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Travis Kroells

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Everything posted by Travis Kroells

  1. ::throws Fred into the Reaents holodeck with nothing to wear but a coconut bra and grass skirt:: And you thought I wouldnt either! Did ya? Tactics Snake strikes again!
  2. Trex is the CO/ captain person of the RES Talon, which sims right after the Reaent on thursday nights. Huff is the Captain of the USS Hood a TOS time line sim which plays on tuesday nights. Both are good sims, and I'd stick and watch some if my sheduale didnt have me in a head lock.
  3. What can I say Fred, some people realy want to get a picture....er rather see you in that coconut bra! ::looks awkwardly at A9 and Vanroy::
  4. ::sits in A9's fancy chair when he's not looking:: Bow before admiral Kroells!
  5. “Failure”…Kroells’s logs (Log 44) “3...2...1.” Travis winced in failure as he heard Sivuk’s count down. The massive piece of moon that had been blown off by the explosion of the base had now hit New Rigel. Travis stood from the main science station, a station usually occupied by lieutenant Sivuk himself, however when the Vulcan had returned to the bridge, he aloud Travis to remain at the station. “Mr. Kroells, status of New Rigel?” Travis turned and sat back down at the station to answer his superior request. Travis looked down at the scans and his stomach twisted and convulsed in sickness. “Sir the moon fragment hit the surface of New Rigel. The blast was approximately two thousand mega tons, the colony and every thing in the vicinity of the blast has already been destroyed.” “What the?” Charles said in confusion across the bridge. The newly posted ensign not able to believe that his plan had not worked. Travis felt like he was talking to a store house full of walls when it came to the possibility of: blowing it to pieces, using the tractor beam, and finally using the torpedoes to move the moon fragment away from the planet. Travis couldn’t possibly think why any one thought blowing the moon fragment apart would help, whether or not it came down in 8 pieces it’d still hit with the same force as it had if it was in one large piece. Travis couldn’t know if Sivuk had heard his remark about that before, but he at least knew that Spencer not only understood him, but agreed with him. The Trill officer was just about the closest thing to a best friend that Travis had on the ship, and it meant a lot to him. He mentally made a note to thank him latter for the support on the bridge. “Lt. Kroells, did my torpedoes have any affect?” Travis turned to the ensign ready to rip his head off for his stupidity, as if the damage report he just stated about New Rigel wasn’t enough to show him that it hadn’t work. “No.” Travis simply stated. He turned away from Charles before he could see a reaction; he got up and left the bridge. Fred had already entered the ready room, and the sensor readings of New Rigel were getting fainter by the second. In a few minutes they’d be out of range, hence forth Travis couldn’t find a reason to stay on the bridge. He slowly entered the turbo lift and sent it down to deck six, the deck where his quarters were located. The doors whooshed open and he walked out of the turbo lift and into his quarters. He groaned when he got a look at the mess that was now his quarters. He quickly cleaned up what he could; some of the stuff he had destroyed in his fit of rage was irreplaceable. He sat down on the couch finally allowing the facts sink in about the future of New Rigel. It sickened him to think that all Fred was concerned with was getting that information, like that was all the mattered to him. This entire mission was drenched in blood, over two hundred people had died on the Cairo, and now at least another ten onboard that moon colony. Travis also couldn’t get over the fact that New Rigel would most likely be a frozen tundra, going through the throws of an ice age, for thousands of years. And Fred didn’t even seem to care. How were they supposed to tell the nearly one thousand plus people that had been transported to the Reaent, that their homes had just been obliterated? Travis sighed and dug his hand into one of the pockets on his uniform and pulled out a small ring, the same ring that had been with him on the Cairo. He muttered to himself, “What would she do if she was here? What’d she say to make it better?” He honestly didn’t know what she’d have said, the thought made him frown, the fact that he couldn’t remember her pep talks, the ones that always got him out of bed, ready to face another day. Travis slowly got up and paced around, resurfaced thoughts of Kayla on his mind. He didn’t want to go to the bridge, or any where else. He just wanted to lie down, and watch the stars fly by. Remorse in his failure, the fact that he didn’t do any thing to save that planet, or do any thing helpful in the rescue of the colonists, sure he designed that fancy shuttle, and monitored the transports, but what was that compared to Ridire beaming over to the moon fragment, trying to find info on the people who did this, all while the it crept closer and closer to New Rigel. Travis honestly didn’t know what to do any more, his life in a stand still. So for once he decided not to worry, at least not right now. And so he watched the stars go by, and let O’Connor run around his quarters making a mess. He let go of all his worry, and smiled to him self and thought, “This is what she would have told me to do…”
  6. Three words: Admiral Travis Kroells.
  7. I swear to god Fred one of these days Im gonna convince every one on the Reaent to hold mutiny and fire you out of the torpedo launchers. And if that doesnt work, I'll just slip into my Metal Gear personality...........Travis Kroells...AKA Tactics Snake! (Don't ask I created him for a fan fic Im writing, I include my self in all my works) ::Dons sneaking suit and pulls out a socom:: Now! Rise up against Fred's Tirany! (For those of you who don't relize, Im joking Fred isnt going to disapear, well unless Vanroy does something illegal in Vegas)
  8. Err....::Wonders if Drankum knows who his Aegis personality is::
  9. ::marks his first action as a GM is to force Vanroy to endure Debbies frozen thermonitor again...DONT ACT LIKE YOU DONT REMEMBER DUMBASS!!!!!
  10. Wow, I mean wow. The time: 12:56 A.M. The Place: The hood web site The Reason: Fred posted a link on the Reaent site and I got to snoopy Whats found: Pictures of Shore leave 25 west! I honestly cant believe I found this stuff, well I found the shore leave infor by snooping around the pandarian site Fred made, I guess all I have to say is: Huff! if you didn't want these to be found you didnt do a good job hiding them! As much as I'd also love to give you guys the link, I have a feeling I'd be trouncing some privacy issues and junk, so unless some one aproves (Mainly A9 or Huff herself) Im not going to put a picture gallery of the GM's up for gawking at. P.S. Fred, and A9 my mind pictures of you were way oposite of what they were in real life. Oh and A9 keep the beard, you could go as a normal person for holloween.
  11. Yep, Sorry to make the mistake of thinking I found a link on you hood site, just sorta stumbed onto it. But thanks for letting me know, Wont post it...but I at least wanna tell vanroy, He'll have a hoot with em'. And A9 I did find a picture with you with a mustache...and let me say it scared the hell outa me.
  12. Tell us how your celebration of america, and uncles sam's birthday went, wether good or bad!
  13. Oh yes nemesis, theres no I in team but what wait.....USA....Theres an A in team....
  14. YOU MOCK MY POLLS!!! you may have the romulan war bird as your avatar but that doesnt make you tough! Now aplogize!
  15. Hey man I feel for ya, I'd love to become a GM one day and thats one of the things I'd do. I sim on the SH Aegis and for some reason I always find myself with an hour or so before the sim in the first place. I'd love to see a friday academy, And I'd love to host one more! Meh maybe one day....Why my group says STSF GM and not simple members....
  16. Now now, You'd think I'd honestly give the links away? I may cause more controversy then I should but I wont go this far, so Keraz don't go searching, and vanroy, hopefully next year I'll find pictures of you there!
  17. Oh, one extra note to Atragon. I CANT BELIEVE THEY ACTUALY GOT A PICTURE OF YOU IN A HOT TUB! :D
  18. Right A9 my mistake, I just take it from the fact that I did graduate on my third, hence forth I dont want to say it isnt possibe, just very unlikely that you will.
  19. vanroy how is it that you always find a way to ruin my polls?
  20. ::Whistles inocently and hands Vanroy a $20::
  21. I think I realy have to make it obvious. Your most likely not going to graduate on your 3rd sim like people used to do. Theres too many people in the academies and too many people to consider. Come to the same academy over and over. It doesnt hurt to go to others, but you should have at least one steady one where the GM's know you, darting to a different one every week doesnt help any. And dont complain. If some one graduates instead of you, clap nicely and congratulate them, or if no one graduates, don't start asking why not. It realy annoys not only the GM's but fellow simmers as well if cadets start throwing hissy fits after every sim.
  22. Well looking at the polls it seems peoples 4th went either good, bad, or they just plain forgot.
  23. Once again simple, polls close Wensday at Midnight CST. And who ever loses better not complain cause you won at least once!
  24. Ohh and Moose pulls it off again! ::Sprays shampaine all over him, and horibly mis spells at the same time:: Congrats! Next battle with be: Huff vs. T'rexan!
  25. ::wonders what year that quarters dated::