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Travis Kroells

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Posts posted by Travis Kroells

  1. As big of a Sci-Fi geek as I am, I don't usually read the Extended Universe Star Trek/Wars books (Mainly because there's like a hundred million for both series). However, I do recomend all the TNG Q books I've ever read. These include the three book series "The Q Continum" Which include Q-Strike, Q-Zone and one other I cant remember the name to.


    Also, I, Q a book cowriten by John De Lance and some other guy that doesn't matter is very good as well. Its a short piece, you can probably finish it in a sitting or two but good none the less. I also have one other hard covered Q related book that is set during TNG's aired run, but I cant remember the name of the plot, as I haven't gotten around to reading it.

  2. Haha... I think it would be really neat, and totally freaky.


    It'll be interesting to see if anything comes of this. The way it looks to be, it isn't just rolling out in sheets of aluminum like we would want. I'd bet that it's a detailed and expensive process. :P But I totally want some for my transparent car.


    Holy crap it's HD!