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Everything posted by NDak

  1. ::throws his three cents in:: I hate to fill you in on this Grom, but you wanna know why the size of the Governemnt has grown? No its not becuase of us bleeding heart liberal democrats and our social progams (in case you haven;t noticed those have gone downhill), It's becuase of the current President's agenda and the blotted National Defense Budget and the rebuilding of Iraq...bottom line. Such a good idea let me tell you, cut taxes and increase spending! Anyway I am going to shut up now, i see both of your points and agree with points from both, so thats my three cents for the gov't...and as to the topic...I e-filled them for the $50 bucks they owe me!
  2. as my buddy lee corso says "NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND" :)
  3. HE WEARS HOODED SWEATSHIRTS TO COACH IN!!! Anyway, the Patriots do have a good defense, but Manning is going to be prepared for it, let me just says this, if he plays the way he has throught the playoffs the Colts win, and may i remind you that according to most people, the Colts were going to lose in the Wild Card and again in the Divsionals...So Yeah
  4. Welcome to STSF...and as for the ships bit...Just remember the Talon...we have Romulans and a Dinosaur for a Captain :)
  5. Hey don't worry John I am also obsessed with those three things.... Anyway here goes... The Superbowl will be Colts vs Eagles... here is why, The Patriots are smoke and mirrors, and haven't played a team the caliber of the Colts in the playoffs, and the last time that they did, the Colt looked pretty Good in the Second half. Plus Peyton Manning is playing the best football of anyone in the PLayoffs, yeah did you see him last week? That and I hate the Pats. COLTS 38-31 As for the Eagles that pretty simple as i said about the Pats, the Panthers are smoke and mirrors too, and its going to be too cold for there to be anysmoke, it will just freeze up. Number two...Stephen Davis is hurt, which means 'Daylight Come and I wanna Delhome' will have to win them the ball game...and that my friends isn't happening (ut will force them to be one dimentional against a very good team, that just asking for it). However, if the panthers manage to get this to OT...they win...but that won't happen (hopefully). EAGLES 31-17
  6. PERSONAL LOG Ne’Arrien Destorie N’Dak CSEC RES Talon Stardate 0401.15 >Begin Log< N’Dak had been sitting at the Daise’s desk in Main Security when the Alarm had gone off in one of the Crawlway. “Unauthorized Presence in Crawlway 13 section 42 deck 17!” the etrehh had blared. N’Dak looked around the room, he was the only one on duty so he figured he might as well take care of it himself, besides one of his underlings would probably go and get themselves shot anyway, and that was all he needed more dead bodies. He had quickly grabbed his Ie'yakk and informed the etrehh that he was en route. He shortly arrived at the proper hatch, opened it and slid in and began to make his way to the area in location. “Etrehh,” he snapped as he crawled his way to Section 42. “Is the intruder still located in the same area?” “Intruder has not moved.” “Identify intruder,” N’Dak said as he kept going. “Unable to comply.” “Elements!” “The Elements are not the Intruders.” At the point Destorie was about to fire his disruptor at anything that moved. When he came up on the door marked ‘Section 42’. It was jammed shut and he had to use the magna-servos to force it open. After a few minutes of work, the door finally opened. He looked around to see nothing. “Etrehh, locate intruder.” “Io, Intruder is located on Crawlway 13, section 42, deck 17. 5 meters from au current position.” He crawled slowly and cautiously towards the door at the end of this section. He jumped when the door flew shut behind him. Then he looked down. He had found the ‘intruder.’ It was a large, decidedly dead, fuzzy creature. Apparently it had found its way into the area and starved to death or something, but not before tripping the alarm. “Elements,” Destorie cursed. “Can’t that blamed Engineering staff do pest control?” He picked up the dead little mongrel and started back to the door he had came in through. He tapped on the panel to open the door—it’ didn’t work. “Elements.” He crawls to other doorway and tapped the open button—it didn’t open either. He looked around for a magna-servo, but none was to be found. In frustration he grabbed for his PC. “ENGINEERING!!!!” Destorie screamed into the PC. Static was all he got. “ETREHH!! Why is my PC not functioning?” “Unable to comply!” “Elements! Can’t those stupid engineers keep anything working?” A myriad of mixed Vulcan, Rihan and Klingonesse curses spewed from his mouth. He was stuck in Crawlway, with a dead varmint. And no one knew where he was, heck he couldn’t even tell the computer where he was. Or did someone know where he was? The firs name that came to mind was the Daise Engineer or even t’Aehje. “Their in league together, wait till I get my hands on them!” He realized he was going to have to hot wire the door open. After several hours and about 6 burns on his hands, he finally managed to open the door and crawl his way out of the crawlway, fuzzy creature in tow. Hot, did not describe him. He was furious at the idea that somehow this had been planned. And even if it wasn’t he was still angry that the engineers couldn’t keep the ship operating normally, not even a stupid door. He began to storm down to Engineering when he realized how long he had actually been stuck in that stupid tube with that smelly little creature. “I am going to wait till she is on duty,” he fumed as he switched directions towards his quarters. “Some one is going pay for this,” he said holding up the furry little creature. >End Log<
  7. Celeborn. supposedly when I took the test elsewhere on quizilla, i was Celeborn. that and i'd look killler in the elf outfit.
  8. Yeah what Grom said!
  9. The Big O is actualy not all that bad, it doesn't follow the normal formula as nem discussed earlier. Its not even hard core anime. I actually think it is an Americanized show the produced for Japan. http://www.ex.org/5.1/13-anime_bigo.html is the link if you are interested in finding out a little more about it.
  10. THEY MADE A MOVIE!?!? The show is really really hard to follow. Like most of it doesn't make all that much sense...WAIT its Anime....NM at least they canned "Blue Gender" on Cartoon Network, so i guess Cowboy Bebop does have its good points becuase it took it's place. The one i am wondering where is on the list is "The Big O" ::dies laughing:: "BIG O" Its almost as funny as watching power rangers! as for Speed Racer, its like TOS cool for its time, a good chuckle now. ::shuts up becuase he has now managed to offened the mass STSF populace::
  11. PERSONAL LOG Ensign Koshic N’Dak ASCI USS Arcadia Stardate 0401.13 >Begin Log< Koshic sat at a chair in science lab three. He was seated next to a consol going over what information Starfleet had on the Romulans. It wasn’t like he could really help the rest of team come up with some way to hide the ship, spatial physics drove him almost as nuts as temporal physics did. He had been looking over the information for hours and there didn’t seem to be anything that indicated a weakness they could exploit. He had just about given up trying to come up with anything at all. He turned his attention to a beeping button on the consol, it was a message from the Federation Anthropology Society RSVP-ing him too their annual conference. That’s when it hit him: surely there had been an anthropologist or two who has had to hide a ship while trying to investigate an alien race. He quickly logged into the Societies database and looked for ‘duck blind’ operations. There was a myriad of information and ideas on how people had concealed themselves from their subjects, but nothing on how to hide an entire ship. He looked through the various entries, but none of the techniques were suitable to hiding an entire 600 meter plus ship, after all the Arcadia was no small lady, if she were a shuttle yes, that would be easy to hide. After a few more hours, his eyes perked up. He had ran across something interesting, the S.S. RAVEN mission. Apparently the doctors running the mission, the Hansen’s, had came up with a way to camouflage their ship from the Borg by using a technique they called Multi-Adaptive Shielding, basically they used the shields to match the frequency of the scanning ships sensors to make them invisible to sensors, but visible to the naked eye. Koshic’s eyes brightened. “Well, well,” he said smiling to himself. “Look what we have here, unless the Commander of the Romulan ship happens to be looking out the window, they could never see us.” FAS and Starfleet had initially deemed the invention a failure because the RAVEN never returned from her mission. Koshic sunk back into his seat as he read on. Then he sat back up, their was another file attached to the entry. He perked back up as he read it. Upon return of the USS VOYAGER a report had been fled to the FSA by the Hansen’s daughter, Anika. The technology it self had worked, the Borg however were able to eventually adapt to it. He read on, FSA had actually begun testing the technology but was still in the experimental phases of perfecting it and hadn’t been able to keep it stable for more than a few hours at a time. He downloaded everything they had on it to the ships computer, then glanced down at it his chronometer, it was late, he was tired and he needed sleep. “I’ll show all of this to Commander Lo’Ami first thing in the morning, it’s worth a try,” Koshic said as he finished the download and ordered the lights off and headed down to the corridor to his quarters. >End Log<
  12. How the heck did i end up with the same middle earth race as fred? Oye! :)
  13. COWBOY BEEBOP!!! Missed that the first time ::gags himself:: That show is horrid!
  14. SHHHH...AU wil give away my cover ROFL
  15. NOTE: This log is delayed; it suprcedes this Mondays sim PERSONAL LOG Ensign Apollo Link ASCI USS Republic Stardate 0401.12 >Begin Log< The Science lab was silent, except for the beeping of a few consoles here and there. Apollo was all alone. He shifted in his seat. The task at getting them back to home had some how fallen to him, why he wasn’t sure. After all he was Life Science expert—not a spatial physicist. Apollo how ever was bound and determined to solve this problem and get them home. He had been faced with problems he didn’t know how to solve before, and he had solved some of them. But he had never been faced with the having the fate of the crew in his hand before. If he failed, they might not ever get home. Apollo shook the thought off. “You’re an idiot,” he said to himself. “You act like if you don’t figure this out, no one will. How small minded and egotistic.” He sighed as he looked around the science lab. He was alone in there, and on the ship. For the first time in his entire life he could just call up his twin brother or even his parents. No they were thousands of light years away and two hundred years in the past. He finally realized how alone he was, it unsettled him. “I am alone,” he said to himself again. “I am all I have…” Apollo stopped himself and tried to smile. He might not solve the problem—but by golly he was going to give it his best! >End Log<
  16. Good picks ::snickers at Nem Bombadil:: hmm I don;t know Quickbeam...I think I am closer to that than Denethor :lol:
  17. Well Sieben you know mine...Inuyasha!!!
  18. Actually Sieban, then we are ahead of you...we are about five episodes ahead actualy somehting like that
  19. I coulnd;t rember his name... On Cartoon Network they are to the point where Sessshomaru and Inuyasha are fighitng about their two swords...the Tensuiga and the Tetsuiga :lol: but i am getting off topic
  20. I am so with you on this Blu...Nazgul :wub: But who want to be evil....::rembers who he is talking to and that she has 'Magic Death Dice':: ......
  21. ::snickers at Sieben:: what is Sango's brother's name anyway?
  22. ::snickers:: and he says I am the Egomaniac
  23. Yeah I am going to have to go with everyone else on this Aragorn Nem? Your way to ambitious...or should that be Caniving to be Aragorn ::has thoughts of nem petting the ring going "My Precious":: hehehehe
  24. ::shakes head:: Denethor II?
  25. had to go with Maul, although I believe that Darth Malak is more powerful than the other two...although it would be hard to beat Vader...the real one not Nem :lol: