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Luna Gossamer

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Everything posted by Luna Gossamer

  1. Welcome! I'm semi-new myself, only done a few Academies, but this place is really fun so far! Hope to see you around!
  2. For Federation ships, I really love the Akira, Sovereign and Defiant classes. For other races, probably the D'deridex class Romulan ship. :)
  3. Thanks for all the advice. I am not trying to develop a character yet, but I am a very detailed perfectionist :) so I like to get a head start on things. I have a feeling that if I got assigned to a sim, I'd feel rushed to get something put together for it. I'd rather at least get something written down. I am very used to D&D things, where we have a character set up first. Thank you all for your help!
  4. Mmm, cake! Nice and sparkly! Happy Anniversary! I just joined myself but I am having loads of fun already!
  5. Hello, from one new cadet to another! Hope to see you around!
  6. Hi

    Hope to play with you in the Academy really soon! :P
  7. My name is Luna. I just joined yesterday and wanted to say hello. I hope to be able to try out one of those academies soon. I work tonight, so won't be able to until tomorrow or perhaps Sunday (when I plan on being able to play the game weekly!) .. but looking forward to giving it a try. So, hello! :P
  8. You are never too old to be sparkly!
  9. I thought, for what they had to work with, they did a pretty good job on OotP. Though I would have gladly sat through a 5 hour movie if they could have included everything in the book! & I finished DH, and I REALLY LOVED it!
  10. That totally sucks! Wow, hope you feel better!
  11. Any excuse I have to possibly see Zachary Quinto in a tight outfit will be worth my money to go see. Add the fact it's Star Trek on top of that, I am definitely going to give the movie a chance.
  12. I went on Star Trek.com a few days ago to check up on the rumor I had heard about Zachary Quinto playing Spock in an upcoming movie. (That man is pretty hot. Anyway.) And I did some exploring. And ended up here. Had my first academy last night and I had a great time!
  13. Thank you all for the great welcomes and stuff! And yes, I am someone who LOVES the sparkly stuff. If it glitters, I will probably like it. Those links to the tips are great! I am going to go read them right now! Thanks so much for all the help everyone. And I really look forward to meeting some of you other new people as well!