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Posts posted by TKAR

  1. Personal log----Humans birthdays

    We just finished our last shoreleave at a starbase.In which i found some helpful hits on dealing with the human crew with the help of Dr.Merina who is non human.AS we finished our discussion she reminded me of the CMO birthday and the Captain,CSEC Birthdays...I Left the doctor to shop for what humans call birthday presents. I still don,t understand the concept of the idea of giving presents to the person on the day that they were born but i will do you same thing as humans do during this time.For the Captain i found a old fashion bakery which an old human female made cakes the old fashion way<21 CENTURY> i found she made his favorate cake,which i bought with a bottle of Romulan/vulcan firewater.i have left the so called present in the Captains quarters.AS for the CSEC i have purchased,i klingon Bathif and a vulcan ancient BATTLE AX/BOW.Also a first century book of poems from vulcan.which i hope the CSEC will like.<Which i left at THE CSEC quarters...As for the doctor i bought a 20th century medical journal from the actor Deforest kelly,also some medical herbs,from vulcan,earth,cait,and a few other planets for the Cmo to Use..i have left the items in sich bay in DR.Merina hands.I have duty in a few minutes---end of log------TKAR

  2. HI- everyone -i just bought this years star trek christmas ornaments....if you buy the new enterprise --hallmark packed them cheep if you open the box the ship might be in two pieces on the bottom you have to super glue two haves together.The other problem is the niccelles you have to glue The parts back together--out of the ones i bought for people one was in pieces and the lights don,t work ---check the lights to0--as for amok time no broken issues on that one ---nor problems with kirk .....

  3. just saw more good points mentioned on this subject-remenber startrek had no budget,first pilot or second filmed in a stage where it did have sound proofing <USED BEFORE SOUND>-cast could NOTgo to the bathrooms,sets and props taken from mission impossable trash,and they<DESILU>was broke,profit was the key not intelligent shows <1966-1969>in fact the frengi was the big wigs of paramount <GENE go the last word on the subject<PROFIT/PARAMOUNT....but from that show we got drs.scientists,working on hypos,tricorders,matter and other ideas.<<WHAT would gene say now.

  4. All I can say is, Sorehl.... you have a vast knowledge and memory! LOL I recently purchased the Season 2 DVD set at Walmart for $50; had the other two available at the time for same price and decided to wait. Now Walmart doesn't carry them and the only people who do want $80-100 for them! Augh..... Season 2 is probably the best season over all but I am missing some of my favorite episodes, "Wink of an Eye" and "City on the Edge of Forever". But as for BAD (in whatever category), I think Season 2 is one's 'best bang for the buck'. I will probably buy Season 1 next because there are more episodes...



    interesting -which DVD season 2---is it the original one or the reissued with new ships_-<the one in the new clear plastic cases,not the old blue/yellow/red cases>

  5. It does sorta depend on what definition of "worst" I go with.


    If it's watchability, I shudder at "And the Children Shall Lead". Yuck. "The Way to Eden" comes next, even if I find myself singing "Headin' down to Eden, yea, brother" for days.


    If it's pure storyline confusion, I gotta go with "The Alternative Factor". (Not to mention the laughable Fu Manchu that Lazarus sports.)


    If it's bad science, it's "Spock's Brain" - although not the whole episode. The bridge scene where Kirk considers which planet they should search is almost like a TNG conference room scene. He gets input from Sulu and Chekov and Uhura in ways we don't usually see. And the technology of the Teacher is actually pretty cool. "The Mark of Gideon" comes in second - a planet so overpopulated that people are pressed up against the windows, but has room to build an exact duplicate of the Enterprise. Right.


    If it's out-dated social commentary, "Turnabout Intruder" offends me every time I watch it. The implication that women aren't capable of leadership like starship command and need to "accept their place" was outdated even in the 60's. Sad that this was the last TOS episode.


    As for moments of acting badness, my kids still thrill at shouting "IIIIIIII'm Captain Kirk!" with Shatner's wide-eyed, teeth-gritting mannerisms in "The Enemy Within". (My personal favorite is curling up with balled fists to shout, "Stop it! Stop it! You're KILLING heeeeeeerrrrr!" from "Gamesters of Triskellion")


    GOOD POINTS--I agree with Turnabout Intruder too

  6. after spending an abundance of my time watching episodes of TV shows, many of them sci fi...I've come to notice the trend of stock plots (especially in sci-fi) to the point where I ocasionally see an episode of something and say Oh...this is going to be the token "main character has baby with special powers" episode, or something like that.


    I think many would agree that TOS shows are 1)cheesy and 2)a source for a lot of these episode archetypes. However....my personal feeling is that the trekness and roddenberry idealismyness of TOS is enough to overcome the horrible production values and sometimes terrible writing/acting.


    ::transmits two hundredths of a credit to the "bucket" account::



    yOu made a good point too