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Posts posted by LtCdrGromVik

  1. Us AENG are like the red shirts. We are known of, but are work is never prased for. If a friendlly ship was full of radiation, and there wereno bio suits, the AENG would be sent in, fix the problem and die. There would be a celibration, but not to cellibrate what we did.

    Sure you guys are praised for your work! I mean after the department heads bid on your belongings, we all sit around talking about what cool stuff you had!  :o

  2. Randy - 3 sims back to back? :o I mean, I like simming and all, but how on earth could you find time to do that?

    Now he spends all of his time move 600+ USS Republic message board posts. LOL.  In all seriousness, thanks for spending the time to save sim history. :)


    P.S. Randy, just be thankful that the old Aegis message board posts were lost...I think there were more than 600 there too! :)

  3. that even if they were as in-synch as the Borg collective, they really couldn't do a whole heck of a lot.

    I'm not sure that this is such a bad thing.  The UN (with the exception of the Security Council, where the five main victors of WWII have vetoes) is essentially a democratic body that includes a lot of undemocratic countries.  And, part of their obligations are... to promote worldwide democracy!?!?  Could you imagine what would happen if Libya really had some power to enforce its idea of human rights?

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Good response Loami...






    "The problem with legislators is that they insist on legislating!"

  4. The purpose of this post is for members of this forum to publically express thanks to our military men and women both active and retired and to our civil servants who faithfully do their jobs day in and day out.


    Please take the time to thank your service men and women and your civil servants.



    My thanks goes to...


    Bob P. (US Navy Ret.- World War II)

    Lt. Cdr. Bob P. (US Navy Ret.- Gulf War)

    Jim C. (US Air Force Ret.- Vietnam)

    Jeremy (US Navy Active)

    Dan B. (US Coast Gaurd Active)

    Mike B. (US Navy Ret.)

    Rev. David S. (US Navy Ret.)

    John O. (US Navy Ret.- Gulf War)

    Rev. Greg H. (US Marine Ret.)

    Billy (US Army Ret.- Korea)

    Bob F. (US Army Ret.)

    Rob (US Navy Ret.)

    Colin R. (US Navy Academy)

    Matt S. (National Gaurd Active)

    Paul M. (National Guard Active)


    Dawn C. (Nurse)

    Bob P. (Nurse)

    Brian D. (EMT)

    Elaine P. (Nurse Ret.)


    These individuals are only a fraction of the people who make it possible for us to lead healthier, safer lives.  Thank You!





  5. Fred pegged it.. Bush inherited this, don't blame him for delay. Clinton didn't finish it (can't PO the UN) the UN let Saddam keep violating, and all Bush has done is try to keep the UN happy yet finish this mess.


    I like the second cartoon!!!

    That's a bit unfair to Clinton - he had very little in the way of reasons for war and America was already fighting in the former Yugoslavia under NATO.  Bush Sr. is the one who should have finished off Saddam in '91: he had the opportunity and the motive.

    I think the problem lies in the "United" Nations.  These resolutions are passed by people who can't even decide what they're going to order for lunch, let alone "world policy."

  6. For example, Reaent has the rank of "First Lieutenant."

    Fred, I'm jw, but why didja add the rank of "First Lieutenant"?

    I'm not speaking for Fred here, but some sims like to place a rank between the ranks of Lieutenant and Lieutenant Commander for the purposes of "the half way" point between the two ranks.  The rank of Lieutenant Commander takes significantly longer than the previous ranks a player moves up.  I've known some who have waited close to two years with the rank of Lieutenant before receiving a promotion to Lieutenant Commander because they needed to demonstrate that they were able to handle the rank appropriately. Quite honestly, I don't see anything wrong with it, as it does not usually delay a simmer's promotion to Lieutenant Commander.


    Rank is not what is important in this forum.  Maintaining simming integrity while still having fun is the most important element.  Rank will come with time, but don't make it your every simming motivation.  It took more than 5 months for me to receive my promotion from Ensign to Lieutenant (Jg) way back when I first started simming on Starbase Aegis.  Although the promotion was cool when it finally came, I didn't dwell on the fact that I had been an Ensign for a considerable amount of time.  I was having a blast simming with cool people. (Many of them are still around :) ::shameless plug::)

    Just something to take into consideration.

  7. GromVik’s Logs (Log 58)

    Lieutenant Commander GromVik

    Chief Engineer

    Sky Harbor Aegis


    "Asking the Impossible”



    “Computer, open personal log and begin recording…


    Never once in all my years of service has the authority, which I am under oath to submit to, asked me to accomplish such an impossible task.  Upon leaving Aegis, Captain Meve ordered me to create a program that would virtually disable every system on the station at the moment of enaction.  The order I carried out swiftly with the assistance of Ensign DeMore, putting off sleep and neglecting hunger.  After many painstaking simulations, “the bug” was created and soon after used to render Aegis useless except for its sensor systems.  These systems were left in tact for the primary reason of gathering information from the Cardassian planet, which we believed was unstable and on the verge of collapsing.  Never did the thought cross our minds that we would return to the same planet and orbital station that was doomed to destruction just a few days previous.  For me, the somber reality of the station’s destruction came into full view when its image faded into the empty canopy of space upon our exodus.

    Now new emotions fill my head knowing the possibility that Aegis may still exist and the new order from Meve as a result to this fact.  I question the reasoning and logical processes of trying to hide in a convoy of enemy ships of unknown capabilities.  Orders such as these clearly display signs of irrational thinking.  Nonetheless, he is the commanding officer and it is my responsibility to carry out his orders to the best of my ability.  Even that previous statement compels me to think.  By blindly following orders of what I deem to be foolish, is that fulfilling my job to the best of my ability?  Captain Meve has told me he wants the station functional in a short time after our arrival.  He, Commander Ayers and I all know that what he is asking is impossible.  Even with a team of Star Fleet’s finest, the job of beginning to undo what was ordered to be done would take months, perhaps more than a year.

    My options do not appear to be pleasant.  At this point in my career, I do not feel it is wise to challenge the authority over me.  I will obey orders despite what my brain is telling me.  Preparations for rapid restoration are underway.  My plans are to see if we can first bring the power systems online.  From there tactical systems will need to be restored probably very shortly after power is restored, because I doubt our alien friends will be too keen on our return to Aegis.  The mountain that towers before me seems unconquerable…but I have seen stranger things, even if the impossible is being asked.

  8. Three thousand posts .... way to go, y'all!!



    Congrats to our Top 5 Posters who have generated 1,276 posts, exactly 42.5% of all posts on these boards.


    Individual Honors include

    5. Dumb-180 Posts (6.00%)

    4. A9- 212 Posts (7.07%)

    3. Fweddie- 262 Posts (8.73%)

    2. Garnoopy- 271 Posts (9.03%)

    1. Websta- 351 Posts (11.70%)


    Strangely enough this is the same exact list for the most eligible desperate bachelors! The irony!  :laugh:


    Any Takers? Dac? ::runs::

  9. Then again there are some who were cadets when I was a cadet and they're STILL cadets.

    Hey there,


     It really has nothing to do with the amount of time spent in the academy.  The academy is designed to train simmers and prepare them for advanced sims, which are quite different than the academy sims.  GMs have the responsibility to make sure cadets meet the basic simming requirements before they graduate.  This is the purpose for academies afterall.  A GM is never forced to graduate anyone, however, effort by the cadet to learn and apply basic simming principles I guarantee does not go unoticed.  Extra weeks in the academy work only for the player's benefit. :)  I advise any cadet to heck out the "Help" section for valuable graduating information.


    Hope this helps,

  10. The message boards could function as a way to enhance personal self -esteem.


    Therefore, I propose the following modifications...


    1. After posting a message that says, "Thank you for posting , you're the greatest!"

    2. After editing your profile a message that says, "Thank you for updating your profile, it's great to have a talented individual such as you using our message boards."

    3. After registering a message that says, "Thank you for signing up for STSF! We've been waiting all of our existance for you to grace us with your presence."

    4. After receiving a PM, a message that says, "Someone barely worthy of your attention has sent you a message."

    5. Positive emoticons only.   ;)  

    6. Random "Fortune cookie-like" messages at the top of the boards inserting your screen name. Example: "Live long and prosper, LtCdrGromVik!"

    7. Have a "member of the day feature."


     Just think how STSF could both be a wonderful forum, and a source for a self-esteem boost.  What do you guys think?



    Note: This is a Joke :)

  11. Hey there,


    As STSF continues to grow, so will the number of academy sims be available to players.  At the moment our GMs are working hard to provide as many sims as they possibly can for this forum.  For now there are academy sims on 5 of the 7 nights, with more surely around the corner. ;)

