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Everything posted by WadeFKnight

  1. How was knowing? I'm a big fan of Nicholas Cage films, and an even bigger fan of predestination paradox. But then, the trailer made it look kind of dumb.
  2. I was really bored last night, watching some Star Trek, when I was suddenly hit with grand inspiration. So, I photoshopped this. Thought that I might share it with all of you.
  3. Soooo. Any gentlemen have a room lined up and want a roomie to split the rent with? Or, anyone not have a room yet that is looking for someone to room with? Let me know.
  4. ::sings:: I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it now. I want to ride my bi.. *SPLASH*
  5. Black holes really aren't really what bothers me so much. What I have difficulty buying into is this whole idea of dark matter and dark energy. It just seems to me that our astronomers and physicists just couldn't find a way to fit the movement of galaxies into the standard model of gravity. So they pretty much just made something up that would fit and published it. And it became widely accepted practically overnight it seems without any real alternate theories to explain it or really without any peer review. Nah, I think sometimes the issue here now is that scientists just aren't questioning themselves enough. We're too ready to accept whatever they have to say and start teaching it. A theory is a theory, but let's leave teaching it until there's sufficient evidence to back it up. That's just my two cents.
  6. Man, at current rates, the Hilbert hotel is really making out.
  7. Hmm, can you make mine "Mr. Tricorder"
  8. PA roads are undoubtedly some of the worst in the frakkin' world. PA's the only place where they take your property by eminent domain to do absolutely nothing at all with.
  9. Congrats! I'd buy it, but I can only play by ear.
  10. Temporal paradoxes are awesome. ::just watched 12 Monkeys::
  11. Anybody know any good shacks in the middle of the woods that have internet?
  12. Funny story, we actually finished this song on our latest road trip. Of course, the majority of us had drank about ten beers each off of the wall. "Help yourself to a beer in the fridge," said Johnny. "No! Not that fridge, the 10 foot high one in our front yard." or By the end of the night the only thing left was the Corona.
  13. Sleep is for cats and babies. Except when you're too darned tired to do the laundry. ::gives laundry the evil stare::
  14. ;) ::pours shots for all the single fellas:: Happy V-Day folks.
  15. You know how Robin always used to say stuff like "Zowieeee, Batman" and "Holy Cow, Batman!"? I heard someone say "Cat whiskers!" the other day and thought it was pretty funny. Anybody else got any other obscure interjections they'd like share? Some of my favorites: Jiminy Crickets! Gee Willickers! Jumpin' Jehoshaphat! Et cetera...
  16. Captain: I said starboard, you nincompoop, not port! Helmsman: Aww, stick it up your aft.
  17. And the winner is... Sorry guys, the was a tough one. :rolleyes:
  18. Here ya go Sam. This is all part of a larger scheme to bring back all of the great threads of this forum. (EDIT: Hmm, after some research, maybe this isn't such a good idea. My plans are about as good as the failboat's) Speaking of plans, show me a picture of one that didn't turn out so good.
  19. I'm in your forums, reviving three year old threads! Show me someone riding a unicycle!
  20. Say what now!? You can't go to England! Not without me at least!
  21. Here's some more wintry goodness. Have at it!
  22. Happy New Year to all! SHOTS! ::pours shots::
  23. In cooperation with Cresskill, NJ fire department, Santa is not only delivering gifts this year but also helping Americans put out the 250 Christmas Tree fires that occur in homes every year. Next year we can expect Santa to be driving a Geico van selling insurance to all the crazy holiday drivers. (Yea, long caption, sorry.)