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Everything posted by Samantha_Kent

  1. The latest from the renowned Tibetan upholstery industry...
  2. Happy Birthday, Fred!
  3. I love this site. ;)
  4. ::grins:: Hallelujah for internet translators and not having a keyboard that can do accents. "No, I like French, but I would like to destory the conditional (tense)." ;)
  5. Non, j'aime le Francais, mais je voudrais a detruire le conditionel.
  6. When I become Supreme High Ruler of the Universe, my first act will be to outlaw French tests involving the use of the conditional. ;)
  7. Very nice...lol...someone has too much time on their hands. It took me like ten minutes to realize that "sacrificial lab" was a typo and not some strange cult ritual I was not aware of...clearly I need to get more sleep.
  8. It wasn't so much that Sam was afraid of the dark in the barracks. It was just that the dark there was very different somehow than any she had encountered before. It wasn't impenetrable, but it gave the impression of being so when all it hid was stone walls and ceiling. Curled up in her top bunk, exhausted, hungry, aching with their work and tense with worry, with only a foot of space between herself and the cold stone roof, she felt claustrophobic, buried in it. It was enemy darkness somehow. Captor darkness. Merely an absence of luminescent phenomena, she thought wryly, the cool Vulcan voice of one of her academy science instructors creeping into her head. "Science is the ultimate antidote to fear," he had said once. "The scientist, in a ship's emergency, is the one best equipped to keep their head, for they can look at the situation as it is, not as they want it or fear it to be." Prophets... Sam thought with frustration. I'm trying...but I feel so helpless. It wasn't her lack of tools that bothered her -- though she was becoming uncomfortably aware of her dependence on her tricorder and science equipment -- so much as her lack of a firm understanding of what was going on, a feeling of being at the mercy of others. So far she'd been doing her best to follow her orders and keep her mouth shut, letting people like Servo and Eagle do most of the talking with their captors, but the knowledge that she was doing her duty did little to alleviate her displeasure at not understanding. She rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling. So this is a labor camp... she thought. In her heart of hearts, she knew that their situation here was not that bad. They had been lucky. She had seen some of the Cardassian camps on Bajor during her youth, though thankfully she and her father had managed to evade them...this was nothing compared to that. And Josh had taken weeks to fully recover from his experience in that Jem'Hadar camp...no, she had been very lucky. She knew that, intellectually, but the vague sense of claustrophobia and fear in the pit of her stomach didn't listen very well to intellect. And there was always that thing at the back of her neck, itching and pressing against her cot as she lay there, reminding her of the danger following them at all times. But she wouldn't let it take over. She was a Fleet officer now, and that meant staying focused, working with the people around her. They all seemed to know what they were doing, or at least how to stay calm; she would learn from their example. Maybe they'd even be able to make something out of that confounded piece of equipment lodged in a crevice in the wall, if they were lucky. She wished she'd thought to ask Josh for a crash course in small-electronics engineering when she'd last seen him, but somehow it hadn't occurred to her. She wished she'd said a lot of things to him before they'd last departed on their respective ships...and it was too late now...she was never going to see him again. They were all going to die on this rock. She had no faith in their "Public Attorney" and only the vaguest grasp of how the legal system even worked here, and they'd seen no sign of what Arcadia might have been doing all this time. What a first mission... A feeling of despair washed over her but she fought it down. Focus...focus... She turned over on her side, burying her head beneath the thin covers they had been given, an expression of determination taking hold of her features. You're not down yet...Bajorans don't give up till they're licked. Stop wallowing in self-pity -- you earned those pips so you can bloody well live up to them. Somehow. And with that, she forced herself to relax and ignore the darkness around her and surrender to the exhaustion in her body.
  9. ::jaw drops:: Well, that just made my whole day! Must start looking into ways to bribe my parents... >.>
  10. Haha, yeah, I saw that too...was like, "Oh...guess I'm screwed then..." :lol:
  11. Pig in the rear: Hey, get a room, you two...
  12. ::after new husband becomes obnoxiously drunk:: Hey, honey, does this smell like chloroform to you?
  13. "Computer, begin personal log -- Ensign Samantha Jarel Turis-Kent, authorization 0-5-delta-sigma-8." BEEP. "Prophets...what a day...what a mission to start out with. In theory it sounded so simple...a little bit of quiet snooping around while the senior officers made our official appearance. Well...this is the last time I assume anything in Starfleet is going to be simple. Clearly I was spoiled on that starbase -- science on board ship seems to carry a lot more surprises. Things were nice and calm right up until Katherine Swan and I picked up a single organic signal among a war-torn, desolate, abandoned city. This fellow took Swan and Lt. Eagle off somewhere and the rest of us...well, we stood around trying to find them for a while. He was a revolutionary of some sort -- I have to admit I'm not quite clear on all the political elements of this whole situation; I would have liked to find out more about it, but I have to keep reminding myself that the diplomacy is not my responsibility. I'm a scientist, now, that's why I joined up...not to just be my father all over again. Anyway, we started to get out of there with the rebel...Ken was his name. And right about then was when the government people picked us up. How they found us -- through a cloaking device, no less, once we lifted off...I have no idea. All I know is that they spooked Ken, and he ran. We tried to beam him aboard but they hit the beam with some kind of weapon...and he arrived dead. Bleeding from the ears. It was...I don't know what I was expecting from this mission but I didn't expect to see that kind of thing. I'd like to hope I never see it again... That wasn't the end of it, though. They caught us. We tried to head for Arcadia but they tractored us in -- still sighting us through the cloak. We escaped...I don't know if it was the best choice and it certainly wasn't the most diplomatic, but we blasted our way out of the shuttlebay...if we hadn't beamed off in time it would have been a fireball death for all of us... But we made it...we made it...we got back aboard Arcadia and I've never been more relieved to see a place in my life. I went with Swan to sickbay; she got Eagle patched up and then she pulled a tiny transponder implant out of Ken's head. Some of the most impressive technology I've ever seen, at least in terms of getting a lot into a very small space. Eagle had me run an analysis on it and, if my data is correct, it is certainly not Axrekravian in design. The evidence seems to point to either Romulan or Ferengi influences, perhaps both. The possible diplomatic significance of this is staggering...I don't know what we plan to do about it yet. Whatever we choose to do, though, we'll have to do it soon. The Axrekravian government is holding the entire away team responsible for charges ranging from espionage to murder...and I guess that includes me. Prophets...Starfleet isn't all fun and games, is it? End log." BEEP.
  14. <<You called? :lol: >> [/useless post]
  15. You think you're disturbed? Think about the child behind him! ((On an unrelated note...I think I've been to that beach -- the structure behind him looks familiar...))
  16. This one time at band camp, a kid passed out on the basketball courts. The lesson of the day was: "Don't lock your knees. Ever." That was the same year I got a reverse raccoon tan line from wearing sunglasses withouth sunscreen in 105 degree heat, facing the sun for three hours at a time. THAT was fun...
  17. Thank God...there's people here now. The last two times I logged in it was just me and twenty-two guests and it was starting to creep me out.
  18. STARFLEET PERSONNEL RECORDS //ACCESS RECORDS FOR// --> Samantha J. Kent //PROCESSING REQUEST// SAMANTHA J. KENT Currently Assigned: USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E Current Position: Assistant Science Officer Current Rank: Lieutenant, Senior Grade Full Name: Samantha Jarel Turis-Kent; briefly, Samantha Kent (has recorded a preference for "Sam" from anyone, up to and including superior officers). Race: Half-Bajoran (paternal), half-human (maternal). Sex: Female DOB: 5 June 2360 POB: Earth. Has dual citizenship on Earth and Bajor. APPEARANCE: Height: 1.74 m (5 ft., 8.4 in.) Weight: 65.77 kg (145 lbs) Hair: Black, very short. Eyes: Brown. Retinal scan on file: Yes Bajoran genes have been dominant in determining her appearance, though the ridges on her nose are slightly less prominent than those of a full-blooded native. EDUCATION: Schooled by father to age eighteen before entering Starfleet Academy on science track. FAMILY: Both parents living, currently separated. Turis Jaeron -- Father; Born 2335 in Jo'Kala, Bajor. Occupation: Diplomat. Mariah Kent -- Mother; Born 2339 in Bristol, United Kingdom, Earth. Occupation: Supervisory engineer/designer at Utopia Planitia fleet yard. Fleet rank of Lt. Cmdr. PERSONAL HISTORY: Turis Jaeron was one of the few Bajorans to escape his home planet during the years of the Cardassian occupation. A skilled diplomat, he traveled to Earth and worked for many years for the Federation on official missions to numerous governments across the Alpha Quadrant, as well as occasional unofficial ones as a secret liaison to the Bajoran underground resistance. During his time on Earth, he met many Starfleet and Federation officials, and eventually fell in love with and married a human fleet engineer named Mariah Kent. He had one daughter with her, Samantha. By the time Samantha was five, Turis and Kent's marriage collapsed, Kent being unwilling to put up with the strain which Turis's constant traveling put on their home life. Samantha consequently spent much of her childhood traveling with her father -- she saw a great deal of Bajor, Earth, and numerous other planets and colonies where Turis was sent on diplomatic assignment. This transient living situation exposed the young girl to numerous societies and cultures, and she was encouraged by her father to learn about, accept, and understand the many types of people active in the Alpha Quadrant. Likely, he intended her to become a diplomat like himself, but her interest in understanding the many species she encountered was matched by one other thing -- the fascination she developed for her mother's colleagues, the people in the Starfleet uniform. By the time she was thirteen, Samantha had decided to enter Starfleet Academy when she was old enough. As he saw it, Starfleet offered an even greater opportunity than the diplomatic corps to meet new species and discover new things. Her interest in the service lies almost solely in its exploratory elements; while she is not averse to fighting when it is necessary to protect Bajor or the Federation, she prefers using a powerful ship to gain scientific or diplomatic knowledge. Her choice of courses for the Academy science track focused heavily on interpersonal sciences (psychology, sociology) and planet-based exploratory science (geophysics, exobiology, anthropology, archeology), with the hope of being on the front lines for first-contact and first-exploration missions, though she is well-versed in the required Starfleet Science training in astrophysics, starship mechanics, and field medicine. Samantha entered the academy at the age of eighteen. Her father returned to Bajor the same year at the fall of the occupation. He still performs diplomatic work for the Federation as well as for the Bajoran government. Her mother lives on Earth and can be reached through Personnel Services at Utopia Planitia. Samantha graduated the Academy, class of '82, with a concentration in the sciences. MEDICAL RECORDS: //MEDICAL PROFILE AS OF ACADEMY GRADUATION, 2382// //Cmdr. Jeremy Williams, Starfleet Medical// Samantha is in excellent health. I understand she keeps to a fairly vigorous exercise regimen involving several martial arts, and she eats well, if heartily. She has a slight tendency towards insulin-resistance and/or diabetes inherited from her human mother, but she is aware of how to regulate her diet to avoid aggravating it. She has only one instance of traumatic injury in her past -- a slight concussion and fractured collarbone sustained during a combat training exercise during her last year at the Academy. I find it unlikely that either will have long-lasting repercussions, and she seems to have healed normally; however, I include it here for the sake of thoroughness should the knowledge become necessary to the CMO of whatever ship she serves upon. //PSYCH PROFILE AS OF ACADEMY GRADUATION, 2382// //Lt. Cmdr. Elliot Harrison, Starfleet Medical-Psychology// In general, I would call Samantha Kent an extremely stable person -- she passed the psych portions of the Academy entrance exam with flying colors and has shown herself to be a quick thinker under pressure. While Sam takes equal respect and pleasure in both sides of her mixed heritage, it is the Bajoran side that takes precedence in her self-image. Like most Bajorans, she carries a fair amount of prejudice towards Cardassians. During the Occupation of Bajor she had a great deal of contact with the resistance movement there though her father, and though she was not able to participate in it herself because of her father's position, she still feels strongly about the cause. I would even venture to say that she was disappointed to have graduated from the Academy too late to have participated. I do not mean to suggest that she is a violent person by nature. I merely mention the above to point out that she is not averse to violence when necessary (I believe she won a judo tournament during her time at the Academy, so she's clearly prepared for it). However, even her native prejudice towards Cardassians is tempered by a highly admirable tendency towards tolerance and understanding that most likely comes from her father's involvement in the diplomatic corps, and she prefers solving problems in a calm, rational manner when possible. Sam's great love, even beyond diplomacy or military affairs, is clearly in the sciences. She loves to learn things, to discover things that no one has ever seen before. She has structured her science concentration towards first-contact and first-exploration missions, but she pursues all her studies with enthusiasm. Psychologically, I would call Sam's greatest strength her ability to form strong interpersonal relationships. She is very friendly, clever, and good-natured, and gets along easily with people of all races and outlooks. She is an intensely loyal person, and will certainly serve her captain and fellow crew well. If she has one weakness, it is in her tendency to sequester herself in a scientific problem or area of study until she feels she has mastered it, sometimes at the exclusion of other duties or even those friendships I spoke so highly of a moment ago. However, she is aware of this tendency and works to control it wherever possible. I highly recommend for graduation and assignment Samantha Jarel Turis-Kent at the earliest possible opportunity. SERVICE JACKET: *** Graduated Starfleet Academy, 2382. Assigned to Starbase 13 as science crew, participated in several xenobiological and geophysical studies of Adhara Prime led by Dr. William Anthony (listed as supplementary co-author for one paper -- Anthony et. al.; Resistance and Adaptation of Adhara Prime Natural Fauna to Ionic Storm Conditions; 2383 Starfleet Science Command). *** Stardate 50801.3 -- Promoted to Ensign, assigned to USS Arcadia as assistant science officer. *** Stardate 50806.1 -- Promoted to Lieutenant (J.G.). *** Stardate 50809.1 -- Promoted to full Lieutenant. *** Stardate 50903.3 -- Promoted to Lieutenant (S.G.).
  19. When Wet-Dry-Vac users go bad...
  20. "And I'm gonna sell this beauty to you on the cheap, because I like you, you know that? I got a call from a guy, wants to have it, offered me fifty thou, but I like you, I'm gonna let you have it for thirty -- and I can tell you know boats enough to know how much of a bargain that is!"
  21. I just went and looked up how lightsabers are supposed to work to confirm my knowledge of the theory before coming here to post a rebuttal to the above argument. And then I said, "Wait a second. This is ridiculous. Go do your homework." So I posted this instead.
  22. LOL Kallah! "I can't see it, so it can't see me. Right?"
  23. Duuuuuuuuude. :rolleyes:
  24. I agree, Mark -- I'm nervous about this movie, so frankly, anything they can do to get it a bigger result that may extend the franchise is a good thing.
  25. My socks are wet.