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Dox Maturin

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Everything posted by Dox Maturin

  1. It happens. I call them 'hiccups'. :angry:
  2. I agree 100%. He just went over the top. His intention was to sell the idea, and build Trek houses for fans...but he didn't think very practically, namely that those who have the money to do such a thing probably have wives who would very much object, or parents who don't like their Trekkie doing any decorating outside their designated basement (ducks) :). A single room would have been much better, as an example. And really, though he had a good idea...he funded it with credit cards?!? The whole thing was doomed from the getgo. He should have stepped back and reevaluated his idea after his wife left him ^_^ I hate to ask him if he did any market research before taking the plunge. Ebay...I thought I remembered him doing this before. What I really want to know is...where did you get a Trek license plate!
  3. As I remember, there were a few TNG episodes that showed the characters hiding Type I phasers in a pants pocket.
  4. The movie sounds like it has a good premise, but perhaps they should have waited a few more years.