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About Rook

  1. Perhaps one day, when I quit irking the GM's in the Academy, we may get to SIM together!
  2. Thanks KayJay.(I have decided you are now KayJay)
  3. I also wanted to add, I by no means want to force this down anyone's throat or step on anyone's toes. This isn't an attempt on my part to improve a SIM I don't yet belong to, or to imply the SIMs need this touch. This is a personal challenge on my part, and something I simply enjoy doing.
  4. Again, just establishing where the character comes from, what he was in that culture and why he came to the StarFleet. Deciding he's a grumpy old man, or a bouncey little kid is never in the works until the GM types BEGIN SIM. There's always a foundation, but it's always important to me to be flexible in understanding that a character's mentality may improve/degrade over their life/career. A character is shaped by their experiences and perception, and all I'm modelling on him is how he perceives things in his freshman period of a Starfleet Officer. Character development should always be incomplete.....at least if it's done right. I'm just paving the road.
  5. A rather comprehensive and detailed report is going to be made available, regarding the entire culture, and of course, including where Marcus Rook fits in(or maybe he doesn't?)
  6. Sorry, edit option is a bit tricky for me: I meant to add the following: I enjoy working outside the convention, yet maintaining a strict respect for the historical canon and acceptable/reasonable tolerances of physics. All my flavor is mostly anthropological in nature.
  7. Certainly, Im mature and creative enough not to make a Captain America/Superman/LordGodMasterEmperor of JediSith Muad'Dib archetype(could I have just said godmoder and been done with it?) Im just working on a unique culture/flavor for my character. He is genetically human after all with no super powers/intellect. Just a tendency to reason things more martially than most would like. Oh and he's secretly a Q...JK!
  8. Oh, certainly, Rook's bio doesn't really fit with the Academy establishment at this point anyways. The Academy was always more a test of the player than the character anyways. For the SFA I'll prolly just be me.
  9. You must be welcoming me for everyone! I'm really curious how receptive the forum is to a character concept that is entirely outside the known history, but does not break canon. I'm trying to be very cautious about canon fragility.
  10. After 9 years of SIM Deprivation, I'm ready for some more SIM Depravity! My name is Justin Powell, and I'll be puppeteering Marcus Rook, a character designed in the spirit of a the MechWarrior Clansman culture. Note: I said SPIRIT, he's not in fact a MechWarrior(Perhaps TrekWarrior?). I'll leave the canon-destruction to the Enterprise Writers. I'm still fleshing out the convoluted culture he comes from, but it should be fun, hope to see you in SIMs!