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Posts posted by knlwtchr

  1. OK, OK, here is the next pic. Now please stop singing!

    OK, good pic. How about this song:

    "Love and Marriage

    Love and marriage

    Its an institute you cant dispairage.

    Ask your local gentry

    and he will say its elementary.

    Try, try, try and separate them, its an illusion.

    Try, try, try and you will only come..to this conculsion:


    Love and Marriage..."


  2. Ashtray Stolen from a Motel 6 - $ 0.00 Dollars

    Favorite Red Squeaky Toy - $ 3.00 Dollars

    Soft Pack of Marlboro Lights - $ 8.00 Dollars

    Bottle of Red Label Whiskey - $ 20.00 Dollars


    Passing out on a Foreign Newspaper after a Wild Night of Partying - Priceless

    ROFLMAO!! Laehval, you are the limit! =0]

  3. This coming from the wallflower, that showed up once? How could you even possibly make judgement on how enjoyable our vacation was last year, when you weren't even there? Can't knock it if you weren't there man.


    ::dies laughing::

    I wasnt commenting as to your vacation, I was commenting about Vegas. You cant do anything there without draining your wallet. I know, Ive been there. If you were referring to the bar scene or having a good time with friends, heck you can do that anywhere. There are plenty of inexpensive shows and events in other less expensive towns that can be just as enjoyable. Why is Vegas always the first place people think about when they wonder where to go to have a good time?

  4. Well my question is this.... If everyone is downloading music from the internet without paying for it, how are the artists supposed to make a living? I mean, what would be the point to producing music if no one is going to buy it?


    The artists make a fine living off concerts, TV, movies, radio, and CD sales. Im not buying pirated material from some schmoe off the street and Im not selling it, either. And its not like stealing a vase. If it were, you would be guilty of theft everytime you heard a song on the radio or off someone ELSES stereo. File sharing is just that, sharing. Someone bought it to begin with. Are we going to stop sharing our stereo music and TV shows, now?


    "From now on, if you want to listen to music, you have to have a copy of it that you bought on CD and you have to listen to it on your own stereo by yourself. Same with your movies and TV shows. Anyone caught allowing your friend to listen or watch will be prosecuted."


    Thats just ridiculous.

  5. ::The Florida Committee goes wild, and commence to hide all the bags with $$ on them... not that they'd bribe anyone or anything...::


    Woo-hoo! I so have to attend now... even though I'll just probably stay at home rather than the hotel. :lol:


    Florida is fantastic during the summer, and contrary to popular belief, we don't have big bugs down here. Now of course if it rains a lot, we may get a big mesquito season, but the last year was pretty calm, and next year should be the same. Just make sure to pack plenty of shorts and comfortable clothes, and you should be fine during the summer here. B)


    Can't wait to see you guys! B)

    Oh no, John, you cant convince me there are no huge bugs in Florida. I know, Ive-a seen 'em. You remember "love bugs"? Ew. Need I say more? =0]

  6. Might? 


    ::sigh:: We moved it for all the folks whining about Vegas, and now I've heard several people say, "Well, I *might* go now?  If yer not going to go, then why all the complaining about where it was before?


    Get yer butts down there!

    Well, "Might" is better than "Not at all". Like any other ShoreLeave Ive attended, I cant say for sure because of work. But, if work allows (and/or real life), Ill be there for sure, since its not in Vegas. Hows that?

  7. But generally my views remain the same. I believe firmly in the concept of the free exchange and usage of information.

    I agree with Corizon here. I share files, too. Not that often, maybe once every 2-3 months? But, its only because I like to hear one song from an album over and over. I dont sell the songs, I only use them for my personal use. Its just like taping your favorite show off the TV or song off the radio, in my opinion. Are we going to go around and arrest everyone who has done that? We'd all be in jail. Or are we all going to pay a royalty everytime a song is played on the radio or shown on TV? Im not. I already pay out the nose for cable and internet and phone and cell phone, etc, etc. Anyway, the files you get from filesharing are all shared files. If you want to make someone pay, you have hit the first person who got the file. Where did he get it? And are you going to now make everyone liable for receiving stolen property, if it was infact originally stolen? Can you follow that paper trail?