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About Mallamun

  1. Hello fellow Star Trek fans. :rolleyes: I just found this place and underwent an Academy SIM. Hurray! I have been roleplaying and watching Star Trek for years, but have never had the opportunity to combine the two. In fact, I had pretty much given up on finding any active Star Trek communities on the internet. It's gleefully exciting to find other people whose obsession levels probably out-rank my own. Confession time, though... I have only watched TOS, TNG, and VOY. (Well, and the movies.) Believe me, I tried to sit through a handful of DS9 episodes... but for some reason, it just didn't click with me. I have noticed that this makes it terribly difficult to stay ontop of the whole Trek universe, though, so I will probably be forced to watch it at some point, just so that I can be on the same page as everybody else. Maybe I'll love it once I get to that sixth episode. Anyhow. You all seem like you're running a solid ship here; I hope that I can keep plugging away at the Academy until I become more fluent. Roleplaying-wise, I've been chugging along with the same group of people for 9 years now, so we sort of take reading each other's minds for granted. It's probably good for me to stretch my muscles a little. : P