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Leilani Feretti

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Posts posted by Leilani Feretti

  1. (OOC: This data is written from a 24th century prospective, on Betazoid society in Challenger's era. Much of the information contained herein would not be known by your characters and serves as OOC reference purposes only).




    Compiled by: Lt. Cmdr. Leilani Feretti, Chief Science Officer- Sky Harbour Aegis – 23 Sept 2386




    Full Name: Betazed (UFP Designation)

    Alternate Name: Cyndriel (Native Designation)

    Planet Classification: Minshara Class

    Location: Beta Veldonna System

    Position in System: 5th in Beta Veldonna System

    Natural Satellite(s): 3; Avandar, Merandar, Keylandar

    Quadrant: Alpha

    Population: 5 billion

    Capitol: Medara (Rixx)

    Gravity: 1.0 G

    Length of Day: 25 hours




    Due to atmospheric gases, Betazed skies are blue with pink clouds. Much of the planet comprises of vast farmland, lush forests, dense jungles to wide canyons and clffs. Much of the major continents on Betazed are dotted with lakes.


    Sites of interest on the planet are Lake Cataria, a large lake famous for its natural beauty, Janaran Falls, a large cascading waterfall located in the Jalara Jungle in Betazed, and Lake El-Nar.




    The climate of Betazed ranges from sub-tropical to tropical. The weather on the planet is typically calm and pleasant, but atmospheric conditions can shift with startling speed, but is typically rare.





    Betazed is the home planet of the Betazoid people, a peaceful race of sentient beings. Betazoids are nearly indistinguishable in external appearance from humans, the only difference being the larger irises on Betazoids that are completely black.


    Betazoid people are telepathic and emphatic. The Betazoid brain contains a specialized lobe called the paracortex, devoted specifically for telepathy. Most Betazoids develop telepathic powers at the onset of adolescence, which gradually develops over time. However, a small number of Betazoid children are born with fully telepathic capabilities. This is a rare occurrence and is such where children born with these abilities are usually unable to live a normal life, due to the constant bombardment of thoughts from others.


    Conversely, some Betazoids are born without any telepathic abilities at all, which could lead to sociopathic behavior, but such occurrences are extremely rare. The REM sleep frequency is also different from most humanoid species.


    At mid-life, females undergo a physiological change known as “The Phase” where their sex drive is increased by a factor of four or more. Mature Betazoids are susceptible to a disease called Zanthi fever, which causes an affected individual to lose control over their empathic capabilities.


    Zanthi Fever causes a Betazoid to project their emotions to others where latent propensities of emotions are present. A wide-spectrum anti-vital agent can cure the disease.




    Unlike most humanoid species, Betazoid history is not marred by the conflicts of war. Due to their telepathic capabilities, Betazoid culture embraces honesty and openness, almost to a point where it is considered rude by other cultures. The concept of a human fibbing to spare the feelings of others, for example, is a concept most Betazoids fail to understand.


    Betazoid society comprises of a complex hereditary nobility divided into five houses. Each house comprises of certain elements that are passed down from generation to generation. (For example, the Fifth House of Betazed, which holds the Sacred Chalice of Rixx and the Holy Rings of Betazed).


    Betazoid religion involves a form of polytheism, centred on the Four Dieties, an important religious icon in Betazoid society. At one point in time, it was considered fashionable for women to have elaborate wigs, which encaged small animals. This practice was stopped after one woman stood against it.


    Betazoids practice a style of arranged marriage, called genetic bonding where children are promised for marriage by their parents. Betazoid wedding ceremonies are traditionally conducted in the nude to celebrate the pure act of love to Betazoids.


    Gestation time for a Betazed is typically about 10 months, but is otherwise similar to the child-bearing of humans and other humanoid species. Betazoid females tend to reach maturity at the age of 40.


    Betazoids communicate to each other by telepathic, projecting their thoughts and emotions to the minds of their recipients and can communicate to non-telepathic species by voice. Full Betazoids are unable to read the minds of certain species due to the configuration of the brains of certain alien species and feel uncomfortable with people whose minds they cannot read.




    Sources: Memory Alpha, Memory Beta, Wikipedia and StarTrek.com


    Edit: Images Attached (Betazoid, Surface, Garden in Betazoid, and Janaran Falls)





  2. "Halfway there"


    An Isabeau/Leilani joint venture


    Stardate 50902.26









    Sitting at her workstation, Isabeau scrolled through the scans taken during yesterday's beta shift. The virus had struck twenty-three Betazoids and all twenty-three had been released upon treatment using Nick's combination of psylosinase and fusion inhibitors. It had worked well and the worst side effects; the disorientation and the memory loss had disappeared.





    Unfortunately, the side effect of robbing the virus of what it needed to replicate was that the Betazoids were still not able to use their telepathic senses. They would have to wait until their bodies began producing the neurotransmitter, psilosynine on its own. The most recent scans showed that many of them had begun doing just that, and the medical staff was wondering how soon they could begin seeing a resurgence in their patient's telepathic abilities.





    It wasn't easy being alone in her thoughts like this, Leilani thought to herself. Not being able to sense anyone on the station or feeling their emotions was quite the harrowing experience for Leilani indeed. How anyone could live like this, she couldn't know. Still reeling from her experience earlier in the sickbay, Leilani returns to the Sickbay for more treatment. She enters the sickbay doors, waiting for a doctor.





    Looking up as the doors opened behind her, Isabeau smiled and rose to her feet. "Leilani, how are you doing today?"Leilani smiled "Eh, better than before" My console calendar reminded me that I needed to come back for additional treatment."





    "Well, not making us come track you down is very much appreciated," Isabeau, teased gently. "Take a seat on the bed at this exam station over here and we'll get a new set of scans and see where you're at." She tapped the console next to the bed, bringing up the Feretti file. Leilani chuckled and she sat on the bed. "More trouble hiding from your medical goons than it's worth"





    "Ah, 'medical goon'," Isabeau repeated with a grin. "All those years of medical school were really worth it." She turned to Leilani's file. "You were in 36 hours ago and were showing no signs of the neurotransmitter. Let's do another scan and see where you're at today." Isabeau tapped the bed controls and nodded to the other woman. "Go ahead and lie down.""I believe that's right" Leilani responded as she laid down the bio bed. She remained still whilst Isabeau performed her scans.





    "Scans taken yesterday on Betazoid post fever recoverer's were just starting to show signs of replenishment beginning." Isabeau tapped the bed as it chirped at her, and tapped Leilani's shoulder. "You can sit up again, it'll just take a moment to run the analyses."


    "That's good to hear" responded Leilani reassuringly. "I've also noticed a slight boost in physical energy amongst other things myself"





    "I'm glad you're starting to feel stronger. That virus pretty much kicked yours as well as every other Betazoids' ass. We still don't know where it was picked up--probably we never will." Checking the scan analyses, Isabeau smiled and stepped away from the work screen and faced Leilani, a relieved smile on her face. "Good news. There is definitely a trace of the psilosynine now present."





    Leilani perked, having minored in biological science "That's good. Was this also detected in other Betazoids as well?" she asked. "Yes, as patients are coming in for their follow up appointments we are seeing that the chemical is coming back on its own. We weren't too sure that it would," Isabeau added softly. "I can imagine. I wasn't so sure myself which had me worried" nodded Leilani.





    "Happily, Dr. Lepage is sure that there will not be a problem with the atrophying of the para cortex. That was our greatest concern once everyone was stabilized and recovering from their uh, initial disorientation." Isabeau swallowed a chuckle thinking of how the former Miss Universe had looked slung over the shoulder of Lieutenant Le Morte. Poor Mimi had had her hands full with all three of them, Lilly, Ali and Leilani.





    Leilani, remembering nothing of her previous incident in Sickbay nodded again. "That's some reassuring news, the disorientation wasn't a pleasant experience -- not that I remember much of it."





    "It couldn't have been and luckily, most didn't have to go through that for more than a few hours. There is something I want to talk to you about though that isn't going to be over in a few hours," Isabeau said, her expression turning sombre. Leilani's expression changed with Isabeau's sombre face. "Sure, go right ahead"





    "I want you to be prepared for what it will be like as the psilosynine is replenished. It's going to take it a couple of weeks to approach normal levels and in that time, " Isabeau paused and continued slowly, not wanting to scare Leilani but knowing the scientist would want the unvarnished truth so she could be ready. "...you are going to experience some filtering problems as your para cortex struggles to interpret the signals you receive through your telepathic lobe. You may have a rough time upon encountering emotions that may feel much stronger than usual."





    Leilani sighed inwardly. It was going to be a difficult few weeks until she fully recovered, from she heard. "So, that means that I'll have trouble deciphering telepathic and empathic messages or emotions, correct? I'm not a Counselor, so it shouldn't affect my duties too much, but will have a negative aspect in my day to day life. And this neurotransmitter will aid in this process?"





    She could see from the expression on Leilani's face that she understood exactly what this would mean for her. "The neurotransmitter is unique to your species and is what facilitates the receiving and transmitting of everything telepathic. It's just that it had to be negated to eradicate the virus and now it has to come back on its own. Until it reaches its normal level, you are going to be experiencing some real discomfort, and Leilani, if it becomes overwhelming, we will need to address it. Dr. Lepage is aware of the problems that might be experienced and is working on a solution for that angle as well."





    "Of course, I do trust the abilities of Dr. Lepage. The discomforts... I assume similar to those felt by Zanthi Fever? "


    "Well, on your side, it might be something like that and other Betazoids may feel a strong flare of emotion when near you but you won't be projecting your emotions on to non-telepathic species, " Isabeau replied. "You don't need to worry about discomfiting anyone but another Betazoid and they will be in the same boat with you."





    Leilani nodded understandingly, since they'll be feeling the same as she would. Still, working other Betazoids in Science, this will make for an interesting experience. "I'm sure we can work it out, Isabeau. It'll be a rough few weeks though" she said, scratching her head.





    "Yes, it will, Leilani, but please don't try and deal with it on your own if it becomes overwhelming. There's no reason to do that, and this isn't long term." Isabeau turned away for a moment and tapped on the work screen. "I'd like for you to come back in 48 hours," she said and then turned her head sharply, meeting Leilani's gaze, "...or sooner if you feel like you need to. Ok?"





    "Alright, I can do that. I'll let you know if gets really bad, thanks, Doc" smiled Leilani.





    Isabeau smiled back, wishing there was some way to spare the woman the next couple of weeks. "You're welcome...and Leilani...stay smart--don't make me come after you with my fellow goons."





    "And we wouldn't want that would we?" smiled Leilani

  3. To: Dr. Nicholas LePage, Dr. Mimi Pavillion, Dr. DJ McKinny


    From: Ens. Leilani Feretti


    CC: Captain Moun Quark, Commander Brown


    DATE: 50802.20 -- 16:45:38 ZULU


    SUBJ: Medical analysis of TSX-3998 Anti-virus




    Enclosed herein is preliminary findings on a possible cure for the Cardassian plauge epidemic, designated TSX-3998. TSX-3998 works via injection into the bloodstream and works in conjunction with the immune system to help battle any foreign disease or illness. The potential cure "homes in" on any foreign bacteria in the body and immediately starts to battle the germ. It emits special "signals" to the anti-biodic cells to zero in on the potential infection.



    Preliminary tests on Cardassian blood samples have looked very promising, as has simulated tests on medical computers. In these tests, the anti-virus does seem to successfully isolate it's attack on the foreign virus in the bloodstream. I've noticed results within the first 15-30 minutes of testing and a complete neutralisation of the plauge within 3 hours in a small blood sample under the microscope. Simulated tests also seem to prove the sample test as well with the neutralization on Cardassian DNA of the virus within 3-5 hours of the administration of the anti-virus.




    We have observed these tests and the samples for several days now, and there is no trace of the virus in the samples in which the anti-virus was administered. The bloodstream seems to look normal. As such, with the permission of Dr. Pavillion, I have now begun preliminary testing phases on live specimens; namely the Cardassian voles in the Medical Labs. As you are aware, voles and Cardassians share a similiar DNA pattern, much like humans and apes.


    The voles are in various stages of infection and are isolated from each other to avoid contamination and the possibility of corrupted results. I have injected the voles 30 minutes ago as of the recording of this log and am already seeing some positive results in the lesser infected specimens. At 15 minutes, 46 seconds, the voles with the least symptoms are already showing signs of the TSX cure in action.



    At 21 minutes 8 seconds, these voles have ceased their spasms and have decreased their painful wailing. At this time, I have drawn a blood sample from one of the voles, and I have noticed that TSX 3998 was effectively targetting the infection as it did in earlier testing phases. So far, I have not noticed any change in the more affected voles. However, I estimate we may start seeing some change in a few hours' time. So far, these preliminary tests are proving do be doing well, even though there is still a long road ahead in finding and perfecting the cure for Cardassian use.


    Though the testing phase is still very early, the TSX-3998 anti-virus is already proving to look quite promising as a means to end the plauge affecting the people of Cardassia. I will keep you appraised of any change in the condidion of the voles.





    Ens. Leilani Feretti

    Assistant Science Officer

    Sky Harbour Aegis.

  4. "A New Chapter"

    Log entry 00, Part II: SD 50711.02



    To everything - turn, turn, turn

    There is a season - turn, turn, turn

    And a time for every purpose under heaven


    - Turn! Turn! Turn! - The Byrds.



    A few weeks ago. Janaran Falls, Betazed.


    Leilani looked at herself in the mirror one last time, making sure everything looked perfectly. Once she was content in her appearance, she got up from her chair. At that moment, a stage hand entered and told her that she was due to be on in five minutes. Five more minutes as Miss Universe before she'd have to relinquish her crown. In the past year as Miss Universe, Leilani had met, done and saw so much.


    Travelling the far reaches of the Federation and beyond as an ambassador of peace and goodwill on behalf of the United Federation of Planets. Truly, experience she will never forget and will treasure for the rest of her life. Her experiences varied from place to place, hob-nobbing with the social elite at five-star restaurants and country clubs one place to aiding poor Bajoran orphans in former Cardassian concentration camps the next.


    Some of it happy moments, some not. But moments that she never would have had the opportunity to experience anywhere else. Of it all though, Leilani most enjoyed working with children. Those orphans or even visiting schools and presenting for their assemblies. Children were the same everywhere -- filled with wide-eyed fascination and curiosity. They also seemed to ask the most hardest questions too.


    But that's why Leilani liked children so much. That and fuzzy animals. All the same though, she thought, as she was being led up to the main stage. She was ready to give it up and return to a more normal, quieter life where the press aren't watching your every single move like a hawk. Leilani watched the competition from back stage. She very well knew what this year's crop of finalists felt like right now.


    She sympathised with them. It's tough being front of thousands of people live and billions more watching at home. She sighed as the host began to reveal the winners. Her time in the sun was over. But Leilani wasn't too sad about it. On the contrary. In 23 years, she'd done it all, model-wise.


    What else was there for her to do? She thought as the winner was announced, this year going to Miss Cait, who actually Leilani knew and thought she was a nice enough person. Leilani smiled and in her final act as Miss Universe placed the crown upon the feline's furry head, thus ending her eventful reign, taking her place back stage to watch the newly minted Miss Universe take her victory walk.




    Maui, Hawaii.


    The wind provided a cool breeze as it wafted through the palm trees. The quiet sounds of the ocean's waves lapping the sandy beach was all that let Leilani know of her surroundings. Sipping a mai tai, she reclined further into her beach chair and watched the waves and the birds fly overhead.


    Retreating back to her home in Hawaii, Leilani enjoyed the peace and quiet of solitude for the first time in a very long while. With her obligations as Miss Universe, Leilani had precious little time to herself. The alone time, sufficive to say, was a welcome relief. The warm, salty ocean air also provided a calming effect and helped her think about her future.


    The new fashion season was set to start soon, but she didn't care. Some how, strutting up and down a catwalk in garish and uncomfortable outfits just didn't seem very appealing to her any more. Oh, don't get her wrong, Leilani still loved fashion, but didn't seem to be into modelling any more. Perhaps it really was time to hang up her dresses and call it quits.


    A few days later..


    Pressing the disconnect button on her terminal, Leilani sighed as she got off the line with her agent in Paris. He obviously wasn't very happy about her sudden desire to quit modelling and pleaded endlessly for her to reconsider. But try as he might, there was nothing that he, or anyone else, for that matter could do that would make her change her mind.


    After reaching the top of the mountain, then what? Leilani didn't seem to have it in her any more to continue. She longer wished to be the centre of everyone's attention. Cameras, eyes and flashbulbs going off capturing her every move. But then... what would she do now? It only took a second for Leilani to find out.



    10 days ago...


    "Really?" replied the man on the other end of the line. "Well, I'm certainly glad to accommodate your request" Thomas Johansen, Starfleet's Public Relations Manager was taken by surprise by Leilani's sudden request, but promised that he'd help get her back on the Active Rota. Especially since she's already done so much for Starfleet, even though she'd never even set foot on a starship or space station before.


    Inwardly, Leilani envied Starfleet officers. Travelling the galaxies in fancy and powerful starships fighting for the freedom of all citizens of the Federation. These were the people who were making a difference in the universe. Some day, she too would like a piece of that. She never told anyone, especially her agent who would flip out at her, just for thinking about it.


    But it wasn't until she befriended a few officers on leave in Risa whilst she was on a shoot that she finally decided to go for it and enrol in the Starfleet Academy. Still modelling on the side, Leilani studied alone on her off time and eventually passed and graduated the Correspondence courses, with honours in sciences.


    Leilani wasn't just a pretty face, oh no. She'd always liked science and hoped to pursue a career in that field once her modelling days were over. Having attended the finest private schools Honolulu had to offer, and graduating at the top of her class, Sciences, and stellar cartography in particular, fit her like a glove.


    But, because of her tight schedules, and objections from her agent, Leilani instead opted to serve in the PR department of Starfleet's Recruitment programme. Thus, she posed and modelled in countless recruitment ads in a blue science uniform. She looked absolutely stunning in her uniform and her ads generated tonnes of results for PR.


    Grateful for all of this, Public Relations Director Johansen was true to his word a few days later, informing Leilani of her new assignment in deep space. "Leilani! I've managed to find a new assignment for you" he said smiling. At home, Leilani was in the middle of cleaning her small condo.


    Leilani put away the Swiffer. "Really? I only asked a few days ago" responded she. "Yeah, it seems there was an opening that just came up, that we thought would be a good fit for you" Leilani smiled, and removed the cloth she put on her head. "Great. What is it?" she asked. Johansen looked at his notes.


    "It's a position for a Science Officer at Sky Harbour Aegis, a space station near Cardassia. It seems they're in need of a science officer. I've been there before. It's a nice station with good people and a friendly atmosphere. I'm sure you'd do great there" Leilani nodded. "You'll start at the rank of ensign, and you've already been assigned to a quarters"


    "Great" smiled Leilani. "I can't wait to start" Johansen nodded. "That's nice to hear. And as a token of my appreciation, I've booked a ticket for you in Business Class on Virgin Inter-Galactic. Good luck, Ms. Feretti. Of course, if you need anything else, call me any time"

    She nodded. "Thank you, I will"


    Leilani didn't resume cleaning her condo. She was too caught up in the moment. It was finally happening! A new chapter of her life was about to begin, and she was excited for the change. No more cameras watching her every move, and no more long tiresome photo shoots lasting well into the night.


    Best of all, she was going to make a difference in this world. Leilani remembered back to the Question round in the pageant. "'If you won Miss Universe, what would you do afterwards?' asked by Miss Risa" asked the host. "Well" responded Leilani in her best smile. "I hope that maybe, I could continue on in making a positive contribution to the universe, and the Federation. And continue to vigorously fight for the values and freedoms we all hold dear"


    Ironic, wasn't it? She had no clue that a year later, Leilani was going to do just that. A flight ticket and a PADD suddenly materialised on Leilani's desk. She was to report to Sky Harbour Aegis in a week's time. Her passage for her next stage in life booked on seat 159-A on Virgin Intergalactic 1588, tomorrow at 1300. She had better pack.

  5. "Model Route"

    Log entry 00: SD 50711.02


    As you stay for the play

    Fantasy has in store for you

    A glowing light will see you through

    It's your day shining day

    All your dreams come true...

    - "Fantasy" - Earth, Wind and Fire (1978)



    It seemed that the last year has passed in an instant. She had done so much, and met so many people and species from literally every walk of life and most of all. The finest hotel rooms, the poshest food and the elegant clothes, being treated like royalty everywhere she went -- but then, there was always something royal about her. More experiences and adventure in 365 short days, than what most people have in an entire lifetime. Most people wouldn't dare want it to end.


    Most people. As funny as it may sound, Leilani Feretti was actually, in a way, looking forward to the time when she would have to relinquish the ornate crystal tiara that was now proudly affixed to her head. It was a year that changed her life; Leilani would like to think for the better. She had so much fun and was proud of her accomplishments always. But now, she was looking forward to the next phase in her life.


    Looking at the reflection in the mirror, Leilani adjusted her tiara on her head so that it aligned perfectly. She looked absolutely resplendent in her long white strapless dress, that went well brilliantly with the tiara in question. The time has come. It's been one amazing year as Miss Universe, but now, she knew it was time to move on and hand over her title and tiara to someone else.


    But as she was ready to move on with her life, a part of her would miss the opportunities available to her when she was still queen of it all. Thinking back, the experiences made her a different person now, that she was a year ago, when she won the title -- a closely fought title she didn't really think she would have won, going into the competition...



    "And welcome back to the 428th annual Miss Universe Pageant from beautiful Sydney, Australia!" the host said facing the cameras. "Only five contestants are left in this closely fought competition. Who will take home the glory and become our new Miss Universe 2383?" The crowd was coaxed into loud cheers, as the cameras panned the audience at the iconic Opera House.


    Indeed, it was pretty close. Since she was barred from using her telepathic powers during the competition, she had no idea if she was going to win or not. Maintaining her composure was hard, as her heart felt as if it was racing at a million beats per minute. But she managed to do so, keeping her trademark smile that helped get her this far.


    Leilani was always pretty. Since she started modelling at the age of three, agents, clients and customers alike were captivated by her warm and sincere smile. First as an adorable wide-eyed little girl, eventually growing to the stunningly gorgeous twenty-two year old woman that stood here today.


    Starting out modelling skirts, and t-shirts at a popular department store chain when she was three years old, her naturally deity given looks and charming persona enabled her to move on from that to the catwalks of Paris, and Milan to the covers of the most popular holo-mags, commercials, racking up awards and accolades wherever she went.


    Her modelling enabled Leilani to travel to many places throughout the Alpha Quadrant. Recognised virtually everywhere she went. She was somewhat of a household name throughout the Federation. While not everyone may not know her name, they've seen her in billboards, on the sides of shuttle buses and on Starfleet Recruitment posters throughout Federation Space.


    Most people thought she'd be a shoo-in for the Miss Universe crown. She remembered reading this morning that she was heavily favoured and her odds of winning from Vegas were 3-1. Returning her thoughts to the moments, she wondered if she was really that likely to win. She glanced at the other four girls left with her.


    They all seemed so resplendent in their own way. And they all had their own large sections of supporters, garnering loud cheers and applause whenever they appeared on stage. But then, Leilani had the home field advantage and much of the local crowd in attendance were rooting for her.


    There was nothing more she could do now though. She thought she did a good job on the Question Round, and she did notice that Miss Alpha Centauri didn't answer her question as well as the judges would have liked. She also seemed to be a big with the crowds and the judges in the swimsuit competition as well. But the question is, would it be enough?


    Leilani felt that she should have a bit more confidence in herself and her abilities, but she couldn't help but knit pick on her mistakes -- a habit that has been daunting her ever since she could remember. She never really was the self-centred ego maniac type person and secretly always felt somewhat insecure about herself.


    Maybe that was part of the reason why she pursued modelling in the first place to gain a bit more confidence. The host continued to address the audience, summarising the performances of the remaining finalists, before it became time for the girls to pose one last time for the judges as they render their final decision.


    Going last was hard too, but, maybe, just maybe, the cheers were loudest for her overall. Five, eventually became three after the judges made their deliberations and the programme returned from commercials. The moment of truth. She thought to herself as the host began announcing the winners in reverse order:


    Miss Delta won the Third Place position. The crown and the title of Miss Universe was now destined for either Leilani, or Miss Risa. The odds on favourite to win the title, with the odds at Las Vegas at 1.5-1. The two woman fought tooth and nail, so to speak for the crown. Each winning an equal three events each.


    The butterflies were forming. Now was indeed D-Day. The drums rolled in the distance for effect. "It is now time to announce the Runner-Up for the Miss Universe Pageant" the host explained. "If for some reason, the winner can not adequately perform her duties as Miss Universe, the runner-up will take her place.


    "And the Runner up is.... Miss Risa! Meaning that Miss Universe for 2383 is Miss Sol, Leilani Feretti!" the terran crowd erupted into loud cheers. Leilani could hardly believe it, even as the ornate crystal tiara was being placed on her head. As she was handed flowers and as the new Miss Universe sash was placed over her, it all seemed very surreal.


    Leilani barely managed to regain her composure. Thank heavens for waterproof mascara. She wiped a tear out of her eyes and triumphantly took her first steps and waved to the crowds as Miss Universe. Yes, it has indeed come to this. The fruits of 20 years of labour. Was this a dream? She was still wondering. But at the same time, looking forward to what it has in store for her.