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About StarTrekker

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  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Star Trek (duh...), airplanes (especially Boeing 747 series), Real-Time Strategy, Harry Potter, biographies (mostly presidents and businessmen/businesswomen), original Trek novels, Physics, love to read National Geographic and TIME, plays (Of Mice and Men, Death of a Salesman, etc...), astronomy...
  1. Best of Both World, definitely. Picard: "I am Locutus, of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service...US" Riker: "Fire, Mr. Worf." [nothing happens] Picard: "Your resistance is hopeless...Number One."
  2. Happy Bir...*notices the birthday boy is not even here*...awwww.... :(
  3. REALLY! Who voted for Antartica? :(
  4. Hybrid? Hum...interesting...are they fuel efficient? Do they come with 10 year warranty? (Sorry, couldn't resist...) :(
  5. I'm from Hong Kong (born there, lived there, love it there); currently, however, I reside in California, United States.
  6. Where are you from? And where are you now? Edit: I just want to get to know people. :) Edit: Also, please include which part of the continent (ie. may be country? or city? province?) Thanks.
  7. LOL No one wants to be a Cardassian. :laugh: :laugh:
  8. Images, are you from Hong Kong? Which part? Kowloon or HK Island?
  9. I thought the Queen of Luscious Mangos already covered that ground... :)
  10. *hands a $20 dollar bill to Sovak* Hey buddy *hint* *hint* *cough*sabotage*cough*
  11. I guess I'm more like the Romulans...just a pain in the ***...twenty four hrs a day, seven days a week... :)
  12. What species best describe you? And please explain.
  13. Uhmmm, that would be a Federal law, I believe, no? Is it? I always thought it's state law...oh well, it sucks nonetheless.
  14. Me...um...a about a few weeks I'm starting my second year in college. Cal Poly rocks! lol I'm a Physics major, and yes, there aren't many. The entire department consists of roughly 500 students (that's not alot when you consider the toal enrolled students is about 19 thousands). Anyway, I'm not sure where I want to head into in the future. I know that it's either research/production/design or teaching. Who knows...may be I'l be a part of Boeing. :)