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Board Administrator
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Everything posted by Webmaster

  1. Sisko gets my vote.
  2. There is no specific rule that prohibits the use of a canon-established name. However, I personally would suggest taking a bit of time to come up with a unique name. It helps you stand out more, and it allows you to truly make a character that is unique and dynamic. If you want your message board name changed, I can change it. You can also use your message board name/password in the chat rooms. The chat and message board database are linked.
  3. The "I feel lucky" just means you will get the first result it comes up with in the search. It's not guarenteed to return the same number one position each time. If you get no information available, it just means the index is being updated. Search engines are a strange monster. Your ranking and ratings are all based on various factors. From other sites that link to you, to the type of sites that link to you, to the content that appears on your site itself, to the time that your site was last indexed. Some of these factors are able to set by us. Others are in the hands of the individual search engines itself. But honestly I would not rely on the "I feel lucky" feature of Google, because sometimes, you just won't be lucky.
  4. Most likely your school is using a firewall. If this is the network administrator will need to allow TCP connections on ports 9000-9009 at client.invisionchat.com.
  5. I'm still old-school. ;) I enjoy Everquest (not Everquest II, the first one) in what little free time that I have. My level 70 cleric is a great stress reliever.
  6. Ahhhh... the year was 1990. Phrases such as "I've fallen and I can't get up!" and "Homey don't play that!" came into being. Pretty Woman made it's debut on the big screen and it was the year Will Smith moved from being a rap star to being a television star in "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air." There was this service called America Online that featured some new fangled technology called "the internet". You would connect your high powered 386 or 486 computer to the information super highway at a blazing 14.4k and pay $3.99 an hour for the convienence. It was only the people who were extreme nerds or just the plain wealthy who were online. Most people stayed happy just watching the TV, listening to the radio or collecting cassette tapes. It was in this setting that the USS Republic began sowing the seeds of gaming... setting in place a series of events that lead to nearly a decade and a half of online role playing.
  7. The day I joined the message board was the first day it was created. ;)
  8. Group: STSF GM Joined: August 30th, 2002 /shrug
  9. In legal terms... business is business. When dealing with something such as moving a baseball team, it's a MAJOR undertaking that requires a MASSIVE amount of money and risk by all parties involved. That's part of the reason there are contracts and agreements. If one side violates the terms of the agreement, there is a price to be paid. In regards to this deal, it looks like there are potential for it to go through. It might be slightly delayed, but still well within the time limits allowed for it. Both sides still seem interested in it, so even if the deadline passes, they might even decide to amend they're time frame.
  10. So you're the little monster messing with my servers eh? Lemmie see... how about filtering all known IP addresses for the associated username. Yep! That should work! ;) I can then finally going back to playing Scrabble instead of working on network administration. :)
  11. As a St. Louis native (and sitting in St. Louis at the moment I type this), I'm going for the Red Birds all the way. I see the game coming down to the 7th also and it being a hell of a game. It's exactly how I wanted it.... St. Louis Cardinals v Boston Red Socks. It's going to be great! :D
  12. I don't think there is ever a "clear cut" solution to a question of this magnitude. I think in this particular case, what was done was correct. Archer had a responsibility to protect not only his ship and crew, but also protect the future of his entire species. When dealing with such a massive scale, it sometimes comes down to a point where you have to make decisions you normally would not make in order to protect "the greater good". Even later in Trek's history, during times of war or major conflict, your normal day-to-day rules change a bit. Things we may normally not do and find to be wrong become not "accepted", but instead "tolerated". It's always easy to play the "Monday Morning Quarterback" and say someone should have acted differently. But at the same time, when YOU are actually standing in that situation facing all of the challenges around at the moment... there are many times we would have done the same thing.
  13. Hi ya'll, Sorry for any issues you might have had earlier today accessing the website earlier today. There were issues with PHP that required the program to be recompiled. Unfortunately it can take 15-25 minutes for it to do. Everything should be up and running now though. Thanks for understanding.
  14. I already have something planned for this that will be added eventually. But it will follow the next upgrade with the board. I'm a little behind with things because of real life issues kind of taking over, but I think you'll like what I have in mind. There will be no need to highlight text to read spoilers. It will be based more on CSS and the visibility tag than on javascript. Also... I'm moving this topic to the Questions and Comments forum as it's more appropriate there. Thank you all for the suggestions and feedback.
  15. This was over 8 years ago. Life has changed quite a bit since then. lol
  16. At one point many moons ago, I took a number of the logs compiled by the crew of oneof my sims that I played in and actually wrote a book for it. It took me about 8 months of editing, but I finished it. When it was all said and done, it was over 600 pages. I have the original Word file of the edited works somewhere. It would just be a matter of digging it up again. Regarding forums being educational.... I think they're an absolutely fantastic resource. I follow over a dozen forums, covering topics from server administration to Star Trek to politics and even a forum on Everquest. Even those "fun" boards end up discussing topics that give me a better insight into the world around me based on the opinions and thoughts of others.
  17. Guys.... we're not really wanting to police signatures. If I really wanted to, I could spend several hours coding changes to the board to limit the number of times a signature appears in a thread or limit the number of characters allowed in a signature, but I think it's a waste of my time honestly. Right now, I'm in the process of cleaning up the main STSF.net website template (same general look... just a major cleanup of the code, optimized graphics, introduction of CSS, general bug fixes in some of the web based features, a new management area for the schedule, etc). I would rather continue working on that rather than trying to limit signatures We're asking that YOU monitor yourself. We brought the issue up so that hopefully members would take it up on themselves to check they're signature occasionally to see if they think it might be getting a bit long. You'll notice we did not lay out any strict guidelines regarding this. Nothing along the lines of "you can't use more than 3 lines or 60px images" or the like. Think of it as a reminder and a request to be respectful of those that have to scroll past your signature to keep it reasonable. For those that get a little over zealous, we'll generally try to send you a reminder note to please shorten it... but we do reserve the right to change it ourselves if needed. I hope this helps clarify things a bit. :P
  18. As I said before, the relationship we share with Paramount is very positive. Both sides recieve a something in return for our efforts. I'm sure the rest of the GM Council will agree with me when I say that the Paramount folks have been pretty straight with us and treated us well. They've given us heads up as necessary, and have been helpful in resolving any technical issues that have crept up along the way. For now, they've decided they don't want to run chat rooms except for they're live chats with the actors. That's totally up to them, and I completely support they're decision. In the mean time though, they've been promoting our own chat rooms so that if folks DO want to chat, they have a venue to do so in. Since the only time we really NEED our rooms are during the games on our schedule, there is no reason why we could not allow folks to enjoy them. I think both sides are happy with this arrangement for now, as they have one less "headache" to deal with while at the same time providing a service to they're audience... and it goes further to help promote our games more as well.
  19. As far as total control of the group goes, STSF answers only to the GM Council. In turn however, the GM Council works with PDE (Paramount Digital Entertainment) with regards to promoting a positive gaming community. We provide a well-run gaming enviornment that they don't have to deal with the headaches of running and they provide promotion and support as necessary. We work together with for example the message boards, handing chats during times when there are not interviews scheduled with stars, etc. The reason we are not in Paramount rooms is because of technical issues on they're end. Both sides are aware of these issues and both have a understanding to that effect. You won't find another group that has/is working as closely as we are with Paramount. We have a very cooperative relationship and I think that both sides are happy with the results. :lol:
  20. I've got a couple as well if absolutely needed. :lol:
  21. Changes made to this point.
  22. http://images.google.com/images?q=Al+Bundy&ie=UTF-8&hl=en More Al Bundy than you can shake a stick at.
  23. Download XP SP2 XP SP2 Release Notes More Info (Great Site) For anyone who would like SP2 now without waiting for Automatic Updates.
  24. The biggest reason as mentioned for "issues" is having the Windows Firewall turned on by default. That means certain apps might not be able to access the internet when it wants to immediately. For example... Microsoft Office is listed there because some of it's help documentation is web-based. You might have to allow Office to bypass the filter for it to work. That's why it's listed... not because you won't be able to type papers anymore. SP2 is a *major* upgrade for XP. Honestly I think it's a solid upgrade as well. It introduces several new features, fixes many issues, and makes the machine more secure by DEFAULT. (Because we know how many people don't bother using any standard protections.) I have deployed SP2 to over 15 machines now with very minimal issues. The main reason major corporations and network administrators are asking people to hold off installing the upgrade on they're network is that they need time to test and configure things so that they work on they're specialized networks. I have no problem complaining about Microsoft when I think they mess up... but I have to give this one to them. They took the extra time to make the release stable... they're taking time to roll out the release in batches (the main reason being to make support requests easier... not bandwidth issues as some might think), and they're focusing on user security. Personally I've been very impressed with the release.
  25. For folks who were wondering about applications that might have some difficulty following the installation of SP2: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...ct=windowsxpsp2 Most of these relate to the Firewall being turned on by default... so pretty easy fixes by just giving the program permission to bypass the it.