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Marris Krax

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Everything posted by Marris Krax

  1. You're sensing something from me? ::checks to make sure her Ferengi ears and head bumps are intact:: Nope, still there. You must be sensing someone else :lol:
  2. Alas, the addiction is all too common among the simming community, and it only gets worse once you graduate to the advanced sims ^_^ Fortunately, there is an interesting substitute drug called The Log. Logs are fun. PM me and I'll give you my AIM name so we can discuss this in further depth :P
  3. My old (but not too old!) orchestra teacher Mr. Garrett. Singlehandedly, the sweetest, most giving man alive. Not only does he inspire a great appreciation for music in his students, but he and his wife opened up their home to me when my mom passed away my senior year and I needed a place to stay until I was no longer a minor. Plus, after putting up with me and my stinker of a dog for two months, they agreed to take care of my dog during my freshman year of college (damn the no pets in the dorms rule). So yeah, Mr. Garrett, the absent-minded music professor :lol: As for what he's doing today... ::checks calendar:: He's probably freaking out over the state orchestra competition ^.^
  4. I would assume, based on what day Thursday is, that we should take the announcement with a grain of salt :lol:
  5. I mean the one at Friendly's before we went to the airport. Someone had a pickle and someone (Blu I think) kept saying "Eat the pickle! Eat the pickle!" So, oblivious as always, I eat the pickle and someone took a picture ^_^ There was also the Pickle Hotline pictures at the airport...those would be nice to have, too :lol: And what's the Paper Moon one again?
  6. Hey, don't knock the Animated Series ^_^ That was my first Trek experience waaaaay back when it was on Nickelodian. Can't remember much of anything about it now, since I was three at the time, but still...don't knock it :lol:
  7. ::remembers the pickle:: ::remembers being duped into a pickle picture:: Hey guys, would one of you mind sending that one along? :lol: PM me for my e-mail, if it isn't in the records anyhow.
  8. That reminds me....Towel Day is coming up...
  9. Since I signed the release form...LOL
  10. Oh please, people :P Lighten up about the Trekkies movie. It was funny as hell. Honestly, if we can't make fun of ourselves, we're missing the point of that movie. And as strange as those people were and are, you have to admit that we all share at least a little bit of that strangeness with them. After all...what do we all do at least once a week? That's right, we pretend to be officers on imaginary starships. Some might call that a little on the strange and obsessive side, so who are we to judge the kid who wants to make his own Trek movie? Feel free to be freaked out by the guy who wanted to surgically alter his ears, though ::shudder:: That said, the Trekkies II people were at the Shore Leave convention in Baltimore this year, and it was fun alternately dodging and waving at the camera. Yours truly was even interviewed along with the hubby-to-be :) Doubt we'll make the cut, as both of us are horribly shy in person, especially in front of a camera, but it was great fun :) We just hope that they got a good shot of a certain Marine in a wheelchair being pushed around by a certain Klingon whacking people with GloSticks. Damn the Trekkies people for making us miss that :P
  11. ::Reads the qualifications:: ... I might be able to get this. Might. I'm techincally classics, but it's Latin classics... ... My head hurts. Someone pass me some cider?
  12. Methinks they were waiting for it to be all good and done. This way, they're acknowledging the work as a whole. Plus, you wouldn't want to jump the gun in case Peter Jackson randomly decided to throw in some ruby slippers or something in there at the end ^.^ But yes, clean sweep! Woo hoo! ::passes out seltzer to everyone and promptly douses Vex::
  13. I forget the name of the episode as well, but the name of the ship was The Pegasus. Actually, that might have been the name of the episode, too. Bah, I'm so lousy with episode names :(
  14. ... OMG, that is the funniest thing ever! Okay, maybe not *the* funniest thing ever. That website with the girl getting beaned by a textbook is the funniest thing ever. But that dog is pretty dang funny :)
  15. Yay! Hooray for the ankle biters! :( :) :) :)
  16. 1) Not if you bathe them regularly 2) Strangely enough, my dog doesn't lick at all. Sniff you excessively, but not lick 3) Umm...I think only a few breeds have drool/slobber problems 4) Yes 5) Also yes, but it's not as annoying if you just tie them up, go back to your TV while they do their business, then bring them back in when they're done 6) Eh...depends on the breed. My dog, for example, gets plenty of exercise running up and down the stairs, in circles around the coffee table, jumping on and off my bed, and playing tug with one of my socks. Bigger breed wouldn't be able to get enough exercise that way, and my place would be a freakin' mess with all the running around and jumping and stealing of socks. 7) You know how may toy/miniature/terrier breeds there are out there? And even the medium sized breeds, labradors and such, can rest fairly well on a lap without too much trouble for the owner. Wouldn't want to try that with a Great Dane or a St. Bernard, but still....there are plenty of lap dogs out there :(
  17. Well...considering that all my dog tends to do is lie around and sleep... Or get into the cat box when I'm visiting my fiance for the weekend :( That said, I will probably never own a cat for the simple reason that half the cats I've known in my life have been evil, psychotic creatures. Chasse, my mini-schnauzer, may be a terror and the most neurotic dog you'll ever meet, but at least she doesn't start randomly digging her claws into your thigh ^.^ My vote is for dogs.
  18. 3518.6! w00t!
  19. Read the edit, hun :(
  20. ::cough:: Superman's creators, Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster, lived in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Yes, Shuster was orginally from Toronto, but as it appears that Jerry *wrote* the storyline and Joe *drew* it, I think I can safely say that Superman is as American as apple pie ^.^ Truth, Justice, and the American way, after all. Strange Visitor From Another Planet! Also from that website: "We had a great character," Siegel remembers, "and were determined it would be published." They set out to recreate Superman as a comic strip. One summer night in 1934, Siegel came up with almost all of the Superman legend as we know it, wrote weeks of comic strips by morning, and had Shuster drawing it all the next day - including the creation of Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Superman's distinctive red, yellow, and blue costume.
  21. Heh...well, as much as I desipse Cicero, I also love Cicero B) He can really rip it into a person when he feels like it. So yeah, go read the English versions folks. He's an interesting, if long-winded guy.
  22. Gah! Noooooo! Don't listen to him! Cicero is a long-winded @#$@!!! I should know. I just translated about 30 lines of De Officiis, and I've been unfortunate enough to translate all of the Orations Against Verres (abridged), a couple letters, parts of De Amicitia... Then again, most of y'all won't be reading it in Latin, so...
  23. Just to be annoyingly precise: Geordi LaForge
  24. I think Geordi started as a JG and went to a full lieutenant, and later LtC, but I have a faulty memory at the best of times :) And I think Roddenbury put Geordi as helm for a very specific purpose...his character was supposed to pay homage to some disabled person, as it was somewhat ironic that the blind man was driving the ship. Least that's what I remember from some Reading Rainbow special or such as a little grade-schooler :P
  25. Worf was just kinda the person hanging around in the background, as far as I remember that first season. He wasn't always at helm, because I know for a fact that Geordi was the original helm guy, but I do recall Worf being there on occassion, maybe after they tossed that fat guy with the beard down in ENG out on his keester LOL Wasn't his name Argyle or something?