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Laehval tTemarr

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Everything posted by Laehval tTemarr

  1. Uhura> "Captain, we're in trouble! The evil villain-type people are headed our way! Should I do my infamous feather fan naked dance to distract them?" Kirk> ::Mmmm... fan dance.:: "What? Oh ... Yea. Good idea. And if that doesn't work, I'll accidentally rip my shirt in several places."
  2. I'd get rid of all the Romulan brow ridges and bowl cuts, so they were a more attractive race. TOS Romulans were pretty, smooth browed. I don't accept the fact that they simply evolved bumpy heads. What ... did they have a virus outbreak like the Klingons? Lame! I much prefer my angry Vanessa Williams Romulan. :lol:
  3. I'd like to make changes, if they will fit: "Never Trust a Romulan ... Especially a Live One." Thanks!
  4. The Deliquescence A Collaboration By El’Riov Laehval t’Temarr & Erei'Riov Destorie N'dak Finding himself less apprehensive than he usually was when descending into the realm of Laehval t'Temarr, Destorie N'Dak stepped into Main Engineering, ISD and Indenticard in hand. Normally, he’d pause to look around for the Daise’Engineer, but by now he could guess where she would be. He headed straight for her office. "Excuse me," he said, knocking on the frame of the open door. "May I come in, Daise?" As predicted, Laehval was sitting behind her desk, trying to ignore her pounding headache as she reviewed the latest reports of the away team's salvage operation. The rest of engineering bustled about with activity, but within her sanctuary it was deathly quiet. The knock drew her attention, causing her to wince as it reverberated through her skull. Peering up at N'Dak, she frowned, but beckoned him inside nonetheless. "Here about the modifications in your department?" He nodded slowly, and walked in placing the ISD on her desk. "Ie," he said softly. "However, I also have another reason for bothering au." Her gaze flitting over him briefly, she rose from her desk and reached for the ISD. Lifting it to read, she waited for him to continue. "Another project? Nothing trivial, I hope." "Na," he said. "It is na a project all... a mystery actually." He moved closer to the desk, keeping the Identicard in his grasp. "There was an attempt on the Deihu's life a few hours ago. I took this from the yy'a body of the attacker. Io standard Imperial Identicard..." He paused as he held the card for her to examine, sure she was going to make some snide remark about the gaps in security. Her interest captured, she surprisingly took the Identicard without comment, turning it over in her hand to view it at all angles. "Only an attempt? The attacker did na succeed, then?" "Na," he nodded. "t'Aehjae was able to subdue the woman before she could complete her mission." Sensing that this wouldn't be one of their more violent encounters, he continued. "I attempted to view the information on the card, but with na results," he said, his frustration obvious. "Menkha. I know nothing of the elder tr’S'Bien, but the last thing this ship needs is another Imperial incident, especially io involving a Deihu. Or flying rice bowls, for that matter." Muttering that last to herself. She peered up from the card, both brows lifting in speculation. "Encrypted, I'd imagine. And beyond aur access level, I'm sure. I doubt even our Enarrain's codes would work. Au wish me to break through the security?" "Ie," he said. "The assassin was able to slip aboard with the access codes, which annoys me even more, because now I will be blamed for insufficient security." He sighed as he looked at the datacard. That was what annoyed him more than even the attempt on the Senator’s life--he would be blamed for the fiasco, despite the fact he had done everything in his power to prevent it. "Do au believe she came aboard when we were last docked with the repair station?" Laehval’s frown deepened. He nodded. "I checked the access records. Her code was listed, but the D’heno at the airlock would na have questioned an officer with her 'level' of clearance," he scowled. "Then au are na to blame. That station must answer for much. The repair crews were lax in some of their duties, though the reports I received indicated otherwise. Now it seems their security is to blame as well. Though they may na have questioned her clearance levels, it is standard procedure to announce such high ranking officers and guests to the command staff as well as the Daise'Dheno. Au received na such notification, correct?" "Na, na at qiuu." He was actually surprised that Laehval was giving him encouragement in this matter, although it would be another matter entirely whether or not t'Rexan saw it that way. Laehval was more interested in gaining evidence from any source possible. He was giving her another valid reason to blame the station for its mistakes. Now that he had his own incident to back up her claims, her reports would hold more weight. Flipping the card in her fingers, she glanced from him into main engineering. "I have na pressing matters at the moment. Did au wish me to look at this hna?" "If au are na busy," he said. He really never understood why he had been so unsociable with the woman, but then he had charged into Engineering one time with a dead animal and thrown it at her AQS. Laehval should have had a sign above her door that said 'approach with caution'. She did not tolerate attitude, but could be civil to those that were civil with her in turn. Besides, she had too much of a headache to do much yelling. Giving him a slight nod, she took the Identicard and his ISD and exited her office, heading for one of the unoccupied engineering labs. "If au like, I can also show au the progress we've made on the br'tehh modifications." Passing two of the occupied labs, - one of which held El'Arrain tr'Pexil as he attempted to break into the salvaged flight recorder - Laehval moved into the largest of her workrooms. It was filled with all types of equipment, though one entire wall held a fully functioning mockup of a brig cell. N'Dak followed a few steps behind. He was trying, as of late, to be more civil towards the other members of the crew, thinking that he would spend less time in medical if he did. Moving into the lab, he walked to the mockup, studying the modifications. He nodded, satisfied with what he saw. "The Enarrain has approved the modifications," he said, pleased with himself. "With all the work we've done on them, I would have installed them anyway." Throwing him a sidelong glance, she waved a hand at the cell. "Care to try it out?" He smiled wryly. "I am an expert on the br'tehh these days. I’m always finding myself in io," he said as he stepped into the mockup. "Not this type." She lifted a control device from one of the work tables and tapped in a quick sequence. The familiar shimmering forcefield appeared over the opening of the cell. "This is aur normal setting, comparable to what au currently have in aur br'tehh." He inched a finger near the forcefield. "Ouch." Smirking at his pain, she pressed another sequence and the forcefield intensified. "Try that io. It is a very slight modification, but io that will deter tampering. The longer io remains in contact, the longer the effects." Very, very cautiously he reached single finger towards the shimmering green field. Once in contact with the field, his entire body went numb, then began tingling as though his muscles had been deprived of oxygen. He was quick to jerk his hand away. "Owww!" He said, slumping back onto the hard cell bunk. "Indeed," he said, quite exasperated. It took a moment for the feeling to return to his body. "And the hteij inhibitors?" "I could test it on au, but au would na live through it. They are functioning, but we need to tune them so that the subjects are na obliterated in the process. Set the way they are currently, the force of the inhibitors are such that the molecules of a person are scrambled, but kept in the cell. Once the influence of the hteij is removed, the molecules are rearranged, but na in order as there is na pattern buffer in the cell. The outcome is always fatal." She tilted her head slightly, seeming more annoyed by the glitch than actually disturbed by the outcome. He smirked, finding Laehval's comment quite amusing. "Hna this is most excellent." "We've also modified the transparency factor of the field." She made another adjustment and the field changed so that he could no longer view the room. Instead, he only saw a seemingly normal wall. "Au can adjust it so that aur prisoner can neither see nor hear what happens within aur office, though au may still view him within the cell. If au so desire, au may even adjust it so that au do na have to look at him." Her disembodied voice drifted through the blank wall where the forcefield had shimmered only moments before. "How delightful," he said. "We hardly need an interrogation room with this feature. Hann’yyo. I believe I have seen enough." N’Dak waited a few moments for her to deactivate the forcefield, but nothing happened. "Laehval?" A cruel joke, he assumed. Nothing but silence answered him. Straining, he finally discerned the soft hiss of a hypospray being administered. When the forcefield deactivated, Laehval was tucking the medical device back into her uniform. He looked at her very oddly. "Are au well?" Normally he wouldn't even ask such a question, but knowing about the accident, he had felt it best. She gave him a withering look. "My head aches. Na concussion. It will dissipate." She dismissed the subject with a flick of her fingers and changed topics. "As I said, we still need to do some tuning. If au have any other features au desire, now would be the time to ask." "Still interested in the Identicard?" Turning, she moved to a small computer station within the lab, placing the card into the reader. Glad to be free of the mock-up brig cell, he stepped out and towards Laehval. "Ah," he said. "Ie, ie very much so. I wish to present it to t'Rexan as soon as possible." "Though such things are na standard and extremely illegal, we do have quite a few encryption decoders at our disposal." She initiated a program on the console. It began much as N'Dak's query, trying to gain access through normal means and switching tactics once denied. "If this is na voiceprinted, then we should be able to break through." He nodded. "I figured that I should bring it down to au, as aur expertise in technical matters is rarely matched." "Au do na usually flatter me unless au want something. In fact, I do na think au have ever flattered me." She turned from the console, peering at him dubiously. "And as I am already assisting au, I fail to see the point." "Na flattery," he protested. "Only honesty." He turned to fully face her. "Actually," he said quite sincerely. "I only want for au to na think so little of me. During my latest stay in medical, Daise’Maenak t'Ksa helped me realize what a poor example I have been lately. I am trying to... change my ways." She arched a brow, her gaze focused on his face as he spoke, studying him with open scrutiny. "It had occurred to me that perhaps I have na give au the respect au deserve as Daise'Dheno, thereby earning some of the ill will au have spread about. As I am certain au have noticed, I am na the most ... sociable ... of creatures. There is little I will tolerate, least of all in my own department." "Perhaps," he said, meeting her gaze, his softened eyes conveying the respect he had for the woman. "We can agree to a non-aggression pact?" "Perhaps something could be arranged,” she shrugged lightly. "Especially when in the presence of subordinates. It could be beneficial to both of our departments." "Of course," he nodded. Gauging her for a moment, he added, "Did au know that according to those in my department, au and I are to be bonded... with twins on the way." "I trust that au have set them straight on the matter," she said wryly. "Twins do na run in my family." Snorting, she leaned against the computer console, checking it briefly to make certain it was still running properly. He nodded. "Ie," he said, then almost playfully, "They do however run in mine." "But of course," he said, "I let them know that it is Issaha that au can na resist. Especially his boyish, drunken charm." He was smirking now from pointed ear to pointed ear. She choked, one hand lifting to her mouth. "I think perhaps I need to visit the medical bay. I feel decidedly ill to my stomach." Pushing off the console, she threw him a glance to let him know she was teasing. "I think my staff thought I was going to yy'a the lot of them when I walked in on them discussing the matter," he said smirking. "I am surprised au did na. I would have at least maimed a few so as na to support insurrection." He chuckled. "Na, I just made them all work double shifts. Next time we are on leave," he snarkled. "I'll make sure they all have to stay on the ship." "Good enough, I suppose. It might curb a few rumors." Lips pursed in amusement, she nodded. "If, however, au still find that their attitudes need adjusting, send them to do security sweeps of my department." Her grin could only be described as wicked. Finishing the decryption sequence, the console beeped loudly. Scowling at the noise, Laehval removed the Identicard from the reader and handed it back to N'Dak. "Try it again. It should be coded to any clearance level now. If it still will na let au in, then bring it back. I have more drastic measures we could try, but the card would na survive them." He took the card from her and placed into a pocket on his tunic. "Hann'yyo" "If au need any further assistance, let me know. Aur br'tehh modifications should be complete within a few days at the most. They can be installed at any point after." "Menkha," he said nodding. "Au really have exceeded my expectations on them. Hna if I can just talk t’Ksa into stationing a medic down there." "If she does na have io to spare, perhaps au might think of a holographic maenak. Emitters could be outfitted just as easily in aur department. It would give au a maenak in times of emergency and au would na have to create an office or special station." Lifting an eyebrow. "Perhaps, but only if Koga tr'S'Bien could be the model we used. That way t'Ditsy could have io to talk to." "Elements." Her eyes rolled upward and she shook her head. "Do na encourage that io. Au have obviously never seen her quarters. If au had, au would make two holographic models, io of tr'S'Bien and io of our Daise'Dheno." Smirking. "Oh really," he said, quirking an eyebrow. "I had na idea. I always thought it was au that had au walls plastered with hologliphs of me," trying to keep a straight face. "Oh, Ie. There are quite a few in my quarters. And they are all sliced to ribbons because I use them for targets when practicing my kaleh throwing." Shutting down the console, she also deactivated the mock br'tehh cell, plunging that section of the room into darkness. Gesturing toward engineering, she tilted her head at him. "If au have nothing else, there are always reports to be read and findings to be filed. I must also check with tr'Pexil on his progress with the flight recorder. Inform me of what au find on that Identicard. We might be able to help process the data and trace the origin of its construction." Smirking to himself, N’Dak nodded and followed her out. "Hann'yyo… for everything."
  5. N'Dak ... a GM ... I'm ... well ... speechless. Are they out of all other candidates? Did the world end in nuclear holocaust and wipe out EVERY other ambitious Star Trek nerd? IS THIS THE BEGINNING OF THE APOCALYPSE???? Hahahahahahahahahaha. Don't worry, N'Dak. No matter what authority you are given, what title they bestow upon you, or how big your already over-inflated ego gets, I'll always think of you as a peon. Congratulations, peon. <_< You've done us proud. Now get back to work, or I'll cut off your OTHER ear with a plasma torch. ::Very wide, evil grin::
  6. Lesson Learned By Daise’Engineer El’Riov Laehval tTemarr “Erein. Report.” Only half paying attention, the engineering Arrain peered at his ISD, sending the most recent repair updates to Main Engineering. “AQS dampening field down ninety-five percent. Implosion is imminent. We all have two point oh seven siuren to live.” “WHAT?!” Gaze snapping up, he immediately focused his attention on the Erein, his brain trying to process the information. “I’m only teasing au! Elements! There are na even any alarms blaring. Au are too high strung.” The resounding smack echoed through deck seven as the Arrain’s open palm connected with the back of the junior officer’s head. “Do na EVER joke, tease, or make light of ANY situation involving the AQS. Au KNOW how Daise t’Temarr feels about the AQS. I may be high strung, but au will be strung high … by the neck … if she hears au speak in that manner. It is common knowledge that she does na have a sense of humor.” Grumbling to himself, the Erein scowled and rubbed the back of his head, bending down to finish repairing the power linkage system. Satisfied that he’d made his point, the Arrain continued to make his rounds, moving on with only a single glare at the junior officer. Neither of them noticed Laehval standing a few paces away, inspecting deck seven’s repairs herself. Surprisingly, she slipped away without drawing attention to herself or the situation. Back in her office, Laehval could not stop chuckling. She knew the rumors that circulated through the ship about her. Most of them she’d started herself to keep her department in line and to make certain that those that came seeking Engineering’s services had actually weighed the consequences. So far she’d overheard that she’d secretly killed her entire family, her former lover had disappeared under ‘mysterious’ circumstances, and that two officers who’d insulted her were transferred to other ships, but never actually made it to their new posts. Most of the officers in her department knew that the worst of those rumors were untrue, but they couldn’t help but wonder if a few of the tales had some factual basis. Laehval cared not in the least. Her reputation kept her department compliant. Her engineers were efficient and thorough, carrying out every detail of their orders. Most feared what she might do if they were found to be lacking. Her eternally sour facade was enough to keep them from questioning her command, and her infrequency for meting out serious punishment kept her officers from rebelling. The few that didn’t actually fear her, like tr’Pexil and t’Bat’ok, were the only ones with true potential. She envisioned both of them with commands of their own one day. With her complete trust in tr’Pexil and t’Bat’ok to see to the completion of the repairs, the Daise’Engineer settled at her desk to read through the Talon’s daily activity log. Most of the news centered upon the repairs of the ship, various malfunctions in different departments, and requests for assistance. Laehval skimmed through those, already intimate with that information. Searching for anything of interest, she paused on a certain ship report about their newly arrived executive officer and his incarceration. She had heard rumors, of course, but had not investigated to discover the details. According to reports from the bridge, tr’Psichore was given brig time because of his inability to control the situation in security. Her eyebrows rose at that news. In her opinion, tr’N’dak should be the one to take responsibility and the punishment. His deficiencies as a leader were painfully obvious. She wondered if she should give him some advice about handling his department. It was clear that his methods – the beatings, incarceration, and public humiliation – were not effective. It seemed to her that because his officers neither feared nor respected him he’d created a fertile breeding ground for mutiny. Despite her inherent dislike for the Daise’Dheno, she did not wish to see anyone fall prey to Enarrain t’Rexan’s venomous demeanor. Unlike most of the new officers who had yet to discover the true nature of their Enarrain, Laehval had plenty of insight to offer. She and t’Rexan had been at odds since the transfer of the Talon’s command to the insufferable woman. Laehval had openly disagreed with the Enarrain’s unorthodox command techniques and suffered for it. She disliked t’Rexan’s greed, preferring to let her own sense of duty rule her rather than her lust for power. Consequently, she had been demoted several ranks out of spite. Setting aside her pride had been one of the hardest things Laehval had ever done. Because she refused to see the care of the Talon fall to anyone less dedicated, she’d forced herself to work with the woman. It helped that the Enarrain now respected her autonomy in Engineering and rarely interfered. Laehval did her best to never give her reason to meddle. She would never like their current captain (and it was extremely tempting to wish deadly harm to befall the woman every time she stepped off the ship), but Laehval could now tolerate her command as long as t’Rexan considered the care of the Talon and her crew to be of the highest priorities. She saw in the current security compliment the same belligerence that had once plagued her own service record. tr’N’dak’s department was swiftly traveling down the same path she’d once tread, inciting t’Rexan’s anger again and again. Though she did draw some small amusement from their mishaps, she sympathized with their situation, knowing how brutal the Enarrain could be. Even worse, they now had to contend with Daise’Erei’Riov tr’Psichore and had already tainted his opinion of them. She had not yet interviewed with the illustrious second-in-command, but his reputation was enough that she remained wary. She was wise enough to give him a wide berth until she was acquainted with his ways. Finishing the remaining reports, Laehval rose from her chair, tossed the ISD on her desk, and strode from her office. If she hurried, she’d have time for a bite to eat before making her rounds to oversee the preparatory work for when they reached the repair station. Perhaps, if she had time, she would schedule an interview with tr’N’dak. The new officers had some hard lessons to learn and she still wasn’t entirely sure she should interfere. After all, the best way to learn was to learn from one’s mistakes. Unfortunately, on the RES Talon, those mistakes might cause the Senior Staff to pitch one out of the nearest airlock. She mused on that for quite a while, making bets on who would be the first victim.
  7. Disclaimer: In the following document, you will find nearly everything you ever needed or wanted to know about the RES Talon. As this document existed long before I ever joined the Talon, I do not take credit for any of the data found within except where noted. It has been edited for the reader’s sake to include some of the more common Romulan word translations. ===================================================== SHIP'S DATA: RES TALON 2415 ===================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Class: D'DERIDEX CLASS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The RES Talon is a modified Rihannsu (Romulan) Warbird that serves as the flagship of the Rihannsu Star Empire. The ship's mission objectives are primarily Exploration and Strategic Operations. In order to meet its objectives, the RES Talon maintains a marine detachment. The ship is also equipped with a special cloaking device. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAUNCH DATE AND COMMAND: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Launch Date: 9501.05, ch'Havran Orbiting Shipyard Enarrain Varian t'Saar Daise'erei'Riov Lxai t'Kai ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHIP DIMENSIONS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Length: 1,125 meters Beam (width): 833 meters Draft (height): 315 meters Mass: 4.32 metric tonnes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREW CAPACITY: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Standard Crew (total): 943 - Officers: 197 - Enlisted: 700 - Non-Galae: 46 Maximum Capacity: 1500 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CARGO CAPACITY: Author: Varian t'Saar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 Cargo Bays - Capacity 1, 2, 5 & 6: 2,615 metric tons each - Capacity 3 & 4: 1,072 metric tons each Total Cargo Capacity: 12,604 metric tons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROPULSION: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Artificial Quantum Singularity Maximum Warp Cruising Speed: 8.0 Maximum Emergency Warp Speed: 9.98, sustained for 12 hours Dual Deuterium Impulse Drive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LANDING CAPABILITY: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DETACHMENT CAPABILITY: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRANSPORTERS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 standard (8 person) / Range: 50,000 Kilometers / Cycle Time: 4 seconds 2 Emergency (42 person) / Range: 15,000 Kilometers / Cycle Time: 9 seconds 2 Cargo (Up to 4 metric tons) / Range: 50,000 Kilometers / Cycle Time: 5 seconds 1 Marine (Up to 1.5 metric tons) / Range: 50,000 Kilometers / Cycle Time: 5 seconds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DECK LISTING: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deck #.....Command Center - Forward Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1..............Science Labs 1 & 2 3..............Main Medical Bay, Chief Medical Officer's (Daise'Maenak) Office 6-12.........Main Computer (Etrehh) Core 8..............Captain’s (Enarrain) quarters, Senior officers' quarters 10............Senior officers' quarters, Transporter (Hteij) Room 1 13............VIP Quarters, Senior Officers’ Observation Lounge, Security Quarters 15............Main Bridge (Oira), Captain’s (Enarrain) Chambers, Conference Room 18............Lounge 21............Transporter (Hteij) Room 2 23............Holographic Imaging Chamber 1 Deck #.....Command Center - Aft Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4..............Auxiliary Bridge (battle bridge - Hwaveyiir) 5..............Holographic Imaging Chamber 2 6-12.........Engineering 8..............Engineering Staff Quarters, Security Staff Quarters, Transporter Room 3 8-14.........Back-up Computer (Etrehh) Core 9..............Main Engineering, Engineering Chief’s (Daise'Engineer) Office 11............Auxiliary Medical Bay 13............Brig (Br’tehh), Main Security, Security Chief’s (Daise'Dheno)Office Deck #.....Dorsal Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2..............Cargo Bays 1 & 2, Cargo Bay Transporter 1 4..............Cargo Bay 3 & 4, Cargo Bay Transporter 2 Deck #.....Stern Section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13............Marine Contingent, Marine Transporter 1 14............Scout Bay 1 & 2, Cargo Bay 5 & 6 * Deck numbers in all sections match to deck numbers on command center ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEAPONRY: Author: Kalhr tr'Verdin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Modified Disruptor - Forward Port Dorsal Section * 1 Modified Disruptor - Forward Starboard Dorsal Section * 1 Modified Disruptor - Forward Port Ventral Section * 1 Modified Disruptor - Forward Starboard Ventral Section * 1 Modified Disruptor - Command Center Forward Section * 1 Modified Disruptor - Stern Section * 1 Standard Photon Torpedo Launcher - Forward Port Dorsal Section 1 Standard Photon Torpedo Launcher - Forward Starboard Dorsal Section 1 Standard Photon Torpedo Launcher - Stern Section * Modification Note: Engineering modifications were added to increase the fluency and the energy flow adjustment of the quanta / plasma streams. Such modifications included additional polarization arrays and high-energy converters which enabled the extreme levels of pressurization on the primary systems to be diluted to a standstill. This abrupt stabilization enabled the energy output of the RES Talon's disruptors to increase to a level of 10% or relatively higher when compared to that of any other Galae Command Starship. However, this particular increase would only prove available if and only if the new systems were operational and in use. Therefore, the disruptor settings could be returned to normal if they were ever required to do so. Also, the new modifications would supply a secondary backup system; the new equipment could be used as an alternative source for the offensive systems if the backup generators were destroyed or inoperable along with the primaries. The disruptors have a multiple delivery system (particle beam and pulse). The disruptors are also programmed to randomly reprogram frequency settings after each firing. Thus making it impossible for an enemy to "tune" its shields for maximum deflection efficiency. This also gives the disruptors a color changing effect with each frequency. The disruptors can also be overpowered by tapping the AQS, but this is an option and not required to fire the disruptors. The RES Talon can hold up to 400 plasma torpedoes 500 magnetic anti-matter mines in its three torpedo bays. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ENERGY / PROPULSION SYSTEMS: Author: Laehval t’Temarr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Artificial Quantum Singularity (AQS): Rather than apply the commonly used matter / anti-matter propulsion configurations of the lesser races, the RES Talon (along with all other Romulan ships) is powered by an artificial quantum singularity (AQS). It is the main power source for the warp engines and all of the ship’s primary systems. Though difficult to create, the AQS has proven to be more powerful and more efficient than standard matter / anti-matter engines. The AQS is housed in a specially constructed chamber in main engineering and protected by several layers of shielding. Besides containing the AQS, the dense housing that surrounds it also serves as the initial fusion reactor. Shortly after installation, extreme amounts of energy, in the form of hydrogen isotopes, are fed into the containment structure. A graviton field helps contain those isotopes which fuse to form an independently fueled star. Stable for only a short period of time, the miniature star quickly burns itself out and collapses. The tremendous gravitational pull of the collapsed star causes the microscopic quantum singularity to form – a point in time and space where the laws of physics break down. Intense kinetic reactions within the singularity produce virtual quantum particles. Normally, such particles are formed in pairs (a particle and an anti-particle) and immediately annihilate one another. However, the nature of the gravitational field causes the particles to separate. One is absorbed back into the singularity while the other escapes the event horizon and transforms into an actual particle. The actual particle is then collected by Talon’s systems as radiation energy and stored for use. Though the AQS system produces higher levels of energy than the standard matter / anti-matter engines, it does have two significant drawbacks. First, operating a ship that has such a significant spatial anomaly within the core would be extremely difficult. The physics of the singularity are such that nearby matter is automatically ensnared by its gravitational forces. Such a pull would be disruptive to the function of the ship and serve to quickly destroy it from the inside. To compensate, a dampening field is placed around the AQS. By containing the singularity and its disruptions, the field effectively ‘lightens’ the burden by masking its very presence. Secondly, creation of an AQS requires extremely precise conditions. The massive amounts of energy needed, coupled with the specific environmental settings required, make artificial singularity formation an impossibility except within a controlled environment. The Romulan homeworld of ch’Rihan is the only such place where such an environment exists. Attempting to form a singularity without proper equipment and training has always had disasterous results. Consequently, if any ship’s AQS is ejected or exhausted (and providing that the resulting explosion is contained and does not destroy the ship), it cannot be recreated except on the homeworld. Like all natural black holes and gravity wells, the AQS has a finite lifespan. The rate of evaporation is directly proportional to the amount of energy it radiates. Because artificial singularities are formed by forcing the natural creation process and are enhanced to produce greater amounts of energy, they also age at a greater speed. Once any singularity reaches the end of its life, it will explode violently as it releases the remainder of its energy. Though artificial singularities have significantly shorter lifespans than those formed naturally (around 10 million years), they are speculated to last an estimated 10,000 years. Galae regulations require all ships to be refitted with new propulsion systems every twenty to thirty years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEFENSIVE SYSTEMS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 primary generators. - Deflector Output (Cruise Mode): 2,347 MW graviton load. - Deflector Output (Alert status): 4,358 MW graviton load. 4 backup generators. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEFLECTORS (Shields): Author: Kahlr tr'Verdin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The deflector systems create a localized zone of highly focused spatial distortion within which an energetic graviton field is maintained. Outlining the outer hull of a Galae Command Starship is a series of geometrically placed transmission panels; the panels resemble a grid layout and their placement helps to provide the field from which the shape and size of the object emitting that field is maintained. The energetic force produced remains resistant to any outside intrusion; these intrusions may result from objects which exist on the atomic plane or they may in fact be objects which exist on a more relative plane, such as small space faring asteroids. If in fact an object were to strike the field produced by the transmission panels while that field was raised, the resulting event would concentrate the field energy at the point of impact, producing the spatial distortion from which the shielding effect is defined. To any three-dimensional observer outside of the starship, the object would appear as if it had "bounced off" of the shield. However, if in fact the observer's plane of view would shift to that of zero-dimension, the resulting event would appear as if the trajectory of the moving object had stayed the same, and the ship itself had suddenly changed position due to the impact of that object. Primary Field Generators: Flux energy - Provided by 7 primary field generators - Provided by 4 secondary generators - Provided by 4 nacelle generators Generator Output - Consists of ten 43 MW graviton polarity sources which are powered by two 700 Millicochrane subspace field distortion amplifiers. Generator Settings - Normal situations onboard any Rihannsu vessel call for at least one major section generator on operational standby at all occasions. If indeed the cloak is not activated at the time, these generators are under operation and fully functional. However, if the cloak is on-line, the generators are set to standby as silent running procedures indicate that no detectable interference be allowed to operate. At Condition Red and sometimes Yellow situations, all functional generators are pushed to operating on standby. Data Configurations - Normal system output of the field generators is usually represented by 1205 MW graviton load. Peak momentary load of a single Rihannsu generator can approach 480,000 MW for periods approaching 167.5 milliseconds. During any condition status, up to 9 generators may be operated in a parallel phase-lock, providing a continuous output of 2800 MW, with a maximum primary energy dissipation rate in excess of 725000 kW. The Rihannsu rely upon of highly selective ventilation system which provides constant cooling of the operational generators. This ventilation system uses a gaseous coolant which continues in a revolution cycle at momentary periods - most notably those in which the systems are set to their highest settings. The rating of this revolution rests at about 765,000 MJ with a series of secondary generators resting on standby in case the primary generators are overheated. There remains no set duty cycle for each of the generators, for in the majority of situations the Rihannsu Starships operate under cloaking situations, enabling the generators to escape periods of stress. The RES Talon is equipped with a standard cloaking device utilizing finely tuned warp fields to distort space around the vessel. Energy that enters the area of effect follows a path of space around the ship. To an observer, the energy appears to travel "through" the space occupied by the RES Talon. NOTE: The cloaking device and shields can not operate at the same time, nor can weapons be fired while cloaked. The cloak may also fail if the ship's velocity exceeds Warp 6. HOWEVER, transport is possible during cloak, as is both standard particle transportation and more difficult scout ship launches. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOLO-CLOAKING DEFENSE SYSTEM: Author: S'Antek tr'Mojok ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The RES Talon is the first D'Deridex class Warbird to be deployed with the newly researched and redesigned HoloCloak that was first discovered in the Gamma Quadrant. No changes must be made to the starship to install the cloak. The two rows of cloaking emitters running across top and bottom of the Talon initiate the cloak, absorb the lazing caused by the cloaking effect, and also are used as projectors for the HoloCloak. For an image to be projected, it must also be in the ship's computer core. As the Talon makes its journeys through the galaxy, sensors will automatically scan in many objects in which to use with the HoloCloak. The object will first be scanned at the HoloCloak scanning console, taking in the object's size, characteristics, and EM signature. The dedicated processor is directly linked with the main computer core, which will convert all the information for the HoloCloak's use. The bridge needs to notify engineering to bring the HoloCloak online with the image chosen. This is useful in situations such as hiding as a space born object, or after the destruction of an enemy, taking on the enemy starship's appearance and EM signature. The HoloCloak is able to confuse visuals from any range, and sensor readings up to 5000 km away. When using the HoloCloak in enemy territory, direct contact with other ship scans is not advisable unless the enemy does not consider you to be a threat. The HoloCloak is also able to scan in the surrounding starfield and cloak the ship as a starfield, thus no visual distortion of space is seen as is sometimes the case with the normal cloak. Included in the HoloCloaking system is an additional normal cloak for backup purposes. Power can be easily transferred to the main cloaking device if the holographic image is no longer needed or desired. NOTE: Because of the massive amounts of power that the HoloCloak must utilize to remain operational (all primary generators at full), it is rarely used except in cases of extreme emergency. For an object to be used in the HoloCloak, the Talon must have encountered the object. (i.e. you can't cloak as a Borg cube if the Talon has never met one.) Also shields and weapons cannot be activated while the HoloCloak is online. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY REINFORCEMENT FIELD (SIRF): Author: Telram tr'Koln ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This system provides a series of forcefields, in segments, that compensate for the structural loads that would otherwise exceed the design of the ship. The SIRF applies an energy field directly to conductive elements within the spaceframe, increasing the load-bearing capability of the structure. Field generation is provided by a total of 7 generators distributed throughout the ship, 3 in the command section, 2 in the dorsal section and 2 in the ventral section. Each generator consists of a cluster of 23 19MW graviton polarity sources feeding four 265 millicochrane subspace filed distortion amplifiers. Heat dissipation is accomplished by four 320,000 MJ/hr continuous-duty liquid helium coolant loops. A total of 3 back up generators are in place, one in each of the three sections of this ship. These generators are slightly smaller and limited-time service only. They provide 69% of the regular SIRF for a maximum of 14 hours. Normal maintenance schedules recommend general servicing every 36 to 48 hours. The polarity sources are rated at 1750 operating hours between standard servicing of superconductive elements. The output from the generators is directed by a network of molybdenum-jacketed quintphase waveguides, which distributes the field energy through the spaceframe. The SIRF increases the load-bearing capacity of the conductive elements by up to 127,369%. Secondary feeds also provide for the reinforcement of the external hull. In standard cruise mode, at least one primary generator in each section is active at all times. The Flight Control Officer has the option to call the secondary generators into service if extreme maneuvers are anticipated. During Alert Modes, all operational units are brought to hot standby. In Reduced Power Mode two generators remain in service, feeding the entire ship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INERTIAL DAMPING FIELD (IDF): Author: Telram tr'Koln ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IDF system operates in parallel to the SIRF, and generates a series of controlled variable-symmetry force fields. These forcefields absorb the inertial forces generated by space flight. The IDF maintains a low-level forcefield throughout the habitable sections of the ship. The field averages 69 millicochranes with differential limited to 5.34 nanoseconds. As the effects of acceleration are anticipated, the field is distorted along a vector diametrically opposed to the velocity change. There is a lag in setting direction and intensity of the IDF, averaging about 267 milliseconds. IDF control is directly linked to Flight Control, so normal course corrections and impulse maneuvers are not felt by the crew. Flux generators for the IDF are located in each of the three sections of the ship, with redundant units in the command center and dorsal sections of the ship. Each generator consists of a cluster of 17 57MW graviton polarity sources feeding four 173 millicochrane subspace filed distortion amplifiers. Heat dissipation is accomplished by four 107,000 MJ/hr continuous-duty liquid helium coolant loops. Additionally, backup generators are in place in the Command Center and Dorsal sections. The backup units are slightly smaller and limited-time service only. They provide 69% of the regular IDF for a maximum of 14 hours. Cruise mode requires any two of the three generators on line at any point in time. Like the SIRF, Flight Control and bring additional IDF generators on line. During Alert Modes, all operational units are brought to hot standby. In Reduced Power Mode two generators remain in service, feeding the entire ship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMPUTER SYSTEM: Author: Telram tr'Koln ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main System: Central Information Retrieval and Access System (CIRAS) v9501.05 The CIRAS consists of two redundant main processing cores, located between decks 6 and 12 of the Command Center Forward Section. A third, back up unit, is located in the Command Center Aft Section between decks 8 and 14. Previously, each core utilized a series of subspace field generators, creating a symmetrical field distortion of 3350 millicochranes. New breakthroughs in subspace field technology have shown that an asymmetrical distortion yields a higher FTL (faster than light) handling of optical data. Talon will be the first to have this new series of field generators. The effective yield of the field is documented at 3750 millicochranes. (Note: asymmetrical fields do not work for propulsion applications) The two cores run in parallel clock-sync, making them 100% redundant. In the event of a failure in either core, the other is able to take over without interruption in service. In past systems, secondary systems such as the HIC were suspended in the switch over. The new data handling speed eliminates this interruption of secondary systems. The core elements are based on FTL nanoprocessors units organized into clusters of 1,344. The clusters are grouped in into modules consisting of 224 clusters controlled by a bank of 14 isolinear chips. Each core comprises 7 primary and 5 upper levels. The number of modules in each level varies, but the average number per level is 4. The Core Memory is provided by 2,166 dedicated memory modules of 112 isolinear optical storage chips. Under the CIRAS software, the average dynamic access to memory is 5,198 kiloquads/sec. The storage capacity of each module is 711,900. (Note: actual capacity varies depending on exact software configuration.) Subprocessors: The network of 684 quintronic optical subprocessors is distributed throughout the ship. Subprocessors located in critical areas are equipped with direct optical links to the main core. Non-critical areas are linked locally to a junction then passed to the main core. This improves the access time to critical areas with the delays in non-critical areas being negligible. The main bridge has 7 dedicated processors and 12 shared processors, which allow operations to continue even in the event of a main core failure. All bridge processors are redundantly linked to the main core via protected optical conduits, in the event that the primary optical link were to be lost, these redundant links provide alternate access to the main core. As an added protection against linkage failures, short-range RF links are available to provide emergency data communications with the bridge. Standard System Operations: All active panels are polled by CIRAS at 28 millisecond intervals thus keeping the local subprocessor and/or main core advised of all keyboard or verbal inputs. Each polling inquiry is followed by a 39 nanosecond data stream updating the panel information. This update would include any requested visual of audio information. Additionally, CIRAS conducts a regular sweep of all inactive stations, transferring that information to the ops subprocessor and main core. This sweep occurs every 115 milliseconds. CIRAS also regularly updates the back-up core to prevent a loss of information should that core be brought into primary usage. This update occurs every 1.32 seconds. Optical Information Network (OIN): Links all systems, processors and subprocessors to the main core with both regular optical links and primary systems also with redundant protected optical links. The OIN is also accessible via short range RF links; this method is incorporated in both ISDs and Multicorders. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTERNAL NETWORKS: Author: Telram tr'Koln ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internal Power Distribution System (IPDS): A series of microwave power transmission waveguides (the Internal Power Distribution System) transmits power to the onboard systems. Major power supplies derive microwave power from the AQS power conduits and the main impulse engines. Additionally, critical sections are redundantly supported by local fusion generators. A secondary power distribution system provides electrical power to various specialized systems. Optical Information Network (OIN): Information transfers are accomplished with a network of multiplexed optical microfibers. A series of 7 redundant major optical trunks link the two primary cores with the back-up core. Any individual trunk handles the total data load of the ships basic operating systems. The OIN trunks also provide information links for the 684 subprocessors. The subprocessors improve system response time by distributing the system load and also supply a measure of redundancy. Each control panel or display surface is linked via the OIN to these subprocessors. Three secondary OINs provide protected linkages to key systems and stations; these backup system are physically separated from the primary system and from each other. Atmosphere, Water and Waste Disposal: All three are non-redundant systems. The atmosphere is distributed via a network of ducts that recirculate the breathable atmosphere after reprocessing. Potable water for drinking and cooling is distributed by a conduit network, which runs parallel to the wastewater return conduits to the 5 recycling/reprocessing facilities. Solid waste is recycled and stored as raw material for matter synthesis (Replicators). Transporter Beam Conduits: High energy waveguides link each transporter with its associated pattern buffer and then to the external emitter arrays. The patterns could be linked to any of the 23 emitters, this network provides against interconnection permutation. Low Velocity Control System (LVCS): A system of 9 primary and 9 auxiliary low-velocity control engines (LVCE) are used for attitude and translational control. The LVCS is designed primarily for sublight operations such as station-keeping, drift-mode tri-axis stabilization, and dock maneuvering. The LVCS is distributed with 2 each on the stern of the warp nacelles, 5 across the bow of the ship and the remaining 2 located on the port and starboard sides. Each main LVCE is a gas-fusion chamber with a magneto hydrodynamic energy field trap and upper and lower vectored-thrust exhaust nozzles. Each engine has a local storage tank for deuterium to fuel the fusion chamber. A pair of redundant magnetic peristaltic pumps, pressure regulators, and distribution nodes transfers the fuel. The Internal Power Distribution System (IPDS, comparable to the Federations EPS) powers a step-up plasma compression generator to ignite the engines. A three-stage magneto hydrodynamic energy field trap lies downstream from the fusion chamber. The first stage is a partial recovery system, the second performs partial throttle operations and the third continues throttle operation in conjunction with fuel flow regulators, to control exhaust products as they enter the exhaust nozzle. Thrust output is 3.2 million Newton's with one nozzle active, 5.7 million Newton with both nozzles active. The vectored nozzles direct the exhaust products at the specified angle to produce the desired force against the ships frame. The LVCEs are additionally equipped with frequency resonance generators, located at the nozzle, allowing the propulsive exhaust to resonate at the same frequency as the cloak, thereby cloaking the exhaust. The auxiliary LVCEs have a single stage magneto hydrodynamic energy field trap and a single vectored nozzle. Output is 1.2 million Newton. The LVCEs are also equipped with precision mooring beam tractor emitters for close-quarters docking maneuvers when base equivalent mooring beams are not available. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SENSOR SYSTEMS: Author: Telram tr'Koln ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Long Range: Wide and Narrow Angle active EM Scanners 3.5 Meter diameter Gamma ray telescope Variable frequency EM flux scanner Parametric subspace field stress sensor Gravimetric distortion scanner Passive neutrino imaging scanner Thermal imaging array The Long Range array is direct connected to the IPDS. Two suites of long range sensors exist, one in the bow and one in the stern. The instruments share the use of the navigational deflectors subspace field generators, providing the subspace flux potential allow the sensor impulses to transmit at warp speeds. Normally, the forward array scans in the direction of flight and is used to search for flight hazards. When such hazards are detected the deflector is instructed to sweep the objects from the ships path. If the object is too large for the deflector, course adjustments are made. This function is linked directly to Flight Control. Hull Lateral Sensor Array: Except surrounding the warp nacelles, a 5 segment array is imbedded into the hull, the largest segment being across the bow. The hull lateral array is linked into the OIN and also has a pair of subprocessors for each segment. The standard array includes 5 sensor levels: Level 1: Wide-angle EM radiation imaging scanner* Quark population analysis counter Z-range particulate spectrometry sensor Level 2: High-energy proton spectrometry cluster Gravimetric distortion mapping scanner Vectored lifeform analysis instrument cluster Level 3: Low and high level EM flux sensors* Local subspace field stress sensor* Parametric subspace field stress sensor Linear subspace flux sensor Level 4: Optical Imaging cluster* Virtual and High-Resolution Graviton flux spectrometers* Graviton spin polarimeter* Level 5: Passive imaging gamma interferometer sensor Variable level thermal imager* Virtual particle mapping camera* Each segment supports a redundant suite of all these standard sensor levels. Sensors marked with * have double redundant units. Cloaked Operation Sensor Information Compensation System (COSICS): Special software is utilized to assist the sensor operation while the ship is cloaked. This is necessitated by the distortions that are the very function of the cloak. Like the navigational system, a baseline archive is in place, stored in an archive section of this main core, and a rewrite utility that forms a database of corrections based on real-time data as compared to the known data base. This dual algorithm system allows for a continuous updating and fine-tuning of the distortion correction, yielding sensor readings accurate to within .213% of non-cloaked readings. There are two separate systems, one to compensate for standard cloaking device and one for Holo-Imaging cloak. This is a necessity as the distortion fields are entirely different between the two cloaking systems. Additionally, during holo-imaging cloak operations, the COSICS consults the library computer and controls which segments of the sensor arrays are active, to match the image being projected. This selective availability can be overridden from ops, tactical and science. How the COSICS works: A baseline of standard information about celestial bodies and known vessel configurations is stored in the archive section of the main core. To this is added the rewritable database, which takes its own readings from the sensors and not only compares them to the COSICS baseline, but also the navigational sensor systems baseline and rewritable databases. This cross check minimizes interpretive misinformation by the compensation software. In addition to checking known celestial bodies, resources include know vessel configurations and other gathered intelligence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ External Vessels / Scout Ships: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Standard Complement of the Talon includes: 8 Standard Scoutships - 2 Kaleh Class Scouts - Hnoiyika Class Scouts - Thrai Class Scouts - Khellian Class Scout 2 Ambassador Scoutships - 2 Ra’kholh Class Scouts 1 Cargo Scoutship - 1 Eisn Class Cargo Scout 3 Engineering Workpods * General Notes about Scout Ships: Standard Flight Crew consists of a Pilot and a Systems (OPs) Manager Additional Crew/Passengers accommodated as noted. C-25B "Eisn" Cargo Scout Ship Classification: Heavy long-range warp scout Crew: Std Flight Crew, 1 Cargo Specialist Power Plant: 2 - 2.250 lehcham warp engines, 12 thrusters Dimensions: Length 10.7m; beam, 4.4m; height 3.75m Mass: 4.57 metric tons (empty). Max payload, 9.03 metric tons. Performance: Warp 2.4 for 34 hours. Armament, 2 Level 6B class disruptors. Cloak: Operational for 38 hours at impulse only. Shielding: Level 5 SL-13C "Kaleh" Scout Ship Classification: Light, short-range sublight scout Crew: Std. Flight Crew Power Plant: 2 - 0.625 lehcham impulse engines, 4 liquid fuel thrusters, 3 storage cells. Dimensions: Length, 3.8m: Beam, 3.0m; Height, 1.5m Mass: .89 metric tons Performance: maximum velocity, 13,850m/sec. Armament: 2 Level 3A Disruptors Shielding: Level 3 MW-30B "Hnoiyika" Scout Ship Classification: Light, medium-range warp scout Crew: Std. Flight Crew Accommodations: 2 Passengers Power Plant: 2 - 2.050 lehcham warp engines, 10 thrusters. 3 storage cells Dimensions: Length, 7.0m; Beam, 6.1m; Height, 2.4m Mass: 3.31metric tons Performance: Warp 1.5 for 58 hours, Warp 2.3 for 32 hours Armament: 2 Level 3A Disruptors. Shielding: Level 4 LRW-22E "Thrai" Scout Ship Classification: Light, long-range warp scout Crew: Std. Flight Crew Accommodations: 3 Passengers / Specialists Power Plant: 2 - 2.275 lehcham warp engines, 10 thrusters, 5 storage cells Dimensions: Length, 9.0m; beam 7.9m; height 2.6m Mass: 4.23 metric tons Performance: Warp 2.2 for 50 hours, warp 2.9 for 34 hours Armament: 3 Level 8 Disruptors Shielding: Level 4 Cloak: 6 hours at Warp, 28 hours at Impulse ERW-47D "Khellian" Scout Ship Classification: Medium, extreme range warp scout Crew: 3, Std. Flight Crew plus Engineering specialist Accommodations: 6 passengers/specialists Power Plant: 2-2.675 lehcham warp engines, 12 thrusters, 5 storage cells Dimensions: Length, 11.0m; Beam, 9.7m; Height, 3.2m Mass: 5.78 metric tons Performance: - Non Cloaked: Warp 32 for 36 hours, Warp 3.7 for 24 hours - Cloaked: Warp 2.0 for 12 hours, Warp 1 for 18 hours Armament: 3 Level 8 Disruptors Shielding: Level 6 Cloak: 32 hours at Impulse, 12 hours at Warp 2.0 and 18 hours at Warp 1. LRW-115A "Ra’kholh" Scout Ship Classification: Light, long-range warp scout Crew: 3, Std. Flight Crew plus Engineering specialist Accommodations: 2 (diplomatic) Power Plant: 2-2.675 lehcham warp engines, 12 thrusters, 5 storage cells Dimensions: Length, 9.0m; beam 7.9m; height 2.6m Mass: 4.51 metric tons Performance: - Non-Cloaked Warp 3.7 for 32 hours, Warp 4.0 for 24 hours - Conventional Cloaked: Warp 2.2 for 12 hours, Warp 1 for 24 hours - HoloCloaked: Warp1.8 for 11 hours, Warp 1 for 19 hours Armament: 3 Level 8 Disruptors Shielding: Level 7 Cloak: This is the first class of Scout Ship to carry a small version of the HoloCloak. It also carries a conventional cloak. The Scout Ship does not carry the necessary scanners to take in data scans for HoloCloak Imaging. Its local core must be fed the image from the Warbird's main computer. Maximum image storage: 2. (Revised 0412.12 by Laehval t'Temarr)
  8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stardate – 0410.12 Official Project Report Subject – Advanced Fluid Regulation Ordnance (A.F.R.O.) For Review By – Enarrain Khre’Riov t’Rexan; Daise Erei’Riov tr’Psichore; Daise’Dheno Erei’Riov N’dak Composed By – Daise’Engineer El’Riov Laehval t’Temarr Project Aim To create a projectile spray device that will hamper and/or destroy the recently discovered gelatinous creatures by freezing their outer dermis in order to aid in capturing and/or purging the species from the planet. Device Description Though not typical of the normal disruptor weapons, the A.F.R.O. shares similar design aspects that make it easily adaptable as a weapon with little training. Preliminary ideas of the proposed weapon were too impractical to be used without extreme modification. Rather than use a standard issue rifle as the basis for the new ordnance, the engineering department has created something that can be used in both military tactics and practical applications. The main bulk of the A.F.R.O. consists of a rectangular holding tank that will be used for storage of the freezing liquid. The tank itself is strapped to the back of the officer using the weapon. Reinforcement of all surfaces projects the wearer against spillage accidents. The tank is also insulated to protect the liquid within from outside forces that may cause it to erupt. Regulation devices keep the internal pressure constant, providing the needed forces to ejection the liquid when needed. From the tank runs a pliable, insulated hose that leads into the expulsion gun. The tank’s natural vacuum keeps the liquid from pooling in the hose when not in use. One-way valves in the expulsion unit regulate the intensity of the liquid projectile and the amount of pressure allowed. Dials on the expulsion unit and the nozzle can be adjusted to change duration of the liquid stream and both the length and width of the coverage area. Summary Though the A.F.R.O. was designed to house and expel the freezing liquid presently needed by the dheno department, it can easily be modified to any other liquid expulsion applications. Though lightweight in design, it does have a shorter range than most other disruptor type weapons because of the extreme pressure needed to expel the liquid in controlled fashion. However, the amount of liquid it can hold is far superior to any other modified devices of its nature. Because of the many practical applications that can be foreseen using this same design, it is quite possible that the A.F.R.O. will be in use for some time. Engineering already has future plans for an even larger A.F.R.O. that will be sought after as a weapon of choice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Injustice for All Daise’Engineer El’Riov Laehval t’Temarr "Warning – Hull breach in progress. Escape pod malfunction. Implosion imminent. Inertial dampening field status critical. AQS ejection failed. Singularity failure imminent.” Thick smoke billowed from sparking consoles, threatening to choke the life from the harried souls that flitted from station to station. The atmosphere was charged with fear and panic, almost tangible in form. Alarms blared through the enclosed space, amplified by the thick, black haze that was quickly driving away all breathable air. Warning lights flashed at every console, a blinding display of the impending doom that certainly awaited them. Screams and shouts pierced the murk, pitched to carry above the alarms, explanations kept short out of necessity. It was hard to give detailed information while gasping for breath. Laehval stood in the center of the cacophony, her senses assailed at every possible angle. Frantic engineers rushed from one station to the next, unable to keep their balance at times as the floor dropped beneath them, the ship bucking, rocking, and shuddering as if in its death throes. Terrified expressions flickered past her in a blur. Some clung to their desperate hope, working frantically. Some sat despondent and unseeing, the starkness of reality slapping them into shock. Others wailed, cries of terror torn from their throats as they realized their efforts were for nothing. All of them looked to her. All of them expected an answer, a miracle, a flicker of hope. But Laehval simply stood in silence and stared at them all. And smiled. “How can au smile at a time like this?!” A crewman hovered at her elbow, her expression incredulous at Laehval’s apathy. “The Talon is going to explode! We’re all about to die!” Slowly, she turned to look at her assistant, her maniacal smile still plastered on her face. “Because, Erein, if the ship explodes and we all die, it means that t’Rex will be dead as well. I think it is worth the price, do au na?” “But … but …” The male sputtered, still in shock. “Laehval! The Enarrain was in the first group to beam off the ship before the transporters went off line! She and the rest of the command staff are safe! Even N’Dak got away!” Laehval’s eyes widened in surprise. “NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…….” And the Talon exploded in a brilliant display that was enjoyed by one and all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “…..Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” Laehval jerked awake, her body drenched in sweat. Heart beating rapidly, she quickly sat up in bed, gasping for breath. She could still smell the acrid smoke in her nostrils, still feel the sting of the haze in her eyes. Peering frantically around the room, it took her a few moments to realize that she’d only been dreaming. One hand pressed to her chest, she willed herself to calm down as the adrenaline rush tapered off. Panting, she fell back into her pillows, staring at the ceiling of her room. Just a dream. Only a dream. Not real. Elements, but that seemed real! Rolling on her side, she clutched a pillow to her and curled about it, squeezing her eyes shut against the nightmare. Once her body had been assured that the terror it had felt was nothing more than a silly dream, Laehval was finally able to relax. The details faded away as she slowly came to total wakefulness. The words echoed in her mind, however. Even N’Dak got away. Not able to help the giggles that rose to the surface, the engineer had soon dissolved into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. To think of all the horrors she’d seen and all of the suffering she’d lived through, and her most ghoulish nightmare featured t’Rex and N’Dak. It had occurred to her that she’d probably never leave the Talon if something were to happen to the ship. Her own persistent nature was of the type that she could leave no possible solution (no matter how unlikely) untested. She would probably explode with the rest of the ship while still trying to save it. But why would such a hellish dream come to her now, of all times? Sliding out of bed, Laehval stumbled to the replicating unit and ordered herself a mug of her favored blend of lukewarm tea. Settling into the comfortable chair behind her desk, feet drawn up beneath her in the seat, she sipped at her drink, mulling over the events of late. Risking life and limb was a large part of being in the Galae. She’d known that when she joined. And what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger … unless, of course, that thing that doesn’t kill you actually maims you and the Daise’Maenak throws you into stasis because you’ve outlived your usefulness. Snorting at her cynical nature, she turned her gaze to the portal in her room, peering out at the stars and the planet beyond. From space, every planet was beautiful. But then one stepped foot on the surface and its true nature was always revealed. The gelatinous creatures didn’t bother her in the slightest. They seemed to be dangerous, granted, and all teeth, but they could – and would – be killed. And engineering had made certain that such a thing would come about. The dheno staff now had weapons that would serve their purpose and beyond, able to destroy mass quantities of these creatures relatively quickly. With the scanning program in place as well, they would be able to locate the hostile beings even through all of the sensor static in the area. And if they still weren’t able to destroy the creatures with those two gifts just laid at their feet, Laehval was of the opinion that the Talon should leave them to fend for themselves. The ship had survived with minimal security before. Turning her attention back to her quarters, Laehval sighed heavily. A quick glance to the wall chronometer on the wall told her that her shift would start in just a few hours. She’d never be able to get back to sleep and even if she did, it would not be restful. Might as well get a few reports done while she had the time. Bare feet dropping to the floor, she leaned on her desk and powered up her terminal. In moments, she’d immersed herself the tons of paperwork that came with the job. Funny, that upon accepting the position as head of her department, she hadn’t realized that the Daise’Engineer never did any actual engineering. Ah, the injustices of the universe.
  10. Hard as Stone, Cold as Ice A Collaboration by: El’Riov Laehval t’Temarr, Arrain Destorie N’Dak & Erein Lill t’Ditsy (NPC) Water ran red as Laehval scrubbed the last of the snake blood off of her hands. Her clothing was now mottled with patches of deep red and green, souvenirs of both the serpent’s death and N’Dak’s wounds. Moving to the small clearing where they'd wrapped all the meat they could carry into the large leaves, she bent to stuff a few more in her pack. Her gaze flickered over N’Dak who was seated across the clearing, his eyes closed as he stole a few moments of rest. “Are we ready to depart?” “Ie. I believe so.” N’Dak took a breath against the pain and sat up, then struggled to his feet. Despite his outward displays of strength, he was in tremendous pain. Though bandaged, the snake bites he’d sustained still bled sluggishly and he felt slightly weak from the loss of blood. Sharp pains jabbed him with every breath, a few ribs no doubt broken when the snake had tried to squeeze him to death. Grabbing for his makeshift walking stick, he also shouldered his own pack, now full of the snake’s meat. He was determined not to show any weakness, especially not to Laehval. Unbeknownst to N’Dak, Laehval had stuffed most of the meat into her own pack, giving the male a chance to ease his wounded body. She knew that he was in more pain that he admitted. Erein t’Ditsy had the third pack, carrying their rations and the water bottle. Laehval kept control of the ISD that mapped out their course, not willing to trust the other woman with the precious information. After interviewing t’Ditsy, she’d discovered that the hopeless Engineer had departed the Talon without taking an ISD. Still, they had two working ISDs with which to make comparisons and hopefully to further their expeditions. Between the three of them, they now had three full days of standard rations, an abundant amount of snake meat that they could use to supplement their meals, three blades, one disruptor pistol, and one water bottle. Checking to make certain that both her knife and her weapon were in place at her hip, Laehval shouldered her pack, adjusted it to a comfortable position, and glanced toward the sky. “I thought we could make some headway while looking for a good place to camp. The sun is sinking ever lower and soon we’ll have no light. The smell of fresh blood will also draw predators to this spot.” “Agreed. We should get moving. According to my ISD, the river widens a few kilometers ahead and winds through the forest. If we follow it, we will stay on track. There is a canyon listed on the map as well. Perhaps we can find shelter there.” Reaching down, N’Dak holstered his bloody dagger into place. Choosing a path parallel to the river, he led the way through the sandy soil that lined the bank. Though obviously in pain, he kept to a brisk pace, anxious to reach cover before nightfall. “Here.” Laehval passed her ISD to him, throwing him a sidelong glance. “While we walk, compare the two of them to see if we can get any additional information. We can study them more in detail once we camp, but it will give au something to take aur mind off things.” Knowing that she was trying to provide him with a distraction from the pain, N’Dak took it with a nod and began to look it over. Occasionally, he would glance behind them to make certain that t’Ditsy was keeping up and hadn’t wandered away. When he grew tired of staring at topographical maps, he put the two ISDs away. Though he kept a keen eye on their surroundings, his attention kept shifting to Laehval. She was paying no attention to him whatsoever. “Laehval, au don’t trust me or like me, do au?” “Mmm, not especially. Na. Never had a reason to.” Her tone flat and emotionless, she finally glanced his way, one eyebrow arching at the question. “Does that bother au?” “To an extent.” N’Dak stared at her for a long moment, gauging her reaction. He had wanted to speak with her for some time now, but had never found the opportunity. Though he would have preferred to have some privacy, he figured that t’Ditsy wasn’t observant enough to follow their conversation. Indeed, as he looked back to where she straggled behind them, he saw she was too interested in collecting little pieces of broken shells and smooth river pebbles. Sighing, he returned his attention to the stone-faced engineer beside him. “I don’t blame au, really. I don’t think au realize, however, that we are not so different.” “How so? Do enlighten me. I’ve wanted to crack into aur skull for ages now.” Dryly, she turned her gaze from him again, focusing on the path and the forest that grew ever closer. A hint of a smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth at her play on words. She hadn’t glared at him yet, which meant she was in a contemplative rather than a defensive mood. “We are frozen hearts, au and I.” Neither confirming nor denying his statement, Laehval continued to visually scan the area. “And why do au think aur heart is frozen?” “Aur circumstances are similar to mine. Only …” N’Dak paused, pushing aside his memory of that one day so many years ago when he, the proudest of all Rihans, had fallen to his knees in tears. “Only, I am the cause of my own sorrows.” “So are we all.” Her voice strangely quiet, she threw him a sidelong glance. Not surprisingly, she didn’t ask for details. “We are both so cold to the touch … unreachable.” A heavy sigh escaped him, but he continued. “We keep those around us at arm’s length, never becoming a part of any group, never experiencing friendship.” “It is better that way.” She’d told herself that over and over again. After a short while, she actually started to believe it. Clearing away the emotion that choked her, Laehval flicked a hand to the forest as they neared the tree line, hastily changing the subject. “Let us find a good spot to make camp and settle in for the evening.” Had N’Dak actually cracked the veneer of the ice queen? He’d detected the change of her tone, but didn’t comment. There would be time later. “Through the canyon, I think. There should be plenty of cover. The map shows several clusters of rock through this area.” As they entered the forest, the foliage began to thicken until they were forced to leave the river and make short detours where they could push through the underbrush. The forest floor gradually sloped downward, outcroppings of rock rising to steep ravines which formed into a full fledged canyon. The river widened into a madly rushing current which tumbled over boulders and splashed down several levels of waterfalls. The air grew heavy and humid and everything about them grew a vibrant green. The dying light overhead through gentle rays through the forest canopy, dappling the thick debris below that muffled their footsteps. Like sleeping giants, the moss-covered boulders began to appear, scattered through the trees. Moss grew rampant, covering riverbanks, trees, and boulders alike. The place felt ancient, and somewhat forbidding. Soon enough, they had discovered a prime camping spot among those hulking rocks, choosing a cluster that formed a nearly perfect ring. The river rushed past them only a few meters away, though the roar was muted by the dense flora. N’Dak kneeled in the center of the ring that t’Ditsy had cleaned of all debris. A small, stone ringed, pile of leaves and twigs were piled before him. “If au can gather the wood and arrange it, I can start a fire.” “With what? Two sticks rubbing together?” Laehval snorted as she dropped her pack, moving out of sight to gather wood. “Actually, I was thinking rocks.” He smirked at her retreating form. “When I was a young child, my father used to take me camping in the woods around Hien’rhe.” “That must have been lovely.” Sprawled out on the ground beside him, t’Ditsy gazed up at his handsome form, just now realizing how muscular he was. She watched him intently, taking any opportunity to stare. “It was.” Sighing softly. He had no idea how strongly his next words would effect the female. “Koga and I often went out on such adventures.” She sighed heart-wrenchingly at the mention of his very name, her dreamy-eyed expression now permanently fixed on N’Dak. He was not as muscular as her unrequited love, but he was, perhaps, the only possible substitute. Murmuring, she smiled. “Did au take aur shirt off on many occasions?” “What?” N’Dak peered at her, preoccupied as he chose two rocks from those about them. “Did au say something?” “Nothing of importance.” Now smiling a secret smile, she lost herself in her own delicious thoughts. Oblivious, N’Dak began striking two small rocks together, each making a tiny spark. One of them caught fire to the pile of loose leaves, smoldering. He blew lightly on the ember until the surrounding area caught fire as well. Painstakingly adding twig by twig, the fire was crackling merrily by the time Laehval returned with an armful of dry branches. “Ooooooh … impressive.” t’Ditsy blinked back into reality as the fire began to grow. “Thank au.” N’Dak chuckled, glad the darkness hid his slight blush. Hours later, the sun had disappeared completely, throwing the forest into true night. The fire flickered and sparked, sheltered inside the ring of boulders, giving the trio plenty of warmth and light. A crude spit had been arranged above the flames and skewered upon it were several pieces of snake meat. Each had been skinned and thoroughly cleaned, and now they sizzled over the flames. Occasionally they could hear the shuffling of small creatures, but the fire kept them at bay. Laehval sat with her back to one of the rocks, her legs crossed loosely beneath her. An ISD in each hand, she flipped through both of them at the same time, her gaze darting back and forth as she compared maps. Ignoring the other two that sat only feet away, she concentrated instead on their location and the route they should travel the next day. Unable to stand the silence, N’Dak shifted closer to the fire to soak in some of its warmth. “Perhaps au were right. The elements did smile upon me today.” “It is fortunate that our paths crossed.” She replied, though did not look up. Her brow creased, furrowing as she gave something a closer inspection. Amazingly enough, her words were neutral, rather than layered with wishful thinking. “Otherwise, au might not be alive.” “Or, perhaps it is better still that au had a moment of weakness when our paths did cross and saved me?” Speaking softly, he stared at her, watching as she worked. “Saving aur life was weakness?” Her chin lifted and she returned his gaze. The dancing flames made her features seem softer than usual. She was not a beautiful woman, but in the dim light she could almost pass for pretty. “I am sure there would be quite a few dry eyes on the ship had I perished. The Enarrain would have most likely commended au.” He covered the bitter words with humor. “Au underestimate aur worth. It she wanted au dead, she would have let the lashes continue.” Her jaw clenched as the image of t’Vixen’s lifeless body rose to memory. “Perhaps.” His voice softer still, he let the conversation lapse into silence for a few moments. “Tell me, Laehval, how do au do it?” “Do what?” The ISDs in her hand clattered softly together as she stacked them and slid them inside one of the packs. Feigning disinterest, she rifled about for the water bottle. “How do au live without the one au love?” The question barely a whisper, he was staring into the fire now rather than meet her gaze. “I pine over him, memorize his daily schedule, and paper my walls with holos of his manly visage.” Murmuring sleepily to herself as she tended the cooking snake meat, it was t’Ditsy that first answered his question. She was only half paying attention to them, however, preferring her own daydreams. The bottle slipped from Laehval’s hand in the same instant, and fell to her lap. Her chin trembling, she stared at him, a bit shocked at the question. “Au … au are treading on very dangerous ground.” She sounded more sorrowful than threatening. “Aren’t I always?” He glanced back to her now. “That’s how I live. Always on the edge. Each time I nearly cross into the next life, I am reminded that I am still alive.” Covering the slip of her steely façade, Laehval uncapped the water bottle and took a very long swig. She refused to meet N’Dak’s mournful eyes. Once she had control of herself again, she replied. “Love is not something I discuss. With anyone.” “Perhaps that is aur problem.” “Na. It is my strength. That is how I survive. It is na one’s business but my own.” Pushing the subject away as she always did, the brief glimpse of her true self had disappeared. “One day … perhaps au will have a reason to change aur mind.” “Perhaps.” Settling back to wait for the meat to finish cooking, she kept her gaze focused anywhere but upon N’Dak. “But not any day soon.” Murmuring to herself. The silence of the fire engulfed them, broken only by shifting wood or the popping of embers. Glowing ash rose on heated air toward the few stars that could be seen, winking out of existence in the cool air above. All lost in their own thoughts on that peaceful night, the three had seemed to forget that somewhere beyond the trees, beyond the canyon, and beyond the very planet itself … the hunter awaited. No doubt, they would soon be reminded of their status as prey.
  11. Delusions Aplenty By Erein J’stal Lill t’Ditsy Erein J’stal Lill t’Ditsy was extremely relieved when the Enarrain finally came to claim her chair. Commanding a ship, even when at dock, had been extremely hard work, especially with crewmen on her watch like t’Moxy who did not appreciate her obvious skills. Though she’d only served watch once a day on each of the days that the RES Talon had been docked, it had seemed like an eternity. The only respite for her was when their new Ops officer had come aboard. It had taken her a few minutes to place the name, but once she recognized Koga S’Bien for who he was, she couldn’t help but stare at him. To have such a celebrity on board was a true honor! She had followed all of tr’S’Bien’s Ke’Veshrek matches, taping the Holovids after he won his very first Academy Championship and had been hailed as a prodigy. Until very recently, her room had been peppered with several striking Holographs of him in various manly poses. When he had retired and disappeared from view, she had turned her attention to one of the other fighters and soon all of his Holovids had replaced Koga’s. Now, however, Koga was within reach! She could watch him do all of the little everyday things that she had only dreamed about: the way he ran his fingers through his hair, the way he pressed the buttons at his console, the way his muscles flexed beneath his uniform when he moved, the way he winked at her. He had winked at her! She had nearly fainted right then and there! It was a dream come true! She would be working side by side with him on a daily basis now. She was certain that she could come up with all sorts of reasons for her to be on the bridge. There were always consoles that needed updating and repairing and programming. Engineering Daise t’Temarr always assigned the menial chores to her anyhow. The more redundant and boring the task, the more likely it was that t’Ditsy found herself on the duty roster. She had never minded. She tended to daydream while she was working anyhow, and she discovered that her body could do many repetitive jobs without her brain being involved. Perhaps the Enarrain would even consider her earlier idea of becoming a part of the bridge staff! That thought was most exciting. Being an Engineer, she could also access Koga’s schedule in order to better track his movements. If she planned carefully, she could always be in the right place at the right time. She could even track him through the ship to find out if he was dining in the mess hall! The thoughts and ideas kept coming, which was quite abnormal for her. Usually she found it difficult to concentrate in order to formulate any sort of plan. Her scheming kept her occupied while she was in the lift on her way down to Main Engineering. It wasn’t until she stepped foot into the room that her thoughts finally returned to the present. Something was very different about Engineering. It took her several minutes to realize that there was no one working. That is extremely strange. There is always someone working. Wasn’t everyone due back from their shoreleave? She had thought about going on shoreleave, but she had no family and no one she particularly wanted to visit. Though she could have probably met someone at one of the resorts, she had been too interested in watching Koga once he’d come aboard the Talon. He is worth a dozen shoreleaves. I can watch him for hours without getting tired. I wonder if we have any of his old Holovids on file. Moving to one of the consoles and totally forgetting about the fact that she was alone, she accessed the computer database and pulled up as many pictures of Koga that she could find. Several of those in the databanks were duplicates that she’d previously owned, but to her delight, she found that the Talon had downloaded over two dozen others that she’d never seen. Why doesn’t anyone else recognize him? Someone on the station was a big admirer, or else these wouldn’t have been batched with the latest data transmission. She sent every picture she could find to her quarters to be developed later and spent the remainder of her duty researching every speck of information she could find. And so it was that Engineering remained empty save for one lowly Erein that didn’t notice the huge green bloodstain on the floor, never questioned the chaotic remnants of the fight that had been, and remained oblivious to the fact that all of her crewmates had been beamed into the brig. Had she gone with them, she most assuredly would have noticed. There were no pictures of Koga in the brig.
  12. A Pair of Frozen Hearts – Part II By Daise’Engineer El’Riov Laehval t’Temarr “Bastard. I needed au.” The angry words sounded ridiculous the moment they were uttered, echoing mockingly about the room. Laehval could do little to stop the rising feelings. She was so alone. For a year and a half she’d been alone. Her forehead rested against the cylinder of ice, eyes closed as though she were willing it to melt. She could deactivate the stasis sequence, of course, but Tarryn would most assuredly die. And she wouldn’t condemn him simply to satisfy her selfish desires. Tears froze on her cheeks as soon as they were shed and she brushed them away as she straightened. Staring through the ice at his rugged features, Laehval thought on their last shoreleave together. It has been their first real vacation alone, and the beginning of their relationship. Aboard the ship, both of them had the duties of their departments to carry. Personal relationships weren’t forbidden, but they were frowned upon, especially when the captain held an extreme dislike for the security chief. Not much had changed, it seemed. Perhaps it was the position and not the people that the woman hated so passionately. One hand rested upon the icy surface, growing numb with every passing moment from the cold. Her breath hovered in front of her in clouds of vapor as she fought back the sobs. She could live without him. She had been living without him. But life was so drab without him to color her life. It was as though every spark of excitement and beauty had been drained from her sad little world. She would survive, but was it really worth the effort? “I miss au Tarryn.” Laehval said once she’d gained control of her emotions. “I visited aur faelirh[1] yesterday. Au would na believe how much he has grown. He misses au too, I can tell. I hear aur family has spent numerous credits to get opinions on aur condition and to find a maenak[2] good enough. They say it is only a matter of time.” Voice trembling at that last sentence, she took a moment to catch her breath before continuing. “The Talon is na the same without au. None of aur replacements have lived up to the position. I shudder to think how many of them au would have shoved out of an airlock within their first week of service.” Ignoring the shivers that trailed up her spine, Laehval stood there for what seemed an eternity and stared through the icy murk. Finally a heaving sigh escaped her, leaving a cloud of vapor to hover in the air between the two motionless figures. “Jol-ao au[3] still,” The whisper was lost among the soft hum of the stasis units. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Laehval stood in the Galae Command office, staring down the pudgy officer that currently sat behind the Head Administrator’s desk. The man had obviously been in power for many years for he did not seem to be bothered by her glare. Fat fingers twined and resting his hands on the desk, he leaned forward to leer at her. “What has my family done to warrant such dishonor?” “Absolutely nothing. Aur family has done absolutely nothing. And I mean that literally. Au have na high raking family members save aur di’ranov[4], a city official for a village hardly bigger than aur starship crew. Aur rinam[5], though full of potential, is nothing but a paper-pusher on ch’Havran. Au have na ties to the Senate, na ties to the Tal Shiar, and aur own work record aboard the Talon has been less than exemplary. House Temarr has made na lasting contributions to society.” “Now tell me why, exactly, au think au deserve special treatment?” Dumbfounded by his speech, Laehval continued to stare at the man, her mouth slightly agape. Frantically she searched for words to combat his scathing remarks. Jaw clamped and teeth grinding, she forced herself to uncurl the fists she’d automatically clenched. “I have served over thi[6] years aboard that insufferable ship, sweating blood as I attempted to keep it in io[7] piece. The Enarrain has na regard for the ship itself, nor for the sanity of the crew. She is more a slaver than a leader. I’ve served my time and I want to be reassigned.” After visiting Tarryn and slipping out of the hospital undetected, she had made an appointment with the Head Administrator. It was her hope that she would gain some long overdue credit and be transferred back to the homeworld where she could be close to her family. She loved working in engineering on the Talon, but things had been so much simpler when she first joined. She hadn’t been a chief then, and did not have the weight of such crushing responsibility upon her shoulders. Her first captain had also not been hell bent on destroying both ship and crew. The Administrator did not seem to care, however. “I agreed to an audience only because aur term of service has been completed and aur contract is up for negotiation. Because au let aur contract lapse, au were automatically enrolled for another term. However, considering the circumstances and the lack of available administrative officers aboard the Talon, I will consider aur request for a transfer. If au wish to complete aur term of service elsewhere, there is currently a Type II cargo freight ship in need of a mess officer.” The man grinned smugly, still not moving from behind his desk. “Au know perfectly well that I wish to be reassigned to ch’Rihan!” Outraged, Laehval clenched her fists again, barely keeping herself from physically assaulting the man. “Request denied. We have na use for another under-qualified engineer working with the Port Authorities. Our staffing needs have been met for this year. I could put au on the waiting list, however. Would au care to wait for the position of general maintenance technician? Au could be considered in as little as thi years for the job.” “Hwiiy kllhe.[8]” Darkly, she muttered, her eyes dangerously narrowed. “Perhaps, but io with power, na?” The man continued to grin, then flicked his hand toward the door in a degrading gesture of dismissal. “Au may leave to rejoin aur ship. I suggest au appreciate that to which au have grown accustomed. Of course, this conversation will be noted and filed in aur official record. Aur Enarrain will receive the updated version for her reading pleasure. Good luck … El’Riov, is it? Na for long, I imagine. Enarrains do na tolerate disgruntled crewmen.” Turning sharply on her heel, Laehval stormed from the man’s office before she did something she might regret. Was the entire Galae Administration against her? She might have accused t’Rexan of bribing some of the officials to rule against her, but the interview had not been planned. She was certain that no one could have contacted the captain in such a short period of time. There was nothing that could be done, however. She would not spend a full term aboard a lowly freight ship doing mindless grunt work. She would not bring such dishonor upon her family. Her family was respectable, even without ties to the Senate or Tal Shiar, and for that Laehval was proud. Some may have scoffed at her lineage, but she cared not. Her family was important to her, but not to use as a crutch, and that was more than most Romulans could claim. Though the engineer spent the remainder of her shoreleave with her family, her return to the Talon sent her spiraling into depression. Her mood soured as soon as she stepped foot on the ship. Smothered by her hatred of the situation and choking on her own disappointment, she returned to her office in silence. It didn’t surprise her that her crew kept their distance. She wanted it that way. She liked it that way. Bitterness was contagious. If they were lucky, she’d find a cure before she contaminated the entire ship. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] son [2] doctor [3] I love you [4] father [5] sister [6] three [7] one [8] You are a worm.
  13. A Pair of Frozen Hearts - Part I By Daise’Engineer El’Riov Laehval t’Temarr The vast complex of Ra’tleihfi’s main medical facility sprawled over several city blocks in ch’Rihan’s capital city. The primary building of the Institute, as to which it was commonly referred, was several dozen stories tall and housed hundreds of different departments. Each level was color coded by department and each departmental section was numbered into subsections. And because the place was a confusing maze of offices, laboratories, patient housing, and testing facilities, Laehval t’Temarr had become hopelessly lost after only a few twists and turns. Somewhere in her wake, Shibae t’Aehjae was being tended in the emergency ward by a swarm of doctors and nurses. She felt slightly guilty about leaving the security officer alone. Shibae’s presence in the Institute was valid, as she had beaten and required healing, but her ‘relapse’ had only been an act to gain Laehval entry. It was that fact only that overruled Laehval’s concern for her fellow crewmember and kept her searching. Access to the medical facility was restricted to specific areas and certain rankings. She had not the blood ties, nor the high ranking to be allowed inside. Had she been injured, she would have been given quarters in the facility, but patients had little freedom, and treatment was less than congenial. Some of the doctors in the Institute made Talon’s Daise’Maenak t’Ksa seem pleasant by comparison. Laehval had no wish to suffer the wrath of those doctors and waste valuable leave time undergoing pointless tests and treatments. Pausing at one of the private computer booths, she lightly pressed a few buttons and brought up the complex map. Not all departments were listed to the general public as some were low profile sections that the Romulan government regularly denied or disavowed. Laehval, however, was an engineer of the highest caliber. And she’d planned for such a situation before she’d ever left the Talon. After tapping in a security cleared code that she had filtered from the facility computers while onboard the Talon, the display chirped acknowledgement and the entire screen filled with a more detailed diagram. Quickly assessing her current position and her intended destination, Laehval wiped out all record of the inquiry and continued down the corridor. She was dressed as an Institute resident, having pilfered several appropriate items of clothing once she’d abandoned Shibae. Most people gave her no notice as there were hundreds of such residents in attendance, either completing their own medical degrees or gaining valuable experience before enrolling in other programs. Her passage through the complex went virtually unobserved and without incident. The muted hues that marked the corridor sections gradually changed from a pale olive green to a deeper shade. Evergreen gave way to navy and navy to indigo. Once she was in the indigo sections, her pace slowed and she began counting the hallways that branched off to either side. Rounding the corner on the third left hand hallway, Laehval passed sections seven, eight, nine, and ten, pausing finally at section eleven. A stout security-coded door barred her way, but again she was prepared. A set of two numeric sequences switched the entrance monitors from red to green and the distinct rumble of retracting tumblers greeted her efforts. Moving through the door as it opened to grant her entry, the determined engineer found herself in cryogenic storage. The department was empty, also as planned. Every sixth day, the scientists and medical personnel in this department were allowed forty-eight hours of rest. It was extremely good-fortune that Talon’s second day of leave coincided with that break. Passing the vacant offices and laboratories, she finally threaded her way to the storage chamber. Once unlocked with the same sequence, a hiss of pressurized air escaped along with wisps of fog. She quickly entered and secured the door behind her. Rows and rows of stasis units lined either side of the singular walkway. Vapor rose in thick clouds and obscured the chamber a few meters beyond her position. Shivering in the thin medical coat she wore, Laehval attempted to ignore the cold and quickly moved toward the computer terminal located inside the room. The current list of cryo patients was accessed and scanned for a particular name and the stasis unit assigned to that name. Chewing nervously on her lower lip, Laehval moved further into the chamber, weaving through the numbered units. Inanimate bodies surrounded her on all sides, each perfectly preserved in stasis, awaiting release at some later date. If a family had enough wealth and high-esteem, members could choose to voluntarily undergo such storage to preserve and prolong their lives far beyond the standard two-hundred fifty years. If a member of a prestigious family was fatally injured or contracted an incurable illness, that family could also choose to have their loved one put into stasis rather than watch them expire. Detailed records and charts were kept on the status of each patient in hopes that a cure would one day be found for their condition. Because new medical treatments were constantly being introduced (oftentimes made possible by special funding from the patient’s family), such occurrences happened with surprising regularly. It was one such patient that Laehval sought, stored in stasis unit number twelve-thirty-six. Approaching the unit slowly, her gaze moved up the solidly frozen exterior to discern the figure inside, half obscured by the icy haze. One hand lifted to clear away a wide swath of frost that clung to the structure, revealing the face … the man … beyond. “Tarryn.” The name was a bare whisper, uttered from numbed lips that longed to remember the warmth of his kiss.
  14. I have no role models. That's why I've grown up a warped and twisted woman. It isn't so bad, though. I do play an excellent Romulan. ::Grins wickedly.:: Let this be a reminder to you all that this organization will not tolerate ... failure.
  15. Have to use a toilet that is unbelievably filthy and gross OR use one that's clean but has half a dozen small jumping fish in it? 1. I'd flush the fish infested toilet and send them all to fish heaven. Then I could do my business in peace without tiny fins tickling my butt. (Not that it's a bad thing.) Be boiled alive gradually like a lobster OR frozen slowly like a popsicle? 2. I like popsicles. Then again, I like lobster too. If lobsters screamed, would we cook them? ... Well, maybe if they screamed all the time. Frozen is better. It keeps longer. Then maybe in a couple thousand years someone can discover my body buried in the deep snow of the North (or maybe just in the freezer, if that's where I get frozen). And they could marvel at my intact clothing (underwear) and wonder about the weapons (chapstick) I'm carrying with me. And then later the top scientists of their day (assuming that scientists haven't been completely wiped from the earth) can do a mini-series on how they think I died. Then I'd be famous. Okay, so I'd be dead, too, but still famous. Doesn't that count for something? Swim across a crocodile-infested river OR camp one night on an island inhabited by man-eating tigers? 3. If it was really infested water, couldn't you just walk across on their backs? Then again, I'd be safe enough on that island since I'm a woman. Those tigers are smart to only eat men. I think we should train all animals to do that. I'm working on getting my Chihuahua to eat men, too. So far she just licks fingers, but once she gets a taste of blood, I know she'd be unstoppable! Know what your lover says behind your back OR not know? 4. I already know. He says, "Quit hogging all the covers", or sometimes he just mumbles in his sleep. Sometimes I wish I didn't know because that'd mean I couldn't hear him and would be able to get some sleep myself. Like a cow's entire face, including eyelids, nostrils, and "lips" OR shovel cow dung for eight straight hours? 5. Did you mean 'lick' a cow's face? Because liking a cow's face wouldn't be too hard. I mean, I like cow's faces and horse faces and three-toed sloth faces, too. But not hyena faces, because they are always laughing at me. Be on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list for a year OR be a deer during hunting season? 6. Thanks for bringing up bad memories of my past. Now I'm going to have to change my name *again* and relocate. Lose your eyes OR your arms? 7. I like all my body parts, though I sometimes lose my marbles. In fact, I think they are rolling around in the kitchen right now. Frequently be misunderstood OR have most people not even bother to listen? 8. Frequency 'B', Miss Underwood? What? What did you say? Sorry, I wasn't listening. Have one eye with a yellow iris and one eye with a red iris OR have both irises totally black? 9. Wouldn't it hurt really bad if you go sticking flowers in your eyes, no matter what color they are? Navigate through life always wearing 3-D glasses OR a milk mustache? 10. I thought I was wearing 3-D glasses. Everything is in 3-D! Wait, if you wore glasses on top of the 3-D, would you see in like ... 6-D? Freaky wicked! If I had a milk mustache, I'd shave. Be caught in the path of an elephant breaking wind OR sit on a porcupine? 11. How do you know Elephants pass gass? I know that hippos do ... out of their mouths ... but Elephants? I thought they were too stately to do such a thing. I mean, they *do* have manners! And I'm sure they'll never forget that you just insulted them.
  16. (Precursor to "Security, One Big Happy Family" & "Playing in the Armory") Departmental Duels (aka The Demise of the Invading Klingon Scum) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A quintuple-jointed log from: El’Arrain t’Temarr, Ne’Arrain t’Aehjae Ne’Arrain t’Bat’ok, Ne’Arrain tr’N’dak, & Erein tr’Nemesis -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- “tr’N’dak!” The Security Chief’s voice rang out across Engineering as she strode into the room. The Ne’Arrain froze where he stood, his smirk dropping slightly as he turned to face Shibae t’Aehjae. He didn’t like her tone, and it didn’t help that he was still wearing the medical gown that exposed his entire backside to the world. “IE?!” Pausing in mid-sentence, Laehval turned her attention toward the very angry female, one brow lifting in query. “Something I could do for au, Daise?” “Excuse us for a moment,” shaking her head at the Chief Engineer. Her scathing gaze flickering back to Destorie tr’N’dak, she drew him slightly away from the two Engineers. Lips twitching in amusement at Shibae’s tone (knowing that Destorie was in very deep trouble), she turned back to R’Tor who was still seated at her console. Motioning to the display, she dropped her voice slightly to give the Security members a small amount of privacy. “Check the database for any short range weapons that can be modified to include race specific data. I think that option might prove the most viable, though we still need to discuss other possibilities with the D’heno officers.” “Ie, Rekkhai.” R’Tor t’Bat’ok sat up a bit straighter in her chair and accessed her console for the requested information, throwing a glance now and then to the security members who were still speaking in heated tones. “Ne’Arrain tr’N’Dak! What is the meaning of leaving the medbay without consent of the Daise’Maenak!?” “Regulation 22.1 section B states that if an officer is na in critical condition, he may refuse treatment. I was well within my rights! I was obviously fine, and the nurse was…” “The Nurse is na the issue! Au disobeyed an order, and it is NA the first time!” Shibae cut him off, still glaring. “I gave au orders on the planet and au saw fit to disregard them, too.” “I did na abandon my superior officer on the planet. I think au would be thankf…” “ENOUGH!” Though the engineering staff was too well trained to stare, it was clear that everyone’s attention was on the arguing pair. “I said nothing of abandonment! I gave au an order to return to me, but au saw fit to attack instead! It nearly got us both killed! I should toss au into the brig for this!” “My father would have au hea…,” Destorie cut off that sentence before he could finish, but the damage had already been done. “AUR FATHER!!! Aur father is NA here, Ne’Arrain! Au have just earned aurself time in the brig!” Shibae glared at him, physically seething. “Au will take orders from me and au WILL carry them out. There shall na be a third instance of disobedience, Ssuej-d’ifv?!” “Ie, Daise! Ssuejn.” He saluted, jaw set sullenly. He narrowed his gaze, making a mental note to inform his father of the situation anyhow. His father would not be happy upon hearing that he’d spent time in the brig. She stared at him for a moment longer, waiting to see if he’d say anything further. Finally, she initiated her communications unit. “Erein tr’Nemesis, report to Engineering immediately!” “Ie, Rekkhai.” The officer’s voice crackled over the comm. “I’m on my way.” Turning back to the two Engineering crewmen, the Security Chief nodded to Laehval. “My apologies, Daise t’Temarr.” A bit surprised that Shibae hadn’t hit Destorie by now, Laehval only smiled, waving a hand to dismiss the apology. “None necessary, Daise’D’heno. I’m assuming that the Enarrain has updated au on our current mission?” “Ie. I was told that au were placed in charge of the mission to devise some way of destroying the remaining kll'inghann while saving the farmers that they are currently holding hostage.” “That is correct. Ne’Arrain t’Bat’ok has already begun searching the data banks for something suitable.” She waved a hand at R’Tor who was pouring over a rather extensive list, checking on weapon supply status even as the two Daises conferred. “We’ve already had several ideas, though have yet to decide on the best. That is why I requested one of aur officers who might have some knowledge of useable weapons. Since au are here, I’d greatly appreciate aur help as well.” Just then the lift doors opened onto Engineering once more, the third security officer stepping out. Approaching Shibae, Re’Tore tr’Nemesis paused a few steps away from the Daises. “Au wanted me, Rekkhai?” “Ie.” The Security Chief almost smiled, glancing from Re’Tore to Destorie. “Take Ne’Arrain tr’N’dak to the brig until I or the Enarrain say otherwise.” “Ie, Rekkhai,” removing his disruptor, he leveled it at the other officer, “With pleasure. Au! Get moving.” He prodded him with the barrel of the weapon, taking satisfaction in escorting the insubordinate crewman. Glaring at him, Destorie gritted his teeth. “Do na push aur luck.” With another shove, he went stumbling toward the lift, still glaring. Watching the subordinate officers, Laehval pursed her lips in thought. “Daise,” turning back to Shibae, “I would make a suggestion. Au two!” Calling to the two security crewman to get their attention before they left. “Halt for a moment.” “Daise, perhaps au could begin aur errant crewman’s brig time after we’ve come up with a solution to this problem. Both of them could be helpful. As soon as we resolve this, then tr’Nemesis could escort tr’N’dak to a holding cell. Would that be acceptable?” Glancing to the two males, Shibae shrugged. “I suppose so. tr’N’dak does seem to know quite a bit about the kll'inghann. Perhaps too much, if au know what I mean.” “Ie,” glancing back to Destorie. “I had thought so as well, though that can be discussed at a latter time. In private,” giving the Security Chief a pointed look. “In the meanwhile, let us get to the mission at hand. We have dallied for too long.” “Very well. Erein tr’Nemesis, release him for the time being. tr’N’dak, get into aur uniform and report back here immediately!” She turned, not even watching him leave. “Should I follow him, Rekkhai, so he does na try anything?” Looking a bit disappointed as he watched Destorie scurry off, Re’Tore turned his attention back to his chief. “Na. That is enough.” “Ie, Rekkhai.” Lowering his disruptor, he slid it back into its holster. ”Do au have a plan?” Shibae turned back to Laehval, still looking annoyed. Laehval motioned to R’Tor who had just finished downloading information into one of her ISDs. “Ne’Arrain, show us aur findings.” ISD in hand, R’Tor turned in her chair to face them. “Well, I have found a small hand held explosive that worked within a very short range. We could beam them down at specific points, targeting areas where the kll'inghann would be hiding.” “Would this harm the cave or the slaves inside?” “Normally, ie, but we should be able to modify them to include a biological element that would eliminate the invaders but spare the slave race. We do need geological scans of the cave in order for the plan to work, however.” Back in uniform, Destorie had reentered engineering. Unseen by all except Re’Tore, the Erein gave him a hateful glare. “Now au will give the Daise the respect she deserves.” “And au will give aur superior the respect he deserves,” the Ne’Arrain shot back. “ENOUGH!” This time it was Laehval who lost her patience. Glaring at the subordinate officers, she pointed. “Au two will be silent unless au have something to add to THIS plan, or au will BOTH spend time in the brig. And speaking from experience, it is NA fun.” “Laehval, are au sure we should keep him here?” Shibae gave Destorie another heated glance. “Just a few minutes more, I think,” frowning in response as her attention slid back to Shibae. “The explosive devices have merit. I believe they can be modified to include a biological means of attack. Out of all of the solutions presented earlier, I believe it will also be the fastest to construct.” “Being short range, the explosive forces shouldn’t be enough to bring down the caves unless we place it specifically to do so and put enough of them inside to detonate at the same moment.” R’Tor brought up the schematics of the thermal grenade she’d found. “Ie,” Laehval nodded, looking it over. After a few moments she glanced back to the security crew. “Au,” pointing at Destorie. “What was aur idea about the sonic devices? Quickly, before I lose what little patience I have.” “They can na stand certain high-pitched noises. It paralyzes them. The sound usually comes from a certain type of animal. I believe it is called a tribble.” “Those furry little creatures that multiply too quickly?” Shibae snorted. “Ie. They hate them.” Giving him a dubious look, Laehval frowned. “I think that because that data has na grounding in scientific fact or study, it will be ignored. We’ve na information of the like in our databases and I’ll not be basing the rescues of these people on the sounds of furry animals.” “Very well. It was only a suggestion.” Seeming much calmer now, Destorie simply shrugged. Waving a hand at Re’Tore, she motioned him forward. “Do au have any ideas that would be of further use? Perhaps some sort of weapon that the Away Team could use when they enter the caves?” “In my opinion, I believe it would be best if the members of the Away Team use a stealthy approach, arriving in a completely unexpected area, moving in slowly and silently.” “Agreed. Au said au could place the devices so the cave would na collapse?” Shibae looked in R’Tor’s direction. “Ie, we could modify the explosives to emit a gas substance only. By doing so, we could eliminate the explosion factor.” “The Tal Shiar found certain nerve gasses that the kll'inghann are susceptible to. Au should have access to those files.” Speaking up again, Destorie didn’t offer an explanation as to where he’d come across such information. “But wouldn’t the gas affect the hostages? Those chemicals are potent enough to kill others as well, especially such a weaker race of slaves.” Re’Tore glanced from Destorie to R’Tor. “If we had the gas biologically tailored to kll'inghann DNA, it would kill or incapacitate them without harming the farmers.” R’Tor glanced from one to the other during her explanation. “With the database we have of the differences in the physical make-up of both the farmers and the kll'inghann, I am sure there is some area upon which we could focus a chemical to attack.” “There is aur solution,” waving a hand at her Ne’Arrain’s information. “It is nothing our maenaks have na done before.” “So we have the maenaks create the gas to use in the device?” “Ie. Vaed’rae,” she glanced to the three subordinate crewmen, one hand chopping for them to be silent. “Here is the proposed solution…” “Ne’Arrain t’Bat’ok will modify the existing explosive devices so that they will issue forth only a gas, and not an actual explosion. These devices will be tailored to affect only the kll'inghann parties if possible and will na harm the slave race, though some loss is always acceptable. “D’heno,” glancing to Shibae for her approval, “Will gather the information on the caves, possible sites for groups to be hiding, and work out a map for the devices to be placed. “Medical will modify the gas, either choosing a nerve agent or some other substance that they think will work better. I think we should defer to their knowledge in that, as none of us have the technology or are experts in the field.” “Along with that, the Away Team should be equipped with stealth equipment to protect them and give them an edge in case they encounter any other hostiles. With sufficient data from Security, the devices can be beamed directly to the surface, therefore removing the risk involved of placing those within the cave. The Away Team will simply be working clean-up duty in the caves.” “Does that plan sound acceptable to everyone?” Laehval glanced to them all, waiting for their nods of approval or further suggestions. “Ie, that sounds quite acceptable, indeed, Daise t’Temarr. We have the information au require on the caves and will upload them into aur database as soon as possible. “Sounds good to me,” R’Tor nodded. “How many devices do au need modified.” “That will depend on Security’s readouts, but au should do as many as possible within the allotted time. The sooner the better as we do na have time to spare. I think to be safe, we should target any and all possible areas within the cave system where they might be hiding. We want to wipe out as many as we can before the Away Team risks themselves.” “Agreed. We do NA want a repeat of last time.” Shibae nodded. “Are there any other issues that need to be addressed before we move on to our individual tasks?” Glancing about the small group again. “I do na think so, Daise. I will take my two officers and leave au to aur work.” Giving her a nod, the Security Chief glared back at her officers, motioning them to the lift. Catching Shibae’s eye before she turned to leave, Laehval smirked. “Very well. If au have any other problems with aur h’fais,” motioning to Destorie and Re’Tore. “I will be more than happy to help au out.” “I will be sure to call au if I need au.” Smirking back, Shibae nodded, an amused glance thrown in the direction of her suddenly nervous officers. “MOVE! Both of AU!” Ushering them from Engineering, the three D’heno officers disappeared inside the lift. Wearing a grin that could only be interpreted as wicked, Laehval turned back to R’Tor, giving her a wink. “Good work, Ne’Arrain. I’ll present our plan to the Enarrain. Au get to work on modifying those weapons. Good luck… and try na to blow aurself up.”
  17. ::Pops Ndak upside the head.:: Cheek is with two E's. Beg for forgiveness and maybe the Wise and All Powerful Atragon will change it for you. :D
  18. I'd like - Never Trust a Romulan Bearing Gifts Thanks! :D
  19. "… forthwith and notwithstanding, the power conduits should be recharged at an interval of seventeen parsecs or a total pressure of twelve thousand dynes, factoring in the conversion rate for the mass quantities of … eh … tea, lukewarm, double sweet.” Laehval tossed the ISD onto her desk, ignoring the clatter as it collided with several other stacks of pertinent engineering information. Her feet propped up on the polished surface as she leaned back in her chair, the very weary engineer reached toward the replicating unit, removing the mug she’d just ordered. She took a healthy swig of her usual blend and stared at all the ‘paperwork’. “I did na sign up so I could read a dekillion of boring reports,” she muttered to herself, for there was no one else in the immediate area. Engineering had been vacated for the night shift, the only members of the sparse third shift seeing to repair duties elsewhere. She preferred it that way, having decided long ago that the bustle of normal daylight hours was entirely too hectic. If she weren’t Daise, she would have requested the later shift. Solitude was what she liked, and solitude was what she usually received. There weren’t many Engineers that sought out her company for recreational purposes. It didn’t bother her as much as it should have, though. Had she ever taken the time to interact with tr’Nimrod when he was Daise? No, she had normally given him a wide berth when not on duty. Why should her crew be any different? In fact, the only crewman she’d ever associated with outside of normal duty hours had been Tarryn, but he was long gone, probably living some other life on the home world. She’d made no move to contact him after he’d been shipped off in stasis. Was it fear of rejection that kept her from seeking him out, or simply a base desire for self preservation? Laehval knew quite well that there could be nothing between them. The Galae would never let her leave the service, especially not while things were so volatile, and Tarryn would never be able to rejoin the Talon. Likely his last mission-related accident had crippled him, temporarily at least, and ‘The Empire does na accept weaklings’. Perhaps she might visit him on their next shore leave on ch’Rihan, but that seemed so far away at the moment. With the Galae determined to legitimately destroy the Talon by sending it off on one suicide mission after another, it was hardly appropriate to wallow in hope. Hope was a devious notion, after all, and prone to dissolving when one least expected it. Pushing the echoes of past recruiting speeches from her mind, Laehval turned her focus outward again, staring at the reports on her desk. She really needed an assistant to help her organize everything, but, with the crew shortages and the influx of painfully new officers, she’d not had a break to seek out someone with the appropriate qualifications. Sliding her feet from her desk, she began scooping up all the annoying ISDs into a single pile. The memory chips were removed and sorted in her data storage bin, while the ISDs themselves were stacked to later be redistributed to the crew. That would at least clear her office of some of the clutter. Leaning forward to activate her computer console, she finally scanned that day’s ship business and checked on the general status of repairs. “Security field failure reported in section three, fifteen, and seventy-nine, transporter malfunction in loading bay two – no casualties reported, twelve instances of misinterpreted replicator requests, two power shortages in aft conduits, nine surges in power containment reported within the last shift, seventeen coupling incidents …,” grumbling again, Laehval closed the report. “Bah… nothing that can’t wait for morning assignments, though the recent power distribution problems do concern me.” Addressing a message to the Enarrain and Executive Officer, Laehval quickly compiled a brief outline of earlier decisions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stardate – 0309.11 Preliminary Crew Evaluation Subject - Ne'Arrain R'Tor t’Bat'ok - Power Distribution &Systems Integrity Specialist - For review by – Khre'Riov t'Rexan &Daise Erei Riov t'Shaeni Composed by – El’Arrain t’Temarr / Daise’Engineer After conferring with Ne’Arrain t’Bat’ok to determine her area of expertise, I have decided to assign her to the duties of Power Distribution &Systems Integrity Specialist. Her role in Engineering will be to adjust, control, and diagnose any foreseeable problems or issues regarding current power flow situations, as well as provide feasible solutions to existing practices and regulations. Along with those duties, she will be responsible for maintaining all critical systems that require significantly elevated levels of energy consumption. By addressing these weaknesses, the Talon will be less susceptible to system failures during situations of excessive stress. As of now, I have placed her in charge of all power-flow repair crews to manage them how she deems necessary in order accomplish preliminary goals of system evaluation. Status reports will be sent at regular intervals. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Reviewing the message once, Laehval nodded in satisfaction and sent it out, logging off her computer a few moments later. Checking the holographic chronometer on her wall, she decided she had just enough time to grab a bite to eat in the mess hall before getting a few hours of sleep. Maybe, just maybe, there would be someone there that wouldn’t be totally opposed to keeping her company for half an hour or so. Or so she hoped. Then again… hope was a very devious notion.
  20. Ereins in Engineering and the Engineering of Ereins By El'Arrain Laehval t'Temarr Shudders violently rocking the ship, Laehval held onto her console, viciously determined not to come unseated. She'd ridden out much worse shockwaves and rarely lost her footing. Why hasn't someone designed seating with protective restraints to keep one from falling out? That fleeting thought was quickly pushed aside, however, as another mine collided with the Talon, damaging yet another deck with explosive force. Growling low in her throat at the thought of all the repair work that awaited her team (oddly enough, she never once thought that the Talon wouldn't survive), Laehval had already begun to draw up the schedule in her head. Knowing the Enarrain's ruthless ways, the insufferable woman would want the ship in perfect condition in an unreasonable amount of time. Laehval suspected that the time constraints would also be swiftly shortening on account of the new crewmen assigned to Engineering. It was quite obvious to everyone why the Talon had received the influx of Ereins. The ship and its crew, not currently in the favor of the Empire, were being sent out on more reckless missions. Freshly graduated Ereins were disposable and easily replaced. Did the Galae hope something bad would befall the ship and spare them the trouble of dealing with the rogue crew once and for all? Perhaps. But what puzzled Laehval was why she'd been assigned two new crewmen in such a short time period. It wasn't as if they couldn't use the new blood, but there were other departments in need of staffing. Laehval had grown tired of wearing herself out trying see that everything was being done properly. With only Pexil for company most of the time, Main Engineering had grown rather lonely as well. As much as she hated to admit it, it was nice to have new faces about once more. Tapping the console as the magnetic repulsion shields rose into place, she glanced sideways to peer at Erein Borik Vor'Tic. Studying him as he worked, she frowned, pondering for a moment. What she'd seen of him so far made her wonder. The Erein seemed anxious to work, though brash in his ways. He had yet to learn to respect his commanding officers, tending to wrongly assume things in his impatience to do his duty. His dedication was admirable, as was his drive to succeed, but Laehval knew that she would need to curb his enthusiasm to tolerable levels. He couldn't be allowed to run rampant through the ship doing whatever he wished. If he continued to overstep his boundaries, she would be forced to put him in his place. And that did not sit well with her at all. "I'm going to the scout bay to link the shuttles to the power grid." The voice drew Laehval's attention away from Vor'Tic, those dark eyes flickering to the Erein at her other side. R'Tor Bat'ok was still a mystery. As she had yet to thoroughly interview the Erein, she had not formulated an opinion of the female. It was clear, though, that R'Tor followed orders well. Only a few days in Engineering and already the woman was working as if she knew the systems inside and out. It was rare to find someone that would go above and beyond what was required of them. Time would tell, however, if Erein Bat'ok would mesh well with the others. She could very well prove to be another discipline issue. Laehval would keep a close eye on her in the meantime, intent on spotting any problems before they had time to fester. Nodding to the Erein to allow her to leave, Laehval turned her attention back to her display, checking on the ship's status. So far, the shielding seemed to be working. Surprisingly enough, something they'd constructed was actually beneficial to the Talon, instead of ripping holes through the fabric of space and sending them spiraling into alternate times and places as the last invention had done. Part of their success was due to the efforts of the two newest crewmen. Hmm... Perhaps the new Ereins will be helpful to have around, after all. Laehval mused on that for a few moments, glancing back to Vor'Tic beside her. He was still busy working, giving her status reports every few moments. Now if we could just get Pexil to quit spending so much time in medical, our team might actually get a few things accomplished. Smirking to herself, Laehval went back to her calculations, making certain that the Talon would not get pulverized any more than it already had.