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Everything posted by unused_bagels

  1. now show me a bottle of vodka that drinks YOU!
  2. ;-; a couple days? that furrows my whiskers.
  3. @tkar: lol whut?
  4. That's it!! Dumbass wins. Because both of his are hilarious, esp. the second one seems contextually appropriate.
  5. Yes, you get more than one. Dang, this is hard to decide on. It's between: Sims That Suck Fingers Strained Tuna Special Fragrance Something Tasty Something Fun I'll decide sometime tonight (hopefully x3 )
  6. lol
  7. "LAN-- oh, what's the use..."
  8. Maybe it's that gas mask. When did you last replace your filter?
  9. like ice powers, or becoming captain proton. Def. ask your CO.
  10. you don't make a character yet. in Academy sims, you're a different role every night. As far as everything else goes, look for the tutorials by Moose. they helped me a lot. By the way, it's usually way more than 3, as people have been telling me.
  11. I expect nothing but the best from my cheez-its.
  12. ::cough:: It's and now for something COMPLETELY different! A man with a tape recorder up his nose!
  13. mega man is an ultra dude.
  14. I'm drinking wine tonight. I might be drunk for the sim. Then, it's time to eat more sketti. SKETTI SKETTI SKETTI!!
  15. At length? I'm jealous. She reminds me of my mother. Reminded, rather. :rolleyes: I remember reading on memory alpha that he had died. My wife and I were really upset.
  16. Find me a picture of a ninja turtle in woman's makeup!
  17. have to say, out of all the sims I've done, in and out of STSF... This was the most enjoyable I've participated in in years. Good work, everyone! and Kudos to GM for the fun plot.
  18. lawl. Now I want to see a Horse riding a Human.
  19. Do you like skiing, but like to skate too? Are you too lazy to do either? Well, NOW YOU CAN! With the SKI-8 chair from Marx! But wait! Call within the next 10 seconds and receive a FREE Television attachment, a $500 value, yours free! Operators are standing by!
  20. Well, I just signed up and now I have to wait until the chats are back up ;-; I'm going to test drive this chat thang, and then my wife will join if I think we're going to like it. I'm sure I will, as it's been going strong for years... (wow 2002) Anyway, just to warn you guys, although I'm an ardent follower of Star Trek and reader of memory alpha, I'm not familiar with any of the duty stations... will that be a problem, or is someone going to teach me how to use one? Also, I won't have to do anything odd like "What if we tried reversing the polarity on the EPS conduit?" right off the bat, am I? I'm sure you guys know what that will do, but... heh. I'm afraid I'd break the ship xDDD Anyway, hallo, salud, Qapla' (sorry I've misplaced my klingon dictionary, and am out of practice as my friends don't speak it x3 )
  21. Thanks! So should my name be Johnathon Bagels, or Bagels Malone, or Hank McBagels or something? Or should I come up with a different name and hope that people don't call me that in the chats? OO!!! BAGELS could be my character's nickname, like B'elanna Torres is BLT! Yeah. Yeah. Call me the Bagel.
  22. "Everybody loves cake, Shrek!" "OGRES ARE NOT LIKE CAKE!!!"
  23. Hi there! Don't worry, we don't bite... well, the Klingons do.
  24. If you woke up with a hangover, you probably need to drink less. If you woke up in a puddle of drool on your console, you need a new post. If you woke up in a Santa suit in Cresskill, NJ on top of a fire truck next to a smoking reindeer, you probably need some answers. ...And possibly a lawyer.