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Cmdr JFarrington

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Everything posted by Cmdr JFarrington

  1. Meritorious Achievement Award The Command Staff is Pleased to Present The Meritorious Achievement Award for Exceptional Logs to Jaiysa t'Tamarak for Under the Knife
  2. ::snarkle::
  3. If They Only Knew Two people knew. VAdm DeJariov and t’Prise. Neither one of them would break that confidence - of that she was sure. T’Prise was Vulcan, perhaps the most circumspect, honorable species in the galaxy. Jami trusted t’Prise implicitly. As for Gren, he’d been watching her since the Andromeda mission, where, as a result of a misunderstanding, a curious arboreal species who called themselves the Qin had nearly killed her with a focused ultrasonic burst. Realizing their mistake, they kidnapped her for healing with subsonic songs and telepathic manipulation of her neural pathways. The Qin had also warned her that she may experience telepathy, but that it would be short-lived, and that it would vanish over time. When the Manticore returned from the Andromeda Galaxy, Gren had been justifiably concerned. He watched her physical, emotional, and mental health “in the name of research,” he said. But she knew better. She had no physical scars - at least no obvious ones - and the Qin’s telepathy had faded over time. In fact, it was almost nonexistent until Manticore decided to hopscotch through alternate realities. By the time they returned to their own reality and Maturin Station, the telepathy had come back full-blown, in an uncontrollable, overwhelming onslaught that had almost driven her insane intil she sought advice from t’Prise. She heard everyone on the station, everyone on the ship, and everyone on every ship docked at Maturin. She knew the thoughts, feelings and hidden agendas of everyone who questioned them, and of every crewman who had undergone questioning. The revelations were at once intriguing, embarrassing, and shockingly unbearable. Jami had, therefore, spent most of the last month in deep meditation, practicing techniques to control and block unwanted and unneeded thoughts and emotions. Along with that of t’Prise, she had also sought the guidance of her own counselor, Dr. DeJariov, and it was his counsel that was most powerful. “There are times when the truth can be more destructive than you can ever imagine,” he had said. At her somewhat puzzled expression, he continued, “And of course that does not mean a lie should replace the truth. But the entire truth can sometimes be damaging. You know that, as a physician.” Yes, she did. To tell a recovering patient that a close relative had just died could endanger the survival of the recovering patient. How often had she withheld that news until a patient was physically and emotionally able to bear it? “You must learn when to speak, and when not to speak. And knowing when not to speak is the most important premise full telepaths must learn. It is more important than filtering, and more important than control.” It had taken her several days of contemplation and reflection before she came to the full realization of the admiral’s words. Upon entering Manticore’s bridge for the first time in a month, she paused longer than usual to orient herself, concentrate, block, and settle into her position as Operations Officer. When Atragon entered, she felt his eyes on her, but blocked his thoughts. There were many things she did not want to know, and at this point, after his reclusive state, his thoughts were in that category.
  4. Game Master (GM) - TMir Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - TMir Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Capt Calestorm Tactical Officer (TAC) - Robert Long Chief Engineering Officer (CENG) - Cmdr JFarrington Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - TKAR Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Eva Jaz Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Quin The USS Avenger (Post-Voyager Miranda Class) is cruising deep space when it runs head-on into a huge cake decorated with Peeps. 110405.txt
  5. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #655, STARDATE 51104.04 =/\= After spending more than six weeks in alternate Universes, the Manticore has arrived home. We are docked with the mobile Special Operations starbase, Maturin Station. The ship is being refurbished and the crew is being rejuvenated (after being questioned.)
  6. We already have bugs. All kinds. ::shudder::
  7. USS Manticore Mission Update - December 20, 2010 After undergoing repairs and refit, the USS Manticore left Maturin Station on Stardate 51011.15. Upon reaching their destination they received orders to search for the missing USS Coxeter, last reported in the farthest corner of Federation space testing a new engine. The Hexacosichoron 600, part of the Tesseract Drive project, theoretically enabled them to travel in four dimensions to arrive at any destination instantaneously. The USS Manticore has traveled to the USS Coxeter's last known location, the area where it was to engage the Hexacosichoron 600. Finding nothing, and with no trail to follow, Manticore followed the Coxeter's flight plan to their jump destination and supposedly the endpoint of their test. There they found only a trail of anti-neutrons which led them to a third location and a strange cloud, 5,000 meters in diameter, consisting of 15 cm metallic spheres. Fearing they had found the remnants of the ship, they discovered an impulse engine trail, at the end of which was found the USS Coxeter. The question now is, what was that cloud and why is the Coxeter traveling under impulse when they have a Tesseract Drive?
  8. USS Manticore Mission Update for April 4, 2011 With the aid of the USS Coxeter's Captain Weyl and Lieutenant Brutus, the USS Manticore has returned safely to its own universe, but not without cost. Captain Weyl's life energy, used to operate the tesseract drive, was completely sapped. He did not survive. Without Captain Weyl's life force to power it, the tesseract drive fused to his body and became inoperable (and undecipherable from his own flesh.) Since installing the tesseract drive entailed removing the warp drive, the Manticore was left in the far reaches of the Alpha Quadrant with impulse and thrusters to carry them home. A call to the fleet summoned the rest of the Special Operations Wing - the USS Babylon, The USS Pensacola, and the USS Carthage. With Maitncore under strict lockdown, they towed the ship to Maturin Station, Starfleet's secure facility reserved for Special Operations. At present, the crew is in the process of an extensive, grueling debriefing, having to explain the presence of personnel aboard from other universes, where we were for the last 49 days, instantaneous flight, a war with Arcturus, and the destruction of two ships named Manticore.
  9. Wow! A triple birthday! You guys should get together and have one BIG party! Happy Birthday!
  10. Between Friends Too many things didn’t add up. Too many things made no sense. It was enough to make Jami think they were not in their home universe anymore, but she knew they were. Home, that is. The corridor was the right color, the tear in the carpet that she’d tripped over the last time they were on the real Maturin Station was there, everything down to the most minute detail pointed to home. But Temporal/Alternate Universe Investigations? Alternate Universe Investigations my tush, she thought - hoping there were no Betazoids roaming the corridors. Since when had the alternate universe part come into play? It sounded like they’d tacked that on to make their investigation of the Manticore’s jumps legitimate. And another thing. For a bunch of investigators who were supposed to be covert operations, they sure had a way of blurting things out. In fact, the whole interrogation she’d just come from sounded more like a media interview than anything else. Hell, all they needed was the flashy director, the gaudy makeup, the.... “Penny for your thoughts.” The soft eastern European accent brought Jami up short as she rounded the bend and a quick back-peddle brought the speaker into view. Leaning against the wall, a slightly bemused expression garnishing the twinkle in his eye, was VAdm Gren DeJariov, Starfleet’s Surgeon General and a close friend of Jami and Atragon. He was the last person she expected to see at Maturin Station, but within a few seconds she realized it made perfect sense. “So, they finally decided to bring out the big guns,” she said with a grin, stepping his way. “Bad news travels fast.” “Bad news? What bad news,” he said, pushing off from the wall to join her. “Seems to me that it’s good news knowing the Manticore is safe and sound. They had given up hope, you know, but given your track record I knew you’d show up sooner or later.” “Track record? You mean Andromeda?” Her expression darkened as he motioned towards the lift and she fell in step with him. “At least the rest of the fleet didn’t greet us guns blazing this time.” A few years ago, Manticore had been caught in an unstable worm hole and jerked unceremoniously 2.5 million light years away. Suspecting the worm hole was a trans-warp conduit generated by the Borg, probing Federation defenses in preparation for invasion, the fleet had met the Manticore on their trip back, assumed she had been commandeered by the enemy, and had almost destroyed it. Damage was extensive and several crewmembers were killed. It wasn’t exactly something she wanted to remember. “So, why are you here?” He paused. Resting his palm on the lift call button, he angled his eyes towards her, his tone confidential. “Have you had a serious talk with anyone... about the trip? About the effect it’s had on you? On the crew?” “No.” “Not even Atragon?” He raised a quizzical brow. The lift doors slid open and Jami checked it for privacy, then stepped in and turned to face him, allowing the doors to close before answering. “No. He’s been... reclusive. Distant.” Rocking slightly on the balls of his feet, he crossed his arms and his expression became thoughtful. “But you did answer the committee’s questions.” “Of course. Yes and no questions...” “...deserve yes and no answers. Avoidance?” “The truth.” The lift settled to a stop, but the admiral kept the doors closed while Jami continued. “I answered the questions that pertained to me and to my position on the ship. Only first-hand information. No supposition. No conjecture. Nothing about what I thought happened or what I believed would result from our trips.” Vice Admiral DeJariov nodded. “I’ve heard they are taking that tack now. Of course, I’ve had no first-hand experience with it - not having been through time or to an alternate universe - but it does seem a bit out of line.” “A bit out of line? I’d say a little more than a bit, Gren. They even went to far as to ask me to fire off a list of every single interior and exterior communication we had during the entire trip. Hell, they have the records - they were looking at them - why do they need to ask me unless they’re trying to trip me up, make me look guilty of something? It’s blatant McCarthyism if you ask me.” Jami studied him a minute. He hadn’t moved since the lift stopped, made no suggestion that they were to exit. He stood, watching her, meeting her gaze with the same patience and concern he had shown when Atragon lay dying. Pressing a hand to her forehead, Jami’s anger finally surfaced and grew with every phrase. “They’re devious, you know, Gren. They’re like vultures, like... predators. Waiting for the slightest misstep, the smallest word or action that could be used against me. Damn it, Gren. I can’t imagine how the younger members of the crew are holding up. At least I have some experience. At least I know how far the investigators are allowed to go, what they can and cannot do. Hell, some of the crew are just kids. And if they’ve been subjected to what I just went through...?” They stood several minutes in silence before VAdm DeJariov entered the command code for his office and the lift resumed its journey. As it moved, he stepped towards her, took her hands in his and fixed his eyes on hers. “That is why I have come, Jami,” he said quietly. “That... is why I have come.”
  11. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #654, STARDATE 51103.28 =/\= After spending more than six weeks in alternate Universes, the Manticore has arrived home. We were met by the rest of the Special Ops wing: the USS Babylon, the USS Carthage and the USS Pensacola, not only for a tow us to a rendezvous with the mobile Special Operations starbase, Maturin Station, but to assure Special Operations that we will arrive and remain secure before debriefing. No one is looking forward to the grilling we probably will receive, especially because we have three aboard from an alternate universe.110328.txt
  12. After spending more than six weeks in alternate Universes (Univi?), the Manticore has arrived home. Not only do we have to explain where we were to our colleagues, we have to describe a war with Arcturus, instantaneous flight and the destruction of two of us. Confusion much? 110321.txt
  13. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #652, STARDATE 51103.14 =/\= In searching for the USS Coxeter, a ship testing the Hexacosichoron 600 Engine as part of the Tesseract Drive project, we found that we never made it home to our real Universe since before the Ion storm that sent us into the Arcturan War. With the help of the Coxeter crew, we have installed and tested the Hexaco drive on Manticore in hopes that it can get us home. Captain Weyl has shown us that the drive is powered by an alien artifact that drains life energy from him and he is planning to sacrifice his own life to get Manticore home. 110314.txt
  14. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #651, STARDATE 51103.07 =/\= In searching for the USS Coxeter, a ship testing the Hexacosichoron 600 Engine as part of the Tesseract Drive project, we found that we never made it home to our real Universe since before the Ion storm that sent us into the Arcturan War. With the help of the Coxeter crew, we have installed and tested the Hexaco drive on Manticore in hopes that it can get us home. Captain Weyl has shown us that the drive is powered by an alien artifact that drains life energy from him and he will have to come with home with us as he lets the artifact drain some life from him one last time. 110307.txt
  15. Thanks to time in the waiting room, I happened to pick up Time Magazine's February issue and read the title story: 2045:The Year Man Becomes Immortal by Lev Grossman. For the full story, you can Google Time Magazine, but in a nutshell it's the development of Cylons. Skin jobs. Right. Like I want to spend immortality as a skin job? Partial article is quoted here.
  16. Meritorious Achievement Award The Command Staff is Pleased to Present The Meritorious Achievement Award for Exceptional Logs to Vakhtang Dalsazashvili for a Two-Part Log The Lives We Lead and The Choices We Make
  17. ::melodramatic gasp, wondering if he's "one of them":::
  18. I thought the worst thing was actually filming with Hayden Christiansen in braces. Invisible they were not.
  19. All hail the conquering hero!! I'm weak and weary. Does that mean she defends me?
  20. The Stuff of Stars <<My apologies to anyone who may be offended in any way by this writing. It is pure science fiction, and the intention of the writer is not to put forth “the truth,” neither is it meant to propose a scientific treatise. This log is intended to illustrate the confusion experienced by the character, Jami Farrington, a physician who has been struggling with the nature of life, death, and the true nature of the universe since Manticore entered this alternate reality, nothing more.>> She’d lost track of time. From the small desk in a corner of their quarters, she’d seen Atragon slip in and out several times, careful to not disturb her thoughts. He was good that way. He always respected the silence she needed when thinking, especially when her need for concentration reached this level. In her study of medicine, Jami Farrington had always considered that there is an integral connection between a being’s physical health and mental health, and that mental health was often closely connected to some kind of spirituality, whether the influence of that spirituality be positive or negative. After decades of practice, Jami felt she had almost come to an understanding of the nature of a being’s physical health, but the true nature of a being’s mental health, and the nature of spirituality, had eluded her. Now, faced with the knowledge that Captain Weyl of the USS Coxeter has been using an artifact that connects to his “life force” as a power source for the Coxeter’s tesseract drive, she had been forced into a new dimension of thought, one that appeared logical, but one that also seemed to challenge not only her own set of religious beliefs but the moral values on which she based her entire life as a physician. Every time he activated the drive, six years of his life were sapped away, never to be recovered. Supporting her head with one hand, she slowly, carefully turned the page of the text book she’d kept since her academy days. The feel of the paper, the smell of the binding, its crispness as she turned each page spoke of academia and helped her focus. It gave her the grounding in the physical that she needed when dealing with the spiritual and moral dilemma in which she now found herself. Life force is a concept of spiritual energy. The term energy has been widely used to refer to a variety of phenomena... sometimes conceived as a universal life force running within and between all things... it is often closely associated with the metaphor of life as breath.... She sank into the solid comfort of the chair, raising her eyes from the book to gaze blankly through the window above. How many times had she read that passage and it still wasn't sinking in. Desperately wanting to grasp the concept of life force or life energy, she put the philosophical thoughts aside in favor of a more scientific approach - if that were even possible. The stars stared back at her, unblinking. Stars don’t twinkle in space, she thought. Only through an atmosphere, and sometimes through the viewport when moisture condenses on.... Stars. Energy. Matter. Matter and energy. Energy and matter. She jerked her eyes wide as her mindless gaze became focused, first on the distant galaxies, then on a few closer stars, then on the Coxeter, and finally on the windowsill where a pot of miniature roses bloomed. “We are the stuff of stars. We are the universe making sense of itself.” The quote in one of its many forms came to her instantly. Stars are energy. Matter, at its subatomic level, is made of energy - photons, electrons, protons, and a myriad of subatomic particles whirling through and around a nucleus, pulled together to form a solid, a plasma, a liquid, or a gas. She stopped, trying to slow the thoughts that poured through her mind, electrified by the very thought of the energy that made her sentient... ...made her sentient. Electrical impulses surging through her brain from synapse to synapse formed thoughts, those thoughts triggered emotions caused by chemical reactions - the motion of electrons either forming or breaking chemical bonds - within her body. Those thoughts and emotions made her who she is beyond her physical body, gave her sentience, made her move or not move. It gave her reactions, it gave her likes, and dislikes, and.... Wait. Stop. It’s coming too fast. Taking a deep breath, she rose from the chair, paced for a few minutes, then stopped to rest her forearms on the windowsill and turn her thoughts inward. Was that life force? Is that what was happening to Captain Weyl’s physical body when that artifact attached itself to him to power the tesseract drive? Did it connect to the energy that made up his life force? That’s how he explained it, and it made sense, or so she thought. By extension could it then be said that if matter is conserved in the universe, so is energy, even the energy some call life force, qi, prana, or spirit? That, in itself, would explain the belief in an afterlife. Again she put that thought aside for another time. She had made the tiniest progress towards one understanding. Now she had to put it into context, and the most important one, in her mind, was the moral one. Could they, in all conscience, willingly accept six years of Captain Weyl’s life to save their own, even if he had insisted we accept that gift? Moreover, as a physician was she bound to stop him? She took a slow, deep, cleansing breath, resting her forehead on her hands, still supported by the windowsill, the intense fragrance of the miniature roses filling her nostrils. She’d come full circle. She’d found a partial understanding of one thing but no answer to the greater question. Such was the conservation of matter, energy, and thought. There were just as many questions at the end as there were at the beginning. Such was the nature of the universe.
  21. Hello again, Cay. It was great working with you last night. You did so well I thought for a minute you were a transplanted native English-speaker. Anyway, welcome again to STSF. Hope to see you in the academies again soon.
  22. USS Avenger (post-Voy Miranda-class) is cruising deep space. Game Master (GM) - TMir Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - TMir Misson Executive Officer (MXO) - Eva Jaz Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Cmdr JFarrington Tactical Officer (TAC) - Robert Long Chief Engineering Officer (CENG) - John Randall Assistant Engineering Officer (AENG) - Sakir Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Sakura Haruno Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Vilanne Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Cay Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - TKAR 110301.txt
  23. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #650, STARDATE 51102.28 =/\= In searching for the USS Coxeter, a ship testing the Hexacosichoron 600 Engine as part of the Tesseract Drive project, we found that we never made it home to our real Universe since before the Ion storm that sent us into the Arcturan War. With the help of the Coxeter crew, we have installed the Hexaco drive on Manticore in hopes that it can get us home. Captain Weyl has told us that the drive is powered by an alien artifact that drains life energy from him and that he will have to come with us, if we have any hope of making it home again. 110228.txt
  24. ROFL, Mitar! I love it!
  25. USS Manticore Mission Update for February 21, 2011 In a desperate attempt to make amends for the inadvertent destruction of another starship, the crew of the USS Coxeter disassembled their Hexacosichoron engine with the intention of scrapping it. Upon realizing that the ship they destroyed was the USS Manticore, we have found that instead of traveling home in our last "jump," we shifted to another universe. With the assistance of Captain Weyl and the crew of the USS Coxeter, we have reassembled the Hexacosichoron 600 engine with its Tesseract Drive on the USS Manticore and intend to use it to travel home. Again. There is a catch. Captain Weyl, in explaining how the Tesseract Drive works, revealed that the power source for the drive is an alien artifact that was found in an archaeological dig on Cestis Allgernon-9. Moreover, the artifact attaches itself to the operator and uses the operator's life force during its operation, reducing the operator's life span by six years every time the drive has been used to jump in the same reality. Captain Weyl has decided to accompany the Manticore, as it is the only way we can use the Tesseract Drive to return to our own reality.