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About BrianaMarieZion

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    Humble, TX
  1. It is Done There was no celebration as the final calculation was put into place. No "eureka I found it!" or even a "well, that's odd," only silence. In the still of the "graveyard shift" of medical, it was done. For what seemed like, and possibly could have been hours, Briana simply stared at the final result of hundreds of hours of research. Slowly the lab began to spin around her and before she realized what was happeneing Briana fell to the ground, passed out cold. Because of her dilegnet work on her personal project, no one on her staff had thought it the least bit odd that she didn't emerge for several hours, but it was a passing glance from one of the nurses that sent them into overdrive. 2 hours after she had fallen to the ground the call was made to security to rescue the Chief Medical Officer from her lab. In less than 10 minutes doctors and nurses were buzzing around Briana, and trying to figure out what had caused the blackout. Around an hour later Briana began to awaken, shocked at the murmur around her, and even more shocked to find herself a patient in her own sickbay. Unable to get a straight answer from anyone as to what was going on she simply laid there, staring at the ceiling. From time to time she would sneak a peek at the chronometer, trying to determine when the next shift change was to take place. She knew there would be some explination that she could squeeze from Bo, or perhaps she could call up Galen, but until the shift change she didn't dare. Slowly she drifted into a dreamless, and fitful sleep, questions floating around in her head. Was it exhastion? Had she in fact actually died and had an awakening? Did the captain know, and if he did what would his reaction be? The last question to sound itself inside her head was if the restults were really real, or if it had all been a dream.