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T'Aniz Jozef

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Everything posted by T'Aniz Jozef

  1. "The universe hangs in the balance. "One man, thought to be dead, is the only one "who can save it. "The time has come to turn death into a fighting chance to LIVE! "And a legend ... will return!" Bring Back Kirk.com The Official Website No, I'm not affiliated with the website. But it holds a lot for me. Personally, I was a Star Trek fan before the First Movie. :) Watched it on UHF TV, an old black & white, antenna TV without a remote. (Kinda close to the stone age. :dead: ) So my first and best hero is Captain Kirk. Right now, there is a new movement afoot, like in those old days, to bring back Kirk. Remember, fan out cry helped relaunch Star Trek. There are those who believe it can be done again. It seems that David Gerrord, the writer of the Trouble with Tribbles episode, might be willing to write this. Remember, in the Star Trek world, "There are always possibilities." It's rumored Rick Berman is considering this because the last movie did not make the big bucks Paramont wanted. :) And ENT is continuing to drop in the ratings. :) Berman might see this as a shot in the arm for the franchise. :cool: I guess you all have figuered out how I feel about this. :wink: My question is: :) How do you feel about this? :rolleyes: How do you feel about this? :D How do you feel about this? :D
  2. STAR FLEET ACADEMY STAR FLEET ACADEMY STAR FLEET ACADEMY CADET: T'Aniz Jozef GRADUATION RANK: 6th of Graduating Cadet Corpus AWARDS: summa cum laude, Honors in Security Procedures, Fencing Tri-Star MAJOR: Security Procedures MINOR: Tactical Systems RECOMMENDATION OF ACADEMY PRESIDENT: A bright cadet with a will to learn. Will be an asset to any ship that chooses her. Although her career goals are not fully defined, she will be a useful addition to a Security Department. She will continue her Security training in the Correspondence School of the Post Graduate Certificate Program, as she has not opted to pursue Graduate Degree Classes at this time. S T A R F L E E T:M E D I C A L R E P O R T : F O R S H I P A S S I G N M E N T RE: T'Aniz Jozef Graduation Rank: Ensign Assigned Ship: USS REPUBLIC NCC-1371-D Number of Assignments: First SPECIES: Bi-Special: HalfHuman, HalfVulcan SEX: Female (Pon Farr not achieved) AGE: 21 Earth Years Old HEIGHT: 5' 5" WEIGHT: 123 Pounds HAIR/EYES: Brown/Brown STATUS OF HEALTH: Excellent PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: Ensign is fit and ready for duty NOTES: Internal organs follow Vulcan Physiology STAR FLEET COUNSELOR GENERAL OFFICE REPORT FOR SHIP ASSIGNMENT Sociological History: T'Aniz Jozef, Ensign Assistant Security Officer USS REPUBLIC NCC-1371-D The Ensign has a quasi-standard sociological profile. She is born of a Vulcan mother and Human father. Both have been missing since her age 6. At age 6 she was taken to Vulcan to be raised by her mother's family. However, her father's family sued for custody, and at Ensign's age 7 they were awarded full custodial rights by the Federation Superior Family Court. She was moved to Earth where she was raised by her uncle (father's brother) and his wife. They remained childless, so she was raised as an only child. (Note: After she left for Academy, the aunt and uncle had a son.) The Ensign was raised near New York City, in a county named Westchester. She was raised in a semi-closed community that practiced life as it was known in the former United States' latter Twentieth Century. The common level of technology employed there was dated at 1999. However, the community was only semi-closed, for in medical emergencies and for other necessary uses the current technology was employed. As the Ensign is of mixed heritage, the Federation Superior Family Court proviso that she be fully versed in current technology and life style was abided by. Nevertheless, her daily life was usually carried on within the confines of the community's 20th century bias. RECOMMENDATION: While her upbringing was unusual, monitering by the FSF Court found no adverse affect. She received support and cultural training from her parents, the human uncle and aunt. It is unfortunate that the Ensign's Vulcan family excused themselves from all further contact after the Terrans won custody. Therefore, the Ensign has little understanding of her Vulcan heritage. This may be a source of future inner-conflict for her. However at present she identifies herself with Star Fleet and its multi-species family. Star Fleet Psychology Services: Psychological Profile FITTNES FOR DUTY: Ensign T'Aniz Jozef is fit for duty. No restrictions. EXECPTIONAL POINTS: Bi-Species: Human and Vulcan PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS: The Ensign has had no training or experiences worthy of note in Vulcan life. She may require guidance in the future if and when her Vulcan attributes manifest. She may or may not have inherited the Vulcan genetic trait of Pon Farr (she may have more human traits in this reguard.) PROFILE: Serious, academic, not fully comfortable in social situations due to her mixed heritage and the semi-closed 20th Century community experience where she was raised. Fortunately, she is devoted to Star Fleet. She has reconstructed her identity as being a member of this community. While she will require guidance as she copes with her Vulcan heritage, she is otherwise bright and well adjusted and well motivated. RECOMMENDATIONS: (1) As the Ensign's Vulcan traits manifest, if they do, she ought to receive guidance. Also, she shuold receive exposure to Vulcan culture so as an adult she can make an informed choice regarding her lifestyle. (2) No further areas of concern are noted. Ensign T'Aniz Jozef's fitness for assignment is CONFIRMED. ATTACH TO CURRENT ORDERS:FOR STAR FLEET PERSONNEL
  3. Midnight Saturday: GREAT SIMMING !! :laugh: And only the saucer section blew up! WE escaped the ... whatever it was! "And great fun was had be everyone all around." :nod: Be there or be square! :rolleyes:
  4. THE GREAT BIRD OF THE GALAXY !! :rolleyes: THE GREAT BIRD OF THE GALAXY !! :D THE GREAT BIRD OF THE GALAXY A man of extraordinary vision. I am grateful for his life. :shy:
  5. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WORLD CHAMPS 2003: THE MARLINS !! The Marlins played great baseball. Pitcher Josh Beckett is great. And they beat the Yankees right in Yankee Stadium! Congrats to all Floridians and Marlins fans. :rolleyes: Now, sniff-sniff, we Yankee fans also have to say, "wait 'till next year." :cry:
  6. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT ACADEMY SIM !! :nod: This time, I'll be there, whether the Yankees win or lose. (Course, if they lose, you may have to give me a few tissues.) See youze guyz ! :cool:
  7. Youze also bounce balls offa' yer heads. Holy Moly! :rolleyes: (Awwww! Tha' hoit!::ball bounces away after bouncing on head.) :laugh:
  8. :cry: Losing games to the Red Socks, I understood. Glad we won the pennant, but if they had won, I'd have felt okay: They're a venerable old team in their own right. BUT... :rolleyes: losing to the Marlins... a team 11 years old! These ain't my Yankees! With a few exceptions (like Jeter & Mariano Rivera & Matusi) they're just old...flabby...overconfident...playedout and overpaid). The ghosts of Yankee Stadium are even booing! ... :D Let's see if they can win one game: Saturday night !! If not, it's the fish who make the big catch! :laugh:
  9. Here's my two cents on this: :rolleyes: I'm here to have fun simming in my favorite other universe: Star Trek. Some of my teammembers may be as young as 12 years old. I am absolutely of adult years. If I have to get explicit, I have a problem! There's plenty of other places one can go on the internet for that. Yeah, ENT recently had a steamy T'Pol going into a Pon Farr (sp?) in the docon room, where every one's always hot and sweaty and scantily clad. But it's on TV. This is interactional with real, live, young people. It's vastly different. Any adult who needs to so interact with youths...needs a heavy handed deletion !! Also, AOL and other sources have child protection devices. If parents find this site unsuitable, they can block the kids from playing here. It's not about censorship, it's about who we want to be, and who we want to be good for. If we want to be welcoming 12 year olds, we have to be ready to accept certain codes of behavior. If we want to be an adult only site, that's different. It's a definite, absolute difference. One side of the fence, or the other. I'm really happy that I found a site like this ... one that respects youth, and allows adults to live young at heart.
  10. Well, it at least gave me a forum where I could mourn: Yankees lost game 5 of the World Series (played in sunny FL). Marlins, 6. Yankees, 4. sob,sob,sob,sob,sob. :cry: At least I could talk about Romulans and ice hockey there. (MMMmmmm? Romulans & hockey? What league's that team in?) :D
  12. FALL IN LOVE !! :D Huh? My best advice is to fall in love with a line of work. True, it helps if it perfectly matches your abilities. But we work best at what we love. There is more than logic involved in choosing how you spend 50 to who-knows how many hours a week. If it's a labor of love, the time matters little. ... All the above mentioned methods are good to helping find what you love... The method I particularly recommend is shadowing (since volunteering is usually out of the question for busy college students). You've got to see it, in a few places, to have any idea if you like it. For example, having the talent to be a vet doesn't mean one could stand all the fur all over the place. Or the smells ( a lifetime of smelling poop??). Going to a few places for the same career will give you a general idea. Also, some college programs have internships...that helps a lot in showing if the student and the career are a "love match." It really has to be something you feel passion for. And, as mentioned above. Even passion changes... So don't worry if that happens either.
  13. [move]The SAGE strikes back !! The SAGE strikes back !! The SAGE strikes back!! :wink: For a one night sim that was really great ! Tight, taut, old-fashioned melodrama ! With a villainess second-cousin to Chaotica, but more subdued. Thank y'all. (From the edgy Ops-gal.) Look forward to the department drama next week. :nod:
  14. :dead: Hey guys: I recommend for your attention the holes in the ozone layer, the melting masses of shelf ice in the Antartica, and the inestimable loss of flora and fauna species in the tropical belt lands due to deforestation. Maybe Martians didn't turn that planet into a dusty red ball. But we have the ability to so do to our blue-green orb. :D Only it won't be blue-green then ... that's right ... gotta think how to rephrase that last clause, mmmmmmm. :D
  15. That's what the Fish'll be wishin' they're doin' after tonight! :wink: Yankees an' Marlins are tied, a game each, in the World Series. But Yankees WILL win tonight. And sweep, making it a 5 game series! Look out Marlins! Got 'cha on the hook! :cool: PLAY BALL !!
  16. IS THERE SUCH A THING AS LUCK ? Or is Luck what we make of it? :D Perhaps some dumb luck of mine was when I tuned in to a show with a space theme and first watched a guy called Captain Kirk. I was exploring the UHF channels. That was back when antennas were used ... back before the Flood, ya know? :laugh:
  17. :D This looks like a great idea! Wonder what department it will be tonight? See, ya at the Late Night Tuesday Sim (on the East Coast it's midnight!) :laugh:
  18. [Martian comment to GromVik.... :D ]
  19. Mmmm....Isn't that what the Martians said? Look where it got them! Nice, red, dusty planet! :dead:
  20. :cry: Hey Will! I really enjoy playing in sims with ya. And reading your comments on the board. Don't know your situation. But maybe you could work out a leave-of-absence at your advanced post. And "there are always possibilities." so hope you can work out academy sims & board comments. Got used to reading our little midshipman! :shy:
  21. The new FAQ page is very helpful. It recently came on site, I think, and wasn't there when I "graduated" the Academy. Also, I think PM'ing instructions during the game can be a mite confusing. I know I can only concentrate on a PM or on the game. I can't do both yet. When I concentrate on PM's for too long, I loose all idea of what is going on in the sim. I get really lost that way. So it might help to have someone put something on the chat room screen saying "Wait around after the game if you are being graduated." If not a mentor, then a resource person, so if instructions are missed, one could go and ask that person about the situation. Just for general questions, if not direct mentoring. As a new PC operator, missing instructions the first time around is a real possibility. But I'll only learn how to operate this machine by using it, so I must persevere. By the way, I never did receive a letter upon graduation. As a matter of fact, my name was inexplicabley deleted from the STSF website and after querrying and receiving no answer, I simply reregistered 5 days later. So my post-graduation experience has had its confusion. (Also, I never could post, until after reregistration, when I wrote the webmaster, and a couple of days later, that ability appeared on my screen.) I'm haveing a very good time here, despite glitches and my own lack of comprehension. I thank you all for it. (As to making a circle of buddies: always desirable, but I'm not a high schooler, so it will likely take more time.)
  22. Dear Images: Home is where the heart is ! :wink: Perhaps we are all at home in the Star Trek universe ?
  24. Ah, Vex, if you ever get to do all that, I'm volunteering to join the nearest Borg Cube! :cool:
  25. TWO WORDS: UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR Maybe, just maybe if we all could communicate better, we'd get on the peace path. Maybe. :shy: