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ENS Mark Fish

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Everything posted by ENS Mark Fish

  1. When ever I try to PM someone in Live Chat I can send them a message but when they reply I dont see anything this has been happening since yestersday what should I do?
  2. I fixed it it was was a problem wiht a add on (Veoh TV beta) Thanks every one
  3. Well there are alot of others conventions this year but why make such a huge deal about this one?
  4. I hate to ask but why is this one special and not the others?
  5. WHat else could be the problem? (Yes it is still not working)
  6. Just for fun how might you do somthing like that?
  7. It took me 26 sims around 5 deaths and a week to get my application you wont feel rushed trust me <<Which by the way people go on around here I am happy I have only died 5 times>>
  8. Gotcha ya never mind then I thought you meant like create a entire new sim
  9. What do you mean start a 3 sim?
  10. Hello I was wanting to know if anyone has any good star trek flash games or downloadable games (Free Games Please)
  11. I would be more than Happy to help you out during the sims since I am there almost every night but there are alot of people that can and will help you out and welcome Have fun
  12. LOL I am sure there are other girls just like you For the same reason
  13. I would like somthing that is TNG or VOY or ENT but I never even liked TOS but mabey I will like the movie
  14. Well I think that who ever they pick someone is going to have somthing bad to say I think Quinto who do a decent job This is from Yahoo TV Its pretty intresting
  15. I was wandering if anyone played Star Trek Bridge Commander multiplayer were you play with other people I play and I am USS Coal I hope to see some people from STSF.
  16. I really wish that he would finish the 2nd one he was going to make
  17. I have played alot of game by Vex Xiang and was wondering if there were any other good ones
  18. Or if you want a yes or no awnser then wait for a GM or PM A9
  19. Thank you fred you are very helpful
  20. I like to take it slow but I only read when there is nothing going on
  21. Is that a joke?
  22. What was SFOL?
  23. How did that happen?
  24. I used it one time when I was on vacation to montreal I liked it but I like flying first class more :P and even if I said I could go to the convention I would have to fly because my Jeep has really really bad MPG
  25. Yea sounds fun