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Posts posted by knlwtchr

  1. OK, more memories here. Every night, they are showing a new Christmas Special. My favorites are the stop-action childrens specials. You know, Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer, Frosty the Snowman (Actually, that one is a cartoon), and the Abominable Snowman episodes.


    Has anyone seen "Polar Express" yet? Isnt it neat?

  2. Not so sad. I grew up watching watching all three of those, and based on your profile info, I'm considerably younger than you are. :D


    Really? I didnt think so. I thought you told me your age once. I just turned 32. Is that considerably older? =0]


    Those Disney cartoons were being made when the good ones were still on. When they actually drew cartoons still. Sometimes, I just dont enjoy the computer generated nearly as much. Well, Im old fashioned, too. Old habits, hobbies, and pass-times die slow.

  3. If you want to read pocket books that are REALLY WELL WRITTEN, pick up any copy written by Michael Jan Friedman. Lately, he has been doing XMen series, but his books before were mainly about ST:TNG. They are AWESOME. I think he had written some for TNG episodes, or helped to anyway. When I used to goto Shoreleave Star Trek conventions in Maryland, he was a major player behind the scenes. I imagine he still is. He is very approachable and holds forums to get ideas for new books. I know, my opinion of him is biased, but he is really neat. =0]

  4. 1. Saying "make it so" in casual conversation

    2. Indignation because the periodic table doesn't include dilithium and tritanium.

    3. Able to use "variable phase inverter" in a sentence without excessive thought first

    4. More than one pair of Spock ears on junk drawer

    5. Have figured out the stardate system

    6. Sudden urge to wear lots of Lycra

    7. Scanning shelves at local liquor store for synthehol

    8. The Star Trek theme becomes background music for your dreams

    9. Major quote sources for thesis are Shakespeare, the Bible, and "The Omega Glory"

    10. Memorization of the crew's authorization codes

    11. Forgetting that present-day elevators don't have voice interface

    12. Attending a convention wearing non-Terran vestments

    13. Actual serious thoughts about buying that $300 model of the Enterprise from the Franklin Mint

    14. Understanding Klingon

    15. Lecturing any science professor on how transporters work

    16. Playing fizzbin and understanding it

    17. "The Outrageous Okona" seems like a fine piece of writing and dramatic stylistics

    18. Paying rapt attention during those endless special effects sequences in ST:TMP

    19. Inexplicable rock-climbing urges

    20. More than three original episode outlines buried in your drawers

    21. You send weekly love letters to the actress who played the green skinned Orion slave girl on episode number 7.

    22. You pull the legs off your hamster so you'll have a tribble.

    23. You tried to join the navy just so you could serve aboard the Enterprise.

    24. Your wife left you because you wanted her to dress like a Klingon and torture you for information.

    25. You went to San Francisco to see of you might bump into Kirk and crew while they were in the 20th century looking of a whale.

    26. Your college thesis was a comparison of the illustrious careers of T.J. Hooker and Captain Kirk.

    27. You fly into a homicidal rage anytime people say, "Star Trek? Isn't that the one with Luke Skywalker?"

    28. You have no life.

    29. You recognize more than four references on this list.

    30. You join NASA, hijack a shuttle, and head for the coordinates you calculated for the planet Vulcan.

    31. The UPS guy hands you his electronic clipboard and you're tempted to call him the "Captain's Yeoman" as you sign it.

    32. Phrases like 'sentient being' start creeping into your speech patterns.

    33. When you find yourself singing "Headin' Back to Eden" in the shower and you know *all* the words.

    34. You start practicing raising one eyebrow in front of a mirror.

    35. Someone tells a joke and your only comment is: "Humor, a difficult concept"

    36. You flip open your cellular phone and expect to hear it "chirp."

    37. You always win the free slice of pizza at the local pizza place when they have Star Trek trivia questions.

    38. You ask local pet stores if they stock tribbles . . and if they're neutered.

    39. You find yourself executing the "Picard Maneuver."

    40. You get on an elevator full of people and have to catch yourself before you tell it what floor you want.

    41. You walk to the microwave and start to order dinner.

    42. Sitting in traffic you seriously start wondering why you're using this primitive form of transportation.

    43. After seeing a news story about a police shooting you wonder, for a moment, why they just didn't set it on stun.

    44. You get upset when you go to get a vanity plate and find that WARPSPD has already been taken.

    45. You see a car with a Starfleet Academy sticker and it seems perfectly normal.

    46. You avoid all stores that carry Trek merchandise for fear that someone will find out about your 'addiction'. :-)

    47. Your wardrobe consists of a lot of black slacks with interchangeable gold, red and blue tops.

    48. All babies start to remind you of Jean-Luc Picard.

    49. You drive by a used car lot and start looking for Ferengi

    50. You start watching commercials because so many Trek alumni are doing the voice-overs.

    51. You know you watch too much Trek when someone asks you to quote some Shakespeare and you do it in Klingon.

    52. You start making lists of the signs that you've been watching too much Trek!



    Number 30 is my favorite! =0]

  5. Actually I think the point of the movies was to call into question the subjectivity of Good vs Evil. Who's to say that Palpy wasn't the good guy and the Jedi were evil?


    You know, its funny that you meantion that, Koshic. I was thinking that the last time I watched ROTJ. Of course, maybe they wouldnt have named it the "DeathStar". I think I like, "HappyDome" better. What do you think?

  6. But the boxes and other editing faux pas are what make the original 3 so charming. I just wish they had kept the original Anakin Skywalker instead of Hayden Christiansen at the end of ROTJ. It was something all us long time SW fans loved.


    Yes, Will, I noticed that too! And I was very disappointed with the change, too. Mostly because you like to see Darth Vadar whole again.

  7. I've always noticed the boxes following the fighters as well Andrea, at least in the original VHS released versions (I have yet to purchase any redone DVD's). Maybe, even with all the tech now, there is no way to clean that up?



    Maybe. Actually, I saw it on one of the cable movie channels, showtime or cinemax or something. They are showing the remastered versions and the three newer SWs as well. The boxes still appeared in these new versions. Its odd to see "glitches" like that in a remastered version, because everything else is so clear. =0]


    I have never seen the newer SWs because (when I watched previews for it) I thought they predated technology from the older ones. I know Lucas tried to make up for that with the additions, but its just not the same.

  8. OK, not to change the discussion, but if there are plenty of incontinuities not just in the story line, but in the refurbished renditions. If you watch Star Wars IV, during the fight with the millenium falcon and four TIE fighters near the end of the flick. I noticed that some of the TIE fighters would appear to have an image of a box following it through space. Its like an imaging glitch that they didnt clean up during their movie "washing" this late time. Did anyone else notice it?

  9. OK, I ran across several notations where George Lucas said that the human-looking, human-acting characters in the Star Wars galaxy are not in fact humans. And yet one of C3PO's most prominent lines is "I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations."


    How the heck would C-3PO have known what a human is if the predominant Star Wars race weren't humans?


    I have a rather simple answer, but maybe Im missing the point: He was programed to say that later. He was being sold out of a collection of droids when we met him. The Skywalkers were humanoids. Perhaps the salesmen knew he might run accross humanoid buyers. Or, like 3PO says, he was familiar with many different languages and he ad libbed.

  10. Knight Rider and Dukes of Hazzard, the A-Team, MASH, and "You Can't Do that on Television". But I was busy watching reruns of Star Trek, and Dr. Who on a PBS station out Wilkes-Barre on cable, and Hogan's Heroes on a Boston station that Cablevision of NJ both got, when they weren't pre-empted for the Red Sox, the Bruins or funding drives.

    Oh yeah, I still watch MASH. All I remember about "You cant do that on television" is the green slime. (Ew!) =0]

  11. One more - Starter Sports Jackets (early 90's) - omg. EVERYone (my local area at least) was walking around with these jackets on. I dont know how far it spread, and it probably was restricted to seasonal or colder climates, but I just remember the frenzy about 'em.

    Oh man. I remember kids stabbing and killing each other for their Starter Jackets. I thought it was insane! =0]