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Aliana Lucindak

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Posts posted by Aliana Lucindak

  1. geeze... i kept reading and reading this thread waiting for someone to mention this, hoping i wasnt the first! i was sitting there, and did exactly the same thing, saw sulu, kirk, and some nameless red shirt... i wispered to my friend "that guy in the red, you know he's gonna die very shortly", and i laughed to myself. like you, i didn't hear anyone else snickering when they saw the guy, and when he got vaporized, i cant say i was looking around, but i would imagine some shock from the crowd that they would kill off the guy with the explosives.


    In the theater I was in, everyone were Trekkies. They gasped at the right moment, sniggered, cheered, sighed, and chuckled. Like at the red shirt moment, or when Spock Prime first turned around, and even McCoy's lines. I know I've said this before, but I -love- Seattle.

  2. Oh man, so the BSG series finale really was bad? Frak...


    The movie left a lot of stuff there too stew after the ending (which, I love to an extreme, but I don't know about anyone else), and to me, it seemed like a mix of BSG and Star Trek (in a good way), but I can see how some people would be pretty iffy about it. I agree with you Sam, about leaving a whole pile of fans that were drawn in by the new movie, to think that was definitive Trek, and really, while it seemed to have been marketed to draw in new fans (I just saw the Burger King add with Klingons while I was watching Dollhouse, so I can really see it), but it seems to have the plot designed for Trekkers who could get the idea of the alternative reality scheme.

  3. That Uhura-Spock thing shouldn't have happened. Granted Uhura is a major-league hottie in the film, but that's exactly the point! She could have any guy she wanted. Heck, she even turned down Kirk! So, as a Cadet, she shacks up with a Commander who is also one of her instructors?


    Okay, when you put it that way, it sounds much worse then it did, via movie, but I still liked the Uhura/Spock romance. I am a sucker for that sort of thing.

  4. Chell, I totally agree with you. I personally, adored the movie. It brought a lot to think about into the Trek story line. Plus, the soundtrack was pretty awesome, the effects were very.... well, Trekkish, the plotline was a plus. The canon issue isn't as big to me, as really, it is more likely it is a different universe (think, the whole Mirror idea, but not exactly Mirror) then completely changing it. I had to say, it left a lot unanswered at the end, and maybe that will pressure them into a sequel, which, hopefully, will go into the whole, even-better-then-odd thing, though Nemesis and this movie was an exception.

  5. When you discribe it that way, it makes me think STSF is even more of a madhouse then I thought. First we have the Arc (thats all you need to know...), a space station with budget cuts and recycled peanuts (packing peanuts no less), a futuristic war ship with Kansas, the Manticore (again, all you need to know), coffee-donut-illogic-while-wearing-miniskirts-and-gogo-boots starship, and N'Dak... need I go on? I am so glad I randomly googled the letters, STSF last year...

  6. There is really no 'best' species to play. I play a Cardassian/Betazoid and a joined trill/betazoid, so I have a mix. I do enjoy having some form of telepathic or empathic species available, as it gives your character a boost, but really, what you do depends on what you want.

  7. There were romulans in TOS... I really don't think most of the GMs have to many barriers for character race (except Q.... and borg), but really, it all depends on the Sim, and on the GM in question.

  8. Not to mention, a space station with budget cuts. Knowing only TOS is not a bad thing. I had absolutely no idea what the Dominion was when I joined, and I still faired pretty well. Really, after what Kansas and Sam said, there's not much else to say, except have fun, and beware N'Dak's academy sims. ^^

  9. Because once someone makes even the slightest reference, it sets us off.


    Changing the subject, I am watching 'Let he who is without sin...' and the beginning of the scene where Worf meets the political groups leader, when he looks at the, 'swimsuit' Jadzia packed for him, I got a rather disturbing image in my mind. Stupid speedos....