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Travis Kroells

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Everything posted by Travis Kroells

  1. ::looks up while hauling cases of romulian ale:: Oh crap....::drops a case spiling ale all over a9's shoes::.....err think of an excuse.........IT WAS VANROY!!!!!!!!!!::runs off screaming::
  2. Polls close 10 p.m. est. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP COMPLAINING!!!!
  3. Boy vanroy you do a lot of stuff with your dad, BBQ, go to conventions and ask people inapropriate questions...
  4. As long at you at least let one car blow up...I'd be proud of you
  5. I voted whats that just to be stupid, and fred, come over to my house, I got a 1.2 Ghz and that thar fancy intel celeron processer. Me you and Ridire could have a BBQ!
  6. eh, for some one who quotes Einstein you sure dont know when the fourth is!
  7. My time? Do you honestly think I would want the 80's be be part of my time?
  8. Mogg>::Turns to grommie:: Do we even have a science department?
  9. argh Randy I messed it up, I need "I am the alpha, of your omega" sorry!
  10. sheesh you had a lot to do to!
  11. I got to sit in Fred's chair once, and it had two buttons, Red and blue. Now we know what the red does but what does the blue do? My theory? It secretly injects him with morphine to keep him from murdering all his crew. His chair in the acadmey doesnt have it, and thats why his cadets always die. And vanroy WHAT is that avatar suposed mean?
  12. Here's the one I want I am the alpha of you omega.
  13. meh, if your gona end it, just ram there ship and kill every one, cadets revive them selfs, to my knowlede Pandarians dont. :P
  14. ::mock punches:: yea, look at you mister "Im lost in space!"
  15. Well considering this is your Aegis persona I'm talking about he'd only go back down to mid ship man, as for my Reaent side, he's important, I might just make full lieutenant soon
  16. Fear fred, he's one for the genocide...
  17. Real mature
  18. It's offical the first "vote for me" ad! Congratulations for stooping to a new and desperate low!
  19. Good thing I passed english with a D- aye?
  20. ::throws images out any ways:: Remember theres no air!
  21. Fred, its stuff like this that makes me want to lead a mutiny on the Reaent...Oh and by and by...Thanks Dac for leting me play the virus that killed every one on the sunday night sim.
  22. Well, just as they say for everyone else, 3 is only a minimum -- very few ppl actually graduate after 3 academies. Am I the only one who did graduate on my third sim?
  23. err...10 p.m. on thursday night
  24. Ha! Take this Fred!
  25. Some times i wonder how much controversy i cause every day.