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Travis Kroells

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Everything posted by Travis Kroells

  1. Yes, he is a studly one. Although its more of a "My new ASCI makes me want to blow up the ship with rage!"
  2. Do the Middle Earth thing. Make a rabbit stew.
  3. ::Books Dear Dakkie many, many years of theropy::
  4. Im taking it that Jamie is still crazy then in sickbay too?
  5. ::Feels the ground, noting a drop in temp::
  6. The special effects are so cheesy on TOS sometimes it takes away from the feel of being there, however, I also think it is what gives the series its strength. To be able to overcome such things, and still intice viewers, is the sign of a great series.
  7. TAS... Oh wait, this doesn't specify genre... Jack Bauer.
  8. "The Day Is Done" Por Favor
  9. ... ::loudspeaker booms:: SCIENCE OFFICERS RULE!
  10. I've played mostly humans around here, although I have started to branch out, I've played: Human Ferengi Betazed and I have some other future characters shelved.
  11. "Where's Greenpeace now?"
  12. Oh never mind that. This is all just an elaborate scheme by Jamie to cough on Davies and overthrow the ship.
  13. Halo 2 was good back when it came out. However, its been toped graphically (Specifically Doom 3 and Half Life 2) before the "next-gen" even hit. I got my Xbox 360, and I'd love it more then a child if I had one. G.R.A.W. is a suprub game, and the added features of the 360 (stream music, wireless!, dedicated chatlines) are all nice. But I realized something a couple weeks ago. If I hadn't have fried my Xbox, I never would have gotten a 360...at least at this time. I find myself playing my old 'Box games more then my 360 games, specifically KOTOR I and II and Destroy all Humans. Halo 3 will be good no doubt, and I'll buy it. Heck, maybe I'll even get into that midnight crazy **** like I did last time around. But in the end, all I still have to say is... "Who are the Patriots?"
  14. I dont know. I tried blogna once. My CD player still doesn't work right.
  15. In the mean while, we continue to break your garden spade. :)
  16. Which is why I *love* american society.
  17. People like shows that are more mirrored to their times, they like stories they can relate too now-a-days. Thats my only logical guess as to why someone would make a show like "Desperate Housewives"... Thats why all these CSI and Law and Order shows are using plots ripped from the headlines its stupid. But you wanna know what? This gum is really tasty :)
  18. ::Gets eaten by the zombie thread::
  19. Dont forget Cousin A-Hole Mike.
  20. I could bring up the whole Packers-Redskins game that was suposed to put Kerry in the office, but obviously even the Gods are fallable.
  21. This may not be a Trek line, but it's still one of my favorite lines of all time, from SG-1 Jack: "Is mental illness contagious?"
  22. ::Bows down before King Bush as Jack sighs in the background:: Forgiveth me!
  23. Indeed, Jack Bauer wouldn't willingly punish us with the likes of Bush...
  24. ::wraps himself up in a shield of SG-1, Atlantis, BSG, Farscape and many other sci-fi's to keep the hurt of this killing Trek from getting to him::
  25. "I'm sure they'll build another one. Still plenty of letters left." You'd think Starfleet would keep its flagship from constantly blowing up...