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Posts posted by knlwtchr

  1. 12 days of christmas by anyone ios also anntgoyting to mee abut I like i like the song "Let there be peace on Earth", I forget who it was by. I used to have to sing that for Rememberance day, but have listeened to it on myu raddio. I al;so like traditional choral songs like "O Holy Night", that "Gloria, inexcelses deo" song and such. I also do not like the "little drummer boy song" as well. It vcan get abnboyinhg too.

    Heh heh..must have written it on his cell phone, eh Seibie? =0]

  2. I dont have a problem with being survailed (is that a word?). We already are in most major cities at intersections, ATMs, groceries, malls, gas stations, schools, etc, etc. I dont worry about my phone being tapped because I dont know anything of national importance. If they want to listen to me chat with my friend about her sickly father or my grandmother about her bunyons, well thats up to them. Im pretty sure they can find better things to do and bigger gooses to cook.