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Everything posted by Shane

  1. Now that was below the belt! :P
  2. ...someone says they have a warped sense of humor, you think it must be really fast.
  3. Welcome to STSF!
  4. I agree. Just for example the first Star Wars trilogy(4,5 and 6) ships looked so much better than the second(1,2 and 3).
  5. Same here on TNG! Although I never really did watch DS9. Everything I watched was reruns and I always seemed to catch the non-Dominion War episodes. And if I ever met up with the Borg I'd want Picard on my side.
  6. Your right, the TNG crew is my favorite, especially Picard, Worf and Data. They have the better movies, too. FIRST CONTACT ROCKS!!!
  7. Are you a Trekkie or a Trekker? I seen both of these used by to fans describe themselves. Which is the most popular?
  8. Stardate 0805.09 Duty Log Midshipmen Shane Tayjer Location: Main Security Shane closed his commlink with Doctor Pavilion and walked into the Interrogation room where Customs Officer Hibbs was located. He set his Padd down beside the seat opposite of the small,nerve-racked Hibbs and sat down. Hibbs was looking down at the floor,wide-eyed, sweaty and wringing his hands together. Yep, Shane thought, he's guilty. Shane said,"As I said earlier I have a few questions to ask you." Hibbs looked up and nodded,"Although I don't know why you want to ask me anything."Shane asked the first question, "Where were you on Stardate 0804.25 at 2100 hours? Hibbs replied,"I ah I believe I was on duty." "What is your duty station?" "I am a customs officer, as you well know." "Do you operate Station # 2 ?" Hibbs nodded,"Yes, and sometimes Station# 3." Shane picked his Padd and pulled up a picture of Ambassidor Kith's attacker. He slided down the table to where Hibbs was sitting,"On Stardate 0804.25 at 2100 hours this Cardassion was recorded as being processed at Station # 2, do you recognize him? Hibbs shifted nervously in his chair,"I see hundreds of people a day, sir. How can I be expected to recognnize anyone? Shane said," The computer record shows that only three Cardassions went through your station that day." Hibbs shrugged,"Yea, so?" Shane asked,"And you still don't recognize him?"Hibbs looked at floor and quickly shook his head,"No sir, can't say I do."Reaching across the table, Shane slid the Padd back towards himself,"Excluding Starfleet personel, do you preform extensive background checks on all people you process?"Hibbs swallowed,"It's ah it's Starfleet policy to conduct background checks on everyone..." Shane interrupted,"Then why is there not any record of a background check on this man? The computer says you did one but we cannot find the report anywhere."Hibbs hands had started to quiver. He shakely replied,"Perhaps there was a system error."Shane said,"We have the background reports form everyone you processed that day, so I highly doubt there is any error."He paused, waiting for a response. Hibbs continued to look down at the floor. Shane continued,"Do you realize that the man that you let through almost murdered the Cardassion Ambassodor? Can you imagine the situation that could have been created between the Federation and Cardassia if he had succeded?"Hibbs looked up at Shane, then looked back down and sighed,"I had to." "What?"Shane asked, surprised. "I had to,"Hibbs said again, looking up at Shane,"They threatened to kill my family if I didn't cooperate." "Who did?", Shane asked. Hibbs shook his head,"I don't know. The day before the attack I found a commuticator on the table in our quarters. When I picked it up a commlink opened and a man on the other end threatened my family. He told me to compile the location signatures of all the Cardassion diplomats on Aegis and download them to a certain console in the Midway. He also told me to let that Cardassion through customs. If I didn't cooperate they would capture, torture and kill my family. Then the commlink ended before I could reply. I thought about refusing, but if they were able to get into my quarters without anyone noticing what would stop them from fulfilling their threats. I didn't know they were going to try to kill anyone. I was trying to keep my family safe." At this Hibbs fell silent. Shane thought over the situation for a bit, then stood up and walked over to Hibbs. He pulled out some handcuffs from his belt,"Mr. Hibbs I'm placing you under arrest." Standing up Hibbs exclaimed,"But what about my family?" "We will take care of them." Shane replied. Shane called a guard to take Hibbs to the brig. He then sent three men to set up guard around the Hibbs quarters. As he sat down at a console he wondered, What would I have done in that situation? To have to choose between your duty and your family? Shane powered up his console and began to write a report to his supieror.
  9. Are you kidding?! Episode one is one of my favorites! It has one of the best lightsaber battles in the whole series! And Will, if you listen closely to Qui-gon he doesn't say that the midi-chlorians are responsible for the Force he says the Jedi(or the Sith) use them to wield and sense the Force.If you have more mid-chlorians, you have more ability to use the Force through them. Thats why Anakin was so powerful, he had a huge midi-chlorian count.
  10. Stardate 0805.09 To: Chief Shephard Investagation Report by Shane I believe I have found the attacker's inside man. I tracked the attacker from the point that he left his transport to the customs station where he was checked in. This was at Customs Station 2. At first I had difficulty finding the officer on charge there. It appears that someone erased that stations duty log, possibly to cover up their guilt. But by talking to the Customs Superviser and the other officers on duty that day I was able to discover his identity. His last name is Hibbs and I have provided his profile at the end of my report. Note that he is married with two children and has been aassigned to Aegis for some time. Is it possible that he was forced to cooperate by threats to his family? Also, as I reported earlier, although the computer says that an extensive background was preformed I can find no record of it, which again points to Hibbs. The knife that was used in the attack is small and thin and could have easily been hidden in the attackers clothing. If Hibbs is the insider it would have made it even easier to sneak in. I have yet to interview the Cardassion suspect, but when I do so I will send you a video log of it. End Report
  11. Welcome to the STSF!
  12. Hi! Welcome to STSF!
  13. See ya around!
  14. Hey, Welcome to STSF!
  15. Howdy yal! Just wanted to interduce myself. I've already attended one academy sim (the last one of 2007) and I can't wait until I'm able to attend another. I have a couple questions. When I do graduate I'm gonna need a post where I don't need to be there every single sim, but I can still join in on the action when I'm there. Any suggestions? Also, is there such a thing as an Equipment Officer? Like the guy in the Holodeck room on the first Voyager Elite Force game? See yal around!, Shane
  16. On the Elite Force game the equipment officer supplied the Hazard team with weapons and supplies for an away mission. He also developed new weapons and tools for different situations(such as infiltrating a Borg cube,alien envirorments,ect.). Shane