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Everything posted by STSF_Scooter

  1. Tried WoW a couple of years ago. Didn't do anything for me, as I prefer the Theatre of the Mind for my role play experience. It reminded me, in fact, of the old D&D 'Hack-n-Slash' games from the early 90s.
  2. 27 Dec 2010 The regularly scheduled sim was preempted for a Holiday Interlude. We will return to our regularly scheduled Mayhem and Chaos next week, with the same TBS of 5-15 minutes.
  3. Hiroshi was the laughing stock of Yebisu Christmas Costume party for using cheap American swil...beer for his samurai armor.
  4. Ok...its Sumo's turn. Maybe.
  5. Black Kris Dreadnought Furious lurking near an Orion asteroid base
  6. Black Kris Asteroid Base Nimbus Asteroid Field “Morohtar, perimeter probes are picking up Fed transmissions...encrypted, so we can't pick up what they're saying. But its probably ship to ship.” The Orion male grimaced sourly at the report from the Jirahl. He'd argued with Litasha about hiring the Were-Wires to hack the M5 onboard Enterprise. Of course, she felt that hacking the Federation Starfleet's flagship and stealing what was needed out of the M5 was perfectly ordinary. Even the virus designed to cause a cascade failure within her warp core and destroy the ship, any other Federation ships escorting Enterprise, as well as their tracks was perfectly acceptable. He sighed, and those in the operations section of the station understood that sign of frustration from the Black Kris's second in command. “Jirahl, keep an eye on the Feds. If they start making a move near the station, blow them out of the stars. Have Zilvra prepare the Furious.” “Where are you going?” “To tell Litasha.”
  7. Well...in that case...
  8. Please...anything but that. It would soooo ruin the version I have of Bing and The Andrews Sisters. I don't mind certain versions of Christmas songs sung by Those Who Can Sing and/or Play with Talent. Or able to make a decent parody of a certain Christmas song. But if you don't have talent, don't put out a Christmas album. ::only listens to the 12+ hours of hours of Christmas music on her iPod this time of year, and loves her version of Glenn Miller doing Jingle Bells::
  9. All right...who did it? Who took the frozen strawberries from the officer's mess last night? ::click-clack, click-clack::
  10. Humbug.
  11. I remember him as the Captain of the RMS Queen Mar...I mean, SS Poseidon from the first Poseidon Adventure. A very...brief role. And lets not forget his portrayal of Commander J.J. Adams in Forbidden Planet
  12. No one's quite sure exactly how big the ships are in the new TOS movie. But rule of thumb from the modders the ST:Bridge Commander filefront site is about the same size as normal TOS ships.
  13. Firefox started doing that with one of their earlier 3.x.x updates. I tend to use Chrome because of that.
  14. Indeed, let us remember both our brave Allies and our adversaries from both World Wars, who fought not for political ideologies, but because they believed it was the right thing to do for their countries. This is not a day to bicker, but a time to honor and remember their sacrifices. Lest We Forget/Never Forget (And thank you, Crash)
  15. Ok...since it's been a week and nothing from BC... Hansel, you're go as the runner up.
  16. USS Comanche Creek--The little Destroyer that could...take on an Orion pirate dreadnought. and Escorting Golden Boy and his crew.
  17. Feh. He complains? We're still in diapers, taking naps, almost off a bottle, and learning to walk.
  18. A TOS'd Oberth-class pulling double duty as the SS Hard SIx Hard SIx at Anubis Station. (With Regula 1 pulling its usual double duty) Its a trap!" Hard Six doesn't fare well between two Imperial Akira's and the ISS Comanche Creek (Screenshots taken in ST: Bridge Commander, with TOS Kelvin, TOS Akira, TOS Oberth mods and stock Space Station)
  19. Mreh K'hal's the winner this round for his subtle dig at the tropical beach Academies on Fridays.
  20. Audraya sat in her dimly lit quarters, her hands steepled in front of her face. Security's bugs were laughably easy to subvert for a member of the Imperial Security Directorate operations branch, as was the computer security of the entire Hard Six. The various worms and trojans lurking within the system, planted by equally various crewmembers to hide their subversive activity, were just as easy to deal with. But it wasn't the crew that had her brooding this evening. It was what one of her viruses that alerted her to one of the captain's recent private conversations, with someone purporting to be her brother, and the treason that the crew was going to be attempting. For an orphan like her, the Empire, and more importantly the ISP, were mother and father to Audraya. To rescue members of a race who'd thumbed their collective noses at the Empire, and were slated for termination, was pure treason. As an agent of the ISP, it would be up to her to stop it. With her life, if necessary. Hail the Empire.
  21. Huzzah... Have at it, kids.
  22. It ain't Schlitz and it ain't Shaffer. But then, most AB products fail as beer, falling into the category beer flavored water. Heck, Beck's NA has more taste.
  23. Fail...they wen't with cheap beer
  24. To meet recruiting quotas, the United States Army announced today that it would begin inducting primates. When asked, the Chief of Staff stated that chimps are the only other species of primate that goes to war with its neighbors.