to the effect of "Who the hell is this guy?" Its embarrassing.


    I also hate it when you're married like I am and an ex-girlfriend that you broke up with amicably *years* ago tries to add you as a friend on Facebook. Your wife knows the name and has seen the pictures that you had stuffed in your proverbial shoebox, not to mention the old picture of the two of you that just so happens to be up on the wall of your mom's house because there's so many pictures on the wall that it gets forgotten. So your wife knows her name and knows what she looks like. You don't want to say no because she'll tell all your mutual friends and they'll all think you're an arse for not adding her, plus the fact that she knows -everything- about you and might -just- be unstable enough reveal some secrets that should never be told. But you don't want to add her because she will leave nice comments like "You too make a cute couple", and "That's a nice picture of you", or the dreaded "Tee Hee you're really funny! ;-)" which will undoubtedly drive your wife absolutely bat crap insane when and if she reads them. So you end up not adding her because you can get away with the "she's an ex, it just wouldn't be cool" excuse to your friends. However after a few weeks past you get that dreaded text message that says "dude kristen is talkin bout u 2 evry1." Its embarrassing.


    Internet social networking was the worst idea in human history. Right up there with the zip drive and the segway.


    These are the pressing issues of life that I think about on a slow day at work, like today.