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STSF Jumper

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About STSF Jumper

  • Rank
    Ace of the Atmo

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    USS Comanche Creek NCC-214
  • Interests
    Acting Commander of the 214 Black Sheep Aero Wing

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  1. 12.21.15 Mission Brief: December 21, 2261 (Stardate 2261.355) TBS has been 45 Days. We are preparing to dock at the orbital platform for our home base on New Topeka for the ordered refit. ComCreekChat15-12-21.txt
  2. 10.19.15 Mission Brief: Sept 27, 2261 (Stardate 2261.240) TBS has been 1 Week. We are beginning preparations to launch out from the planet Goram, leaving final base reestablishment preparations to the remaining First Threat Response Teams in orbit. ComCreekChat15-10-19.txt
  3. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = = = = Mission Brief = = 10.26.15 Mission Brief: Sept 27, 2261 (Stardate 2261.240) TBS has been 20 Minutes. Per orders from the FTR Admiralty, we have altered course from the Outer Rim border to patrol along the Klingon-Romulan-Federaton borders. = = End Brief = =
  4. 10.19.15 Sept 27, 2261 (Stardate 2261.240) Mission Brief: TBS has been 1 Week. We are beginning preparations to launch out from the planet Goram, leaving final base reestablishment preparations to the remaining First Threat Response Teams in orbit. Mission Summary: The Comanche Creek has launched out from Goram; a recovering CDR Wesley, LT Shalin and MID Schultz are on bridge duty, monitoring the launch. Doctor TAral checks CPT Calestorm after her wolf-out incident. Time Between Sims is 20 Minutes.
  5. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = = = = Mission Brief = = 10.05.15 Mission Brief: Sept 19, 2261 (Stardate 2261.232) TBS has been 2 Hours. We pick up where we left off with the 09.28.15 Sim. = = End Brief = =
  6. 09.28.15 Sept 19, 2261 (Stardate 2261.232) Mission Brief: TBS has been 10 Minutes. We pick up where we left off with the 09.21.15 Sim. Mission Summary: Away at Officer Training School, LT Kvar speaks with and counsels her lover CDR Audraya Wesley via COMM on recent events. Doctor TAral has completed her psychological evaluations on Wesley and Mission Specialist Byblos and informs CPT Calestorm of her findings; the CMO offers to accompany Calestorm when the frustrated CO finally speaks to her two wayward officers. Meanwhile, LT Shalin and Tchana are up to things best left unsaid. Time Between Sims is 2 Hours
  7. Psych Eval

    09.21.15 Mission Brief: Sept 19, 2261 (Stardate 2261.232) TBS has been 72 Hours. With 10 days left of our assignment at Goram, the crew begins to transition repair projects and patrol assignments over to the Reluctant and Washington’s Crossing crews. Internal matters are dealt with on board the Comanche Creek. ComCreekChat 15-9-21.txt
  8. 09.21.15 Sept 19, 2261 (Stardate 2261.232) Mission Brief: TBS has been 72 Hours. With 10 days left of our assignment at Goram, the crew begins to transition repair projects and patrol assignments over to the Reluctant and Washington’s Crossing crews. Internal matters are dealt with on board the Comanche Creek. Mission Summary: The ship remains in orbit with no further surprises. Dr. TAral questions Mission Specialist Byblos on his part in the brawl. An exhausted LT Shalin returns to the ship. CPT Calestorm gets in some sparring practice with SSGT Vega. LT Kvar takes a break from her training to place a comm call to CDR Wesley. Time Between Sims is 10 Minutes.
  9. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = = = = Mission Brief = = 09.28.15 Mission Brief: Sept 19, 2261 (Stardate 2261.232) TBS has been 10 Minutes. We pick up where we left off with the 09.21.15 Sim. = = End Brief = =
  10. 08.31.15 Mission Brief: Sept 12, 2261 (Stardate 2261.225) Time between Sims is 24 Hours. Sporadic activity from the Jester Posse remains ongoing though indications are they are pulling out of the system. The first wave of our Border Patrol FTR (First Threat Response) sister support ships have arrived - the USS Washingtons Crossing (SFSOCOM Liaison) and the USS Reluctant (Bison-Class Cargo) to assist with Goram Base operations. ComCreekChat15-8-31.txt
  11. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = = = = Mission Brief = = 09.14.15 Mission Brief: Sept 16, 2261 (Stardate 2261.229) TBS is 4 Days. Operations continue to proceed with the refurbishing of the planetary base and outlying way stations on the planet of Goram. = = End Brief = =
  12. 08.31.15 Sept 12, 2261 (Stardate 2261.225) Mission Brief: Time between Sims is 24 Hours. Sporadic activity from the Jester Posse remains ongoing though indications are they are pulling out of the system. The first wave of our Border Patrol FTR (First Threat Response) sister support ships have arrived - the USS Washingtons Crossing (SFSOCOM Liaison) and the USS Reluctant (Bison-Class Cargo) to assist with Goram Base operations. Mission Summary: Wesley and Byblos recover in the Med Bay from injuries inflicted on one another; TAral monitors their conditions; Shalin deals with road runners and giant purple birds; Calestorm is ticked off with her Mission Specialist and Executive Officer. Comanche Creek remains in orbit with our FTR sister ships. Time Between Sims is 4 Days. There is no Sim on 09.07.15 in observance of Labor Day, we will Sim on 09.14.15.
  13. 06.22.15 Mission Brief: Sept 1, 2261 (Stardate 2261.244) Time Between Sims is 6 Hours. The Away Team launches out from the Comanche Creek, on approach to the planet Goram for a night landing. ComCreekChat15-6-22.txt
  14. Mission Brief: Sept 1, 2261 (Stardate 2261.244) Time Between Sims is 24 Hours. With the wreckage confirmed as that of a Lunatic Jester Posse scout, the Captain has ordered the ship to Yellow Alert as a precaution. ComCreekChat2015-6-15.txt
  15. 06.01.15 Mission Brief: August 27, 2261 (Stardate 2261.239) Time Between Sims is 24 Hours. The Comanche Creek continues on our Rust Belt patrol course. ComCreekChat15-6-1.txt