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Everything posted by NDak

  1. As the Agincourt Continues on her mission, politics burn in the heart of Romulus. The great towers of the Imperial Senate complex finally came into view as Destorie N’Dak’s transport dipped below the cloud cover. The brilliant purple seas reflecting off the magnificent white towers, a smiled crossed his face…finally he was home. The shuttle landed in the center of the compound, and no sooner than he exited he was greeted by a crowd of Senators and Admirals smiling widely. From the crowd one man took the lead—Praetor tr’Klaeneth—“Jolan tru, Ma’Lyn,” he said bowing his head slightly. Like wise Destorie nodded respectfully. “Jolan tru, Praetor.” “I trust all was well with your trip home?” “Of course,” Destorie smiled as they began walking towards the Grand Hall. “It is good to be back on ch’Rihan.” “And ch’Rihan is glad to have you back….Ma’Lyn…” “I trust all is as we hoped?” tr’Klaeneth smiled. “Ie…though we will have time to discuss our plans later…perhaps at dinner.” Destorie nodded. “I had forgotten how magnificent this city was…” “The might of ch’Rihan…” “Yes,” Destorie couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as the entourage walked past a statue of his father and another of his grandfather, and his great-grandfather. Soon, he thought, his visage would join them forever engraved in stone, and his destiny would be fulfilled. ~ ~ ~ “I am to old to lead the Empire back to it’s rightful place,” tr’Klaeneth said as the two of them sat in a low lit room in the Praetorian Manor dinning. “With age comes great wisdom,” Destorie said unfolding the napkin at his side and placing it on his lap. “Besides who would challenge you?” “Governor tr’Akaetis has had his eyes on the Praetorian for months now,” tr’Klaeneth reflected, taking a drink of ale. “He had the support of the Praetor…” Destorie nodded. He’d been relatively out of view in the politics of ch’Rihan since the war, but he had ears everywhere. “The word I heard was that he was going to back Akaetis in the election.” “You’ve heard most correctly. Infact he was going to make the announcement once he returned from Earth…” “And with his backing, the Unity party would be unable to produce an opponent capable of defeating Akaetis,” Destorie finished the thought. “How convenient for you that he won’t be able to make that announcement.” “Indeed,” Klaeneth smiled, but it quickly faded. “Though I would have preferred it had not come at such a price.” Destorie’s eyes flickered slightly, remembering how close he’d came to death at that fatal event. “So with that out of the way…will Akaetis still run?” “Of course,” Klaeneth responded quickly. “The Praetoriat is open for the taking. I can not run. I am too old and have too many skeletons in my closet.” “Then what are we to do?” “That’s why you’re here…” Destorie’s eyes flickered again. “Me?” “Yes…you…” “I am soldier…not a politician…” “I know…” “The plan was for me to become Supreme Commander of the Galae…not the bloody Praetor…” “Things have changed Ma’Lyn,” Klaeneth said slicing a vegetable and putting it in his mouth. “The party agrees with me…you are our choice Ma’Lyn….” Destorie’s eyes danced over the food. The thought of being Praetor swirled in his head. “Surely there is someone else…” “No, there is not.” “But…” “Listen. You have all the qualifications needed. You’re pedigree is unquestionable…” Destorie sighed. “Ma’Lyn, you come from a Great House, your wealthy…and the people love you…and you’ll have the support of the Praetor…” Again Destorie sighed. “With you as Praetor, we can assure the future of ch’Rihan and the D’Era is the one we choose, not one chosen by the Lloann’na and the Klivam favdt…” Destorie considered this, “My great-grandfather was correct…they are dangerous…” “Of course they are Ma’Lyn…” “But his hatred for them lead to his downfall…” “You forget I knew your Grandfather Ma’Lyn…I know of his father’s failings…and I also know where he went wrong.” For a long moment neither of them spoke, “Your entire life Ma’Lyn you have questioned your birth right. You have lived in the shadows of those who came before you…” Destorie’s eyes flashed. “The lesser of son of greater men…” Klaeneth continued. “But in your heart you know this is your destiny. To lead the D’Era. To become greater than those before you…” Everything Klaeneth said, it was true. His entire life Destorie compared himself to those before him, and somehow he never quite measured up to their legacies. But now he had the opportunity none of them had ever hada…to lead the Rihannsu as Praetor…and not just as Praetor…but as the first Praetor chosen by the people. His name would be remembered forever, echoed down the halls of time. “What must I do?"
  2. Aboard the warbird Naevek, Destorie N’Dak paced in the conference room to the left of the Oira. The monotonous and rhythmic thapping of his boots began as soon as the Naevek cleared the Sol system and jumped to warp, shrouding herself in cloak. During the war, he often found himself doing this as they approached imminent battle. It allowed him to focus his thoughts, and plan for the worst. Why he was doing it now, he could not be sure. The doors hissed open, and the pacing stopped as he glanced towards the door to see who it was that disturbed him. “EnRiov,” it was the Naevek’s Riov. “We’re receiving a priority subspace communiqué from the Praetor…” Destorie’s eyes danced over the Riov. “Which io?” “The new one…” the Riov said, slightly startled. Destorie let a small smile creep across his face. “Very well, I will take the communication in here.” “As you wish,” the Riov said with a bow. He turned and exited back onto the bridge. On the screen at the rear of the room, next to Destorie, the spinning symbol of the Romulan Star Empire appeared, the t’liss—the great bird of prey. “Authorization N’Dak Khi Ael.” The screen flashed and the visage of elder man, draped in elegant cloaks appeared. His skin tone a light olive and his eyebrows perfectly shaped. He carried about him a certain aura of control, not unlike that of Destorie. Though this man was certainly older. “Praetor…” “EnRiov…” “Shaoi Kon,” N’Dak said tipping his head slightly in respect. “To what honor do I owe this call?” The Praetor smiled slightly, pronouncing the wrinkles along his eyes and mouth. “Once au arrive rhae ch’Rihan I wish for au to meet with me here in Imperial Complex.” Destorie arched an eyebrow slightly. “Au do?” “Ie,” the Praetor said letting the smile fade. “But let us na speak of it so openly. I am sure au can find au own way here, na?” Arching the eyebrow further, Destorie smirked playfully. “Na…I do na know…the last time I went skulking about the Imperial Complex I was sneaking out of my parents house to go covort…” The Praetor laughed at that thought. “Au cavorting…I hope na with any of my daughters.” Destorie smilled. “Na…of course na.” Na it was Issaha that had the fling with au daughter.
  3. Carefull yy'a io..... B)
  4. Happy B-Day :rolleyes:
  5. Welomce to the Fleet :rolleyes:
  6. Welcome to STSF :)
  7. ::Does a Happy Dance...better than Chad Johnston's::
  8. As Koshic’s mind deepened into the darkness of unconsciousness, and the world around him swirled about into a seemingly never ending chasm, he found himself lost. For the longest time he couldn’t breathe. As he finally took a deep breath, he slammed against the floor. His life flashed before his eyes. The pivotal events rolled foreword in the swirling chasm. The details that had constructed his unique personality. The losses that hardened his soul. The victories that swelled his ego. And the failures that haunted his dreams. Koshic was dying. He could feel the very life being drained from his body. Only his will bound his heart to the shell that had been his body. He closed his eyes, the parade of flashbacks faded into a starry landscape. And he saw a figure emerge from the stars… Where are you going? The voice was familiar, old, and labored. Koshic couldn’t answer. Do you have anything worth living for? What do you hide? Again Koshic couldn’t respond. The vision flashed again. This time, he watched a scene from his childhood. His father stood before him, the four moons of Elasia looming in the background. Koshic grew short with breath. It was the last time he had spoken with father. “Koshic,” his fathers voice seemed troubled, labored. “There is something…” “Father…” “No, you must listen to me Koshic.” “But…” “This is important Koshic…” “Yes Father.” “I am going on a mission with your uncle,” his father turned and glanced into the brilliant night. “There is a chance I will not return alive.” Koshic gasped. “Father…” “No one is exactly as he appears Koshic.” Koshic looked at his father, wide-eyed. “If I die,” his father turned only momentarily. “There is something I want you to know. Even if this hurts.” “I haven’t always been the loving and devoted husband that I have appeared to be, Koshic.” Growing up, he heard his parents fight a few times, when he’d stayed up later than he was supposed too, but he’d never heard what they fought over. Two years ago, his parents had stopped living together. His mother said it was because the politics of Elasia caused her to have ulcers…now he suspected his father would explain the truth. Dano N’Dak turned to face his eldest son, a tear streaming down his hardened face. “You have another brother Koshic…” You could have pushed him over with a feather. He tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth. “He’s a Romulan,” Dano turned away, ashamed to look into the face of his son. “How…” was all Koshic could manage. “When I was the Ambassador to Vulcan…” he paused, then continued. “The Romulan Ambassador, her name was N’Kedre. N’Kedre N’Dak…” Koshic blinked. “At first we met just because of the sheer irony of the two of us sharing the same name,” he turned. “But then…things escalated so quickly. Her husband was a senator on Romulus and your mother…” “Stop…” Koshic’s eyes were filled with angry tears. “Just stop!” Dano sighed. “It was a long time ago Koshic…” “I don’t care…” “Your mother has forgiven me,” Dano sighed again. “I didn’t want to have to tell you this, but it’s better it comes from me than someone else later in life.” “Why now though…why is the this last thing you want to tell me.” “Her son…my son…Destorie…he’s a few years younger than you…his age of ascension will be soon.” “I don’t understand.” “Her husband knows,” Dano shook his head. “I am going to meet with him. He’s raised him as his own for so long, I want to thank him.” “But then why all this crap about you might die…” “I can’t say anymore…” he looked away. “I just wanted you to know…that I have always loved you…and your brother and sister more than anything in the world…and I am doing this for you…” “I don…” “Don’t say anything more…my transport is here…” The whole vision faded into darkness. The next series of images flashed so quickly he barely recognized them...then another image came into his view...Hayden…then darkness once more.
  9. May 18, 2397 Late Afternoon Destorie N'Dak stood at a podium in front of the Arc de'Triomphe in Paris, France. Before him on an ISD was a speech he thought he'd never give, and if his great grandfather heard it, he would have commissioned his assassination, or just shot him on spot. The accusations from a panicking Federation could not go unanswered, and with the Praetor out of commission…or rather consciousness, the duty to respond to the accusations fell solely on the ranking Romulan official in the Quadrant—Destorie N'Dak. Fellow citizens of the Galaxy, allies…friends… N'Dak's voice carried a tone of softness and tenderness unusual for the normally brash military leader. Today, we have collectively suffered a great and hideous misfortune of unparalleled significance. However, we must not let this horrific tragedy draw us apart and let it destroy the efforts that so many have worked so hard to secure. We must not let it shatter the peace that so many gave their lives to create. I come before you today, to offer reassurance of the noble intentions of my great people in our commitment to peace among all of the people of the Galaxy. The Romulan Empire will not rest until the perpetrators of this vile and insidious assault upon the free people of the galaxy are brought before justice and justice is served. In order to assure this, as of today the Romulan Empire will assume a posture of high alertness; all boarders of the Empire will, in accordance with the Treaty stipulations and internal policy, be placed in a state of high alert. Additionally, security of all Romulan government facilities will be handed over from civilian authorities to the Galae in order to assure that no further attacks upon the sovereignty of the Empire occur. It is my duty, as the ranking Romulan official in the Quadrant, to announce that Praetor D' Kheinhv unfortunately suffered considerable injuries in the terrorist attack. In accordance with the New Imperial Code, Section 3 Subsection 6 paragraph 2, it is my solemn duty to announce that until such time as D' Kheinhv can resume his duties as Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire, the Daise'Deihu tr'Klaeneth will be sworn in as interim Praetor in a matter of hours on the home world. N'Dak paused slightly as he came to the next section of his speech, though he'd committed it to memory, he glanced it over one last time as it would likely raise the most eyebrows. I am here today with heavy heart. But I am here in friendship. Two hundred and fifty years ago, the idea of an N'Dak standing at the seat of Federation power, to deliver a speech in friendship was unthinkable. In the last decade, together, we have advanced peace and prosperity through out the galaxy to a level thought only to exist in the minds of dreamers. The terror attack upon the VDC shows that despite our efforts, we still have a long ways to go towards achieving the eventual goal of true peace and freedom for all citizens of the galaxy, whether they are Romulan, Human or Klingon. But together, the strength of our great and noble people can overcome those who stand in opposition to liberty. Together we can build the lasting vision of peace that the architects of Versailles envisioned. So now, I must ask you, our allies…our friends…to stand with us through this adversity, this test of our friendship. For I believe that our friendship, like the house built upon the rocks, can stand the test of time. May the Elements continue to guide us and smile upon us. The entire Romulan Empire and myself extend our deepest sympathies to the victims and the families of victims of the horrendous terrorist attack. And we reiterate that we will not allow this tragedy to go unpunished. Thank you.
  10. The first one was a Romualn...which...of course...is how Vulcans should be. :P
  11. Although he didn’t remember it had been over to full two years since he’d first sat in the Command seat of the RES Talon. They’d been addressing a Klingon infestation on the surface of a planet and t’Rexan was left with little choice but to place N’Dak in command of the Oira, while she attended to the injuries of the Former Executive officer, Daise Erei Riov Mijne t'Shaeni. She’d directed him, at the time to “N'Dak, au have the oira, I wish to go speak with Daise’Erei’Riov tKsa. Don't scratch the paint. Don't **** my ship up. Don't touch anything more than au have to... And...stay khoi my seat!” He’d done the former…but the latter? As soon as she sat down, he’d made himself comfortable. Ultimately, she ended up slapping him across the face and sent him scurrying back to D’Heno. Amusing how many times the woman would end up slapping him, literally or figuratively in the time they’d known each other. Perhaps, she could have saved herself a few grey hairs…and a hand if she’d simply vaporized him in the chair. Thankfully for him, the woman apparently saw some glimmer of potential in him and kept him around long enough for him to actually mature into a half decent officer. Now he found himself in the command chair of the RES Talon, not remembering any of the experiences that had made Destorie N’Dak the man he’d been a few hours ago. Guided only now by his instincts and natural personality, the true nature of N’Dak would be unwittingly revealed to the crew of the Talon. He’d worked tirelessly for years to create a visage of himself that the rest of the world saw, while keeping his true self hidden beneath. The N’Dak everyone on the Talon had come to know and hate would never have shown the uneasiness which the one sitting in the Command seat now broadcasted as he shifted his weight nervously at the Talon cloaked and jumped to warp. Two years ago, he sat in that seat…unnerved only by the thought of the return of t’Rexan to the Oira. Now he found himself unnerved by the creeping insecurity that he couldn’t even remember where his quarters were located. On top of that, there was the issue of his bondmate. A women he barely recognized, and didn’t even know her name. There were so many questions, and so few answers. And with ever answer that did come, another new question bounded out. In Laehval’s chamber’s he’d seen her place a photograph face down and place it in her desk after she saw the picture. Why would she do that? The photograph could bring elucidation to here identity, but instead she’d gotten rid of it as fast as possible. None of this made any logical sense at all, and maybe he’d read too much into the exchange. Laehval seemed as lost as everyone else, and though perceptions could deceive, Destorie did na get the feeling she was trying to manipulate the situation. He glanced at the helmsman, who apparently was his brother. He had to admit the resemblance was indeed striking. His features weren’t as hard, and his eyes were softer, but no one could deny the family resemblance. Destorie straightened in the Command seat. Lacking confidence would only worsen the situation more and more. If the crew saw the XO wavering, they would become restless. He would have to sit his own insecurities for the sake of the crew. His resolution would have to strengthen. Questions about whether he was truly the man the computer said he was, would have to go unanswered. For now, he was that man; First Officer of a Romulan Warbird. His jaw line tightened, and his posture took a rigid form. Now he was the Executive Officer of the RES Talon.
  12. Yes...and Economics claims to be a Social Science. (Economics: The Study of how people make decsions based on Scarcity. :) ) Lo'Ami makes good points. Many of which I agree with...however...there are somethings to keep in mind. European cars a smaller for more reasons than fuel economy. They also have less space for which to navigate. The average parking spot in Europe is about 1/4 the size of one in the US. Also their roads are, for the most part, much smaller. Also they don't use roads for traveling long distance (Remember going from Germany to England is like a trip from Ohio to New York City....maybe not as far..I'd have to look.) Instead most people travel by Eurorail. However, in the US we've more or less abandonded Mass Transist. Personally I don't think that setting gas prices artifically low would help the situation, it might help the economy as an intrim solution until gas prices returned to that level, but that would be a short term fix, but would not address the root of the problem. As I said earlier I don't think there is a magic swtich that someone can flip and make it all better, I think instead that there will be several solutions that, if taken in moderation will help the problem.
  13. I think Kansas said it best, so far. As you can see I have different sigs for my different persona's all of which have different reasons for being. Some are longer (Like STSF NDak and Corizon) while Rex and Link's are very short. One can be "creative" with out being out there in lala land :) Besides you can be creative with your avatar. :P
  14. Name: Destorie Ma’Lyn Sheuji N’Dak Age: 47 Sex: Male POB: Vulcan Ht: 5'8" Wt: 165 lbs Rank: EnRiov, Commander of the 4th Fleet Registry #: 456-Y-A23K Father: Deihu D’Lvon N’Dak, Senator, Deceased Mother: Ori'Na Sevik N'Kedre, Ambassador, Deceased Siblings: Rasa N’Dak (female), wife of Praetorian Council Member Savu Ye’sho N’Dak (female), Tal’ Shiar Operative, Deceased Issaha N’Dak (male), Deihu, ch’Rihan Representative Issue: Jael N'Dak (Male), Assistant Security Officer, RES Fireheart [Adopted] Scars: on left arm from Klingon bat’Leth; on right thigh from bat'Leth; on right shoulder from Klingon dagger; on left shoulder from Klingon dagger; on back heavy scars from multiple lashings (see below); on left shoulder two bite wounds from snake on right ear slight cut from projectile weapon on chest mild scaring from Blob-Attack on left cheek running under the eye, from t'Rexan's hook on right shin from compound fracture one running length of the right arm from cross fire of an A.F.R.O. freeze-unit on stomach running from sternum to naval, knife above right eyebrow, knife Past History: Born to a wealthy and elite family, Destorie, his two younger sisters, and younger brother lived the life of luxury in the Imperial Deihu (Senate) Compound on ch’Rihan. Destorie was born on Vulcan while his mother was assigned to Vulcan. Upon reaching the age of ascension, Destorie was torn between the wishes of his parents. His mother, t’Sevik, wanted him to enroll in the Vulcan Science Academy and become a great scientist; his father however wanted him to enter into government service arranging for him to have a position in the Tal’Shiar. Destorie, decided, as usual to follow his own path and chose the Galae Retor. While his parents disagreed with his choice they supported him. Once Destorie arrived at the Retor, he found life much tougher, the expectations for the eldest N’Dak were impossibly high, and pressure to succeed often troubled him, but did not stop him from graduating tenth in his class. Destorie spent an extended amount of time on Qo'Nos, the Klingon homeworld, during the Dominion War, while his mother was serving as the Ambassador, where he operated as a military liaison between the Romulan and Klingon government. His employment with the Embassy ended when several Tal’Shiar operatives were discovered in the Klingon Embassy; Destorie and a number of other Rihan citizens were ejected from the embassy. He was suspected of being a covert Tal’Shiar operative, but was cleared of all charges. When it came time for his post aboard a warbird, D’Lvon used his considerable pull to have him posted to the RES Talon; his mother had heard that the ship was only patrolling the border and thought that would be safe so she begged her husband to have him posted to it. N'Dak was assigned to the RES Talon as a Disheren D'heno. He rose to the rank of Daise'Dheno fairly quickly, eventually rising to the rank of Daise'Erei'Riov and Executive officer. Family History & Background: House of N’Dak, Clan of Silaeir While now it seems that he and his family are among ch’Rihan’s more elite houses, this was not always true. Certainly of honorable lineage, the House of N’Dak had mostly been centered and known only to those of the region of Hein’Rhe. It was only some 300 years ago that rise of the House of N’Dak to Imperial prominence began. It was then that Rheank N’Dak, a local constable of Hein'Rhe, spent much of his savings to send his eldest son to the Galae Retor in the capital city. After gaining admittance to the Retor, Rheank’s son, Destorie exceeded all expectations for him and graduated third in his class with a specialization in military history and tactics. Destorie rose to the rank of Daise’EnRiov while serving as decorated commander in the Imperial Galae. A much feared and respected man, he served as one of the lead Galae Commanders from 2136 to 2155. During this period, the House of N’Dak rose to unparalleled power in the Empire, controlling virtually all three major bodies of the Empire with Destorie heading the Galae, his sister running the Tal’Shiar with an iron fist, and his younger brother becoming a powerful senator whose voice carried much weight in that body. Following the disastrous Rihan-Earth War, which Destorie had almost single handedly escalated, he returned to ch’Rihan in disgrace, committing suicide only hours before the peace treaty that brought an end to the end of the war and established the Neutral Zone was finalized. The Rihan-Earth War significantly reduced the power of the House of N’Dak with only two of the six children of Rheank surviving to the end of the war: a disgraced Destorie and an equally disgraced Deihu Relliv. Additionally, the name N’Dak became almost universally equivalent to ambition in the lexicon of many Rihans, a stigma that persists to this day. Relliv, died without producing an heir and the fate of the House of N’Dak laid in Ma’lyn, Son of the now Destorie. Ma’lyn had been groomed from a young age to take his fathers’ place and following his fathers’ fall from power, Ma’Lyn slowly bid his time rebuilding the once proud family name. Like his father, he worked his way up the ranks of the Galae, rising to the rank of Khre’Riov, in 2225. For another 31 years he would Command the 5th Fleet stationed along the Rihan-Breen border. In 2256, on the hundredth anniversary of the start of , Rihan-Earth War, he was promoted to the rank of EnRiov and position of Galae Commander. He would remain in this post until his retirement, though he did not hold the title of Daise'Enriov as it was reserved as a war-time only appointment. Ma’lyn’s far less radical approach to politics and generally more tempered manner restored much of the respect his father had first earned and then lost for the House of N’Dak; but even then, most scholars felt that the glory days of the House had long since passed. Ma’Lyn died in 2306 of complications of age, leaving behind three sons and a daughter. The eldest son, Lvon (Since renamed D’Lvon) would continue to uphold the honor and respect that his father had regained for the House of N’Dak. As leader of the House of N’Dak, D’Lvon earned a reputation for being far more ambitious than his father, though less so than his grand-father. This reputation, combined with a strong, often abrasive method once again caused the House of N’Dak to have an often polarizing effect. In the early 2380's, the N'Dak suffered a slight affront to their honor when D'Lvon was censured before the Tri-Cameron for his role in attempting to influence punishment being brought upon on his two sons, Issaha and Destorie. However, the family soon quickly regained their footing. Despite the often volatile relationship of the N'Dak family on the imperial stage, they have remained strongly supported in their home region of Hein'Rhe, where a member of the family has represented to the Senate for nearly 250 years in some fashion or another. Currently, while Issaha holds office representing all ch'Rihan in the upper Senate, Ma'lyn's grandson by his only daughter (Daenin N'Dak t'Joln) -- Rhahel tr'Joln -- represents Hein'Rhe in the lower senate. At the peak of its’ power just before the Rihan-Earth War in the 2140’s and 50’s, the House of N’Dak was among the most powerful in the Empire. Since then it has waned, though the power and financial resources of the House of N’Dak should not be underestimated. Their strong, unabashed financial support during the Civil War, coupled with the service of members of the House in the war have led to a restoration of power for the family, as it stands the House of N'Dak is now positioned to return to the glory days of the pre-Earth-Romulan Wars. D’Lvon s’Heer N’Dak, Deihu[/color] A Deihu for many years, D’Lvon, has been involved in politics most of his life. He is tenured member with a good deal of seniority, once considered to be a fairly respectable and popular Deihu, his reputation has declined of late. At the age of 22, He was recruited to the Tal’Shiar and trained at their Retor. After completion of his training he was assigned to shadow Deihu tr’Nedor, who was believed to be in league with an insurgency group known as “The Free Order.” The Free Order was a group of progressive Rihannsu that supported the overthrow of the Praetorate and favored Reunification with the Vulcans, tr’Nedor was thought to be a sympathizer and financier. After several months of monitoring the Deihu, D’Lvon uncovered that not only was tr’Nedor sympathetic to the terrorist group—he was among its leadership. Shortly after, tr’Nedor died in a tragic accident. D’Lvon remained as an active Tal’Shiar Operative for another 8 years earning the rank of Daise'Sael'Riov (Lt. Colonel). Sometime afterwards, he was appointed to the Senate. During this period of his life meet and subsequently bonded with the future Llairhi (Ambassador) Sevik t’N’Kedre. After being elected to the Deihu (Senate) he did not maintain his position with in the Tal’Shiar and denies any current connection to the Tal’Shiar, though rumors of his involvement in covert operations persist. D'Lvon came under considerable scorn when both of his sons were implicated in what has simply become known as the Arcadia Affair. Complicating this was his own guilt in threatening the life of the very Galae Flag Officer his sons had nearly yy’a. However, as a favor, Fvillah tr’Kelna (the future father-in-law of D'Lvon's daughter) commuted the original sentence of 10 lashings to a less painful but equally severe censure before the entire seiHehllirh (Tri-Cameron). His position in the Senate soon began to recover, and shortly after was reappointed to the powerful Galae Command Committee. During the Civil War, he was an outspoken opponent of the Tal’Shiar government. He was eventually assassinated on the orders of his daughter Savu, along with his wife, N’Kedre. Ori’na Sevik N’kedre, Llairhi (Ambassador) A Long time member of the Kiith Mrevhoqq'ghi (Rihan Diplomatic Corps), Sevik was the daughter of the late Khre’Riov D’Nar tr’N’kedre and Enarrain t’Savu N’kedre. She eventually met then Deihu N’Dak and fell in love with him. It was smart political match, tying together the powerful N’kedre and N’Dak families. Sevik served as an Llairhi (Ambassador) of the Rihan Empire to several high profile governments, including a 5 year stint as ne'Llairhi (Junior Ambassador) to Vulcan, 5 to the Gorn as el'Llairhi (Senior Ambassador), and 10 as the hru'Llairhi (Chief Ambassador) to the Klingon Empire. Sevik's also served as the chief ambassador to the Tholian Assembly. The daughter of two career military parents, it was assumed that she would enter the Galae, a notion she strongly protested and chose the Diplomatic corps, against the protest of her father; a fact she was reminded of when three of her children chose the Galae or Tal’Shiar. An outspoken proponent of peace over xenophobic wars, Sevik was a leading supporter for the Alliance during the Dominion War, a matter her and her husband found themselves on opposite sides of. She was often labeled ‘dangerous’ by many of the more conservative Deihus, however her husband’s political might kept those who would wish to exterminate her voice at bay. Later, as the leading diplomat to Starbase Camelot, N’Kedre became deeply involved in intergalactic affairs almost from the beginning. In fact her very assignment to the station was part of a vast ruse set up by the Tal’Shiar. However, she was eventually able to foil the Tal’Shiar’s plans and maintain peace in the galaxy, something the Tal’Shiar would not soon forget. In the turmoil following the successive assassinations of four Praetors, the rise of the pro-Tal'Shiar government caused her to once again be recalled to serve Kiith Mrevhoqq'ghi on Romulus as apposed to an appointment aboard. When the Great Civil War broke out, N’Kedre instantly become one of the loudest voices against the corrupt and brutal Tal’Shiar government. It came as no surprise when she, along with her husband were assassinated. Rasa N’Dak Second N’Dak child, twin of Savu, t’Rasa chose not to follow her older brother’s footsteps in the military and instead took a position as an aide to powerful member of the Continuing Committee, tr'Diahu. During her time as an aide, she met his son tr’Diahu, to whom she eventually joined in bonding. The two have four children. During the Civil War, t’Rasa and her husband joined the Galae in opposition to the Tal’Shiar, and worked to secure funds for the Rebel forces. Savu Ye’sho N’Dak The twin sister of Rasa, Savu chose a far different path from her sister and even older brother. Instead she followed her father’s footsteps. Rising in rank and stature in the Tal’Shiar, Savu emerged as one of the Tal’Shiars most feared leaders during the Civil War, reportedly rising to the rank of Director of R&D. She fought in over 9 engagements during the war, eventually dying at the Battle of ch’Fven. Issaha N’Dak Youngest child, Issaha served in the Galae along side his brother aboard the RES Talon. During early phases the Romulan Civil War, Issaha distinguished himself as supply smugler for the Galae, and in the latter years as a spokesman for the Empire with the Federation and the Klingons. He is currently a member of the Upper Senate, where he represents the Hein'Rhe region. Recent Career History: During the Romulan Civil War, N’Dak served with great distinction, quickly moving upwards in both rank and stature. He participated in over 11 major engagements, 7 of them successful including the final assault on Ch’Rihan in 2393. As of the most recent date, he has commanded seven vessels at one time or the other. Following the war, he was promoted to the rank of EnRiov and placed in command of the fourth fleet. Following the near assassination of the Praetor at the second anniversary of the VDC, and the Praetor's subsequent decision not to run for the now elected office of Praetor of the Romulan Empire, Destorie decided to enter the political world, running for election after being nominated by the conservative Romulan People's Party. He faces experienced Senator and former Admiral Akael Donatra of the Romulan Unity Party in a highly contested election between the two decorated military officers who both railed against the Tal'Shiar during the civil war.
  15. STARFLEET ACADEMY DATABASE PERSONNEL FILES BIOGRAPHIES INSTRUCTORS Name: Dr. Koshic Liam N’Dak Age: 41 Sex: Male POB: Betazed Hair: Blondish-Brown Eyes: Green Ht: 7'3" Wt: 295 lbs. Race: Betazoid/ Elasian SF Rank: Lieutenant, Senior Grade Status: Retired Official Title: Lord Regent Koshic N'Dak, Steward of the Rohland, Bearer of the Sacred Sword of Fire, Guardian of the 12 Holy Isles, Son of the Fifth House of Betazed, Heir to one of the 5 Holy Rings and Sacred Chalice of Rixx. Arc Royale to the Dohlman. Security Clearance: Level 5 Family: Father: Dano Tulsan N’Dak, Elasian Ambassador, Deceased Mother: Luxoria N’Dak, Daughter of the 5th House of Betazed Siblings: Aria N’Dak (Female), Diplomatic Liaison Isian N’Dak (Male), Ensign, Posting TBA Distinguishing Marks: -Small scar on upper arm from a shuttle accident while at the Academy -A small tattoo on his left shoulder, the mark of the Elasian Dohlman -Medium sized tattoo on right forearm Past History: Born on Betazed, the son of Luxoria and Dano, and the eldest of the N’Dak children. While growing up, Koshic was an avid pilot, learning to fly small fighters and shuttles at the age of 12. Koshic’s uncle, General Erret N’Dak was the driving force behind his early love for flight. The N’Dak family is considered something of Royalty on Elasia. Koshic, as the oldest living male, is now the Lord Regent of the Rohland, which includes several other hereditary titles. Due to his commitment to Starfleet (and a dislike for the politics of Elasia) he entrusted the duties of the being a Regent to his younger cousin and viceroy Coreth N’Dak. While a cadet, he received high grades showing an aptitude for the sciences, in particularly in Anthropology, Archeology, and Geology. He distinguished himself in those fields helping to discover Ancient Iconian ruins on a small moon of Vulcan. During his second year he was injured in a shuttle accident on Goros VII when the pilot of the shuttle lost control in the upper atmosphere. Fortunately the accident was not severe and only the co-pilot was seriously injured. Although the accident left him somewhat nervous about flying, he eventually returned to the pilot’s seat and currently holds the classification as a Class 4 pilot. After the accident Koshic continued to work laboriously on his studies graduating near the top of his class. He later earned a Doctorate in Archeology from San Francisco Planetary University. After Graduation N’Dak became a Professor of Archeology at Star Fleet Academy before being posting aboard the USS Arcadia as an Assistant Science Officer. He has had two torrid Romances: An earlier romance with fellow cadet Nautlia Halle, the daughter of the Trill Ambassador, which ended when it was discovered that one of Halle (the symboint) former hosts had a previous relationship with N'Dak's father; Nautlia's father and the Trill Symbiont Commission forced the two to break the relationship off. The second was between Koshic and the Elasian Dohlman (or high Princess) Hecua. The two were enaged to be married but Hecua got cold feet and backed out shortly before the wedding leaving N'dak heartbroken, though under Elasian custom, he is still considered the be the "Arc Royale" of Dohlman. About 6 years ago, N’Dak was nearly assassinated during a “diplomatic” mission to Danter. It would be one of the few times that he would actually perform his duties as Lord Regent of the Rohland, instead of passing them off to his younger cousin and Vice-Roy Coreth. While the actual events that led up to the assassination attempt remain classified, rumors swirled that the Danteri Government was behind the assassination attempt. Psychological Profile: From a young age he was always exploring, even accompanying his father on Diplomatic missions. This drive to explore is probably what led him to Star Fleet. Koshic’s empathic powers are considerable. While the power from the Betazoids are obvious, it is the powers from the Elasians that are little know, these powers are rarely shown by any Elasians and are relatively unknown to Starfleet Medical, what is known is that the 'Elasian Tears' are some how related to them. His Telepathic Psi rating is a p7 or p8 on a scale of 1 to 13, although given the demonstrations of his powers at various times, this rating is most likely much higher. Koshic has been known on occasion to bend the rules. His early success has led him to have a somewhat elitist attitude towards other scientists and colleagues in general. Koshic is some what of a duelist; could be classified as mildly bi-polar. He often bounces between reserved, calm and collected to violent, aggressive, and arrogant. Additional Notes: Koshic is a specialist in Ancient Alien Cultures.. He has also studied, at length, the Romulan and Vulcan cultures and is fluent in both Rihan (Romulan) and Vulcan. His generalization is Anthropology, Geology, and Archeology with a strong background in Xenobiology and Xenoanthropology . He has written books on the Ancient Iconians and their descendant cultures as well books on modern alien cultures, one of which is now used as a standard reading text for all Starfleet Cadets. Recent Career History: Originally assigned to the Arcadia as an assistant science officer, he was quickly thrust into the every day missions of the vessel. On his first mission he was part of Captain Moose’s team during a war game exercise. During that mission he, along with the rest of his team, became stranded in an alternate dimension, which bordered on the edge of our own. Unaware of their new surroundings, Moose sent a team including N’Dak and the now deceased Hans Sieben to locate Team Dacotah. During there search for Team Dacotah, who had not crossed into the Alternate Dimension, the group became lost. Showing tremendous psionic powers—either as a result of his true power or it being amplified in the alternate dimension—N’Dak was able to communicate through Lt. Commander Jaruq and eventually facilitate his groups rescue. After the war games, the Arcadia was sent to recover a probe which had crash landed on a primitive planet, Arcady Prime. During the retrieval mission, N’Dak, Lt. Commander Lo’Ami and then Ensign Nemesis were captured by a group of rouge native-male Arcadys. During captivity, N’Dak was rendered unconscious and latter awoke to find himself in a makeshift medical facility on the planet that had been set-up to deal with the after math of a rescue mission gone horridly wrong. Following the disastrous mission on Arcady Prime, the Arcadia traveled to the P’Jem monastery for the much distressed crew. During said little field trip, the ship was taken over by a group of hostile Andorians. However the crew of the Arcadia was able to retake the vessel, N’Dak helped in this effort. Shortly after, the Arcadia was recalled to starbase for repairs, and the crew given leave. N’Dak along with a former student from his teaching days, went to his ancestral home on Elasia. Upon returning from the leave, the Arcadia left on an epic journey to find the Federation Delegation to Paktar (a Collation member). Following the trail of the delegation, the Arcadia crossed into the Romulan neutral zone to examine a derelict spacecraft they believed to be the key to finding the Delegation. However, the Romulan Empire seamed to disagree, and the warbird RES Talon was sent to ferret out the Arcadia. Following an armed conflict both on the alien vessel and between the Talon and Arcadia, N’Dak along with other members of the Arcadia crew were taken prisoner aboard the Talon, which escaped into the Romulan side of the neutral zone to a planet named Skoru to affect repairs. During the mission, several Arcadian crew members were tortured, and due to his empathic abilities, the event was rather traumatic for N’Dak. Also the believed death of Commander Hayden Dacotah, and the crew’s subsequent hyper-mourning increased the intensity of the experience. During a prisoner exchange between the Talon and Arcadia (two Arcadians for one Romulan), an advanced and powerful race known only as the Squids we’re encountered. It was later learned that the Squids were searching for a rare artifact that allowed the owner to control the flow of time. To facilitate this search, the Squids chose the Romulans over the Arcadians, and facilitated the final prisoner exchanges between the two vessels. The Arcadia, with all crew except for Commander Dacotah—who they listed only as MIA—left the Squids and the Romulans to their own bidding. The Arcadia would later receive a distress call from the Talon (albeit from rouge members of her crew) and returned to defeat the Squids and regain Commander Dacotah, as well as a Romulan curiously named N’Dak and resembling the Arcadia N’Dak. It was learned that Lt. Trichon actually had one part of the Artifact the Squids were searching for, they also had one part of the artifact, but the third and final one was floating in a gas giant, in orbit of which was the Talon, Arcadia, and a Squid Mother-ship. The Arcadia managed to recover all three parts of the Artifact. A battle between the Talon, who had now managed to overthrow the Squids, the Arcadia, and the Squids ensued. It was quickly realized though, that the Squids held a clear technological advantage and dished out quite the beating to the now allied Talon and Arcadia. In a last ditch effort, N’Dak connected the three parts of the Artifact and was able to use it to defeat the Squids. This was a truly impressive show if his potential power, but the ordeal drained him of energy nearly resulting in his death. As well his telepathic and empathic powers remained unstable for quite sometime after the event. Following the defeat of the Squids, and the returning by the Romulans of Hayden Dacotah, the Arcadia continued onto Collation space. N’Dak’s skill as a pilot would come to his advantage, as he was the only certified level 5 pilot on the Arcadia. The Arcadia eventually made its way to Collation space through a transwarp conduit. At which time they became guests of the Collation. The Arcadia crew was taken as Guests to the planet Axaia, which was getting ready to join the Collation as a member world. However, it was learned that the Collation had ulterior motives—they planned on detonating a device known as the Revelation Device. The Crew of the Arcadia was sent to find the device before this could happen. During this mission, N’Dak was kidnapped by the Collation and subjected to several tests and procedures. Unwittingly he was being turned into the telepath trigger for the Revelation device. Before he could be rescued, the Benai manipulated him into activating the device which would have destroyed the entire planet. The crew managed to arrive at the site of the Revelation Device, but during there break in, N’Dak was knocked unconscious this locking in the activation of the device. Lt. Hans Seiben was able to deactivate the device, but lost his life in the process. Following the incident, N’Dak spent several day recuperating. The affects of using the Revelation Device have yet to fully be understood or manifest in him and only time will tell if the wounds will heal. N’Dak was chosen by Captain Moose to lead the Arcadia’s new detachment of standard Starfleet Security Officers. While his pedigree most defiantly is in the Sciences, his military and political training during his youth to assume the titles of his father made him an ideal candidate. Following his appointment as Chief of Security, the Arcadia was sent on a mission to locate a lost Federation vessel, which ultimately led them to a remote and dangerous planet named Konduru. While exploring the planet, looking for the crew of the USS Hunley, N'Dak and the away team, which he co-lead with Commander Lo'Ami, came under attack by powerful telepathic beings. During the attack, Commander Lo'Ami, having previously visited the planet with an earlier host, vanished. Also, Koshic once again fell prey to 'possession,' as the creatures took control of his body, hoping to use his powers and physical body to access ancient technology buried deep under the planet's surface. N'Dak eventually overpowered the creatures and retook control of his body, though the experience left him shaken. Finally, the AT, aided by the 'found' Commander Lo'Ami, gained access to an ancient library hidden deeply below the surface. The crew of the Hunley ultimately was discovered to have all perished at the hands of the creatures. Following the Konduru mission, the Arcadia was sent to aid a planet suffering from a form of what was later identified as the "Black Plague." Koshic, however, became involved in the planet's legal system when Arcadia Chief Engineer Trichon Light was charged with a fifty-year-old murder. Koshic conducted his own investigation into the murder and ultimately proved Trichon's to be innocent. Soon afterwords, the Arcadia crew took leave at Risa. However, for some it proved to be less than pleasant. Koshic, along with his cousin Coreth, Commander Hayden Dacotah, Ensign t'Vin, Commander Lo'Ami and Captain Moose became involved in a series of highly classified events that go beyond the scope of this document. Following the ill-fated Risa mission, a crisis on his home planet forced him to resign his commission and resume his role as Lord Regent. Service Record: -Graduated Starfleet Academy as an Ensign -Assigned to Starfleet Archeology Dept. on Vulcan -Recalled to Starfleet Academy to become a Professor -Assigned to USS Arcadia, Science Dept. -Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade by Captain Moose, USS Arcadia -Transferred to Helm, USS Arcadia -Promoted to full Lieutenant by Captain Moose, USS Arcadia -Promoted to Lieutenant, Senior Grade by Captain Moose, USS Arcadia -Transferred to Security and named Chief, USS Arcadia -Resigned Commission Previous Assignments, Recognition and Education: -Member of the United Federation Geology Society -Professor of Archeology at Starfleet Academy -Professor of Archeology at San Francisco Planetary University -Visiting Professor of Xenoanthropology at North American University -Fellow of the Federation Society of Archeologists -Doctorates in Anthropology (North American University) and Archeology (San Francisco Planetary University)
  16. Koshic noticed the beeping light, indicating a message. He read it over slowly, taking in the contents. While he planend on buying Trichon something himself, he decided he should chip in on this as well. Never one to be out done, he tapped a figure in and sent it off to Vectra. "2-5-0-0"
  17. I have na idea what au possibly could mean! ::bats his eyes innocently::
  18. 93% Armed and Dangerous... Oh and Shoot Travis while I am at it ;)
  19. The Maenek tended to the stab wound in N’Kedre’s abdomen with great care as the Ambassador sat uncomfortably in the medical ward in the Romulan section of Camelot. “This does na look like it was done by a Lloann’na weapon,” she said curiously as she regenerated the skin. “Of course it does na,” N’Kedre said quickly. “It was done by a Vulcan weapon.” The Maenek lifted her eyebrows. “Surely au intends to press charges for the actions of the Lloann’na Captain and Admiral.” N’Kedre sent a glare the maenek’s way. “What I intend to do is none of au business,” she said sharply, chiding the doctor. “Perhaps au have forgot what killed the c’at?” The youngish doctor lifted her brows and went back to tending to the wounds, “Forgive me, it was na my place.” N’Kedre sighed to herself. She’d made sure to have her trusted personal guards carefully dispose of the yy’a personnel from Night-terror, and make it look as if Sorehl and Day had orchestrated the jailbreak themselves. Homeworld was less than pleased. The sounds of General tr’Raellik beating his chest still echoed in her head. “THEY DID WHAT!?!?!?!?!” “They liberated their prisoners.” The General’s glare focused solely on N’Kedre, her own countenance didn’t flinch. “And our mission?” “Compromised,” she said. “I have already been contacted by the Admiral. He’s preparing to go to the Federation Council.” “He wouldn’t…he…can’t.” “They are now fully aware of our subterfuge. And it is only a matter of time before the true extent of our subversion is revealed to our allies.” The general pounded his fist against the table, he was infuriated. In a matter of moments, the work and planning of three years had been completely destroyed. “We can still attack them,” he said. “You know that as well as I d. They haven’t a clue what the Sheliak are upto.” “Do na be so sure,” N’Kedre cautioned. “I have contacted the Preator and he agrees with me. With out justification we can not risk open war on the Federation, not with the Dominion still intact.” “They violated our sovereign territory twice!” “Yes,” she said calmly. “But now they have leverage. If they go to the Dominion with the information they have uncovered, they will declare war on us, and the Klingons and the Federation will not interfere. Ch’Rihan will stand alone, and we will fall.” tr’Raellik considered that for a long moment. “Very well then Ambassador,” he said begrudgingly. “How do you plan to rectify this situation.” “I have already arranged an agreement with the Federation.” “OH?” “We will lessen our involvement with the Hundred, and agree to take no further military action in the Gamma Quadrant…” tr’Raellik opened his mouth but N’Kedre cut him off. “In return,” she said. “The Federation will not tell the Dominion of our subterfuge. It will be as if the entire incident never occurred.” tr’Raellik glowered. “Very well,” he grumbled. “But if I ever find that you were in anyway involved with this plot against the Empire…so help me…” “General, with all due respect. Au can suck an egg…” She cut the transmission.
  20. As echoed elsewhere by my collegue Moosey...everyone settle down, or topics will be locked. Thank you have a nice day. :blink:
  21. I've always been able to tell the difference. Coke is more Carbonated (which is why I like it) Pepsi is a lot sweeter and goes flat quicker. :D As for my tastes: Coke over Pepsi Diet Coke over Diet Pepsi Sprite over Sierra Mist A&W over Barqs Slice rocks! Canadian Dry over Schweeps, though Seagram's is good too (they also make Liquor)
  22. It was a balmy early summer day in Hein’Rhe. Located to the east of the capitol city, the mountainous and picturesque region was home to the House of N’Dak. For one month a year, Destorie N’Dak Supreme Commander of the Galae took his leave of the politics that embroiled the great capitol of Romulan Star Empire. However, despite his bondmate’s protest, this normally turned into a working vacation, especially given the mass hysteria over the humans. N’Dak’s own thoughts had been occupied with them for sometime now, it had been several months since Admiral Valdore had gone to Betazed to begin recruiting new agents to infiltrate the Coalition network. It had not been a move he had supported as a member of the War Plans Council, and an issue his sister as Director of the Tal’Shiar had strongly opposed. It was indeed a rarity that a policy would survive despite their opposition—truly a sign of the fear that gripped the Romulan people. Destorie sat on an open air balcony of the large complex his family inhabited, over looking the city below. In one hand he held a datapad containing the latest reports from the fleet yards through out the empire. Laying next to him on a small table were half a dozen more datapads. The amount of paper work a galactic navy could produce was staggering. To his right, lay an open envelope of thick black fibers, sealed by an electronic panel; a Tal’Shiar document, most likely from his sister. He placed the datapad down containing the fleet yard report and picked up the black envelop, keying in his authorization code. He lifted the flap revealing the contents. “Interesting…” Before he could finish, he heard a set of steps coming towards him from the opposite end of the balcony. Reflexively he looked towards them, one hand gripping his disruptor. “May I help you?” Before him stood a not entirely familiar face; he recognized the man as an assistant to the Proconsul but he was unsure of his name…or his intent. “Fleet Admiral,” the young man said directly. “I am sorry to interrupt you during your vacation.” Destorie’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Of course you are,” his words tinged with sarcasm. “The Proconsul has summoned you to a meeting in the Imperial Complex.” Destorie’s eye brows shot up. Summoned Me? Who does this woman think she is? Covering his increasing irritation, Destorie stood placing his hands behind his back. “And she just can’t come here? Her predecessors have always made house calls.” The young assistant lifted his own eyebrows quizzically. “I am afraid that is not possible.” “Ahh…very well then…when I am to report to the Capitol?” “Now, we have a transport waiting for you.” “I should have known.” “If you will follow me, sir.” Destorie nodded, seething at the insolence oft Lai. Despite his age, he remained an imposing figure to most that approached him; the young assistant glanced warily at him as he stood. His fit 6’2” frame moved gracefully yet purposefully from the chair as he fell in line behind the younger man. For all of his physical attributes, it was something else that struck fear in those who opposed or dared oppose him—his piercing eyes. Sharpened and dark, they were said to look through you, beyond your mortal soul. A glaze from those eyes could mean your death. Had that been true, the young assistant leading him would have certainly found himself in the morgue. N’Dak resented the notion that he be accountable to the Senate, let alone a liberal bureaucrat such as Lei. ~ ~ ~ “Jolan tru, Fleet Admiral…please be seated.” Destorie glanced at the woman speaking to him, and nodded slightly…just enough to be respectful. He pulled the chair out and sat down with out ceremony. “What is so urgent that it could na wait for my return from Hein’Rhe or that you could not have contacted me by visual communiqué?” Lei looked carefully over the man before her, his directness caught her off guard, but only slightly. “I am geniuinly concerned about your lack of respect for the Senate and our power over you…” Bureaucrats…seething did not do justice the emotion swelling inside. “With all due respect, Proconsul,” he cut her off abruptly, making no attempt at diplomacy. “I have been charged with the protection of the Empire, and I will do as I see fit to carry out that mission.” Lei lifted her eye brow. “Silence…” Now it was Destorie taken aback. Silence, was not a command that was often given to the most powerful man in the Imperial Navy. More from sheer surprise than obedience…silence was indeed what the Proconsul received. “Fleet Admiral,” she said regaining her composure. “There was a reason why Valdore was chosen to lead the War Plans Council over you…and this is it: You’re propensity to act independent of the Senate, not to mention your dubious ties to the Tal’Shiar…” “I really hope you did not drag me out here to insult me,” he said unwilling to allow the woman before him to out posture him, and thus gain the upper hand. “I could have gotten this from my bondmate!” The raised tone in Lei’s next statement told Destorie it was time to stop pushing. Regardless of his power, she was still the Proconsul of the Empire, and any conflict between her and himself would not be in the interest of the Empire. “Silence…your sharp tongue and wit may win you favor with the Senate and Vice-Proconsul, but they will not help you win my favor.” Lei allowed that to linger before she continued. “Despite my protests,” she said slowly. “You will have your war eventually. But the blood of our people will be on your hands if you fail.” “We will not fail.” “Your arrogance will be your downfall.” “And hubris yours.” The two starred each other down for a moment. “However,” she said breaking the uneasy silence between them. “With Admiral Valdore dispatched to Betazed, you are the senior member of the War Plans Council, and as such will lead the council in his absence.” Destorie allowed a grin to appear on his face. Her true intent had been shown. She could have just as easily informed him of such a decision via satellite communiqué or even via courier, but she’d called him here…to tell him personally…a warning that she was watching him. “I am honored.” “Let us hope that you lead with the interests of our people, not your house.” “I have never,” he said firmly, “placed my house before the Empire. That is treason, and unless you’re calling me a traitor…” “Of course not,” an attempt to defuse the situation. “Very well then,” he said feigning respect. “Is their anything else, Proconsul?” “Yes,” she said detecting the faux-respect, but largely ignoring it. “You will be expected to report regularly to the Senate. Unlike your previous arrangements, insubordinate independence will not be…tolerated.” “Are you threatening…me?” He almost laughed. Chillingly sober, Lei looked him dead in the eyes, “Not at all, I’m informing you that your leash has been—tightened; don’t hang yourself on it, Fleet Admiral.”