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Everything posted by willingham

  1. Vex, you couldn't of. It's virtually impossible. Only the Gods of simming can do that.
  2. It's something about protecting life and something like that
  3. Will thinks Nemesis is wrong and Will says, "Will knows what first person is."
  4. I remember when I got graduated. They called me to front and center. I got nervous as I took the oath. People were asking the GM's if they could hold me. I said I was fine and I graduated. That's how they will do it most of the time.
  5. Very true, Nemesis, very true.
  6. Yes. I rarely can first speak in first person. It annoys me and I try to get my overflowing brain to remember to speak in first person. But it doesn't and I will have this problem all though my life. And this mostly happens while I'm simming, too.
  7. Unfortunately, we cannot change it at all. You know the Prime Directive. "We cannot interfere with the natural evolution of civilizations." That includes humans.
  8. True, Fred. But you got to realize that people can be stupid and still write interesting questions.
  9. Thank you Vex! It was a good one and I selected it. 9:00 EST is easier for more people (especially students) because it's not late and we can actually wake up willingly (yeah, right) instead of being drowsy in the morning and pulling out your phaser and.. well, you know the rest.
  10. So do I. And now here comes...nothing!
  11. At 9:00 EST would be more preferrable.
  12. yep, it is, Nem. ::takes out phaser::
  13. Very true, Nemesis.
  14. Actually, word has it that Bill Gates is the son of Satan himself. So he would be the devil.
  15. To send messages which you DO NOt want other people to see but your recipent. Useful if you have a question to A9 and don't want it posted on the message boards.
  16. sure it is, Tovan.
  17. WHAT!?! Another STSF is out there! Vex, PM me and give me the website!
  18. There is no comment at this time from the Plattsmouth delegation.
  19. Well, Moose, I was talking about Bill Gates. I'm no more a devil than any of you are.
  20. It just depends on the mood of the people themselves. If you were like in a bad mood, you would look on the fourm and probably say, "Man, these question's are boring!" But if you were in a good mood, you would look on the fourm and say, "Man, these question are cool!" Just depends.
  21. I said yes, but do to circumstances beyond my control ::fire burns in eyes:: I cannot state how I would change the past and affect the future. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Wait, did I just laugh? OMG! I just gave it away! AWWWWWWWWW ****!!!!
  22. I think he's going to do great. ;)
  23. Happy birthday, R'tor!