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Travis Kroells

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Everything posted by Travis Kroells

  1. Updated, after that little battleish thing that took like 5 seconds last sim :lol:
  2. even though he's the top poster mind you :lol:
  3. “With Good Intentions” Part III “Self inflicted, his perdition” ‘Wasteland’ - Ten Years ...The fighter just fell, if that was the right words towards the ship. Travis sat there; hands free of the controls and let the rain trickle down his face...Or were they tears? He couldn’t tell the difference anymore. He couldn’t see, couldn’t think, she dominated his mind and he let her. If there were one thing he wanted to see as he died, it would have been her. She would have smiled that smile she had on their third date as he told her another embarrassing story. Not laughing, that sincere smile she always had that he fell for. That sincere smile he would die for. It was a mistake, all of this was wrong. He shouldn’t about to become a bug on the proverbial windshield, and she shouldn’t probably be dead. They should be home, wrapped up in each other, watching the fire. They should be running around with Kaylee, getting into trouble, enjoying life. He gently and almost involuntarily pulled the flight stick, sending the Styx into a somewhat acceptable wobble towards the flight bay. He didn’t notice it at first, but everything turned off, plunging him into darkness as the reactors for the fighter died. The only noticeable light was the approaching flight deck. He couldn’t bring himself to move as the bottom of his fighter hit the edge of the deck, forcing the entire fighter onto the ground with a snap. The Styx slid to the right of the bay, until finally colliding with a support column. As fighter wrapped itself around it, something flew threw the cockpit, impaling his leg onto the seat. He looked around lazily, everything blurry and red, with one the blood vessels in one eye burst. He intended to blink, but couldn’t will himself to open his eyes again as everything went numb and he let himself drift away. She was smiling.
  4. “With Good Intentions” Part II (A Kroells and Miral production) ...He sighed as he walked next to Kestra in the rain, his hair already soaked as he turned back to look at Kaylee's apartment window. "That girl needs somethin more then just books. Bothers me ya know? Like she's got some secret double life or something..." Kestra grinned. "Maybe she's dating someone. After all, we didn't tell her about us right away." She dipped her head down a bit as the rain got heavier. He kept his distance, something he usually didn’t do as his hands fiddled around in his pockets. "I suppose... She just feels...different somehow. Not like when we were on Earth, or the Argos part of her seems...closed off..." Kestra frowned. "It seems to run in the family." Travis hadn't been himself at all these past few days. He'd been distracted when they were together, and she hadn't been able to sort out all the different emotions she was picking up on. He gave her a confused look, with maybe just a slight tinge of anger in it, as a loud crack of thunder struck. "What's that supposed to mean?" She rolled her eyes in mock exasperation and stepped closer to him. "It means that you haven't been paying enough attention to me," she joked. "Maybe I'm just being greedy. We haven't been able to spend anytime alone together lately, and when we do, you just don't seem to be entirely there." Thunder cracked again, as the rain began to come down even more. "I've just had a lot of paper work lately... Lots of forms to fill out when you take a leave of absence this long..." "Well maybe you can take a break from all that paperwork." She slipped her hands into his and smiled up at him impishly. He gently grasped them, not putting much into it. "...I'm due back to the Reaent in a week. That means I'll need to leave in the next couple days." "And then?" She paused for a moment, waiting for him to ask her to come with. She had thought about it over the last week, already realizing she would say yes. He paused, trying to push as much anger, and other emotions as possible to hide the hurt in his voice. "Then I go back to the line. Things may not look it from your prim and proper College, but things aren't easy on the edge. We're almost gone out there." Kestra pulled back, startled by the sudden rush of anger from him. "Prim and proper? You think I can't handle myself out there?" He looked at her, almost blankly, as if he were sizing her up, even though he knew her through and through. "No. Things are different out there. People die...people who shouldn't. We're not the moral and just rebels fighting Duren and the oppression of the UFP your taught here. Sometimes...most times, we're no better then them." She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "So I should drop out of the Academy and just wait for you?" Kestra sighed and looked at him. "I want to be with you." He looked at her, and stared into her eyes, knowing full well it may be the last time he sees them. "And I don’t want you to experience my horrors. I want you to live a life where such things are foreign to you." This wasn't happening. He was going to ask her to come with him. He felt the same way as her, she knew that he did. "Stay here then, with me." "I...I cant. I need to be there." He was breaking, he could feel it. He needed to be stronger. Kestra moved closer, letting the rain pour down her face. "Why?" If ever he didn't need to act like he was angry, now was that moment. "Because I did not watch my parents and brother be executed, and me and my sister hunted like animals for a year to watch Duren be a Tyrannical Madman!!! This is how I am, pure and raw. I'm not the man you think I am. I don’t want you with me.’ "Travis, you don't mean that." She wasn't sure if she was crying or if it was just the rain she felt. He paused for a moment, hardening himself again. "I do.” She couldn't even read him anymore. Where had she messed it up? It wasn't true, was it? But it was enough. "Come find me when you're over this,"she said. Kestra turned and ran away into the rain. He watched her run off, and disappear into the rain. He never came, he never intended to see her again. It was for the best, he couldn’t give her a good life, all he knew was war, and death. He stood there in the rain for some time, unable to draw the will to move. Unable to draw the will to live...
  5. “With Good Intentions” Part I Sick, nauseated disorientated. River’s fighter spun out of control towards the Hull of the N.F.S. Reaent, or rather, what was left of it. Hull breaches littered the Ambassador Class Carrier, and one of the nacelles was leaking drive plasma. Travis let out a small sigh as he drifted towards the ship, surprisingly slow, considering that he had been towing Barely in, on one engine before this situation had arisen. His thoughts immediately focused on the Centurian, who had been beamed out, after his cockpit burst into flames. Was he dead; would there be no more “Oh god, oh god we’re all going to die” sarcasm in his squad? Could he deal with that? Was it his fault? Should it be him-? “Stop...” He had to vocally force himself to stop thinking of McQueen. As harsh as it was, worrying over him at the moment would only result in his death as well. There would be time for soul searching later... With the nose of his sarcastic Major lodged in his starboard engine, his only hope was to try to get a sputter out of the port engine that had been damaged by UFP fighter fire back on People’s Head... Nothing. Kroells’s brow furrowed, realizing he couldn’t just say please and hope for an “And they all lived happily ever after.” Things were never that easy on the edge... He should have known that by now... First things first: he had to get fighter in a decent angle if he was even going to attempt to crash this thing into the bay with no engines. He could work up from there. It was important to keep things simple, not think of the big picture; otherwise he knew he’d lose it. Easiest thing he could try was the maneuvering thrusters. He quickly tapped the flight stick forward, forcing the fighter to slowly spin forwards towards the ship, his mind blurring, forcing images of day’s he’d rather forget...
  6. 1 hour simming per week 5-10 hours reading stuff per week 6-20 hours writing logs (Yeah, my latest NFS Reaent series is killing me :lol:)
  7. Thats mean. your dishonoring that song, and that makes song madad. Sheesh, are u maen or somethin.
  8. Hey, I can type well intoxicated. Ask N'Dak.
  9. I dont know which made me laugh more... The fact that Seiben got drunk at a x-mas party Or the fact that he then came here for drunken rambling... B) :P
  10. I dont think one post has ever offended me more...I dont even know where to begin... ::trys to keep this as civil as possible:: I dont know where the "Enemies of Society" is going, well I might, but if I elaborate, I'll say things I cant, and get in trouble. Last time I checked, America wasn't an empire. Even though I'm pretty sure Bush would like it to be one...::sighs:: And that last line just bothers me to the point that I cant say anything. Yeah... :P
  11. This is exactly why I dont celebrate christmas...well, that and the whole Atheist thing, but thats compeletely unrelated :P
  12. lol, well Andrea may not have a problem with it, and I respect her, and and am even a little envious. I sure wish I could go through life not worrying about such things. Unfortunetly, if there is one thing that I value most, is my privacy. Not because I do weird things to animals, or plot bombings, but for the very fact that it is my right. I cant imagine what the soliders over seas think when they see this. I know very well I couldn't fight for a country that intern spys on its own people, for reasons such as this. Obviously, we cant have total privacy, but if Bush knew well enough not to go to the courts, he knew what he was doing is wrong. I think the thing that bothers me the most is that he has the audacity to claim it's the right thing, and say he'll continue to do that. Just for that the Patriot Act desearves to die. Fred also raised a good point, the bill did some good, such as an abilty to help communications through various government agencies. And I'll agree thats a good thing. But I also believe that we can set that up in much, much better ways.
  13. I'll probably be getting a 360 the moment people aren't robbed at gun point for them. Mainly because of a friend that demands I get back on live to play her, since my Xbox broke in mid October. I also plan to get a PS3, if only for MGS4. (Kojima whore) Nintendo could give me a free Revolution and I wouldn't care. The Gamecube made me lose faith in them. Well, not the gamecube, but the choices the company made during this generations life time. The We know what you want/we MUST be inovative at all costs. Anyway...I'm gonna go play GTA now and shoot some people. With an AK. Cause violent videogames warp me B)
  14. The simmer of the month wasn't an award persay, it was just something Grom did B) People on STSF would recomend players, and Grom would go out, interview them a little, and post stuff. Sims and GM's were also done. Although it died after a couple months.
  15. In the combat portion of the game (Which is really easy, the game has a training level, which shows you how to equip, level up, and attack and other things) sounds complicated at first, but once you do it, it becomes rather natural. When a battle begins, the game pauses. From this opening, you can toggle targets (if there is more then one) and set up your initial attacks. The turnbased aspect of it, is that people trade off atacks in real time. Now this can get a bit confusing, so stay with me :P You can set up physical attacks (with swords and lightsabers) Including a basic attack, a melee attack (more atacks with reduced accuracy and damage) and a power attack (one masive strike). Ranged attacks (blasters and blaster rifles etc.) are the same, just with different names. You can stack up to four actions at a time, including attacks, force attacks/abilities, and item use. The real time aspect of battle, comes from the fact that at a whim, you can reissue attack sequences, change targets, and move your character. Now, at times this can lead to a crappy hit detection system, only for the fact that a enemy may have started his attack after you moved, and you still incur damage. At anytime during the battle, you can also pause the game, to get a look around, and stratagize. Later on in the game, when you control up to three seperate characters in battle, this can be invaulable. Again, this seems rather confusing, just reading through it, but the game eases you into it. Also, your partner characters have a pretty good A.I. so you can often leave them on their own in battle, and they should be ok. Esspically your Jedi characters, seeing as how their often smart enough to cast force heal for themselves, which can keep you from constantly worrying about their VP (health). Besides the mechanics of the game, you should buy it if only for it's plot. One of the first games to really actively have characters choices affect the plot, the story is incredibly deep. You could spend hours just talking to your companions and NPC's and be amazed at the depth into this game. Jolee Bindo has to be one of the funniest, smartest, and most relatable characters in recent history. The plot has an excelent love story (which is completely avoidable, if you dont like that sort of thing...It did seem like Jedi were getting it on left and right back then) Good morals, and just an all around interesting plot. For those of you who have played the game, you know what Im talking about when I talk about the shocking revelation about 3/4's through. And for those who haven't, well...you just have to see. :) KOTOR was one of my favorite games of all time, and for a game that can boast 60-80 hours of play time, on my 6th run through, I still haven't done everything that you can do. Replay value is almost endless, with the light/dark possiblities and general subplot outcomes. For those of you who also have Xbox Live, and downloaded the new content (which is lacking, on thing that disapointed me) New armor and lightsaber crystals will make you into a credit grubbing whore ;) If you have enough money to get the Mantle of the Force crystal, and the other one (forgot the name at the moment) The Sith...or the Jedi B) will bow before you and tremble ;) KOTOR II: The Sith Lords, uses the same combat system as the original, so it's easy to step into. It's an all around good game, but the plot left me wishing for more. My two conclusions were the decision to pass the series off to a new designer (From Bioware to Obsidion) and the demand by Lucas Arts for a Holiday 05 release, which forced the cutting of two whole worlds, and the shorting of the events on Malachor V. The ending of the game leaves with with a "what the **** just happened" feeling, but all in all the game is still rather good. Basically: Go buy these games, now. Be you a Starwars Fan, RPG fan, or a person that just likes a game with a good epic story, these games will suit all your needs, and have you comming back for more Bantha Fodder. :o
  16. Thats the great thing about us, we cant really get blamed for anything, since we never get around to doing it in the first place B)
  17. I dont know if this is a popular idea among people, but it's something me and Laarell discussed a while back Either GM or Member run, I think that the first X amount of logs sent in a week should be put on a thread poll for view by the entire forum. At the end of the week, the person with the most votes wins. I think there should be restrictions to keep people from stacking the house so to speak, such as a rule stating that only one player may enter one log per week. Meaning, that a person with multiple characters cant submit a log from each character, and potentially have 2-3+ logs in the contest. Just a thought.
  18. I supose under Van Roy's deffinition, I would consider Liberty to be most important. Like I said before, I think that we are compromising this countries basic values, something that we claim to be so grateful for: The right to trial, safety from unlawful searches, and other things? What are we if we compromise these things in the name of security? I dont know what Ganval's comment about Hippies losing a war this important is, or how they lost one before... But I think that people would know where I stand before I said these things. I know that this is a place where not everything can be said blantantly, and in some ways thats a good thing. I think I got my point across, and I'd like to again urge that we try to keep this discussion civil, if only to prove that we can have a meaningful topic about something important to this country, without turning this into a mudslinging fight between people with different views. Thanks.
  19. Well, Im all for security and such, but it seems like a lot of the Patriot Act also violates a lot of civil and constitutional liberties. I may be just me, but I have a serious problem with an administration that comprimises the very basis of our country for it's defense.
  20. Eh, at least the GM's work faster then the government B)
  21. So apparently, scientists are on the verge of attempting to artifically create a black hole. Granted, it's be like microscopic, but doesn't it make you stand back and go...wtf? Also, if they're able to create one, it'll prove that there are extra hidden deminsions in our universe, since you apparently need more then three to make one. Which also means that tiny little black holes are being created and destroyed almost instantly all around us. Creepy aint it? Well, at least it'll give someone an excuse to try and validate the "Black hole dryer" theory.
  22. lol, the thought of that eppisode always makes me laugh. I can picture that guy, a couple years down the line seeing Star Wars...lol My favorite line from 1969 though is... MP>::Says something to SG-1 in Russian:: Daniel> Niet. Jack> What'd he say? Daniel> He asked if we were Russian spies. Jack>::Gives Daniel a 'Duh!' look:: Daniel> Ooh...
  23. My favorite SG-1 quote actually took place in the Season Six Eppisode "Unnatural Selection" O'Neill>::hangs up phoney comm thing with a disapointed look on his face:: Carter> What is it sir? O'Neill> They didn't go with my suggestion for the ship name. Carter> Sir, we cant name the X-302 the Enterprise!
  24. ::sits in his rocking chair:: It's so nice to have graduated in an era where cadets weren't randomly slaughtered for kicks. But then...the scourge of the Pandrians came...and suddenly it was fun to kill people. ::rocks::
  25. "You aren't married, and you haven't got a girlfriend, and you dont watch Star Trek?" "No..." "...Good Lord."