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Posts posted by TMir

  1. On a more mechanical note, I have noticed a large number of Vulcan candidates. This is understandable as Vulcans are portrayed with several physical and mental features superior to standard humanoids. If this has not created an excess of Vulcan players I would request to play a Vulcan/Romulan Hybrid.


    First off... Welcome, relax and enjoy the experience.


    Secondly, unless noted by the GMs in the mission brief, save all character development (including department choices) for after graduation, but don't write yourself into a corner.


    Finally, I must ask what is cannon.


    What is canon here? Broadly speaking, most ships are in that Post-TNG/DS9/VOY stage, but the individual Advanced Sim host teams generally define canon for that sim. Talon, our Romulan Sim, leans heavily Diane Duane Romulan-series novels for background and ignore the events of ST:Nemesis (and possibly STXI on the destruction of Romulus). QoB is a Future Era sim hybrid, based partially on a Federation that has gone the way of the Alliance (from Firefly/Serenity). Agincourt is another Future-era sim, on a Prometheus cruiser. Hood and Challenger are based in the Prime TOS universe, with Hood based firmly in the 60s colorful velour-clad TV Series, and Challenger (which was originally based in ENT) grounded firmly in post-STVI.


    Comanche Creek, is our only New TOS-era sim. And, as to what the XO and Captain Calestorm have blended both New and Prime Universes, given the dearth of reference materials for the era. What's consider canon for Creek: Vulcan got fragged; there are only 10 thousand or so of the Species; the Fleet got fragged, and there's a more "Wagon Train in the Stars" feel on the borders of the Federation.


    As for a Vulcan/Romulan hybrid? That may depend on what sim you graduate to, as well as that GM teams approval. And yes, I know Saavik was one such hybrid, but she could have been considered a special case.


    Just remember: The key to surviving here, is to have fun, don't take it seriously, and enjoy yourself