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Everything posted by Cuda

  1. My personal favorite is Worf, although Wesley is TAC officer in parallel universe, what's up with that? On topic: ...if you find yourself talking to your microwave: Computer, tea, earl grey.
  2. Okay, then here is my file draft 2. [sD sometime in the future Cuda was a hardworking cadet who would give his fantasy life to the GM's] Ha! Now can you see them refusing me a post?
  3. ...when you play battleship you automatically say, "worf, lock phasers on target." in a deep voice.
  4. ...if you can say the "space the final frontier" speech in several assorted silly voices. ...if you pick your friends by asking them which star trek series they like the most. ...when you find yourself listing the contradictories between TNG and DS9 in your sleep!
  5. ...you know how to say, "to the death" in Klingon.
  6. 1. You get a LCAR screensaver and pretend to be controlling it 2. You know what LCAR means 3. You find yourself beginning to talk like Data after some hardcore TNG viewing 4. You tug at your shirt after saying something decisive 5. You say "make it so" when you ask someone to do something 6. You list 7 reasons someone is a hard core trekkie 7. If every single one applies to you
  7. Wow. Somewhere there is a file about me. Creepy thought. One day many decades into the future when the cadets finally revolt against the GM's and break those files open, will we find notes somewhere along the line of this: [sD 240806.08 Cuda was incompetent at his post as operations officer, messed up the status report, and failed to obey simple tasks at the appropriate time.] Gee, I hope that never happens. If there is a revolution I shall defend the GM's with my life! :)
  8. The first time I did an academy, one of the cadets almost lost Kbear, I think, while transporting her, and graduated. How do the GM's keep track of the cadets, though. I've been looking around at the Academy Logs and a few, like the one I graduated in, aren't there. I don't know if its a matter of time or anything because there is the sim of the next day. Anyway, the academy sims are definitely distinctive about STSF. I think its the best training system, you really get to play every part. Though I haven't been First Officer. :) I wonder why I graduated. Someone in this long thread said they think you feel comfortable with STSF. My graduation occurred during a sim in which I had to take an assistant to do a walkabout and I wasn't sure what a walkabout was. It went thusly: Me: Assistant, we're doing a walkabout. Ass: OK. XO: (something like) Get ready Me: (has no idea where one would go to do a walkabout) XO: Lets suit up. Me: (thank the prophets) Ass> Come on, get ready (goes to the airlock) PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Me: Paused (THANK YOU PROPHETS!) See. The art is in staying cool. On reflection, I really should have asked, though.
  9. first, why is everyone feeling bad. i already graduated. Ok, well my guess is that they want you to think that they are keeping track but it seems to be more of an on the spot thing, really. First they make you think they're mad at you and then they pin a pip on you. Mine went about like this: STSF ? (I don't remember, must have been either Ndak or Atragon): Cuda, did you really think it was a good idea to let a crew do a walk about in an asteroid field? Cuda (me): I swear, I was just following orders! [GRADUATION] And all I did that time was keep my assistant busy in a time were security had absolutely nothing to do in the main plot. Also, for the record, I'm pretty sure that I didn't do 20 sims before graduation, but I might be mistaken.
  10. I don't think its that good to write your bio when you enter a new sim site. Even if you've been simming somewhere else, every sim is very different, (STSF requires lots of training while other sims put you in an advanced sim immediately, for example), and the academy gives you a feel for STSF, and more importantly, how much everyone... disaproves of Borg and Q characters. On sign up sheets to other sims it is usually written not to play Q or Borg, but maybe here if you don't use any of your powers it just might work. Anyway, before you graduate you don't really have an identity. You play a different role every time and you will see that when the same person is playing security one sim and tactical the next they really act differently. TAC cadets always want to blow things up but when they play CSCI they usually want to find a better way to end a battle. After playing more than 20 academy sims, I still don't have a name or a defined personality. Keep that for advanced sims.