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Everything posted by NDak

  1. i think i need to have mine changed to "the tal-shiar's man on the Talon" or "Spy Extrodinare (sp?)"
  2. PERSONAL LOG Erein Destorie Ma’Lyn N’dak ASEC RES Talon Stardate 0307.31 >Begin Log ::a pacing sound can be heard in the background:: Great. This is absolutely great! As if the Daise isn’t angry enough with me…then I go and sleep in. ::a loud thud is heard in the background:: ELEMENTS!!! Stupid Alarm clock…she is going to have my hide and it’s all your fault. ::another loud thud and choice Klingon expletives:: Where are we anyway…we must be heading back to the planet. I am going to have to have a talk with the engineer about these faulty alarm clocks… talk about sabotage…::shuffling of clothing can now be heard amid Klingon curses:: Where is that uniform…there you are! Elements! ::more Klingon Curses:: She is going to yy’a me…Computer End Log >End Log
  3. Shibae t'Aehjae and tr' Ndak watch as the medical team reports to Tksa and they all begin to work on t'Rexan. t'Aehjae backs away allowing them room to work. She then turns around looking to Ndak who is wiping his bat'Leth off of the blood from the Klingon. "Are Au injured in any way Erein?" Ndak turns to Schawnsee grinning as he speaks seemingly proud of himself. "A few nicks, nothing that requires medical attention, au?" "Not that I am aware of," t'Aehjae looks down once more to the medics and t'Ksa tending to t'Rex. "Very well then. Lets us move out of here and allow them to work." Ndak follows t'Aehjae's looks over to t'Rex. "I agree!" T'Aehjae points to the door, indicating Ndak precede her. She then looks over to Nemesis, whom is also starting to move with his chief. "Nemesis Au are to remain with the Enarrian." She gets a nod from Nemesis and moves to the corridor. Ndak also looking down to the Enarrian of the vessel speaks softly to t'Aehjae. "Those Klingon Dogs did a number on her." He then looks up seeing the indication to move and does so. T'Aehjae enters a nearby TL as Ndak follows still carrying his prize possession, the bat'Leth. She allows the doors to close and indicates the destination. "Main Security! " As the lift starts moving Ndak speaks up slyly. "You are trusting to allow me to swing a bat'Leth at your head." Hearing this she turns facing and narrows her eyes at him. This seems to have really irritated her. She calls out in a loud, stern voice, "HALT!!" the sound of this backs Ndak into the corner of the lift. T'Aehjae leans close to the erein and speaks slowly but clearly and in a very low tone. "That was only to gain admittance to their Oria, and nothing else! I Have a grievance with AU also!" Ndak's smile suddenly decreases. He nervously speaks up. "Au do?" "IE I do! I am the Daise of Security here .. I will give the orders!! I am not pleased with the way AU handled AUself! Au could have gotten Aur self killed as well as the rest of the team." Ndak looks away from t'Aehjae, "Yes Ma'am, I uhuh got a little excited. Its just, I am used to giving orders, growing up on the Imperial Senate Compound not many people gave me orders. It is a problem I am working on ma'am, I apologyze." "I have to admit AU did well with Aur weapons but Au have to learn to listen as well!" "That is the same thing my Instructors told me. It won't happen again." "I will except it ..... this time. But Aur instructors told you correct. I do na wish to have to send Au home in a wooden box." "Yes ma'am, thank you for your concern." He replies the nervousness still being heard in his voice" "We will forget this conversation took place, BUT IF Au allow this to happen again AU WIll be placed on report! IS this understood!?" "What conversation." He salutes to her. "IE Understood." T'Aehjae turns to the front of the lift somewhat pleased with the result of this time with the Erein under her. "Resume! " The lift once again starts moving. "Now to write the report to Derv t'Shaeni. Au also shall write a report for her!" "IE ma'am," after a moment he speaks up again. "You weren't bad with that disrupter either." T'Aehjae nods remaining facing forward and crosses her arms. "I have been taught well." She begins to grin a bit to herself as the lifts stops on Security deck. "Au go get au self cleaned up. AU stench of Klingon dogs. Then prepare that report and bring to me. I will be in my office. Au can bring it to me there. " Ndak, now grinning figuring out that she is not going to lash him, speaks up. "With pleasure. That bloodwine is pretty strong." He then turns and heads out of the lift and goes to his quarters. T'Aehjae mumbles to herself shaking her head as she heads for her office to begin a report of her own. " I think I need an ale."
  4. Away Mission Report: Erein Destorie N’dak ASEC RES Talon >Begin Recording After locating the Klingon ship that had captured the Khre Riov, on the orders of the sub-commander Diase of Secuirty Erein Shibae t'Aehjae assembled a rescue/away team. The team consisted of her, t’Ksa, the new Erien Nemesis, and myself. After transport, we split into to groups: myself and t’Aehjae and Nemesis and t’Ksa. My group created a diversion while the other group went looking for t’Rexan. t’Aehjae and myself fought off most of Klingon crew while the other to rescued the somewhat disorientated Khre Riov. The only significant injury, besided t’Rexan to the away team was a bite suffered by t’Ksa when t’Rexan confused her for a Klingon. After emergency transport from the Klingon Battle Cruiser, t’Rexan was placed under the care of t’Ksa. >End Recording
  5. OKay A9...i coulnd't exactly remember...it has been a long time since i saw either...oh and speaking of foreshadowing...in the pilot...Kosh calls Sinclair 'antel zar' (sp) which of course was valen's title
  6. actually fred...JMS went to Roddenberry and Paramount with the story arc, he pitched it to them as a new Trek series...they turned him down...he went on and got someone else to produce it and then they come out with DS9...and there are some simalarites...most notablly the god figure/commander part.
  7. Yeah the pilot is told (or maybe the movie they made out of the pilot) by then Emperor Londo, and if i follow this right..he is telling the story the same day he captures sheriden (who is in that wierd B4 timeshift) and show him Centuari Prime burning...this is also the same day that he is killed...this was all spread out across the five seasons. however there is one thing that JMS never really explained...the exact purpose that the 'machine' served.
  8. PERSONAL LOG Erein Destorie Ma’Lyn N’dak ASEC RES Talon Stardate 0307.11-0307.25 >Begin Log Boy, mother would be very unhappy right now if she knew what we are really doing out here. Ha. I can still hear her protesting to father about me even being posted to a starship. It took some time for my father to actually arrange for my posting as a security officer, so I have had some time to get settled into my quarters. :: shuffling of items in quarters is heard in the background:: I managed to smuggle in my Klingon Opera when I moved in, along with my bat’Leth. One thing I can say about this crew, they are very… ::tapping on desk as if searching for the word:: apprehensive of new crew members. They all seem on edge when I am around, and the looks they give me just leave me fealing as if they don't trust me. Not that I blame them though, with the Tal’Shiar running around and being this close to the Klingon border it is no wonder they think I am a spy. ::laughing:: Then again talking in Klingoness on the Oira, and taking a bat'Leth on an away mission to a Klingon Battle Cruiser might also have something to do with that. But I guess I can blame part of it on my mother for all of those letters from the Senate to the High Command she had me translating while I worked with her at the Embassy on Qo’Nos. I am afraid however :a slightly nervous tone is now in his voice:: that I might have offended the Daise of Security, I will have to watch myself around her now…well I have to prepare that report she asked me to do on the rescue mission. Computer End Log >End Log
  9. I tend to disagree...maybe in the first two seasons you could miss one...but once they get in to the shadow war and when sheriden does his bit and ::in best kosh voice:: goes to Za'Ha'Doom, it is is hard to miss an episode and then know what is going on. and so it begins... none of us are exactly as we appear
  10. ::drooling:: Ivanova...now there was woman..star trek needs one of her!
  11. don't worry about it...I actually enjoy being called a spy :cool: :D
  12. T'rex has her spoons...i have my bat'Leth..one isn't usually kicked-out of an embassy quietly
  13. yy'a..hmm there is a romulan word i need no translation
  14. Yeah! Some other people know Babylon 5 was a good series. I agree with A-9. The series was truly rewarding if you watched it, (although i never really understood the whole point behind the 'planet machine) If only thje Minbari could be in the Trek Universe....
  15. In my defense i wanted to raise sheilds when the freighter entered close orbit to us...but Fred said no...moral of the story...never trust a GM thats i kahoots with the Panda's
  16. and to think i trusted them with my life ::D:
  17. how about 'Dom-Jot Master'
  18. You forgot filling the brig with everything that Fred didn't eat :wink: